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Chapter 44 Wang Qi has not dissipated

Jinling City, Prince Qi's Mansion, Xia Kingdom.

Yu Yingyao's face was solemn and she quickly walked into the study room of Prince Qi's Mansion.

At this time, King Qi was frowning, concentrating on reading the military reports sent from the southwest, and did not even notice the arrival of Yu Yingyao.

Just looking at his frown and severe headache, it can be seen that this battle in the southwest is obviously not optimistic for Xia Guo!

Yu Yingyao came here at this time. She had something urgent to do, and she didn't care about disturbing anyone, so she immediately said:

"Brother Royal!"

King Qi suddenly raised his head and saw Yu Yingyao arriving. His brows relaxed, his expression softened, and he said:

"It's not that I don't want to see you. It's just that things are different now. There are too many eyes staring at me outside my house. You..."

At this time, Yu Yingyao could not wait for King Qi to finish speaking, and immediately interrupted:

"Brother, urgent report from the southwest! Five days ago, the navy of the Li Dynasty was destroyed in a battle on the Nanpan River. 80,000 elite soldiers either died or surrendered. Li Weining, who was personally in charge of the army, was lost among the rebellious army, and his life and death are unknown!"

When King Qi heard this, his words stopped for a moment, and then he showed a doubtful expression. After a long time, he asked:

"The news from the Embroidered Clothes Envoy? Have you confirmed the credibility of the news?"

King Qi has been in the army for many years and knows that when fighting, spreading some true and false news can be very effective in confusing the enemy, shaking the opponent's morale, or stabilizing the hearts of his own people.

So when he heard the news at this time, he only thought it was fake news released by the Yun Kingdom.

However, don’t blame King Qi for his first reaction, the news is really too unbelievable!

Ordinary people may think that in recent years, the Li Dynasty has suffered several defeats in a row against the Yun Kingdom, and it is not unusual for the entire army to be wiped out this time.

But in fact, everyone in the court of various countries knew that the hundreds of thousands of troops stationed in Yen Bai County of the Li Dynasty were not comparable to the east and west naval divisions of the Li Dynasty.

With the strength of Yun Guo's inland navy, it is impossible for anyone to think that the navy of Li Chao East Road can be destroyed in one battle!

When Yu Yingyao heard this, she shook her head seriously and said:

"The Embroidered Clothes Commander used all the remaining intelligence in the Yun Kingdom to conduct repeated inspections several times before reporting back... The Li Dynasty navy that invaded the Yun Kingdom this time was indeed destroyed in one battle!"

If Xiuyi Envoy was not really sure of this kind of news, he would not dare to report it to Jinling City.

Seeing Yu Yingyao's solemn expression, Prince Qi's face gradually became heavy.

The previous plan of the Xia State was to cooperate with the Li Dynasty, advance by waterway, capture Shicheng County, block the Yongjiang waterway, cut off the connection between the Yun State and the four states of Yongzhou, and calmly kill the Yongzhou camp of the Yun State

Hundreds of thousands of elites, and then swallowed up the land of the four states.

The failure of the planned mutiny in the Yongzhou camp was innocuous. After all, the Yongzhou generals who supplied military supplies from the Yun Kingdom were lost, so obviously there was no way to pull off any tricks.

But if we lose the help of the Li Dynasty Navy, then the previous plan will really fail completely!

King Qi frowned, and after pondering for a long time, he rubbed his brows and said:

"Previously, my father had indicated that the Li Dynasty was allowed to use the Xijiang River and then turn into the Yongjiang River. But the Li Dynasty resolutely refused and turned to the Red River Waterway and the Nanpanjiang River Waterway to enter the Yongjiang River. This time, it was destroyed.

I'm afraid it has something to do with the dangerous and complicated nature of the two water veins..."

The water veins of the Xijiang River are connected to the sea and can also be transferred to the Yongjiang River. The hydrological conditions are much better than the dangerous Red River and Nanpan River. This should have been the best choice for the Li Dynasty navy.

However, although the Li Dynasty and the Xia Kingdom joined forces to deal with the Yun Kingdom, it was also because of their own interests. They only wanted to jointly conspire to seize the land of the four states of Yongzhou. They were not serious about working together. Li Weining naturally could not leave his escape route to

Xia Kingdom.

And in order to have more confidence to divide the four states after the war, to take the opportunity to win over the people and completely control the east route navy, to gather the vision of the army to frighten Xia and Yun... and many other factors, Li Weining made a decisive decision.

Rejected Xia Guo's proposal.

But when Yu Yingyao heard this, she shook her head and said:

"I'm afraid it's slightly different from what the emperor thinks!"

Having said this, she paused slightly and handed the military report to King Qi.

The military reports recorded the causes and consequences of the Battle of Nanpanjiang in extremely detail. Except for the slightly absurd process, there was nothing else...

King Qi quickly took over and glanced at it, and was immediately stunned. His eyes were full of disbelief, and he didn't know what to say for a moment.

Upon seeing this, Yu Yingyao changed the topic and asked:

"Brother Emperor, do you still remember the military report handed over by Wuzhou Camp on why three thousand Beisei Jingqi were destroyed in one battle?"

When King Qi heard this, his eyes suddenly condensed, he looked at Yu Yingyao and said in a deep voice:

"That one too?"

Previously, Qimo, Marquis of Deyang of Xia Kingdom, had already written down the details of the battle where he personally led troops to raid Di Qing after he returned to the Wuzhou camp, and sent it to Jinling City.

The soldiers of the Yun Kingdom used that miraculous vision to cause the Xia Kingdom's elite Beisei cavalry to face off against each other. The army had no morale and morale. It was then that they were completely defeated and had no power to fight back.

The temper and temperament of Deyang Hou Qimo was known to everyone in the court, and it was absolutely impossible for him to make up lies at will in order to shirk responsibility. Therefore, even though the military report seemed extremely absurd, King Qi never had any doubts.

At this time, when he heard Yu Yingyao suddenly mention this matter, King Qi immediately raised his head, looked at Yu Yingyao closely, and asked again:

"Is this battle at Nanpanjiang also related to that kind of vision?"

Hearing this, Yu Yingyao nodded with a deep expression and said:

"It is indeed relevant! The military report in the hands of the emperor is for the courtiers to see. There is also another secret report from the Embroidery Envoy. It is just because it is too ridiculous, so it was not handed over to the court..."

While talking, Yu Yingyao handed over a secret letter again and said in a deep voice:

"On the day of the Battle of Nanpanjiang River, the river surface was filled with flames soaring into the sky, and many strange phenomena such as divine dragons, flying tigers, and black basalts appeared in the sky. They were fighting with each other endlessly, each showing their own magic. The embroidered clothes envoy repeatedly confirmed this news with the nearby people.

After many times, I just submitted..."

After reading the two confidential military reports in his hand, King Qi frowned tightly and said in a deep voice:

"Yes, if it was because of the dangerous waterway, it wouldn't have happened until we reached Nanpanjiang River..."

At this time, King Qi's face was even more worried than before.

If Li Chao himself was incompetent, that would be fine, but...

"If that's the case, the Li Dynasty navy was able to overcome the dangerous and unusually dangerous Red River and the Nanpan River water veins with unknown water patterns, relying on those strange phenomena? Is it because of these things that the Yun Kingdom was able to defeat the Li Dynasty navy in one battle?"

Yu Yingyao's face was heavy, she just nodded slightly and said nothing more.

King Qi looked extremely ugly and gritted his teeth and said:

"Yun Guo and Li Chao both know how to activate visions!"

In the military report of Deyang Hou Qimo, he only speculated that the phenomenon of the gathering of the army was not just a show-off that would have a negative impact on the enemy's morale, but could actually provide a positive blessing to the army.

Now looking at the battle at Nanpanjiang, it is obvious that Zimmer guessed it right. The army blessed by this vision is obviously able to exert power that ordinary people cannot imagine!

Using such an army to deal with an ordinary army is obviously a dimensionality-reducing blow! Among the three kingdoms of Xia, Yun, and Li, he is the only one with the strongest strength, and he has no clue about this.

What a terrible thing this is!

Thinking of this, King Qi suddenly felt a sense of crisis in his heart.

And at this moment, I heard Prince Yuqi’s soldiers shouting loudly outside the study:

"Your Highness, someone is coming from the palace. Summon Your Highness and the important ministers of the court to enter the palace quickly to meet His Majesty!"

Upon hearing this, King Qi took a deep breath, suppressed his irritability, and said in a deep voice:

"My father summoned me probably for this matter. Now that the Li Dynasty has been defeated, all previous plans have come to nothing. I'm afraid we have to start making other preparations!"

Now the southwestern frontier troops have arrived in Rongzhou and are attacking Shicheng County with all their strength. Only local soldiers are left to garrison in the southwestern counties, completely ignoring the large army stationed in Jianchang Prefecture in the northern border of Yun State.

This is obviously because he made up his mind to give up several counties in the southwest in exchange for the sacred land of the four states of Yongzhou.

But according to the current situation, there is no way to even think about it. Even the Wuzhou front line is in an untenable position!

Thinking of this, the huge sense of crisis made King Qi feel tight in his chest and restless.

Fortunately, the situation at this time has not yet reached the most difficult and hopeless stage.

No matter how powerful the Yun Kingdom is, after all, it is only one-fifth of the size of the Xia Kingdom. No matter what, it cannot swallow up the entire Xia Kingdom at once. As long as the Xia Kingdom maintains its foothold and relies on its strong foundation, it will not be possible to trade space for time, losing first and then winning.


Yun, since Li and Li can master the method of this army's vision quietly, it proves that Xia can also master it quickly as long as they find a way!

Hearing this, Yu Yingyao nodded heavily and said:

"I don't know the reason for marching and fighting, so I can't give you any advice to your brother..."

King Qi nodded, turned around and left.

At this moment, I heard Yu Yingyao suddenly reminding me:

"Brother Emperor, Li Weining is very important. The Embroidered Clothes Envoy is already searching with all his strength for Wuzhou Camp and Rongzhou Soldiers and Horses. Brother Emperor must also remember to warn him and never let him fall into the hands of Yun Guo!"

When King Qi heard this, he paused and immediately understood the meaning of Yu Yingyao's words.

Since Li Chao can master the method of gathering the vision of an army, he must be able to get this method from Li Weining! In addition, as long as Li Weining does not fall into the hands of Yun Guo, Li Chao will not give up resistance easily...

"I see!"


"In response to Tianshun's timing, and under the command of Ziming, Emperor Dayun issued an edict:

He is the leader of ten thousand men, so he observes the appropriateness of the division's administration. The four sides rely on propaganda, so he attaches great importance to the country. Yang Dayan, the common barbarian general, destroyed the puppet navy in one battle and shocked the world. He promoted the prestige of our country, Great Cloud, and was promoted to the third rank for his merits.

General Anton, Xi’s imperial edict.

The puppet government of Li Weining first surrendered and then rebelled, repeatedly and without reason, tore up the peace treaty, destroyed the imperial seals and ceremonial guards, the crime is unforgivable! Order General Yang Dayan of Andong to lead 50,000 soldiers under his command to immediately attack Li!

Thank you."

In the tent, Yang Dayan grinned from ear to ear, his face full of joy and excitement.

From the miscellaneous general to the third-rank general Andong, he rose several levels in a row and took charge of a large army. This third-rank general position was obtained by Yang Dayan based on his military exploits. From now on, who else in the court will dare to talk about him behind his back?

, did you get the high position by relying on Zhaoyi’s relationship?

Yang Dayan suddenly leaned forward and bowed, and shouted loudly:

"Your Majesty, Yang Dayan, thanks you!"

The eunuch in the palace who was responsible for delivering the edict quickly handed the edict in his hand to Yang Dayan and said flatteringly:

"Congratulations General!"

Yang Dayan laughed twice and said:

"My father-in-law, you are so polite. You have worked hard all the way to deliver the order. Thank you for your hard work. The army has already prepared tents, food and drinks. Please have a good rest, father-in-law!"

The eunuch who delivered the order said a few more flattering words before heading to the military camp to rest.

When the generals in the tent saw the eunuch leaving, they quickly stepped forward, surrounded Yang Dayan, and kept congratulating:

"Congratulations General!"

"The general Jian is in the emperor's heart, and he will surely be a prince in the future!"

"The last general is waiting, congratulations to the general!"

"Congratulations to the general!"

When Yang Dayan heard this, his heart suddenly felt happy, he raised his head and burst into laughter.

After laughing for a while, he suddenly remembered something. He pushed away the people around him and came to Zhuge Liang and Xu Shu who were standing in the corner. He pulled the two of them close and said:

"This battle is all due to the merits of Zhuge Junjun and Xu Junjun! The merits and rewards in the army should be the first. Do you have any objections?"

When the generals heard this, they quickly bowed their heads and said:

"The general will wait, no objection at all!"

Yang Dayan nodded with satisfaction, then pulled the two of them and said:

"His Majesty has already approved the military report I submitted earlier. Although the two soldiers have not been in the military for a long time, they are outstanding in talent and academic achievements and have made great achievements. They are obviously not suitable for joining the army at the eighth rank!"

"Your Majesty has decreed that Zhuge joins the army and is promoted to the seventh rank of the Commander-in-Chief of the Central Army. He leads the cabinet and goes to Beijing as an errand! Xu joins the army and is promoted to the seventh rank of the Commander-in-Chief of the Rear Army. He will temporarily serve under my general!"

The governor of the Dudu Mansion is a seventh-grade official who handles the daily affairs of the Dudu Mansion.

It's just that the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion has just been established, but it has only been put up on a temporary basis and has not yet been put into operation. This official position is just for Zhuge Liang and Xu Shu to overdo it.

After today, Zhuge Liang went to the capital to work in the cabinet. Xu Shu, on the other hand, was still under Yang Dayan, making plans for him and controlling the army!

At this time, Yang Dayan said with some regret:

"It is a good thing that Zhuge Dushi is valued by His Majesty and wants to serve in the cabinet. It is a pity that Zhuge Dushi cannot go to Thang Long Mansion in Li Dynasty with us to visit..."

I'm afraid that for a long time in the future, Yang Dayan will miss the feeling of being led by a big boss during this period of time.

At this time, Zhuge Liang was slightly in a trance. He didn't know what he was thinking, and he didn't answer immediately.

Seeing this, Xu Shu on the side quickly took over the conversation and said:

"Hahaha, this invasion of the enemy's capital is a rare honor in history. If Kong Ming misses this opportunity, I'm afraid the next time will be!"

When Yang Dayan heard this, he couldn't help laughing again.

He has been stationed in Xiushan County for a long time, and he has the clearest idea of ​​what the army stationed in Yen Bai County of the Li Dynasty is like. Just based on those soldiers who are heartbroken when they see the flag of Yun State, what can the Li Dynasty do to stop them?

At this time, many generals on the side also took advantage of every opportunity and continued to come forward to compliment him.

At this moment, Zhuge Liang came back to his senses.

Looking at Yang Dayan, who was surrounded by generals and complimented him, with a proud face, Zhuge Liang turned to look at Xu Shu who was aside, and lowered his voice and said:

"Yuan Zhi followed General Andong into the Li Dynasty this time. Remember to advise General Andong not to enter rashly!"

Hearing this, Xu Shu frowned, lowered his voice and said:

"What do you mean? Do you think Li Chao still has the strength to resist?"

Zhuge Liang nodded slightly and said:

"The two naval forces of the Li Dynasty, the east and west, were destroyed on the Nanpan River, and only the west navy was destroyed."

Having said this, Zhuge Liang paused slightly and then said:

"And that day, I observed that the Li Dynasty's national destiny and royal aura had not completely declined..."

On that day, Yun State obtained Xiao Cheng's permission, and Zhuge Liang was able to use the power of Yun State's national destiny. He originally wanted to directly defeat the power of Li Dynasty's national destiny with a thunderous strike.

But I didn’t expect that the Li Dynasty was also a force that had been divided for six hundred years and had accumulated great power. Even until the end, the vision of the national destiny of the Li Dynasty appeared, but it was only damaged and hidden, and there was no sign of complete collapse and disintegration.

Zhuge Liang's words may seem a bit puzzling to others.

But Xu Shu never doubted his words.

Hearing this, Xu Shu's face immediately showed a solemn expression, he nodded solemnly and said:

"Okay, I get it!"


This chapter has been completed!
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