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Chapter 6 The Controversy Between the Official Academy and the Hundred Schools

After the court meeting dispersed, Xiao Cheng returned to the Yangxin Hall.

After a while, Zhang Zhao, the Minister of Rites, who was summoned by someone temporarily sent by Xiao Cheng, hurried to the Yangxin Hall, leaned down and saluted, and said:

"His Majesty!"

Xiao Cheng motioned to Feng Bao to take off the turban on his head and said:

"Give me a seat!"

A young eunuch quickly brought the Dengzi and brought it to Zhang Zhao. Zhang Zhao first leaned down to bow and thank him, and then sat down.

Xiao Cheng moved his neck, looked at Zhang Zhao who was sitting respectfully on the stool, and suddenly said in a deep voice:

"Zhang Qing, what do you think of the debate at the court meeting just now?"

Hearing this, Zhang Zhao quickly stood up from his stool and pondered for a moment before speaking:

"Go back to Your Majesty and formulate new laws, which will affect the stability of the country for ten years or even hundreds of years. I'm afraid it will still be necessary..."

Xiao Cheng didn't wait for him to finish, and immediately interrupted:

"That's not what I'm talking about... sit down and talk!"

Zhang Zhao sat on the stool, frowned slightly and said:

"Your Majesty is not asking about the new law...then you are talking about the dispute between Confucianism and Legalism just involved?"

Xiao Cheng nodded and said:

"Although the disputes in the court today are about dealing with local clan affairs, in the final analysis, they are still about the differences in the governance concepts of the two schools of Confucianism and Legalism."

Hearing this, Zhang Zhao nodded in agreement and said:

"Confucianism uses 'rule by benevolence' and pays attention to human ethics. Legalism uses 'rule by law' and pays attention to strict laws and regulations. There is a fundamental conflict between the two ideals. When the disciples of the two families serve as officials, it is inevitable that there will be many conflicts!


Xiao Cheng looked solemn and continued:

"I am worried about the two schools of Confucianism and Legalism. Most of the hundreds of schools of thought are in tit-for-tat opposition. The dispute between Confucianism and Legalism, the dispute between Confucianism and Mohism, the dispute between Taoism and Law, the dispute between France and Mohism, the dispute between Yin-Yang School and Taoism... several

There is no selfless enmity, it is just a dispute over ideas, but after years of fighting, it is inevitable to accumulate grudges. Most of the party disputes and disputes in the Xia Kingdom's court are due to this, and everyone in the world knows about it. It can be said that the lessons are not far away!"

When the hundreds of schools of thought were born, they had no personal grudges because of their different ideas. They were even quite connected with each other. They absorbed each other's essence and learned from each other's strengths.

For example, the Yin-Yang School comes from Taoism, the Mohist School comes from Confucianism, and the founder of Legalism learned from Confucian masters...

But over hundreds of years, as the ideas of each school matured, the original academic debate gradually developed into a fight with each other. Entering the Xia Kingdom's court, it finally became a party struggle.

The chaos in the Xia Kingdom's court was visible to everyone, so Xiao Cheng couldn't help but not pay attention to it!

Zhang Zhao frowned at this time and said with a heavy heart:

"Your Majesty, I know what you mean... But in the world, hundreds of schools of thought are prevalent. Even when Buddhism was prosperous in Dayun, people also studied the classics and classics of hundreds of schools of thought. But at that time, the power of hundreds of schools of thought was

Not entering my Dayun court makes the court seem stable. But now that His Majesty is determined to conquer the world, these hundreds of forces cannot be used!"

At the beginning, the Yun Kingdom was isolated in a corner, and the Buddhist sect in the country suppressed everything. This prevented the chaos of the disputes among hundreds of schools of thought from extending to the Yun Kingdom's court.

But now that Xiao Chengzhi is in the world, he needs the services of hundreds of scholars to get enough talents to govern the country!

The establishment of Jixia Academy certainly called on hundreds of talented people to join the Yun Kingdom, but it also brought the battles between hundreds of families into the Yun Kingdom, which was simply unavoidable.

Nowadays, the partisanship between them is not too serious. This time, Xiao Cheng can rely on his own prestige to persuade them with just one word.

Xiao Cheng nodded and suddenly asked:

"I summoned you here today because I want to ask how the preparations for government-run colleges in various prefectures and counties are going."

Zhang Zhao was slightly startled when he heard this.

The matter of government-run colleges began at the beginning, when Xiao Cheng allocated funds from the internal treasury to build Lumen Academy. Later, it was convenient for each county to establish academic administration to supervise this matter.

Last year in the imperial examination, about one hundred students were recommended by local government schools and directly entered the second round of the imperial examination.

Thinking of this, Zhang Zhao's eyes flashed with surprise, and he suddenly realized:

"It turns out that His Majesty allocated more than 800,000 silver to establish official schools for this purpose?"

In the official school, although they still studied the classics and meanings of hundreds of schools of thought, they followed a path similar to that of miscellaneous schools of thought and the integration of hundreds of schools of thought.

Therefore, although scholars from the official school still have a preference for a certain school of thought based on their temperament and ability, they are not like disciples from hundreds of schools who have innate opinions on the ideas of other schools.

Xiao Cheng continued to say in a deep voice:

"Although the national official schools in the country only promoted more than a hundred people last year, it was because they were established not long ago. If they develop in the future, they may not be able to replace hundreds of disciples in the court. The Ministry of Rites is in charge of civil affairs, so you need to know about official schools.

Be attentive!"

In fact, party struggle is unavoidable. Instead of being divided by hundreds of schools, some people will be divided according to the government-run college where they came from and the region of their hometown.

But compared to the almost irreconcilable struggles between hundreds of schools due to different ideas, other forms of party struggle are still more acceptable!

Hearing this, Zhang Zhao finally understood the reason why Xiao Cheng summoned him today.

At this time, he immediately stood up and bowed, solemnly saying:

"Please rest assured, your majesty, I will definitely pay more attention to matters related to official studies in the future!"

Xiao Cheng nodded and continued:

"This year's taxes have been escorted to Beijing. I will personally order and allocate another three hundred thousand taels to your Ministry of Rites, all of which will be used for official education in various places!"


After saying this, Zhang Zhao bowed and bowed, then slowly exited the Hall of Mental Cultivation——

Outside the city of Xiangzhou County, thousands of troops from the Yun Kingdom were lining up to enter the city. Under the eager eyes of the people in the city, they officially took over the defense of Xiangzhou County.

The land of the Xia Kingdom in the past has now officially surrendered to the Yun Kingdom. The flags on the city wall have changed, and the Yunlong Flag, symbolizing the Yun Kingdom, has been erected.

The two leaders of the army, one is wearing a fifth-grade civil official's official residence, and the other is wearing standard armor.

This Wen and Wu were apparently Shi Chengwen and Jiang Wei who led the army to take over Xiangzhou County under the orders of Anbei General Cheng Bushi.

At this time, the two men were riding on war horses and talking.

Shi Chengwen opened his mouth and said:

"Just now, the first-class bodyguard from Xiangzhou County's Niangan Department came to convey His Majesty's secret decree. Your Majesty has made arrangements for the Tibetan affairs, so we don't have to worry about anything else!"

Hearing this, Jiang Wei breathed a sigh of relief, nodded and said:

"That's good!"

Tubo borders the Yun Kingdom, and the border is extremely long. The Yun Kingdom is now competing with the Xia Kingdom, and it is really difficult to deploy troops and horses to defend against the Tubo. Therefore, it stands to reason that we should be more cautious when dealing with the Tubo soldiers and horses.

But Jiang Wei now knew that the Tibetans had committed many crimes after entering Xiangzhou County. If he resorted to the rat weapon and just sat back and watched the people being harmed by the Tubo soldiers, he would not be wrong in his heart.

But now, when they heard His Majesty's secret decree and asked them to let go, Jiang Wei breathed a sigh of relief.

When the two of them were discussing how to deal with the Tubo soldiers, they saw several people wearing brocade robes with either rich or noble appearance, beating gongs and drums and leading a group of people to come forward.

Seeing the two leaders, several people were immediately filled with excitement and said with tears in their eyes:

"The villagers and I have been waiting eagerly for it, and today we are finally looking forward to the arrival of the Great Cloud Heavenly Soldiers!"

"These days, we have been working hard to protect our homeland. When the general arrives, we can feel at ease!"

"The Tubo people were young and deceived me that there were no soldiers and horses in Xiangzhou County to protect them. They dared to enter the territory without permission, burned, killed, looted, and committed all kinds of evil. Today, Dayun's soldiers and horses are coming, and they must look good to him!"

Everyone was very excited when they spoke.

Since the entry of Tibetan soldiers and horses, they have massacred the people, captured three counties, plundered gold and silver, committed rape and robbery, and committed all kinds of crimes.

Chongde County, which was captured by the Tibetans, was not too far from Xiangzhou County. This period of time really put a lot of pressure on them!

Dayun's soldiers and horses arrived and officially settled in the city. Although there were not many soldiers and horses, they could always keep the county and city intact no matter what! So the excitement and uncontrollable emotions of these people in front of them were not fake.

Seeing the powerful squires from Xiangzhou County who came to greet them, Shi Chengwen and Jiang Wei looked at each other, then stepped forward and slightly cupped their hands, saying:

"The former military governor's residence was written when I was experiencing the fifth grade. I have met all the squires!"

"In the former Army Governor's Mansion, Jiang Wei, the seventh grade school lieutenant, has met you all!"

Seeing this, the middle-aged man at the head quickly saluted and replied:

"Caomin Shenggan, I have met two adults."

Having said this, he quickly introduced the next few people who came after him.

"This is Mr. Zeng Jingzeng, Mr. Peng Lesheng, Mr. Peng, shopkeeper Qu Ruiqu, and Mr. Xi Fangxi..."

"These are all well-known people in our Xiangzhou County. They were recommended by the people to temporarily preside over the affairs of Xiangzhou County!"

Having said this, several people immediately bowed and said:

"I've met two adults!"

Shi Chengwen looked at a few people with a smile on his face and said:

"When Xiangzhou County was in crisis, you stepped forward to protect the country and the people, and expelled Xia officials. Now you are able to lead the villagers to surrender to me, Dayun, which really impresses us!"

"Although His Majesty is far away in the capital, after learning about your deeds, he was even more moved. Although the imperial edict has not yet been issued, it is said that even the titles for you have been prepared."

Hearing this, Sheng Gan and the others had expressions of surprise on their faces.

When they led the people of Xiangzhou County to expel Xia officials, they certainly had the intention of protecting the country and the people.

But from the fact that they only expelled Xia officials, rather than killing them in rebellion, it can be seen that in their hearts, they had the idea of ​​taking advantage of the Xia court to gain glory and wealth.

However, due to the sudden invasion of Tibetan soldiers and horses, Xia State had no time to take care of itself, forcing everyone in Shenggan to have no other choice but to surrender to Yun State.

Even though Xiangzhou County took the initiative to ask for help, Yun Guo was still able to reward him with a title, which was beyond everyone's original expectations. Naturally, everyone could not restrain their joy at this time.

Shi Chengwen saw the happy expressions of several people, his eyes turned, and he immediately said:

"As soon as you all set off for Zhongqing City, and when we meet each other in the future, you will be called Sir. It is really enviable to us!"

After the implementation of the new system of the DPRK, there were only three levels of titles: duke, marquis and uncle, which can be said to be more valuable.

Wu Zixu wiped out hundreds of thousands of Xia's troops in one battle, causing the situation in the southwest of Xia to completely collapse. Such a great achievement could not be rewarded for a while, and it was just a count.

As for the people of Shenggan, they only contributed to Xiangzhou County, which was not enough to be rewarded with a title.

The reason for planning so many rewards is, firstly, because these people are not like Wu Zixu, and they will definitely have no merit in the future. Secondly, they also have the intention of selling horse bones for a thousand gold coins, to tell the people of the world that if they offer the city, they will be rewarded.

Great reward, prepare to take over the world in the future!

When everyone heard this, their faces showed joy, and they quickly bowed to Shi Chengwen and said:

"Don't dare, don't dare, Master Shi's words actually make us a little scared!"

"Since we have the honor to receive such a favor from His Majesty Emperor Dayun, we are really well-deserved and deserving of it!"

Among these people, only the leader Sheng Gan moved his brows slightly and said strangely:

"Now I have to wait and rush to Zhongqing City?"

Shi Chengwen looked at him, smiled softly, and said:


"Mr. Sheng, don't you want to go?"

Although he spoke with a smile, Shi Chengwen's eyes looked at Sheng Gan inexplicably deeply.

Sheng Gan felt his heart skip a beat, and subconsciously froze on the spot, forcing a smile and saying:

"I have been in Xiangzhou County since I was a child, and I rarely leave my hometown..."

Sheng Gan is naturally willing to accept the title and reward. However, he has a deep mind and always thinks a little more than others.

The reason why a few of them were able to take advantage of this opportunity to gain wealth was because of their deep roots in Xiangzhou County.

Well done, the title awarded by Emperor Yun this time is to Xiangzhou County! Only in this way can they rely on their foundation to run the family into a local emperor, instead of becoming an empty lord with only a title.

But just seeing the Yun army's attitude of hurriedly sending them to Zhongqing City as soon as they entered the city, Sheng Gan thought that something was wrong.

What you consciously want in your heart may not be possible!

Shi Chengwen looked at Sheng Gan and smiled again:

"The land in the south of the sky has beautiful scenery and is like spring all year round. It is much more comfortable than Xiangzhou County! I would like to ask your Majesty to choose a good fiefdom for you."

Jiang Wei on the side suddenly said something for some reason:

"The land of Tiannan is rich and prosperous, and the joy there is far beyond comparison with this place. It will definitely make you forget about your homeland of Xiangzhou!"

Sheng Gan's face suddenly became a little ugly.

The harmony between Shi Chengwen and Jiang Wei was like a basin of cold water poured on his heart.

Sure enough, how could the Yun State allow local snakes like them to stay in Xiangzhou County? They were able to lead the people to expel the Xia State officials in the first place, and they would certainly be able to expel the Yun State officials in the future!

At this time, the remaining people also vaguely figured out the taste. There were two or three people whose faces became as sweet as ashes, a little ugly.

But there were still a few people who subconsciously looked at the Yun army that was stationed in the city. They also looked at the worries in the city for the past few days. All their fears dissipated. The people who were cheering to welcome the Yun army into the city looked at each other and felt in their hearts.

The decision was made immediately.

"Hahaha, although Xiangzhou is our hometown, it has always been a bitter and cold place. How can it compare with the wealth and prosperity of the southern part of the country?"

"The land of Tiannan is only under the Central Plains. If I can have a fiefdom in Tiannan, I would really like to thank His Majesty the Emperor for his favor!"

"That's right!"

The remaining few people, either because they were interested, or because they really cared about the people of Xiangzhou County, or because they were really envious of the wealth in Tiannan, nodded in agreement.

Even though the two or three people headed by Sheng Gan were extremely reluctant, they looked at Shi Chengwen, Jiang Wei, and the elite troops of the Yun Kingdom behind them, who were looking directly at them, and then at their betrayed companions behind them.

I feel a chill in my heart.

In desperation, several people could only sigh quietly in their hearts and said bitterly:

"Thank you, His Majesty the Emperor, for your kindness!"

"I'm waiting and willing to go to the capital!"


When Shi Chengwen and Jiang Wei heard this, they immediately looked at each other and smiled.

Xiangzhou County, the overall situation has been decided!

This chapter has been completed!
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