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Chapter 19 Blue Ceka [Master of Metaphysics]

On the official mountain road in the winding and rugged area, more than a hundred young and strong people wearing commoners and carrying packages on their backs were heading forward under the leadership of several officers.

Summer is about to end, and the feeling of climate recovery is very obvious. Even though there is a mountain breeze and shade from the trees, the young people who have not yet changed into single clothes are already sweating profusely while walking under the sun.

The originally noisy queue was now tired from the past few days, and no one was willing to chat, and the atmosphere suddenly seemed a bit dull.

When the leading officers saw this, they felt that the atmosphere was not right. They were afraid that someone would be dissatisfied and encourage the team, so they quickly spoke to comfort them:

"The government asked our village youth to report tomorrow, so we have plenty of time. When we get to the mountain, we will rest for a while before going down the mountain!"

"After crossing this mountain, there is no mountain road ahead. Walk another twenty miles and you will reach the Lujiang River! Everyone, please work harder, and we can have a peaceful sleep at the camp tonight."

A group of young men and women had been traveling for several days, and their bodies were very tired. They were obviously somewhat immune to these words, and they responded feebly twice.

When several officers saw this, they couldn't help but feel a little worried.

When people are serving in the military, the probability of something happening has been high since ancient times.

Now that the local government has just been established, it does not have much prestige. A group of young men are willing to apply for the government's recruitment, all because they feel that the new majesty is a good emperor who loves and protects the people when he rescues them during the plague.

Be willing to trust the government.

But this was only because of Xiao Cheng's prestige, which was not very strong after all, so the officers were still a little frightened, for fear of encountering a maniac who was bold enough to instigate civil unrest.

And at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded from among the crowd:

"Third Uncle, I heard that the government is very generous this time, and the serving people have meat to eat every day. Is it true?"

When the middle-aged officer who headed him heard this, he suddenly got excited and said loudly:

"Yes, there is meat every day. I have seen it with my own eyes before!"

Having said this, the middle-aged officer rolled his eyes and immediately laughed and cursed:

"You are usually a smart boy, so why do you think of eating it now? Let me tell you, the current government is different from the previous Xia government! This time, in addition to being able to pay for one year of corvee, you can also get daily wages.

You are not young now, you need to have some snacks and save more money to get a wife!"

Among the young and strong, many are young men, who are at the most restless age. When they hear the topic of marrying a wife, they all become energetic and have a rippling smile on their faces.

Now is the time when there is no harvest and there is no need for busy farming. As long as the corvee does not cost people's lives, the people do not resist much.

What's more, compared to the Xia Kingdom corvee who had to prepare their own rations before, the new government not only controlled the rations, promised to provide meat, but even distributed wages.

Not to mention that all of these conditions are fulfilled, even if only half of them are fulfilled, it will be enough to satisfy the young men who have been recruited.

After serving one or two months of corvee work, you no longer need to worry about the government sending out corvee labor for a year, and you can also save your family’s food rations. If you can save some more wages, that would be great!

Thinking of this, everyone's tired bodies suddenly regained some strength.

Among the crowd, there was a young man who looked about sixteen or seventeen years old, his eyes were swaying, and he looked very shrewd. At this time, he did not hold back at all the joke of the middle-aged police officer he called third uncle, and continued to say with a smile:

"When the time comes, I must trouble my third uncle!"

The middle-aged officer noticed that the slightly dull atmosphere in the team, which was originally due to the physical exertion of everyone, was completely gone.

In his heart, he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and winked at the young man just now with satisfaction.

The young man noticed the satisfied look in his third uncle's eyes, winked at him, and smiled.

Obviously, the singing and harmonizing just now was a tacit cooperation between the two in order to appease everyone's hearts.

The effect is very obvious!

A group of young and strong people, with their spirits rising at this moment, the speed that had gradually slowed down suddenly sped up. In less than an hour, they arrived at a platform on the top of the mountain.

The officers did not make a mistake and immediately asked everyone to stop and rest.

The middle-aged officer suddenly waved his hand to the young man.

When the young man saw this, he stood up without saying a word and followed him to the top of the mountain.

The middle-aged officer suddenly raised his hand and pointed forward, saying:

"Look, that's Lushui over there!"

The young man stood on the mountain and looked in the direction of his third uncle's finger. His eyes widened and a look of shock appeared on his face.

Looking into the distance, you can vaguely see the Lujiang River surging ahead, meandering across the earth.

On both sides of the river, more than 100,000 young and strong people who were recruited by the local government gathered here. The dense crowd stretched for several miles and looked like a colony of ants, continuously transporting countless materials for building bridges.

Go to the riverside.

The young man who has been living in the village has never seen so many people or such a scene since he was born.

At this time, looking at the bank of Lushui River in the distance, I could only feel the movement of the seasons, excitement, hesitation, fear... many mixed emotions.

A young man who had not read many books could not use words to describe the emotions in his heart.

The middle-aged officer on the side suddenly sighed and said with emotion:

"Hongjia Village is too small!"

When the young man heard this, he took a heavy breath and suddenly understood why he felt so complicated at this moment!

As the middle-aged police officer said, Hongjiacun is too small!

The young man at this time is like a rural boy who first came to a big city.

After seeing the prosperity that has never been seen before and realizing that the world is so vast, the young man will inevitably feel afraid and withdrawn because of the unfamiliarity, and he will also feel excited and excited because of the longing.

A young man's ambition will make him complacent. His uncertainty about his future will also make him feel at a loss.

The middle-aged guard turned his head and said solemnly to the young man:

"Do you know why I have to take you out to serve this time?"

The young man shook his head subconsciously, but looking at the Lujiang River in the distance, he nodded subconsciously.

The middle-aged guard said solemnly:

"Third uncle, I have been working in the government office for a long time, and I know it well. The new court is different from before. The behavior of the new adults in the county government office is completely different from that of the previous Xia officials. And I heard

It is said that Zhongqing City will hold some imperial examinations every year, so that even people with no family background can become officials as long as they are capable."

"You, Hong Fang, are the smartest among the younger generation in our Hongjia Village! Before, there was nothing we could do. Ordinary people were just like your uncle and me. Being a servant was the best way out. But now that the court has changed, you

Maybe there’s a chance to get ahead?”

Having said this, the middle-aged guard paused, looked at the young man solemnly, and said in a deep voice:

"Uncle San won't force you, but I always feel that you should make your own decision! If you are ambitious, I will find a way to put you into the entourage of the adults from the capital when you arrive at the Lujiang camp. If you

If you don’t want to suffer that kind of hardship and suffer that kind of punishment, Third Uncle, I won’t force you, let’s just serve well and go back when the time comes!”

Hong Fang looked ahead, took a deep breath, and said loudly:

"Third uncle, I'm willing to try it out!"

When the middle-aged officer heard this, he nodded repeatedly, patted the young man heavily on the shoulder, and said:


Li Bing, a member of the Ministry of Industry's Dushui Qingli Division, had previously built a bridge over the Lujiang River on Xiao Cheng's orders.

This move was firstly to facilitate the people on both sides of the Lujiang River, and secondly, it was also to strengthen the connection between the Yun Kingdom and the newly conquered Jiangyang County, consolidate the rule of several counties in the southwest, and completely absorb and digest it.

Li Bing spent more than a month visiting people and surveying hydrology. Now everything is finally ready and construction has officially started.

If we look at history, it would have been very difficult to build a bridge over the turbulent and steep Lujiang River without the help of various modern machines.

But as representatives of the world's advanced productive forces, martial arts masters can now show their role!

Thousand-material warships were specially mobilized and were dragging thick stone pillars towards the river.

Hundreds of military masters who were proficient in water properties dived into the water and took turns using their skills to knock several extremely thick stone pillars into the river bottom several feet deep.

However, in two or three days, the most difficult project of building the bridge foundation was actually completed. Next, it only needs to be built step by step, and the bridge is considered completed!

But before Li Bing, who was in charge of the construction, could breathe a sigh of relief, he suddenly heard a hurried report from his subordinates:

"Sir, the bridge foundation in the river is broken!"

When Li Bing heard this, he frowned and said in disbelief:


Before the construction, Li Bing had spent a lot of energy on surveying the hydrology of the Lujiang River. He was well aware of the impact of the Lujiang River water.

Moreover, the stone pillars he used were not randomly picked from the mountains, but were made by Mohist disciples using Mohist methods to grind limestone into powder and mix it with clay.

At first it was like mud and shapeless, then it gradually solidified and hardened, and after a few days it solidified into stone. Then it was filled with fine steel, which was extremely hard. After the walls of big cities in the world were built with this thing, it was rarely heard that the walls were bombarded.

The one that collapsed after being opened can be said to have been tested for a long time and was able to withstand the impact of the Lujiang River.

Now his subordinates told Li Bing that the foundation of the bridge was cut off by the river, how could he believe it?

Upon hearing this, his subordinates quickly reported back:

"Sir, it's true! If you don't believe me, you can go and take a look. The bridge foundation that was laid a few days ago has just been broken!"

Hearing this, Li Bing frowned, suddenly raised his hand and said:

"Wait, are they all broken? Are they broken together today?"

The subordinate nodded and said:

"Yes, just now, three bridge foundations were broken together, and then the remaining three were also broken. Many people saw it with their own eyes!"

When Li Bing heard this, he immediately shook his head and said continuously:

"Impossible! Even if we want to break it, we can't break it all at once!"

At different locations in the river, the impact of the river water is naturally different. Even if they are to be broken, they cannot all break in a short period of time!

Li Bing's eyes darkened, and he immediately stood up and walked towards the river, saying:

"Quickly gather the people who just saw it and ask if anyone saw anything unusual!"

When his subordinates heard this, they immediately clasped their fists in response.

Li Bing hurried to the riverside. The bridge foundation that was still exposed on the river yesterday was no longer visible.

However, the water in the river has not risen yet. Apparently, as the subordinates said, the bridge foundation broke and sank into the water!

Li Bing frowned, squatted down by the river, and put his hand into the water to feel it.

Compared with the hydrology he measured before, there was not much change.

Li Bing is confident that his measurements are correct and the stone pillars are strong enough to withstand the impact of the river...

But why did the bridge foundation break now?

Thinking of this, Li Bing looked solemnly and looked at the river, frowning and not letting go for a long time.

The official who had just been sent by Li Bing to question him also hurried back, bowed to him, and said in reply:

"Sir, I have asked the people who just saw the bridge foundation break with their own eyes. They all said that the river water did not change much at that time..."

Having said this, the official was slightly startled and said hesitantly:

"In addition, a few people said that they seemed to have seen some black shadow flashing across the river at that time... But these people were not sure!"

"Dark Shadow?"

Li Bing frowned, then shook his head and laughed at himself:

"It must be the sunlight refracted by the river water, causing the dazzling eyesight. Isn't it possible that there is a dragon causing trouble?"

Li Bing has done a lot of research on water conservancy, but he is not an ordinary citizen who would believe in the theory of dragons!

At this time, I heard a clear voice not far away:

"Although the theory of dragons is superstitious among ordinary people, with today's great changes, there may not be real dragons appearing in the world!"

Hearing this, Li Bing turned his head slightly and looked towards the place where the sound came from.

Then he saw a young Taoist priest wearing a Taoist robe and a square scarf standing not far away. He slightly cupped his hands towards Li Bing and said:

"The poor Taoist Li Chunfeng has met the Lord!"

[Blue Training Card, Master of Metaphysics

Card effect: After using it, you will get Yuan Tiangang, Li Chunfeng, and a group of

Card description: The vast world is endless, and there is no end. The sun and the moon cycle, and the cycle begins again and again.

Yuan Tiangang was a metaphysician and astronomer at the end of the Sui Dynasty and the beginning of the Tang Dynasty. Yuan Tiangang was good at physiognomy. He once read the physiognomy of the young Wu Zetian and said that she "could be the master of the world". Together with Li Chunfeng, he deduced and formulated the "Tuibei Diagram".

Force 50, Literature 83, Wisdom 93, Morality 90, Age 41, Dominance 32, Politics 63, Charisma 85, Loyalty 100, Ambition 30

Li Chunfeng, a Taoist priest, astronomer, mathematician, and Yi scholar in the Tang Dynasty, was proficient in astronomy, calendar, yin and yang, and Taoist theory. His book "Yi Jizhan" is the earliest monograph in the history of world meteorology. Together with Yuan Tiangang, he

Deduced and formulated the "Tuibei Chart".

Martial power 50, Literature 82, Wisdom 91, Morality 89, Age 29, Dominance 39, Politics 67, Charisma 83, Loyalty 100, Ambition 31

Yixing, a monk in the Tang Dynasty. A famous astronomer and Buddhist scholar in the Tang Dynasty of China. His real name was Zhang Sui, and his posthumous title was "Zen Master Dahui". He was young and smart, well-read in classics and history, and was especially good at calendaring, elephants, yin and yang, and the study of the five elements. Throughout his life,

He made the ecliptic zodiac, the armillary sphere carried by water, carried out astronomical measurements, and formulated the Dayan Calendar.

Force 71, Literature 88, Wisdom 90, Morality 93, Age 34, Dominance 59, Politics 61, Charisma 80, Loyalty 100, Ambition 70]


From now on, there will be very few descriptions of lottery draws, and the characters will appear directly without any numbers.

This chapter has been completed!
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