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Chapter 78 Welcome to the other courtyard, sword qi fight

Dejiang County, Qianyang City.

This city is located in the upper reaches of Yuanshui River, facing the river on three sides. It is easy to defend but difficult to attack. It is the seat of the county. From this city, you can go north along the river and directly enter Jiangzhou County. Therefore, Qianyang Prefecture has always been regarded as the key point of Dejiang County.


When Wu Zixu led the army to attack Dejiang County, apart from Rongzhou City, which was guarded by Xia's southwest frontier army, he only encountered setbacks under the Qianyang Mansion. It was not until Rongzhou's southwest frontier army was defeated that Qianyang City was defeated by the army.

Fell under siege.

After that, the imperial court of Yun State issued a decree to establish the Chief Secretary of Guizhou and Guizhou. Xiao Yu, the former magistrate of Yongzhou, moved to the second-grade Chief Envoy to oversee the four prefectures of Dejiang County, Hechi County, and Yongzhou. The Chief Secretary's Office was established in

Qianyang City.

Up to now, it has been more than a year since Qianyang Prefecture was included in the Yun Kingdom.

Under Xiao Yu's governance, Qianyang Prefecture, which had suffered from war and plague, which led to the decline of people's livelihood, has now restored some of the prosperity of Dejiang County in the past.

On the official road outside the city, Xiao Yu, the governor-general of Guizhou and Guizhou, and Yan Song, the minister of household affairs, were leading a group of civil and military officials in a queue to wait for the arrival of the emperor's carriage.

Behind the officials, tens of thousands of people from Qianyang Prefecture gathered here, waiting to be picked up.

Xiao Yu glanced behind him, narrowed his eyes, slightly rolled up his sleeves, turned slightly towards Yan Song beside him, and said in a deep voice in a voice that only two people could hear:

"Your Majesty sent the imperial army to deliver notices and instructions yesterday, telling the local government that there is no need to force the people to come to pick him up... But Master Yan has made such a big noise today, I'm afraid your Majesty won't be happy!"

When Yan Song heard this, he chuckled and said in a low voice:

"Master Xiao, you have unjustly accused me! Most of these people came here because they were grateful to Your Majesty for your grace, and they were able to live a happy and healthy life again. They all came to pick you up willingly, and I did not force you to do so."


When Xiao Yu heard this, he glanced at Yan Song meaningfully.

There are so many people gathered here, and it is true that many of them came here just to see the dragon's face today. But most of them are relatives and family members of the craftsmen in the government-run shipyard of Qianyang Prefecture.

Strictly speaking, Yan Song did not have any compulsion.

Because Yan Song was responsible for supervising the construction of the dragon boats needed for Xiao Cheng's parade, the government-run shipyard of Qianyang Prefecture is now under his control. The livelihood of the craftsmen in the shipyard is now under his control. How can he still force himself to do something like this?

Noticing Xiao Yu's expression, and then remembering that he was from a clan, although he gave up his identity because he became an official, he still knew many clan princes in the capital. Yan Song did not want to get too tense with him, so he immediately coughed and said:

"The dragon boat has been launched. There is nothing to do in the shipyard. It does not hinder the craftsmen's livelihood errands. They also gave some rice and meat as rewards. It is not forced... It can make His Majesty happy. Isn't that what we ministers should do?


Xiao Yu sneered a few times and turned away to look at Yan Song.

When Yan Song saw this, he didn't care too much. Anyway, what he did was nothing, it was just to get someone to accuse him. He was just to make Xiao Cheng happy, and he was not afraid of being reported.

While the two were talking, the sound of rapid horse hooves could be heard on the official road in the distance.

The Yunlong flag fluttered in the wind, and the brightly armored Forbidden Army cavalry cleared the way, with the sound of horse hooves ringing.

The six yin, twelve big banners, egret chariots, Luan flag chariots, Pi'e chariots, and Pixuan chariots held by the important ministers of the court were at the front to serve as guides. Flags, banners, flags, bands and imperial guards followed, as a guide.

Lead the team.

After that, the jade chariot that Xiao Cheng was riding came slowly, protected by many Forbidden Army, surrounded by high-ranking civil and military officials, Forbidden Army generals, and palace eunuchs.

After the jade chariot, there are also a large number of rear guard troops, drum teams, square chariots, waist chariots, golden chariots, elephant chariots, plowing chariots, installation chariots, four-view chariots and other carriages.

The entire team stretched for more than ten miles, with neatly arranged chariots, bright battle formations, and flying flags. It was very powerful and showed the majesty of the emperor!

The subjects of Qianyang Prefecture immediately knelt down on the ground and shouted:

"I, my ministers (commons), welcome your Majesty! Long live, long live, long live your Majesty!"

The sound of the mountains calling for long live resounded all around.

Among the jade chariots, Xiao Cheng casually glanced at the large number of people gathered outside, frowned, shook his head helplessly, and said:

"This Yan Song!"

With such a large battle and so many people, it is obvious at a glance that Yan Song organized it to please himself!

Xiao Cheng had issued three orders before, forbidding officials from raising troops and mobilizing crowds to encourage the people to come to greet him.

But at this moment, when all the people were kneeling and worshiping in front of Xiao Chengyi, the sound of mountain shouts resounded all around. This feeling of being high and full of authority still made him feel inexplicably comfortable all over his body.

Throughout the ages, the reason why ministers like Yan Song have a bad reputation is because they only know how to please the emperor. When they meet a king who is a little less determined, they will immediately be coaxed to feel comfortable physically and mentally by them and forget about it.

"Just say that I am tired, let Xiao Yu go and see me, and the other officials and people who are waiting to greet you should disperse." Xiao Cheng said in a deep voice.

Having traveled all the way before, Xiao Cheng always wanted to meet with local officials and squires to give him a few words of encouragement.

At this time, Xiao Yu was only asked to go directly to Xing Zai to meet the driver, and Yan Song didn't mention it at all, which was obviously a knock.

Yan Song dared to do this, Xiao Cheng believed that he must have done it thoroughly and there was not much to criticize. But those local officials who followed did not have Yan Song's ability and means.

If Xiao Cheng showed his happiness today, the local officials in the future would definitely imitate him in order to please Xiao Cheng. When the time comes to mobilize troops, disturb the local area, and make the people full of resentment, wouldn't they let Xiao Chengbai go on a tour?

Feng Bao, who was accompanying him at the side, heard Xiao Cheng's words and quickly bowed in response. He quickly walked out of the honor guard and said loudly to the officials of Qianyang Prefecture who were coming:

"Your Majesty is deeply pleased that all the subjects have accepted you. However, after the parade, your Majesty was tired and disappeared. He summoned Xiao Yu, the chief envoy of Guizhou and Guangxi, and went to report. The rest of the subjects dispersed and returned to their duties.


As soon as these words came out, Yan Song, who was kneeling on the ground, suddenly became confused and stayed on the spot.

As for Xiao Yu, the corner of his mouth curled up and he immediately stood up and responded:

"Your Majesty Xiao Yu, take your orders!"

After the salute, all the officials moved out of the way and knelt down on both sides again to welcome Xiao Chengyi as he drove into the city.

When Yi drove into the city, Xiao Yu just stood up, dusted off his official robe, looked at Yan Song beside him with a half-smile, and said:

"Sir Yan, when Your Majesty summons me, I will take the first step!"

Yan Song twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, bowed his hands with a wooden face, and hummed:

"Master Xiao, go slowly, I won't see you off!"

Seeing that Yan Song had shot him in the foot this time, Xiao Yu laughed heartily in his heart before turning around and leaving.

Yan Song stood there, his face turned black, and he replied coldly:

"Master Xiao, you don't have to be like this. It won't be long before you can see me again in Xingzai!"

For this pick-up, Yan Song spent a lot of effort and preparations during the two or three months he left Beijing.

Even if he made a mistake in picking up the driver, there was no need to worry too much. He was still confident that he would be able to make His Majesty happy!

On the surface, Xiao Yu seemed to be unmoved, and his pace of leaving did not slow down. However, Xiao Yu, who had his back to Yan Song at this time, had a smile on his face just now, and now he became serious.

The sycophants of the state are bent on flattery and flattery. I only hope that your majesty can always wake up...

Qianyang Mansion, temporarily visiting.

When Xiao Cheng walked into it, he felt that this garden was exquisitely polished, with separate pavilions and undulating corridors. Everywhere was unique and the decoration was gorgeous and exquisite. As he walked here, he saw one scene at a time. Before he even got into it, he could estimate that this garden covers an area of ​​hundreds of years.

More than an acre.

This kind of garden can actually be called a palace!

Xiao Cheng narrowed his eyes, looked at the Qianyang Mansion official who was in charge of guiding the driver, and said in a deep voice:

"Did Shilang Yan prepare it?"

Besides Yan Song, Xiao Cheng couldn't think of anyone else who could have the means and ability to create such an exquisite garden in just two or three months!

When the officials of Qianyang Prefecture heard this, they quickly bowed and responded:

"Your Majesty is wise, it is exactly what Mr. Yan prepared!"

Speaking of this, it seems that he was worried that the garden would be too luxurious and would displease Xiao Cheng. The officials of Qianyang Mansion quickly continued to explain:

"This garden was jointly dedicated by three wealthy businessmen in Qianyang Prefecture. Shilang Yan recruited craftsmen to open up the three houses, polished them slightly, and renamed it 'Yingjia Garden' to serve as a temporary residence for His Majesty when he is in Qianyang Prefecture."

When Xiao Cheng heard this, he nodded slightly and warned seemingly casually:

"Since we are jointly dedicating it to each other as a tribute, after I leave, let Yan Song remember to repair his house before returning it."


After a while, someone from the palace announced that Xiao Yu, the Chief Secretary of Guizhou and Guizhou, came to see the driver.

Xiao Yu, wearing a bright red official robe, came to Xiao Cheng under the leadership of the palace servants, leaned down and saluted, and said:

"Your Majesty, Xiao Yu, pays homage to your Majesty!"

Xiao Cheng looked at Xiao Yu in front of him, raised his hand to support him, and said with a smile:

"Time flies so fast. In the blink of an eye, it has been almost two years since you came to Beijing to serve as an official. I have seen your achievements as an official over the years, and you have done a great job!"

Hearing this, Xiao Yu quickly thanked him and said:

"I just did my duty. Your Majesty praised me, but I am ashamed and dare not accept it!"

"Now, in Dejiang County, Hechi County, and Yongzhou, the people's support and the great local governance are all due to you. Why should you be humble... Well, if you serve for another year, it will be time for you to bear more burdens in the next official assessment!

"Xiao Cheng continued.

Now that the land of Guizhou and Guizhou is under great rule, and the people's hearts are attached to the Yun State, it is enough for the court to select a capable official to serve. It is really a waste of talents to continue to let Xiao Yu stay here!

Hearing this, even though Xiao Yu had a stable mind, he couldn't help but feel happy. He leaned over to salute again and said thanks:

"Thank you, Your Majesty. I will do my best to live up to Your Majesty's trust!"

Being a local official, even if you are in charge of the government, is very prestigious. But for an ambitious person like Xiao Yu, no matter how prestigious a local official is, it is nothing compared to being in charge of national affairs in the court.

Is it a pleasure to expand your knowledge and ambitions?

Xiao Chengben wanted to ask Xiao Yu about some local government affairs in Guizhou and Guizhou, but before he could speak, he suddenly heard several startling sounds coming from outside.

What followed was a loud shout from the masters of the Forbidden Army:

"Assassin! There is an assassin!"

"Protect the Holy Driver!"

In an instant, weapons were unsheathed, armor lock plates collided, quick steps were made, and many sounds rang around the courtyard where Xiao Cheng was. In the East Factory, at the sticky pole, all the masters of the Forbidden Army were dispatched to attack Xiao Cheng.

The courtyard where he was located was completely surrounded by water.

Xiao Cheng heard the noise and stood up to walk out of the courtyard.

Several Forbidden Army generals around him nervously protected Xiao Cheng behind them and said:

"Your Majesty, the situation is still unclear. Please stay away for now and don't come out!"

Xiao Cheng said angrily:

"Why are you so close? If there is an assassin, I'm afraid I will have to protect you all...get out of the way!"

When the generals of the Forbidden Army heard this, their words suddenly stopped and they reluctantly stepped aside.

His majesty’s martial arts skills are almost supernatural, and he was once invincible against thousands of armies. Throughout the ages, there have been few emperors like him in every dynasty. Although this is good, it always makes the guards around him feel discouraged and feel that they are just eating.

A jobber...

When Xiao Cheng walked out of the courtyard, he saw not far away, two terrifying sword auras that were almost solidifying, appearing undisguisedly in the Yingjia Villa.

At a glance, it can be seen that two swordsman masters are fighting each other.

One of the sword auras was full of fierceness and fierceness. As it dissipated, strange phenomena of mountains, rivers, and clouds appeared in a trance, and the sword force came over them, showing its majestic power.

The other sword energy is even softer. The sword energy is like a river and sea, embracing all things. At first glance, it seems calm, but the sword force is like the sparkling water waves. Although the force is gentle, it seems like an endless torrent, and one wave is still victorious.

A wave.

Between the two sword lights intersecting, the true energy spread out everywhere, causing explosions all around. Such a big movement attracted the attention of the Imperial Army.

Xiao Cheng turned his head slightly, feeling the two sword energies in front of him, raised his brows, and said:

"The ninth-level top masters are all proficient in swordsmanship, and have already touched the realm of land gods... If such a master can thrust out a sword, even in the realm of land gods, he will not be able to escape unscathed!"

Having said this, Xiao Cheng looked at Feng Bao beside him and said:

"I remember, I don't have a swordsman by my side right now!"

Xiao Cheng took action in the Yingjia Villa and said that he was not here to assassinate him, but Xiao Cheng didn't believe it at all!

However, the assassination did not surprise Xiao Cheng. What puzzled Xiao Cheng was that it was another swordsman. Just looking at the fight between the two, one should have come to assassinate and the other to stop him.

Hearing this, Feng Bao nodded and said:

"No...and neither the court nor the palace enshrines such a powerful swordsman!"

When Xiao Cheng heard this, he immediately became interested.

Are there any masters and righteous men who are willing to be loyal?

Well, that’s not surprising!

After all, Xiao Cheng has an excellent reputation in the world. Scholars from hundreds of schools, people in the martial arts world, and ordinary people have all benefited from Xiao Cheng. It is normal for a few people to consciously pledge their allegiance!

At this time, perhaps because they alerted the masters of the Forbidden Army, the two kendo masters who were fighting in the courtyard stopped in unison, and then turned around and left without any delay.

"Find them and bring them to me!" Xiao Cheng shouted in a deep voice with sharp eyes.

Whether it was the assassin hiding in another courtyard or the master who intervened to stop him, Xiao Cheng was very interested.

"I obey the order!" A group of Forbidden Army masters knelt on the ground and shouted loudly.


This chapter has been completed!
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