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Chapter 46 Why am I so unlucky!

"Tsk, tsk, those people in the court know how to use the excuse of having to go to the Yamen tomorrow to drink too much!" Zhong Li's face turned red, his steps were hidden, and he looked dizzy.

Hearing what he said, all the friends around him nodded and said drunkenly:

"That's right, it's too disrespectful to Lord Wei!"

Zhong Li nodded and said:

"If Guo Xie hadn't left for something, I wouldn't have argued with them! This group of snobs must have deliberately stayed away when they saw that I was recuperating at home. Hum, when the Grand Master comes back, I will definitely..."

Halfway through his words, Zhong Li suddenly paused, turned his head and looked forward, frowning.

Seeing this, his friends followed his line of sight curiously and said doubtfully:

"Lord Weiwei, what's wrong with you?"

Zhong Li frowned and muttered:

"What's happened to this capital recently? There are so many experts!"

The few friends around him were stunned for a moment, and then said:

"Hey, Zhongqing City is the capital of our country, Yun. It's normal to have more experts!"

"That's right, I even have several martial arts masters in my family. What does this mean?"

"Besides, Mr. Weiwei is recovering from his injuries at home. Even if something happens, it's not your fault!"

"That's right, don't worry about it, let's go."

The crowd of friends and friends were all talking, and Zhong Li nodded and said:

"That's right, never mind him. Anyway, if something goes wrong, it's the fault of that bastard Tie Shengwen! Let's go to my house and have another drink!"

"Okay! How proud of you, sir!" everyone said in agreement.

After saying that, Zhong Li smiled proudly, swayed, and led the people towards his mansion.

At this moment, there was a rapid sound of horse hooves, accompanied by the exclamations of pedestrians on the road.

Zhong Li looked up and saw a group of people galloping down the street on horseback.

He shook his head, then turned around and looked around, realizing that this group of people were clearly coming towards him.

Zhong Lizi was domineering by nature, and he was the only one who used his horse to force others to give in.

During these days, he was treated by Tie Shengwen in the name of recovering from his injuries. He was so nervous that he went to the Guard's Office and was dismissed from his post in disguise. He was already upset, but at this time he saw someone dared to ride a horse and rush towards him.

Unable to help but feel angry, he straightened his body and roared:

"Bold! Riding horses to cause trouble, what crime should be committed!"

Seeing this, a group of friends started making noises and clamored for the group to stop.

"Go away!" An angry shout came from the opposite side.

Zhong Li was in a daze at this time, and he didn't react to this familiar voice. Seeing that the other party didn't take him seriously, Zhong Li's dandy temper also rose, and he became a little angry and said:

"Hey, he's more arrogant than me? Come on, brothers, let him see what he's doing. Who's talking about this in Zhongqing City?"

A group of friends were following Zhong Li, and they were used to being arrogant, so they immediately responded with a bang.

Although they are all playboys, they all come from the rich and powerful of the Yun Kingdom. In such a world, naturally they all practice martial arts. The rich and powerful families have been feeding them the natural and earthly treasures since they were young, but no matter how useless they are, each and every one of them becomes useless.

The quality is not low either.

The opponent came on horseback. A group of dandies, led by Zhong Li, picked up sticks and stones from the roadside, or threw them at the opponent with all their strength, or waited for these people to reach the side and hit the horse's legs with all their strength.


The White Feather Army had been running away for four days and three nights, and they were already exhausted. They were unable to react to this group of dandy boys who suddenly went drunkenly, and they were thrown off their feet.

Zhong Li, on the other hand, wanted to teach the person who had just made the rude remarks a lesson. He first hid aside and watched the opportunity, then he jumped up and threw the leader down.

Zhong Li was riding on the man, raising his hand to strike him down.

"Zhongli!" The man beneath him shouted angrily, ringing in Zhongli's ears.

Zhong Li suddenly felt that this voice was particularly familiar. He was startled and his mind regained some clarity.

He opened his drunken eyes and looked down. He saw Wang Xiao being pressed to the ground by him, and his eyes were filled with awe-inspiring murderous intent.

Zhong Li blinked his eyes, looking suspicious of life.

Isn't this a dream?

Neither of them noticed that a strange and strange starlight seemed to flash through the gorgeous and precious black sachet inlaid with pearls and jade that Zhongli wore around his waist.

The next moment, Zhong Li suddenly became smart and dwarfed subconsciously.

A long sword, like a shooting star chasing the moon, shines with dazzling sword light, coming straight towards it.

Just like this, he lowered his head subconsciously, and the long sword passed through his scalp dangerously and dangerously, and was nailed into the ground behind him.

Wang Xiao pushed Zhong Li away, stood up and looked at the figure running in the distance.

At this time, the middle-aged man had large and small scars all over his body, and blood was flowing all over his body. He became a bloody man. If he were an ordinary person, he would never be able to still stand.

But he relied on frightening perseverance to kill Wang Xiao.

Wang Xiao looked at this man and couldn't help but feel bold in his heart, with a ferocious expression on his face and said:

"Who are you? Do you hate me so much!"

The middle-aged man was silent and moved quickly. With both palms out, his inner energy was freely released and poured towards Wang Xiao.

At this time, Zhong Li reacted and ran over, crawling and rolling, and pulled Wang Xiao backward.

"Quick, hurry up and protect me! An assassin is attacking the Grand Master!"

The group of friends who had just beaten up the White Feather Knight with great enthusiasm were immediately frightened and looked at the White Feather Knight below them subconsciously, with dull expressions on their faces.

It’s over, it’s over now! The family can’t handle this offended person!

At this moment, the sound of rushing footsteps suddenly sounded on both sides of the street.

A team of capable city defense soldiers came running quickly from the street.

These city defense troops were not the useless imperial troops under Zhong Li, and they moved very quickly. After receiving Wang Xiao's order, they hurriedly gathered and arrived just at this time.

The middle-aged man originally wanted to save his life, but also wanted to get rid of Wang Xiao.

But when he saw Zhong Li, who was protecting Wang Xiao, and the city defense soldiers who were gradually surrounding the place, he frowned, knowing that he could not take Wang Xiao's life today.

Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated. With a few steps, he fled from the rooftops on both sides of the street.

Wang Xiao looked at the city defense troops who arrived in time, breathed a long sigh of relief, then raised his eyebrows and said with murderous intent:

"The city defense army, the Guards Office, the court officers, and all the soldiers and horses in the capital will all be dispatched to block the city gates and search the capital. This person must not be let go!"

After finishing speaking, Wang Xiao paused again and said bitterly:

"If he insists on resisting, he will live or die!"

"I will obey the Grand Master's order!" Upon hearing this, the city defense army immediately took action and chased the middle-aged man.

Zhong Li stood aside, looking at Wang Xiao who was full of murderous aura and obviously extremely angry. He swallowed and said with a smile:

"Grand Master..."

Wang Xiao turned his head suddenly, glanced at Zhong Li coldly, and said:

"Go to the Grand Master's Mansion!"

Zhong Li closed his eyes and touched the blood stain left on his head by the long sword just now, feeling extremely regretful in his heart.

Why am I so unlucky today!

This chapter has been completed!
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