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Chapter 2 Tier 3 Special Arms, Four Guards of Zamp

Tubo, the territory of the Yangtong tribe.

This large-scale team, led by a middle-aged man from the Western Regions who was dressed in noble clothes, had a high nose, yellow and curly hair, and very obvious features, took advantage of the road and headed east.


The leader of the team frowned and pondered for a long time, then said in a deep voice:


The young boy from the Western Regions on the side said quickly:

"Uncle, what are your orders?"

"Go and ask everyone to be careful! The horse hoof prints on this road are very messy, and they are all the nails of war horses. It seems that something is wrong!" The middle-aged man from the Western Region who led the way said in a deep voice.

"Uncle, when I was in the capital, I once heard a caravan talk about it. Now the leader of the Yangtong tribe has accepted the canonization of Emperor Dayun and is leading the tribes in western Tubo to secretly compete with Tubo Zanpuji Nie Qi.

.This abnormal mobilization of troops and horses should be because the situation between the two parties has deteriorated again, and it has little to do with us!"

Hearing this, the middle-aged man frowned even more and sighed:

"It doesn't matter! There are many merchants on this tea-horse trade road, which naturally attracts countless peeps. Only before, Tubo Zanpu abandoned Nie Qi and made great efforts to rectify it, which isolated most of the banditry. But now, Tubo has

However, Wang Ting had a conflict with Yang Tongbu, and this business world is not peaceful..."

As the heroic ruler of Tubo, Qi Nie Qi naturally knew the importance of the Tea-Horse Trade Road in tax collection and the growth of Tubo's national power. Therefore, after he succeeded to the throne, he made great efforts to rectify the banditry in the Tea-Horse Trade Road.

But now, Yang Tongbu and Abandoned Nie Qi are causing trouble. On the business road, there must be a mixed bag of fish and dragons. No wonder this middle-aged man said that this road is not smooth!

The young man didn't care at all and said carelessly:

"Uncle, don't worry. We are going on this mission with five hundred Shule warriors. What kind of thieves are so brave and dare to attack my mission?"

The team from the Western Regions in front of them turned out to be an envoy from Shule Kingdom, one of the countries in the Western Regions.

Listening to his nephew Yule's confident words, the middle-aged man was still worried and said in a deep voice:

"If you are just an ordinary thief and bandit, there is no need to worry..."

Just to confirm the middle-aged man's worries, before he could finish his words, he heard the sound of rapid horse hooves.

In the distance, a cavalry team of several hundred people galloped towards them.

The reason why they are called cavalry and not horse bandits is because everyone in this team is wearing leather armor, holding a sword and a bow. There are also formations and formations during the march, and you can tell at a glance that they are from the army.


The middle-aged man looked at the cavalry team galloping in the distance, shrank back, and said loudly:

"Send someone quickly to inform us of the identity of the envoys to avoid collision. In addition, I ordered the soldiers to build defenses with chariots and horses, and be careful!"

Before Yule could react, he subconsciously said:

"Uncle, why is this? We have told Tubo Zanpu to abandon Nie Qi before that we need to go to Yun Kingdom via Tubo, and abandon Nie Qi also nodded in agreement. As long as you bring your credentials to prove your identity, these Tubo troops will definitely

Don’t dare…”

Before he finished speaking, the middle-aged man couldn't help but interrupt loudly:

"Go quickly!"

When Yule heard this, he immediately suppressed his words and responded:


Under the scolding of the middle-aged man, the Shule envoy immediately took action. While sending people to report their identities, they also used the carriages in the envoy team to build a defense line on the spot.

The Tibetan cavalry on the opposite side also noticed the large envoy team in front of them, with many chariots and horses.

The leader, Tubo Siben, immediately raised his hand to signal his subordinates to slow down their horses, and laughed loudly at the tribal soldiers and horses around him:

"With the blessing of the Dragon God, it seems like there is something special to gain today!"

At this time, the soldiers of the Shule Kingdom who were sent to identify themselves, carrying Shule's credentials, shouted loudly in relatively fluent Tubo:

"We are an envoy from Shule Kingdom in the Western Regions. We are going to Dayun via Tubo to pay tribute. This is a document sealed by Zanpu from your country. Please don't conflict with it!"

The leader of the Yangtong tribe had previously accepted the canonization of the Dayun Kingdom. Before setting off, the Shule Kingdom also obtained the consent of Tubo Zanpu to abandon Nie Qi. Logically speaking, no matter which force he bumped into, there was no need to worry about anything going wrong.

As soon as these words came out, someone immediately persuaded Si Ben, the leader of the Tubo tribe:

"Sir Si Ben, two months ago, the Shule Kingdom did submit a letter of credence requesting to borrow the passage, and it also received Zanpu's consent... After all, this is a stone map of a country, I'm afraid we can't take action."

After hearing the advice of his subordinates, Si Ben, the leader of the Tubo tribe, immediately snorted coldly, drew out the long bow on his horse, and shot an arrow at the Shule soldiers who came holding the certificate of credence.

The arrow missed and the Shule soldier was caught off guard and fell directly from his galloping horse.

Si Ben, a member of the Tubo tribe, snorted coldly and said:

"Okay, now there is no credentials..."

"Our tribe has been sending troops for such a long time, and we have constant friction with our fellow sheep every day, but we still haven't waited for the war to happen. We haven't made any gains, and we haven't captured any prisoners, but we have still lost food, grass, and ordnance in vain. It's not easy to encounter a

Just a fat sheep, do you think I should give up just because of a book of documents from Zanpu?"

Having said this, he immediately drew out the blade from his waist, pointed obliquely at the Shule Kingdom envoy ahead, and shouted loudly to his tribal cavalry:

"Kill the people in front and rob their treasures!"

The cavalrymen under him, who had been depressed for a long time, were shocked when they heard this. They shouted loudly, drew out their weapons from their waists, picked up the speed of their horses that had slowed down again, and charged towards the Shule Kingdom envoy in front.

Among the Shule Kingdom envoys, seeing the Tibetan cavalry rushing towards them with murderous intent, the young man Yule's eyes widened and he exclaimed:


The middle-aged man took a deep breath, slowly took out the gorgeous and sharp scimitar inlaid with gems from his waist, and sighed:

"Silly boy, what I'm worried about has never been the bandits. The Tubo system is such that Zanpu and Nieqi have always had insufficient control over the tribes. Now that the territory of the Yangtong tribe is in chaos again, the binding force is naturally even worse.


"In short, if the war situation is unfavorable, you run away, and I will fight to the death for you... Take the certificate of credence, run toward the southeast, go to the Yangtong tribe, and ask them to send someone to escort you back to the country!"

The young man lowered his voice and warned carefully.

Comparing the two sides, there is not much difference in the number of soldiers. The soldiers of the Shule Kingdom who escorted the mission are also elites who have been on the battlefield for a long time. But on the other side, it is the cavalry who rushes into the formation. The number of people is almost the same and the temporary defense line is really difficult.

It may not be possible to resist it.

Although the young Yule was born in the royal family of Shule, he was still young. However, the country of Shule had special national conditions and had experienced constant wars over the years, so he had gone through a lot of experience. At this time, facing such a crisis, he was actually calm and unobtrusive.



Hundreds of cavalrymen came galloping forward with unstoppable momentum.

Just when the Shule delegation's hearts sank and they were about to fight to the death, there was suddenly a sound of breaking through the sky.

Feather arrows pierced the air, shot out, and covered the heads of the Tibetan cavalry.

Facing the fine iron arrowheads, the Tubo cavalry's thin leather armor, which could only resist bone arrows and raw iron arrowheads, had no protective effect at all.

Dozens of Tibetan cavalrymen were struck by arrows and fell off their horses with a scream. They were immediately trampled by horse hooves, making a bone-chilling sound.

Si Ben, the leader of the Tubo tribe, was suddenly shocked and exclaimed:

"It's soldiers and horses from the same tribe as Yang, disperse quickly!"

At this time, the Tibetan cavalry no longer cared about the Shule delegation in front, and quickly dispersed to avoid the rain of arrows.

"Da, da, da", the heavy sound of horse hooves resounded all around. Although the sound was slow and not as fierce and rapid as the cavalry rushing in, it gave everyone present an inexplicable sense of heavy oppression.

Yule looked not far ahead in surprise and exclaimed:

"Uncle, look!"

Not far ahead, a group of soldiers and horses dressed very strangely appeared in everyone's sight.

The reason why it is strange is that this army is clearly facing the enemy at this time, but the whole army is still not worried about it, nor is it raising any banners.

One person and two horses, both are Yun Kingdom horses with short stature, but amazing endurance, and do not require careful maintenance. Heavy chainmail, spears and weapons, this kind of military equipment should not be seen on the border of Tubo, just like that

Place it on top of another war horse.

Behind this strange team, hundreds of sheep and cavalry followed, detouring from both wings and surrounding all the Tibetan cavalry.

"What is this?" Si Ben of the Tubo tribe reined in his horse in panic, looked at the soldiers and horses in the distance, and exclaimed.

The subordinates and confidants quickly said:

"Si Ben, this should be the elite infantry formed by the Yang Tongbu with the support of the Yun Kingdom, known as the Four Guards Garrison!"

Hearing this, Tubo Siben, who came with the troops, panicked and said:

"No, leave quickly!"

But it was too late to leave at this time. The Yangtong cavalry had already cut off their retreat. Even if they were forced to evacuate at this time, I am afraid that only a few of the hundreds of Tibetan cavalry would be able to escape...

At this time, in the opponent's military formation, someone suddenly shouted in Tubo:

"Give you time to regroup. Our army will send out a team of 100 people. If we can defeat you, we will let you go back!"

As soon as these words came out, the Tubo commander was stunned.

The subordinates understood the situation and quickly explained:

"These four garrisons have not been established for a long time. They often ask our Tibetan troops to fight against each other for training purposes. Many tribes have encountered this situation after months of friction."

Hearing this, Si Ben of the Tubo tribe frowned and said:

"Are you telling the truth?"

"Half a year ago, when the four garrisons were first formed, a thousand-man cavalry force from the Niya tribe broke through the opponent's military formation, and the remaining survivors were released back."

Hearing this, Si Ben suddenly became excited. He didn't even ask how many of the thousand cavalry survived, and said confidently:

"Okay, my cavalry is trained by me personally, and they are brave and good at fighting... In short, if six hundred cavalry fights against one hundred infantry, I will have the advantage!"

He explained to himself that after all, these four garrisons only had a hundred people, and they were infantry, so he had a great advantage.

Even if your own tribe's soldiers and horses suffer heavy losses due to their well-equipped weapons, it is better than running away in panic and being chased by the same sheep cavalry, causing all the casualties.

And if I could go back and improve my achievements, wouldn't I be able to become famous among the tribes of Tubo and ask for rewards from Luoshu City?

Thinking of this, the Tubo commander did not hesitate at all. He immediately sent an order to assemble his subordinates and expressed his agreement to the other side.

Seeing this, the soldiers and horses of the four garrison troops on the opposite side immediately dismounted and began to put on their heavy mail armor.

When the Tibetan cavalry regrouped, the armor and stomach here were also dressed and began to form a formation.

Upon seeing this, Tubo Siben, who was on the opposite side, immediately pointed forward and shouted:

"Kill them!"

This was a clever move, and he immediately ordered his troops to charge, hoping to kill the enemy in one fell swoop before they formed their formation.

After giving the order, hundreds of Tibetan cavalry charged immediately.


"Come on!"

Tubo language full of murderous intent suddenly resounded.

Among the Shule envoys who were watching the battle, the middle-aged man's expression changed and his brows suddenly furrowed.

The young man Yule on the side even exclaimed:

"not good!"

The heavy armored infantry are thick and move slowly, so they usually need a long time to form a formation. If they fail to form a thick formation, they will have to face the charge of the emperor's cavalry, and they will easily be torn open.


So at this time, everyone in the Shule mission was worried about the hundreds of soldiers.

But to everyone's surprise, the hundreds of heavily armored infantry in formation, although wearing heavy armor, had no lag in body speed. In the blink of an eye, they were already in formation.

Just when everyone was breathing a sigh of relief, the hundreds of soldiers suddenly shouted loudly:


This cry of killing, full of chilling air, is not in Tubo language, but in the official Mandarin of the Central Plains!

Then, under the extremely surprised eyes of everyone, this hundred-man tribe actually took a step forward and charged towards the hundreds of Tibetan cavalry in front.

When the cavalry charges, the horses' hooves hit the ground like a roar of thunder, and the earth trembles. With overwhelming momentum, they trample everything in front of them. It is this kind of power that makes the cavalry indispensable on the battlefield, and even affects a war.

The key point.

But at this time, the heavy armored infantrymen of the four garrison, a mere hundred men, lined up and charged, giving people a power that was no less powerful than a cavalry charge.

Hundreds of soldiers strode forward and charged, and with each step, the heavy steps seemed to hit everyone's hearts. The sound of "bang, bang, bang," the impact of the mail blades also sounded, bringing awe-inspiring murderous intent.

The murderous atmosphere turned into billowing smoke and shot straight into the sky. In an instant, there was a vision of a large army gathering, turning into towering snow-capped mountains that stretched for thousands of miles in the world.

When the soldiers charged, the tall snow-capped mountains transformed by the vision of the army, and the everlasting snow on them, suddenly fell from the top of the mountains. Countless snows echoed, and the mountains immediately responded, as if the sky was shattering and the earth was cracking, and countless snows were rolling.

It falls and forms an avalanche, which keeps coming with boundless momentum.

[Zanpu Fourth Garrison, Level 3 Special Infantry]

[Required training level for soldiers——90]

[Prerequisite—Dika skill “Tubo Army”]

[Required equipment—Pu Dao*number of troops*1, spear*number of troops*1, armor*number of troops*1]

[Characteristics - Plateau Eagle: When fighting on the Tubo Plateau, it is not affected by the plateau, the attack power increases by 2, and the movement increases by 2 (in effect)]

[Attributes—Individual combat power: 26, attack: 9, defense: 4, blood volume: 12, movement: 1]

On the battlefield, everything is changing rapidly. There are so many descriptions, but it can only take the blink of an eye.

The Tibetan cavalry on the opposite side didn't even react before they crashed directly into the elite soldiers of the four garrison who were charging towards them with a "boom".

In an instant, the shrill neighing of war horses could be heard continuously, accompanied by the muffled sound of hitting the armor's stomach, the sound of spears piercing flesh and blood, and the sound of falling horses...

But once they met, the charging momentum of the Tubo cavalry was blocked, and then... there was no more!

The morale of the Tubo cavalry, which was blocked from charging, was completely shattered. After the leader of the tribe, Si Ben, was killed with a sword and died in the battle formation, hundreds of Tibetan cavalry had no restraint and immediately collapsed and collapsed.

Most of the Tibetan cavalry were filled with panic and fear as if they had seen the devil. They turned their horses around hastily and fled for their lives.

But if there is no centurion capable of defeating these four garrisons, then naturally they cannot be put back.

The cavalrymen of the same group of sheep who were supporting the surroundings immediately mobilized their horses and hunted down the Tubo cavalry who were fleeing in embarrassment one by one. In the end, only a few Tubo cavalry managed to escape by luck, and the rest were either killed or captured.


Among the people in the Shule envoy, even the two uncles and nephews who came from the royal family, they were people who had fought on the battlefield and had seen it.

But at this time, seeing only a hundred heavily armored infantry defeating six hundred cavalry head-on, everyone could not help but look shocked, as if they had seen a ghost.

"When did the soldiers of the Yangtong tribe become so powerful?" Yule exclaimed.

His uncle was well-informed, but he shook his head slightly and said in a deep voice:

"Those people just spoke the Mandarin of the Central Plains... They are soldiers of the Dayun Kingdom!"

When Yule heard this, he was slightly distracted and said:

"A soldier from the Dayun Kingdom... It turns out that these are the elites of the Dayun Kingdom!"

The remaining battlefield was handed over to the Yangtong cavalry to clean up.

A small group of heavily armored infantry from the Fourth Garrison came directly in front of the Shule envoy.

The young officer at the head took off the visor covering his face, revealing the face of a Central Plains man that could be seen at a glance, and said loudly to the people in the mission:

"Are you a caravan from the Western Regions heading to Dayun? The area around Yangtongbu is in chaos right now, and people are often plundering it. If you want to be safe, you can wait for a few days in Yangtongbu's territory to gather a few more troops.

Caravan, the general will send troops to escort you all away!"

Everyone in the Shule envoy finally recovered from the shock.

The noble middle-aged man from the Western Regions, who was headed by him, quickly took the document and the certificate of credence from his nephew, then he stroked his chest and saluted, and said in a slightly accented Central Plains Mandarin:

"Anpan, the auxiliary lord of Shule, has met the general! At the order of the king, he led the Shule envoy and brought the tribute to the capital of Dayun to pay homage to His Majesty the Dayun Emperor."

Hearing this, the young officer subconsciously took Shule's credentials and took a glance at it. Only then did he realize that he seemed not to understand it at all. He hurriedly bowed with his fists in hand, took Shule's credentials, and hurried to find the commander-in-chief of the army...

This chapter has been completed!
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