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Chapter 25 Ask Your Majesty to approve the minister to fight him to the death

In the Xia Kingdom's imperial palace, in the Fengtian Hall, a great dynasty meeting is taking place, and all the Xia Kingdom's monarchs and ministers are here.

Compared with the previous great court meetings, where state affairs were discussed and ministers argued endlessly, today's great court meeting seemed unusually calm.

All the affairs of the Xia Dynasty were put on hold at this time. All the courtiers seemed to be waiting for something.

After dealing with a few insignificant matters very perfunctorily, no one was willing to stand up and report.

When Yu Zhaoling saw this, he nodded slightly and raised his hand slightly to signal to the palace attendant beside him.

The accompanying eunuch immediately stepped forward and shouted:

"Xuan, the envoy from Yun Kingdom is here to see you!"

The honor guard of Xia Kingdom outside Fengtian Hall immediately shouted loudly:

"Xuan, the envoy from Yun Kingdom is here to see you!"

"Xuan, Yun Guo..."


The protracted sound of singing and drinking echoed in the Xia Kingdom's palace, which was vast and majestic with magnificent palaces, fully demonstrating the majesty of the Xia Kingdom's court.

Zhang Yi, the chief guest officer of the Yun State's Rites Department, was wearing the Yun State's official uniform of cyan embroidered with white pheasants, and walked into the Fengtian Hall. As he walked, he was very impressive and impressive.

"Zhang Yi, the chief guest of the Dayun Rites Department, pays homage to His Majesty the Emperor of Xia Kingdom."

Under the gaze of all Xia Kingdom officials, Zhang Yi saluted Yu Zhaoling on the dragon chair, and then continued:

"The foreign minister is sent to the Xia State on the order of our emperor to investigate the matter of your country's instigation of the embroidered clothes envoy to assassinate my important minister Dayun."

"Please also ask His Majesty the Emperor of Xia Kingdom and all the lords of Xia Kingdom to give me Dayun an explanation!"

As soon as he finished speaking, someone among the Xia Kingdom's courtiers suddenly shouted:

"Bold! You dare to come to my Daxia court to question me without any solid evidence. Do you think that I, Daxia, like Anguo, are your vassal of Yunguo?"

"Your Majesty, I was also assassinated a few days ago. I also suspect that it was done by the Yun Kingdom. However, there is no solid evidence and it is because of our country's etiquette and national integrity, so I did not report it. But today, the Yun Kingdom is so rude, I

Please also ask your Majesty to send envoys to hold Emperor Yun accountable!"

"Yun Guo is rude, please Your Majesty, please issue a decree to punish him immediately!"

Yu Zhaoling sat on the dragon chair, looking at the indignant courtiers in the palace, but there was an inexplicable feeling of familiarity in his heart.

He remembered, however, that two years ago, Yunxia and Xia had agreed on a truce, and it was this man named Zhang Yi who was ordered to come and order Xia to present their credentials and bow their heads in submission.

At that time, Zhang Yi was also criticized by the civil and military ministers of the Manchu Dynasty, and the scene was exactly the same as today!

But at that time, Zhang Yi was sharp-tongued, argued vigorously, and had an awe-inspiring momentum. When something went wrong during the discussion, he opened his mouth to encourage Emperor Yun to raise troops to attack, so that Xia Guo could take care of himself...

That domineering look made Yu Zhaoling furious at first.

But when he came this time, he was also faced with the provocation from Xia's courtiers, but Zhang Yi remained silent, which actually made Yu Zhaoling frown.

Facing the Xia Kingdom's courtiers' questioning and scolding, Zhang Yi looked calm and calm, as if the shouts and questions in the palace were like the clamor of flies and were not worth paying attention to.

It was so calm and even seemed to have an abnormal reaction. Even many Xia Kingdom officials felt that something was wrong at this time, and the clamor became weaker.

On the dragon chair, Yu Zhaoling looked at Zhang Yi in the palace. After being silent for a while, he asked again:

"Zhang Yi, do you have anything to say?"

Facing Yu Zhaoling's inquiry, Zhang Yi didn't look abnormal at all. He just lowered his eyebrows and said calmly:

"Your Majesty, the Emperor of Xia Kingdom, the foreign ministers have nothing to say!"

In fact, the monarchs and ministers of the Xia Kingdom have also made up their minds to start another war with the Yun Kingdom in order to conquer the previously lost territory, wash away the shame, and restore the morale and confidence of the army and the people.

Naturally, they were not afraid of offending the envoy from the Yun State who came to hold them accountable. Today, hundreds of officials in the court questioned the envoy, and this was done deliberately by the Xia State monarchs and ministers.

Facing Zhang Yi's calm posture, Yu Zhaoling and all the civil and military courtiers of the Xia Kingdom did not know how to proceed...

After another moment of silence, Yu Zhaoling took a deep breath, and then said in a somewhat inexplicable tone:

"Zhang Yi, I remember you! You even had the guts to threaten me in my palace in Daxia. Today's... gentle attitude makes me feel a bit out of the ordinary!"

After hearing this, Zhang Yi, who had a calm face and lowered his eyebrows, moved his brows and straightened his back slightly.

Looking around at all the Xia Kingdom monarchs and ministers in the main hall, they all looked like they didn't know how to continue. However, Zhang Yi's lips curved into a smile, which seemed to have a hint of ridicule.

With such a small change of movements, Zhang Yi, who was originally calm, suddenly showed his sharp edge at this time. It was very different from the low-brow appearance just now!

Yu Zhaoling, who was sitting on the dragon throne, felt a sense of familiarity from Zhang Yi.

By the way, the feeling Zhang Yi gave him two years ago was like this, like an unsheathed sword, with a sharp edge that made people subconsciously retreat.

"The Emperor of Xia wants to know why the foreign minister is completely different this time from two years ago?" Zhang Yi raised his head and said loudly.

Hearing this, Yu Zhaoling frowned and said in a deep voice:


Zhang Yi shook off his official robe, stood upright, scanned the people in Fengtian Hall with his sharp eyes, and said loudly:

"Because at the beginning, the foreign minister did come with the intention of a cessation of war between Yunxia and Xia. I believe that your country can feel the sincerity of my Dayun and live in peace from now on. Therefore, even though the foreign minister's words contain threats and coercion,

I mean it, but it’s nothing more than diplomatic means.”

Having said this, Zhang Yi's face turned cold, unable to conceal his disappointment, he shook his head and said:

"But this time I came here, I have been disappointed with your country's monarchs and ministers."

"Without expectations in my heart, I naturally don't care about your attitude and have no intention of engaging in verbal debates with you."

Hearing these strange words, blaming Xia Guo for the renewed tension in the relationship between the two countries, Yu Zhaoling suddenly snorted in dissatisfaction.

The first two battles between Yunxia and Xia were initiated by the Xia Kingdom.

But this time, Emperor Yun Xiao Cheng moved his capital to Jiangling first and made no secret of his intention to spy on the Central Plains. Then he asked Jiangyang County's frontline army to prepare for war and conduct an attack to test, with the intention of raising troops in the near future.

If not for Yun Guo's continuous actions, Xia Guo would not have thought of using troops so early!

Among the officials of the Xia State, some suddenly came out angrily and wanted to refute.

But at this time, Zhang Yi seemed to have been released from the seal, with no concealment of his sharpness. He looked directly at Yu Zhaoling on the dragon chair, his tone was stern and solemn, and he scolded:

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"Back then, the northern border of your country was invaded by the Turks. I, the Emperor of Dayun, thought that the two countries in Yunxia and Xia were from the same lineage and were both orthodox in the Central Plains. I did not want to sit back and watch the people of Xia be trampled by foreign barbarians, so I fought against the enemy in Dayun.

At the height of the war, despite the opposition from both the government and the public, we decided to cease the war."

"Giving up the use of troops against Xia, I, Emperor Dayun, have the people of the world in mind. I am benevolent and virtuous, and my mighty virtue and righteousness will illuminate the sun and the moon, and move the heaven and earth!"

Having said this, Zhang Yi suddenly turned around again, with an angry look on his face and sharp eyes, looking straight at the ministers of Fengtian Hall, and continued to shout:

"It is a pity that the kings and ministers of this country do not care about the people of the two countries and do not hesitate to have peace between the two countries!"

"In the two years since the truce, we have not thought about restoring the people's strength and recuperating. Externally, hundreds of thousands of troops have been stationed on the front line, young and strong civilians have been recruited, soldiers and horses have been trained day and night, and there have been repeated attempts to test our military situation on the Dayun front line."

"At home, without caring about the people's strength, they imposed additional taxes, forcibly raised grain and grass, and built ordnance. They levied excessive taxes and extortionate taxes, which aroused popular resentment and led to many resisters. They resorted to militarism and were wolfish ambitions, which were fully exposed."

"In both the government and the public, hundreds of officials have no virtue and no conduct, and they seize high positions. Even though there are loyal and virtuous people, how can they show their integrity under the threat of a tyrannical king?"

"On the dragon throne, the emperor is cruel and cruel, sitting on the throne. He pities the poverty and suffering of the people, but treats it with meticulous cruelty, and there is resentment!"

"It is in vain that I, Emperor Dayun, have a benevolent heart, because all your greedy and lustful monarchs and ministers have been wasted."

"I, Zhang Yi, feel resentful and resentful in my heart. I dare to speak out like this. I feel sorry for my Emperor Dayun and mourn for the people of the world!"

Zhang Yi spat out his words with fierce indignation, which were like blades piercing into the hearts of Xia's monarchs and ministers.

The huge Fengtian Palace fell into a dead silence at this time.

The next moment, a loud "pop" was heard, breaking the silence in the hall.

Yu Zhaoling was so angry that his face turned red and his heart was filled with rage. He slapped the royal eucalyptus in front of him and roared at Zhang Yi:

"Be bold!"

The ministers of the Xia Kingdom, who had been driven mad by Zhang Yi, also came out one after another at this time and said angrily:

"You little envoy, how dare you bark so wildly?"

"Your Majesty, please punish Zhang Yi immediately for the crime of rebellion and arrogance!"

"This man is so arrogant in insulting our monarch and ministers in Great Xia. Please allow me to give you permission to fight to the death with him!"

Zhang Yi saw the Xia monarchs and ministers in the palace looking at each other with hostility, but he was not afraid at all and continued to raise his head and said:

"If I, Zhang Yi, die today in the Fengtian Palace, it will further prove that you, the kings and ministers of the Xia Kingdom, are in a violent mood and do not accept your words of advice, but are guilty of speech."

Having said this, Zhang Yi raised the Dayun Guofu in his hand and shouted loudly:

"Moreover, I am the envoy of the Dayun Mission."

"The current Great Cloud Saint Emperor is my support, Zhang Yi! The hundreds of thousands of Dayun soldiers and horses on the front line are my Zhang Yi's backing! The tens of millions of subjects of the Yun Kingdom are my Zhang Yi's confidence! You guys, what dare you do today?


This awe-inspiring roar, like a big bell, immediately suppressed the noise in the palace.

Today, the Yun Kingdom has a prosperous military force that is overwhelming and intimidating to the world.

Even the Xia State, which was proud of its status as a sovereign state, was secretly wary and fearful of the Yun State after losing two national wars, losing its troops and generals, and losing its territory.

Moreover, someone in the Fengtian Palace just said that Xia State has the decency of a superior state and is a state of etiquette. Naturally, it is impossible to kill envoys!

The Xia State elder, who had white hair and was in poor health due to working on government affairs in the past two years, was the current Sikong Meichong. His face was ashen and his whole body was shaking slightly with anger.

But even so, he still gritted his teeth and stood up, suppressing the evil fire in his heart and said:

"Your Majesty, this person, cough cough cough... This person is making unfounded lies. Please, Your Majesty... cough cough... expel this person from Fengtian Palace immediately. And quickly issue an edict to reprimand the Yun Kingdom envoy for their rebellious behavior!"

Yu Zhaoling's eyes were bloodshot, and his face was full of solemn murderous intent. He only squeezed out one sentence from his throat:

"Just expulsion? Issue an edict to rebuke?"

After spending all these years on the throne, Yu Zhaoling has grown enough.

Otherwise, because of this man's temper, who directly led troops to slaughter the generals in the southwest, I am afraid that he will end up holding a sword by himself and send Zhang Yi back to the west.

Ever since he had gone through many hardships and grown, Feng Chu had not seen Yu Zhaoling showing such an angry look for a long time.

At this time, Feng Chu was still the same as when Yu Zhaoling was still King Qi. He immediately stood up and advised:

"Your Majesty, you are just a arrogant person who deliberately offends our monarchs and ministers in the Great Xia Dynasty in the court to gain fame and credit. Why should your Majesty be so angry and go to war? Send someone to expel him and issue an edict to reprimand him.

That’s enough!”

Not to mention killing the envoys or not, there is no fear of Yun Guo's military strength.

It is only said that the various departments on the Xia Kingdom's front line have not yet been integrated. The specific military deployment after the war began and how the army will be mobilized have not been communicated to the front line departments.

This time is not an opportunity to start a war, so we really shouldn’t allow the Yun State to raise troops to invade just for the sake of a mere envoy from the Yun State, and even lose out on the righteousness!

It has to be said that today's Yu Zhaoling is completely different from the impulsive, irritable, simple and crude King Qi back then!

Even though anger was rising in his heart at this time, he still weighed the pros and cons, gritted his teeth and said coldly:

"Come here, drive this person out!"

In front of the main hall, even though there were guards, the Imperial Guards officers rushed in quickly and tried to hold down the sarcastic and hateful envoy of the Yun Kingdom.

When Zhang Yi saw this, his brows stood up, he took a few steps back and scolded:

"I am the envoy of Dayun, so I should be treated with the courtesy of an envoy!"

He was obviously just a civil servant with mediocre cultivation, but when Zhang Yi shouted loudly, a majestic spiritual power surged out.

In an instant, the soldiers of the Imperial Guard who rushed forward felt a roar in their ears, and their spirits were taken away by the sound of violent shouts. Their bodies froze on the spot, unable to move for a moment.

Although the literati were physically weak, after the great changes in the world, those with outstanding resourcefulness had the ability to mobilize the majestic spiritual power and use the power of the world for their own use.

Although there is no systematic method, you can only rely on individual exploration, or you can only rely on hundreds of martial arts classics, and the meaning of the classics shows a certain power.

Compared to other martial arts schools, these methods may seem a bit crude, but they are also miraculous.

Just like this, one word can sound like a big bell, shocking others and making them fall into a daze. All martial arts cannot do it!

Seeing that he was about to suffer a loss, Zhang Yi adjusted his official robes and pretended to be calm on the surface, but his steps couldn't help but quicken as he quickly walked out of Fengtian Hall and ran towards the outside of the palace.

For a moment, the Xia State courtiers did not know how to deal with this arrogant Yun State envoy, so they watched him trot away...

This chapter has been completed!
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