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Chapter 64 Xiao Cheng was angered by Gao Li's posturing!

In the Jinling Palace, the crisp sound of jade bells striking against each other echoed inside and outside the palace. Following this, the sounds of solemn rituals and music rang out.

A group of important ministers of the Yun Kingdom and surrendered ministers of the Xia Kingdom lined up outside the Fengtian Hall.

With a crack of the whip, all the officials immediately knelt down and fell to the ground.

The majestic and solemn Emperor Luanjia, surrounded by a large number of ceremonial guards, came slowly under the respectful welcome of hundreds of officials.

However, the person sitting in the palace at this time was not the Emperor Xiao Cheng, but the young prince of Xia Kingdom who had just been hastily enthroned in the Jinling Palace a few days ago.

With all the experts and elite soldiers and horses from the Yun Kingdom dispatched, the only two remaining land gods in the Xia Kingdom, King Yong and the old eunuch Si Xi, were ultimately unable to rescue the young prince from the hands of the Yun Kingdom.

In desperation, the two finally gave up their dreams and handed over the edict of succession and the imperial seal in their hands to the Yun State. In exchange for the safety of the young prince of Xia Kingdom for the rest of his life, and for the Yu family's ancestral temple not to be overthrown,

You can still enjoy worshiping your heirs at all times.

Xiao Cheng had no intention of getting rid of the young prince of Xia Kingdom, so he agreed with Chuan Dingshi.

In order to reflect the orthodox handover and replacement of the Central Plains, Jian Cheng also specially prepared a coronation ceremony for the young prince of Xia Kingdom.

It's just that the young emperor of Xia who just ascended the throne, although wearing imperial robes, looked pale and showed no dignity at this time.

He was tremblingly helped down by the palace attendants, walked to the main hall, and sat down on the dragon chair with great fear.

There were palace attendants on the side, holding imperial edicts in their hands, stepping forward quickly and chanting loudly:

"Heaven created the grass and the trees to serve as shepherds. Therefore, Tao Jun and his three poles unified the heavens and transformed them. Therefore, in order to travel along the great road, one must select the worthy and capable.

The mausoleum of the Xia Dynasty was late, and there were still many stories. The love and Yuan Dynasty were prosperous, and misfortunes accumulated. When the former emperor Zhuang was virtuous, he changed his position, Anhuang spread the country, and the ancestors and ancestors declined. Then our great Xia Zuo will forever be lost.

On the ground, looking around the area, the Jianyan has fallen.

Emperor Dayun, a man of heavenly virtues, a world of spiritual martial arts, great plans and frost, secret calculations and clouds, and when the banners come, his troops will be victorious. When the heroic wind blows, there is no thought, and the outside and inside are clear and peaceful, and the distance is tranquil.

.After the enlightenment of the emperor, the propagation of ethics, and the likes of female officials, they saw the majesty and were separated from each other. The lovers who admired the good, admired the emblem, and became more powerful. The Tao is more advanced than the Chonghua, and the honor is beyond the order of the people.

It's almost impossible to get anything.

Although I am mediocre and ignorant of the great road, I have been observing the ruins and prosperity for a long time. In response to the wishes of heaven and man, I gave him abdication and a farewell palace, and returned to Zen in the clouds, just like the stories of the past dynasties.

Admire this!"

This letter of flattery to Xiao Cheng is the abdication edict of the young emperor of Xia Kingdom!

After reciting the imperial edict, the young emperor of Xia suddenly stood up from the dragon chair, held the imperial edict and the imperial seal of Xia in person, and stood beside the dragon chair anxiously.

At this time, Xiao Cheng, who was wearing an imperial robe, a twelve-gilded crown on his head, and a Raging Dragon Sword on his waist, came slowly under the respectful welcome of the ministers.

He went straight to Danbi, received the abdication edict from the young emperor of Xia Kingdom, waved his sleeves, and sat calmly on the dragon throne.

Upon seeing this, all the officials immediately bowed down and prostrated, shouting:

"Long live your Majesty, long live, long live your Majesty!"

At the same time, somewhere in the dark, the broken and extremely weak black fortune dragon that represented the national destiny of the Xia Kingdom whined, and its body suddenly transformed into countless black fortunes,


The Golden Dragon of Yun Kingdom's Luck suddenly appeared and swallowed up most of the overflowing Xia Kingdom's Luck. Its figure suddenly grew in size, and its aura became deeper and more solemn.

The remaining weak power of Xia's destiny fled towards the north.

If at this time in the northern counties, any powerful man from the sky can stand up to turn the tide and integrate the northern border to resist the Yun army, perhaps the destiny of the Xia Kingdom can be reunited and the Xia Kingdom can continue to prosper.

But this matter is just a thought...

Xiao Cheng glanced at the officials present through the swivel and said loudly:

"The Yu family has ruled the Xia Kingdom in the past dynasties, controlled the Turks in the north, controlled the An Kingdom in the south, and protected the Central Plains. They have made great contributions to the people of Guizhou all over the world."

"Now, even if the country is lost, it should not be lightly humiliated. The last emperor of the Xia Dynasty granted An Le Gong the title of Duke An Le, and he was granted food and enshrinement in the city. With the special decree, the incense in the Yu family temple will not be extinguished, and he can be worshiped at all times!"


When the official heard this, he shouted again:

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty!"

The young emperor of the Xia Kingdom also kowtowed with trepidation and said thanks:

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

After today, the Xia Kingdom, which had ruled the Central Plains for more than six hundred years, was finally officially declared destroyed.

Instead, the Xiao family of Yun State settled in the Central Plains and unified the Three Kingdoms.

As long as the imperial edict is issued and all the counties in the north are surrendered, the unification of the world, which has been delayed for more than six hundred years, will finally come!


After the ceremony, Xiao Cheng returned to the Jinshen Hall, threw away the twelve-flag diadem from his head, and said unhappily:

"This thing moves around, it's really annoying!"

Feng Bao behind him hurriedly caught the crown thrown by Xiao Cheng and advised:

"Your Majesty, you can't break this!"

"You have to ask the Ministry of Rites to change it. From now on, you can just wear it when offering sacrifices to heaven. If you are serious about going to court, you should use a black gauze crown instead!" Xiao Cheng said.

When Feng Bao heard this, he couldn't help but smile bitterly and said:

"The Ministry of Etiquette attaches great importance to these etiquettes. I guess it's not easy to nod."

When Xiao Cheng heard this, he thought of the stubborn temper of Zhang Zhao, the Minister of Rites, raised his eyebrows, and said helplessly:

"Then let Wen Tiren, Yan Song, He Shen and the others find a way..."

After Feng Bao joked with Xiao Cheng twice, he slightly restrained his smile and said:

"Your Majesty, there is news from Korea."

"The Lord of Goryeo said so?"

Feng Bao's face darkened and he said:

"The credentials have not been delivered yet, but I know the contents."

"Goryeo has issued an edict to continue to use the reign name of the Xia Kingdom, to worship the former Xia Emperor, and to create a slogan to repeat the Xia Dynasty."

After that, Feng Bao took another secret folder from his arms and handed it to Xiao Cheng.

Xiao Cheng opened it and saw that what was written on the secret fold was the reply to Xiao Cheng from the Lord of Goryeo.

"There are lords in Kyushu, and there are kings in Goryeo. The universe is vast, and no one lord has the sole control of it. If the Yun army comes to attack, Goryeo has a strategy to defend itself against the enemy. It will mobilize all its elite divisions to meet the enemy in front of Changbai Mountain!"

Xiao Cheng was angered by Gao Li's pretentiousness!

At this time, he threw the secret fold away and sneered:

"Why you respect the Xia family and still use the Xia Kingdom's reign name is nothing more than peeking into the land of the Central Plains..."

"Haha, I don't know who gave him the courage. Do you think that I, Dayun, have not unified the northern territory yet and can't take any action, so I feel that I can't do anything to him, Goryeo, for the time being?"

Feng Bao lowered his head and did not answer.

Xiao Cheng's eyes turned cold and he immediately said:

"A decree was sent to Ashinasheer on the grassland, ordering him to lead his cavalry to invade Goryeo so that the people could not cultivate and the troops could not rest."

"Then we will mobilize elite soldiers and generals from the offshore navy, five hundred warships, and Danluoheng naval officers to attack from the coast of Goryeo."

"Invite the envoys of the Bohai Kingdom to visit, grant him the title of Lord, grant him a gold-seal royal robe, and order him to mobilize the best troops from the country and attack Goryeo!"

The Yun Kingdom wants to unify the northern territory as soon as possible to prevent changes if it is too late. It really does not have the energy to deal with Goryeo for the time being.

And it is indeed not easy for naval officers and soldiers alone to completely conquer this mountainous country with numerous hills, narrow plains and tens of millions of people.

This is also the reason why Goryeo dared to provoke Yun State like this!

But what Xiao Cheng can mobilize is not just the soldiers and horses of the Yun Kingdom!

The Henghai navy that controls Danluo Island, an important maritime trade route, is the military force of the Yun Kingdom and is led by Henghai general Wang Zhi.

The Bohai Kingdom, which had a lot of friction and enmity with Goryeo and was even more able to control its own affairs, had sent envoys here a few days ago to request Emperor Dayun to grant him a title as a sign of submission.

There is also Dubu Khan Ashina Sheer who dominates most of the grassland and has more than 100,000 string-controlling men under his command. Xiao Cheng supports him with one hand and is quite loyal.

Previously, it was just because the people in the north had deep grudges with the grassland tribes that Xiao Cheng

For the sake of his own prestige and reputation, he just ordered Ashinasheer to contain the Xia army in the north and not attack.

But facing Goryeo, Xiao Cheng naturally no longer had these worries.

Speaking of this, Xiao Cheng's eyes turned cold and he warned:

"I do not want to surrender, and I do not ask for peace. The Lord of Goryeo must be presented to the imperial court and punished for crimes. The land of Goryeo shall abolish its writing and language, withdraw the national prefectures, and return them all to Dayun's control!"


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