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Chapter 96 Come, come, write for you!

In the Yongzhou camp, in the commander's tent, the border army generals gathered together again.

Shi An sat in the first place on the left, glanced at everyone, and said in a deep voice:

"Everyone should have an idea of ​​the current situation. You have also read the letter sent by the Grand Master. You have also read it. I would like to express my position here first. I, Shi An, have received the kindness of the Grand Master.

You are paid by the imperial court. If you abandon your family and country, you will be stabbed in the back! I, Shi An, do not want to suffer this humiliation!"

The generals present heard what Shi An said and understood what he meant. Those who had the same idea immediately spoke in agreement:

"How dare those eggless cowards from the Li Dynasty make trouble at this time? Isn't this a way to give credit to the brothers! I am a rough man and don't understand many twists and turns in the court. But I know,

As long as we have made meritorious deeds, if the court still wants our brothers to sacrifice their lives in the future, it will be impossible for them to take action against us!"

"Hmph! We really want to make meritorious deeds, but General Tao of Shicheng County just doesn't believe us! Without the grain, grass and weapons allocated from there, what can we do with the little we have saved in our hands?"

"Then go to the Li Dynasty and grab it! Humph, why don't we just put the countless weapons and supplies in the Li Dynasty's warehouse, waiting for us brothers to get them!"

"Hey, Lao Chu, you keep saying that you are stupid, but your mind is moving very fast at this time!"


As soon as these words came out, many generals burst into laughter, and the atmosphere in the commander's tent suddenly relaxed.

As he spoke, the arrogance of the proud soldier was clearly revealed.

"We are passionate, but we are afraid that the man's magnanimity will not tolerate it. If after we enter the Li Dynasty...hehe, we will be attacked from both sides, what will happen to the hundreds of thousands of brothers in the army?"

A gloomy voice sounded in the tent, breaking the originally relaxed atmosphere.

Shi An's eyes narrowed and he raised his head to look at the man sitting in the tent.

The speaker was wearing a general's armor, with a flat nose, dark skin, and a rather unremarkable appearance.

"With only one letter, I have to risk the lives of our brothers on my magnanimity. I'm afraid the general doesn't take our brothers seriously! Or, the general wants to use our brothers' lives in exchange for

A future?"

"Tong Tianhua, what do you mean? We are all brothers who eat from a horse spoon and talk in circles. Are you tired?" Chu Shu, a frontier general who is known for his straightforward and violent temper, heard this Tong Tianhua's sinister pity.

With a pitiful voice, he felt extremely unhappy and directly spoke out.

Tong Tianhua snorted coldly, turned his head away, with an expression as if he didn't care about the rough guy, and then said:

"It's just a letter. I don't know whether it's true or not. How can I trust it? Moreover, what did the general say at the beginning? You said that we should stand still and wait for the opportunity!"

Chu Shu angrily said:

"Can it be the same as before and now? Before, it was for the future and lives of our brothers, but now? It's a national crisis! Wait a minute, I'm afraid we are waiting for the slaves of the country to be subjugated!"

"Is it time to subjugate the country now? If it were really a critical moment, the emperor would not have issued an imperial edict long ago to dispatch the border troops! So we have to wait until the emperor bows his head and surrenders!"

Tong Tianhua paused, stood up, looked around at the generals, and said in a deep voice:

"Let me tell you, as long as the emperor bows his head and decrees that Qinzhou, Yizhou, Juzhou, and Yongzhou will be granted to us, then it will not be too late for us to send troops! Needless to say, the bunch of trash in the Li Dynasty are members of the Xia Kingdom's army

Jinliang, we are not unclear. If the two parties are tied together, is it enough for our brothers to fight? When the time comes to win and return to the court, brothers not only don’t have to worry about what happened before, but they can also be their own emperors in these four states.

Wouldn’t it be comfortable?”

I have to say that what Tong Tianhua said sounded very reasonable. Except for a few generals present, all of them showed excited expressions on their faces.

Tong Tianhua glanced at it and understood clearly in his heart. He turned to face Shi An, raised his hands in salute, and said:

"General Zhendong, what do you think?"

When he bowed his hands in salute, Tong Tianhua seemed to deliberately reveal the string of Buddhist beads on his left wrist.

Shi An sat on the position, his eyes noticed the string of Buddhist beads on Tong Tianhua's left wrist, his eyes showed murderous intent, and his right hand was already pressed on the sword at his waist.

Tong Tianhua raised his head slightly and looked at Shi An, shaking his left hand slightly, revealing a sneer on his face, and his slightly sunken eyes were full of provocation.

Shi An tightly grasped the sword at his waist, his chest kept rising and falling, and he was so angry that he wished he could just draw his sword and kill this scourge.

But he knew that he must not take action at this time!

Tong Tianhua first used provocative words, saying that he, Shi An, wanted to use the frontier army and others in exchange for his own future. Then he made most of the generals interested by forcing the emperor to grant a reward to the four states.

If he kills people at this time, it will only make everyone believe Tong Tianhua's provocative words, and Shi An's prestige will be ruined, and he will no longer be able to restrain the generals.

At that time, if someone from the Buddhist sect secretly instigates a conspiracy, and each branch of the border army has its own plan, and then falls apart, then the Yun Kingdom will really be over!

Shi An's eyes turned slightly red, he took a deep breath, let go of the sword in his hand, gritted his teeth and said:

"Very good! Very good!"

Tong Tianhua's mouth curved, with a proud look on his face, he stood up and said:

"Thank you for the compliment, General!"


On the official road, a group of common people walked together, with a slightly panicked look on their dusty faces. Pulled by people on their backs and carrying all their belongings, they headed north along the official road.

At this time, a roar suddenly came from the front of the people:

"Get out of the way! The people behind disperse to both sides!"

When the people behind heard the words, the team suddenly became panicked. Some people dispersed to both sides obediently, some stood still, and some moved forward with their heads down.

Suddenly, the scene became chaotic. During the pushing and shoving, the ears were full of curses mixed with local accents and the cries of children.

At this moment, more than a dozen gray-robed monks appeared directly, holding Buddhist rituals and chanting the Buddha's name, and walked into the crowd to calm the panicked crowd.

Under the influence of the Yun Kingdom's six-hundred-year worship of Buddhism, these bald heads are respectable people to ordinary people. The crowd, which was chaotic and abnormal just now, calmed down after a while, and reluctantly organized by the monks

Then they dispersed to both sides of the official road.

Xiao Cheng, who was riding a horse and standing in front of the army, looked at this scene with an indifferent expression and said casually:

"Tell me, if my guard of honor had just been played, would these people be so obedient?"

The person holding the horse for Xiao Cheng at this time was a young man of medium build, with a prominent forehead, a high nose, and a slightly thin appearance. After hearing Xiao Cheng's whisper, he turned his head and said:

"Your Majesty is the Son of Heaven, so of course all the people will obey you!"

When Xiao Cheng heard this, he said with an indifferent expression:

"I am the Son of Heaven, but there are people who want to stand above me in the name of heaven, god, or Buddha!"

The young man frowned, shook his head and said:

"Big Eyes don't understand what Your Majesty said. But Big Eyes don't believe in gods, Buddhas, or heaven, so they only listen to His Majesty's orders!"

Hearing this, Xiao Cheng chuckled lightly, turned to look at You Xingguang who was standing behind him, and said:

"How should I remember this?"

You Xingguang understood clearly, took out a palm-sized booklet, and wrote:

"Your Majesty, in order to relieve the national crisis, personally went on a military expedition. On the way, he met the refugees. He felt sad in his heart and said to himself: It is my fault that the people are displaced due to war and chaos."

Xiao Cheng smacked his lips, shook his head and said:

"It's dry, not even close. Remember to add the story of sharing the food among the people and taking off the clothes. The grief is inexplicable, and the adjectives such as tears streaming down the face are indispensable!"

Come on, come on, I give you the pen, you write!

You Xingguang's heart was wandering, but he could only respond in a muffled voice.

This chapter has been completed!
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