When Qu Gao returned to the courtyard, there were only Zhong Lizhi and a young man in the courtyard. Seeing Qu Gao, Zhong Lizhi stepped forward and said, "Xiao Gao, this is my son Jun'er. He is fifteen years old this year."
The young man had handsome features, but his body was as straight and straight as a pine or cypress. He must have been practicing martial arts since he was a child. He followed Zhongli Chi and bowed to Qugao, saying, "Zhonglijun, meet Uncle Qu!" Qugao subconsciously touched his chin and muttered with furrowed eyebrows.
He asked: "Is it possible that I haven't shaved for a few days, so I look so old?" The three of them looked at each other and smiled.
Two days later, Chang Fuhai came back from Zhu Shi's place and excitedly told everyone that he would set out for Xiangyang again tomorrow. Everyone became interested after hearing this and rested for more than a month. For these people who travel in the world, it is really
It's hard work, but you can still make some money every time you do business.
When the Zhu family's motorcade appeared outside the gate of Nanyang City again, a gorgeous carriage blocked the middle of the official road. There was no driver on the carriage. When the breeze blew the gauze curtains, a woman could be faintly seen sitting in the carriage. Chang Fuhai rode away.
At the front, seeing this, he shouted impatiently: "Girl, please give way."
The car curtain opened, Zhu Yan poked her head out from the car, smiled at Chang Fuhai and said: "Uncle Chang has such a bad temper, Ayan doesn't want to talk to you anymore, where is Qu Lang?"
Qu Gao stepped forward, and Zhu Yan took out a piece of silk book from his sleeve, held out his hand and said, "I have fulfilled my promise to Qu Lang." Everyone looked happy when they saw the deed book. Qu Gao dismounted and walked to Zhu Yan.
In front of the car, while receiving the silk book, I heard a voice as thin as a mosquito's fly, "Will Qu Lang not invite me to my concubine again?"
Qu Gao suddenly raised his head and saw that Zhu Yan's face turned red after saying these words. He was filled with joy. He took a step back and said loudly: "Ayan, come with me. In the vast world, you don't want wealth and prosperity, but you have to control your destiny."
It's in my own hands!" Zhu Yan nodded, and when she faced the astonished people, she felt ashamed again. As soon as the gauze curtain was opened, she hid in the car.
Qu Gao jumped on the carriage and became the driver. Zhong Lijun saw this and called out: "Uncle Qu, your white horse." Qu Gao smiled and said: "Let me ride it for you."
"You just left like this, what will happen to King Nanyang? What will happen to the family?" Qu Gao asked, driving the carriage as the motorcade moved forward steadily.
"Qu Lang is worried. In the eyes of the family and the King of Nanyang, the food is more powerful than mine." Zhu Yan smiled softly and said: "I want to ask Qu Lang. If I act like this, I will never be able to return to the family again.
When a man travels with him, he should have a name. I want to marry Qu Lang as a brother and sister with different surnames. When I arrive in Xiangyang, I will ask Qu Lang to take care of me."
Qu Gao responded, and suddenly he saw smoke and dust rising in the distance in front of him. He was secretly worried, and he didn't know which group of people and horses it was. Just as he was wondering, a group of more than ten riders came galloping from the smoke. When they were a hundred steps away, Qu Gao looked at it, and the big
Called: "No, it's Hu Qi!"
"Movement closer, brothers, come forward!" Chang Fuhai shouted at the top of his voice. When the coachmen saw Hu Qi, they were trembling with fear. They pushed ten cars tightly together, and Qu Gao ordered Zhongli Jun to protect him.
With his beautiful face, he also got on his white horse, and he and Chang Fuhai and others lined up in front holding weapons.
Hu Qi arrived in a few breaths and saw Chang Fuhai and others waiting in formation. They stopped thirty steps away. The leader was a tall and thin man with deep-set eyes and prominent cheekbones. He swept across the crowd and the convoy and pinched
He smiled with a slender beard and replied in an unskilled Chinese voice: "Another group of fat sheep, there will be meat to eat tonight." As he spoke, he waved the long knife in his hand, and the ten horsemen behind him all shouted and patted their horses.
Come and fight.
"Brothers, it's time to feed the sword and drink blood!" Chang Fuhai roared and rushed forward to meet the enemy. Zhongli Chi and Tian Hong were not to be outdone, covering Chang Fuhai on the left and right. Although Qu Gao has been practicing since childhood.
Wu, for the past few months, he had been fighting with real swords and guns against several people, but now that he was about to fight with others, he still hesitated in his heart.
"Kill the Hu Nu!" After a fight, Chang Fuhai used his sword to cut off a Hu Nu's head. Blood spattered, Qu Gao looked at it, vaguely recalling the words of the Taigong in his mind, "The Hu Nu conquered Luoyang and indulged his subordinates.
Looting and killing more than 60,000 princes, clan members, officials and soldiers." "Beicheng was captured and 50,000 women and children were captured. The Hu people ate them all in one winter." Thinking of the evil deeds of the Hu people, let's look at
The blood-stained blade was so bright red and full of temptation. With a stern look on his face, he raised his legs and tucked his horse under his legs, and in an instant he joined the battle!
These barbarians were obviously veterans who had experienced hundreds of battles, and they cooperated with each other tacitly. With nine against four, the four of them were dazzled by the parry. However, Chang Fuhai used his sword quickly and fiercely. Although there were three people fighting against him, they were all forced to fight.
He had no power to fight back. Although Tian Hong and Zhong Lizhi were not weak in martial arts, they were one against two, and they were each other's favorites, but they were not defeated. Qu Gao's body movements were light, and they had learned everything the three of them had learned, and they were on par with him.
Seeing his handsomeness, the two people facing each other were unwilling to kill him. Without paying attention, Qu Gao slashed one's arm with a sword, and blood spurted out. Qu Gao saw that the blood on the sword was the blood of a foreigner, and he was so excited that he couldn't calm down.
The greatest regret in Taigong's life was that he could not kill the barbarians with his own hands, and now he has done it! Killing moves on the sword came one after another. The more he killed, the happier he became. The more he fought, the braver he became, forcing the two barbarians to retreat.
The leader of the Hu people frowned and looked at the battle. He was puzzled. Aren't the Jin people all cowardly and timid two-legged sheep? How could there be such brave warriors? Seeing that his side was gradually losing ground, he suddenly raised his head and looked
In the motorcade, I saw a girl standing on the carriage, looking nervously at the battlefield.
"Drive!" Hu Shou roared angrily, and the horse circled the battlefield and galloped straight towards the caravan. Qu Gao shouted bad and patted the horse to rescue him. Zhong Lizhi also got rid of the two of them and galloped back to the horse.
The bearded horse was fast, and he was approaching the car in an instant. Among the group of people, he saw that this woman was the most gorgeous in the car. He expected that she was of high status, and holding her hostage would surely make those brave men submit. He just stretched out his hand,
An iron spear stabbed diagonally from the side. Seeing that it was a young boy, Hu shouted angrily, "Looking for death!" He swung the long knife in his hand and knocked the iron spear out of the boy's hand. Then he swung the knife down again and struck the boy's head!
Before Qu Gao could get closer, a figure suddenly flashed past and threw Zhongli Jun to the ground. The knife fell right on the person's back, and it was not Zhongli Chi.
"Brother Zhongli!" Qu Gao roared, flying forward and stabbing Hu Shou with all his strength. Hu Shou put away the sword and was about to fight Qu Gao when suddenly a hidden arrow flew towards him. He quickly drew his sword to block it. In just a moment, Qu Gao
The tall sword penetrated from the top of the head to the bottom.
"Daddy, daddy..." Zhongli Jun's cry came to his ears. Qugao got up from the ground and crawled to Zhonglichi's side. Seeing that the knife had cut off the spine, there was no way to save him. He burst into tears uncontrollably.
The ground was flowing, and he kept shouting: "Brother Zhongli, hold on, hold on!"
Zhongli Chi turned over with difficulty, vomiting blood from his mouth. He stared at Qu Gao and said word by word: "Xiao Gao, I entrust Jun'er to you. You must discipline him well and let him become a
Useful person." Qu Gao shouted quickly: "I promise you, I will take good care of Jun'er." Zhongli Chi turned his head again and looked at Zhongli Jun, with indescribable tenderness in his eyes, and he stopped at that moment.
, Zhongli Chi's body softened, but he left.
"It's not the time to be sad yet!" Zhao Che came over and shouted to Qu Gao. He put a bow in his hand and pinched an arrow, and shot out another arrow. A Hu Qi fell down. Qu Gao looked back and saw Tian Hong.
Having been hacked to death by barbarians, Chang Fuhai was fighting against six barbarians, but he was unable to survive alone.
"Drive!" Qu Gao got on his horse, holding a sword in one hand and Hu Shu's head in the other. He rushed forward and threw the head in his hand. When the Hu riders saw that their leader was dead, they saw Qu Gao coming to rescue them.
An archer lurked, took a few steps back in panic, and then fled in all directions.
Qu Gao looked at the bloody sword in his hand, and then at the corpses of Tian Hong and Zhong Lizhi. His nose felt sore and he closed his eyes, blood and hot tears mixed together running down his face.