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Chapter 24 The Theory of Great Qin, the Eternal Eternal Emperor

Fusu was completely dumbfounded.

Without turning his eyes, he stared at his...son who was scolding Fang Qiu on the Yulong Bridge!

Vomiting lotus flowers from the mouth.

He actually defeated the Legalist courtiers headed by Li Si who had suppressed him for nearly ten years.

And it was a complete victory.

Is this still the son he raised?

Fusu couldn't believe it.

Once upon a time, he and his father-in-law Li Si had a very good relationship.

Every day after going to court, Li Si would go to his Fusu Mansion to sit for a while.

It was an extremely unforgettable time in his heart.

But I don't know when.

Li Si was not close to him.

Don't know when.

Whenever he raised any opinion in court.

Li Si or Li Si instigated the Legalist courtiers to stand up against him.

Don't know when.

His words and deeds will be slandered by Legalist courtiers.

Don't know when.

He seems to have gradually lost His Majesty's trust.

Every word he said could no longer stand in the court.

And now.

His own son was right above the court, a place that once made him extremely ugly.

He crushed Li Si and the Legalist courtiers in their reasoning.

This feeling is a little... cool!

but now.

Fusu felt that no one cared.

Just when Li Si and the Legalist courtiers were defeated.


The First Emperor in the depths spoke.

There is no right or wrong, just nonsense.

The First Emperor scolded him lightly: "Ying Cheng, please don't be rude. Prime Minister Li is your elder, and all the princes in the court are also your elders."


Just after the words of the First Emperor appeared.

Ying Cheng walked gently down the Yulong Bridge.

First, he bowed deeply to Li Si, then slowly stood up, turned in a half arc, and rowed towards all the courtiers in the entire court with Li Si as the side.

Ying Cheng bowed to all the courtiers.

Then he turned around and knelt on his knees, paying homage deeply to the First Emperor in the depths:

"My grandson knows his mistake!"

For Yingcheng at this time.

Admitting his mistake doesn't just mean he lost.

on the contrary.

He won.

It was precisely because he won that the First Emperor spoke for everyone in Li Si.

That is.

To understate this debate, the final conclusion is drawn.

Look at Ying Cheng acting like this.

Including Li Si, all the courtiers who were sharpening their swords let out a long sigh in their hearts.

He is still a young man, but he is already so experienced.

At this moment, they couldn't help but feel a feeling they didn't want to admit.

This child has become popular.

It is definitely not comparable to Fusu.

If you look down upon it, you will be bitten to pieces without leaving any bones or scraps.

"Get up and speak, I don't want to hear empty arguments in the court."

"Although you are underage, if you voluntarily stand in court, I will not treat you as if you are underage."

"Remember, from the day you step into the court, everything you say and do must comply with etiquette!"

The First Emperor said calmly.

There is absolutely no trace of unparalleled majesty.

It was like a kind old man admonishing Ying Cheng.


If someone understands it this way, they are simply overthinking.

Ying Cheng thought a lot and understood what the First Emperor meant when he said this.

From now on.

He was about to say goodbye completely to the Ying Cheng who used to act recklessly in Fusu Mansion.

The First Emperor recognized that although he was underage, he was no different from the other princes.

This is important.

But the same thing.

From now on, if his words and deeds are inconsistent with etiquette or exceed the rules, he will be impeached by the censor.

You have to admit the price you should bear.

"Your Majesty, Ying Cheng sincerely obeys your Majesty's teachings." Ying Cheng responded very sincerely.

One sentence.

Even the title and self-proclaimed name of Ying Cheng also changed at this time.

"Well, since my national policy of farming and war is no longer appropriate, is there any solution?" the First Emperor asked softly.

This is already a normal inquiry between courtiers.

In this case, the First Emperor asked many times in this court and found the right person.

Now, it's just my turn to start questioning Ying Cheng.

And this is exactly the debate between king and minister!

"Yes, since Mr. Cheng has pointed out the shortcomings of the national policy of farming and war, which has also profoundly affected the stability of my country, Daqin, I wonder if there is a solution?"

Just as the First Emperor finished speaking, Feng Quji, who had been silent for the whole time, echoed the question.

Compared with the emperor's initial question, Feng Quji was more straightforward.

This is the responsibility of being a "dog legger".

And again.

Everyone's eyes fell on Ying Cheng.

Li Si's eyes flickered, and he also wanted to hear how Ying Cheng would solve the problem of farming and war as a national policy.

Now that the disadvantages have been mentioned, the solution must also be clearly thought out.

If you haven't thought clearly.

Then don't say it.

This is the rule that is not allowed in the court.

Without a solution, it is just empty talk.

What His Majesty the First Emperor hates the most is this kind of person, who raises a problem that exists but cannot be solved.

This kind of person should be thrown into the pit.

In the court room, the situation in the court instantly changed from a tense debate to a happy and harmonious state.

Not that no one was angry.


He didn't dare to express his anger in front of the extremely gentle Emperor Shi Huang.

Ying Cheng smiled.

Now that I said it.

As a time traveler, if even this cannot be solved.

That is an insult to the identity of the time traveler.

"Reporting to your Majesty, this problem is actually easy to solve."

"My lord, I have a copy to submit!"

With a pop, Ying Cheng knelt down and took out a thick silk book from his arms.

On the surface of the silk book, there are three big words written "On Da Qin"!

This silk book.

He had prepared it long ago.


It's time to take it out.

The silk book looks very thick and substantial.

There's no way around it.

At present, the common carrier of written texts in the Qin Dynasty is bamboo slips.

Nobles and courts used animal skins, silk and other materials to deliver important documents and letters.

As for paper, that is something that does not exist yet.

Never mind what this is.

The moment Ying Cheng took out the memorial.

Throughout the court, the eyes of the courtiers one after another completely changed.

When looking at Ying Cheng's back.

There is a feeling... like facing a formidable enemy.

Plan before it comes to fruition.

No one would have thought of it.

Ying Cheng also hides such a trump card.

And this trump card has not been used until now.

No matter what the contents of the silk book are, they dare to believe it.

The content recorded above is enough to determine the outcome.

This is what really scares them.

When one person defended their argument to the public, Ying Cheng didn't even bring it up.

He didn't take it out until he won.


"This kid is amazing!"

Li Si was frozen for a long time, but when he said this, his eyes involuntarily glanced at Young Master Fusu.

The meaning of this...

"Send it up!"

The First Emperor was also surprised, but no matter how surprised he was, he still raised his hand very calmly because of his extremely strong concentration.


Zhao Gao took small steps.

He quickly arrived in front of Ying Cheng.

He bowed very low and picked up the silk book in Ying Cheng's hand, then took three steps back, then turned around and quickly ran towards the front of the First Emperor.

When he arrived in front of the First Emperor, Zhao Gao quickly knelt on the ground, raised the silk book high and presented it to him.

Zhao Gao was so obedient that his hair could not stand up.

"Read it!"

The First Emperor did not reach out to read it, but ordered someone to read it directly.

This is a special situation in the court.

That is to say, some documents that were directly presented to the First Emperor without being negotiated by the Prime Minister would be read out in court only when the First Emperor felt that they needed to be discussed together.

Being able to receive this kind of treatment shows that the content of the document is very important.


Now directly read out the document handed over by Ying Cheng, and everyone is expecting it.

Everyone watched eagerly.

Even the First Emperor was curious about what Ying Cheng had written.

He was so confident that he dared to present it in court.

Zhao Gao quickly accepted the order and did not dare to stand up. Instead, he turned around on his knees, straightened his upper body at 90 degrees and read out:

"Da Qin Lun!"

“In the past, the Qin State was very small, no more than a thousand miles away, and it was located in a corner...

Duke Xiang escorted King Ping of Zhou...

In the past, Duke Xiao held the territory of Weihan and supported the land of Yongzhou...

Xiaogong is no longer there, but Huiwen, Wu, Zhaoxiang and Meng have their old careers...

At this time, Qi has Mengchang, Zhao has Pingyuan, Chu has Chunshen, and Wei has Xinling. These four monarchs are all wise and loyal...

Strong countries will submit, weak countries will join the imperial court!"

Zhao Gao seems to be trying his best to make the article sound more exciting, but "On the Passage of Qin" is a summary of the history of Qin.

No loud rhetorical embellishments.

Even though Zhao Gao tried his best to express himself, his words seemed very bland.

But in this mundaneness.

Everyone listened with rapt attention.

This is the history of Qin.

No matter who it is, every time it is read, it makes people feel filled with pride.

There was no loud noise in the entire court, and everyone was listening to Ying Cheng's Daqin Theory attentively.

But at this moment, above the court.

I don't know who it is.

I couldn't help but clapped my hands and shouted: "Good, good, good, what a wonderful pen, like a giant pen on Da Qin."

"Succinct and streamlined, in just a few hundred words, the six hundred years of our Qin history are explained clearly and clearly. It is truly a brilliant pen!"

"It should be a masterpiece handed down from generation to generation!"

"If I didn't know the history of the Qin Dynasty like the back of my hand, and if I didn't have peerless literary skills, I wouldn't be able to write such sentences."

The person who said this is definitely not a Legalist.

But those who can stand in this court today are all courtiers and princes. No matter who is praising him, his status is not low.

At this moment it was interrupted suddenly.

But it made everyone stop and reflect.

It seems that suddenly, following the plain text, I entered the difficult rise of the Qin Dynasty in the past.

Six hundred years of history cannot be explained clearly in just a few hundred words.

But now it makes them feel like they are actually there.


Li Si also has to praise him.

I don’t know what the content of Da Qin’s treatise is, but look at its first chapter.

He couldn't help but have a feeling in his heart.

This is a masterpiece no less than the "Remonstrance and Expulsion Order" written by him to admonish the First Emperor to expel guests.

It's so refined and unique.


No matter how much the officials in the court praise him.

The First Emperor, who was sitting on the dragon chair in the deepest part, frowned, patted the table for the first time and said sternly:

"Zhao Gao, keep reading!"

As soon as these words came out.

The courtier who was just about to interpret it.

His mouth was shut as if it were sealed.

The court hall, which had been a little noisy just now, fell silent.

The implication of the First Emperor's words was, 'Shut up, everyone. I am currently very dissatisfied with the content of Da Qin Lun. Why are you all so excited?'

Really not satisfied.

Today is an exception, that's not what he wants to hear.

If you want to listen.

He can make people read the history of the Qin Dynasty, which is thousands of times more detailed than the rough a few sentences here.

These words, said too much and too little, are not pleasing to the ear.

Naturally no one dared to refute the First Emperor's words.

Zhao Gao didn't say anything and continued to speak loudly:

"Accumulating the heritage of the sixth generation, the emperor's grandpa gathered a majestic appearance that has never been seen in the past. He took great measures to control the inner world, swallowed up the princes for two weeks, acted as the supreme and controlled the Liuhe, beat and beat the world, and shook the world."

Upon hearing this, the First Emperor's brows gradually widened.

"But in the past, the six countries had different units for measuring land, different vehicle wheelbases and road widths, different legal systems, different clothing, and different languages ​​and characters."

Hearing this, the First Emperor's brows gradually cracked.

"The emperor carried the power of destroying the country, abolished the feudal system, established counties and counties, wrote books with the same text, chariots with the same track, and unified weights and measures. In just seventeen words, he included all the achievements of the emperor through the ages and set an example for future generations."

Hearing this, the corners of the Emperor's mouth gradually raised.

"Order Meng Tian to build the Great Wall to the north and establish a northern barrier to resist the Xiongnu for more than 700 miles, so that the barbarians dare not go south to herd horses, and the soldiers dare not bend their bows to complain."

Upon hearing this, the First Emperor suddenly stood up.

Zhao Gao was so frightened that he hurriedly turned around and knelt down to the First Emperor, prostrate on the ground, not daring to make a sound.

Can be downloaded below.

Li Si walked ahead of everyone.

While everyone was still nervous, Li Si came out, knelt down, paid homage, and congratulated:

"Congratulations to your majesty, congratulations to your majesty for this eternal article."

"As Da Qin Lun said, the First Emperor was the only emperor throughout the ages and should set an example for future generations!"

"Old minister Li Si, please tell me that your majesty will be the emperor through the ages!"

When Li Si talked about his excitement, his voice became sharp and hoarse.

It was as if something had been touched in my heart, and as if I had been moved.

"I have always tried to use my talents and knowledge in my life to praise His Majesty's achievements. However, my knowledge has been in vain and I can't find the right words."

"Now that I heard the words of Da Qin Lun, I finally found the right words."

"One emperor through the ages."

"His Majesty is the emperor of the ages. There is no one before or since. He should be the epitome of all generations!"

Good guy!

Hearing the shameless Li Si standing behind him and praising him first, Ying Cheng couldn't help but blush.

So shameless.

I really didn't expect that Li Si would react so quickly.


And it was photographed in front of everyone.

The photo is really... amazing!

to be honest.

He conveniently excerpted Jia Yi's essay on passing the Qin Dynasty, which is an article that first promotes and then suppresses.

If combined with later generations of Qin fans advocating Qin Shihuang, he could actually add a lot of praises that would make people blush.

However, considering that he shouldn't slap the horse too harshly, he didn't have the nerve to add more.

But I didn't expect it.

After Li Si understood this quickly, the photo he took directly exceeded the praise of Qin Shihuang by later generations of Qin fans.

He is really...a shameless old man with a lot of potential.

Ying Cheng didn't talk much.

Since the First Emperor wants to hear it.

Someone is happy to add.

He enjoys it.

Anyway, you praise him over and over again, and most of the credit for your praise will be attributed to his "Da Qin Lun".

This is perfect!

Li Si's words shook the entire palace.

Feng Quji also reacted immediately.

Although, Da Qin rarely flatters others.

But it depends on who is photographed.

"His Majesty is the emperor of the ages. There is no one before or since. He should be the epitome of all generations!"

Feng Quji followed closely.

Suddenly the entire court was on top.

One after another, the courtiers woke up.

"His Majesty is the emperor of the ages. There is no one before or since. He should be the epitome of all generations!"

The congratulations came instantly.

It sounded like thunder in the sky, resounding above the court hall.

Everyone started to flatter him in unison.

"My son... Your Majesty is the emperor of the ages. There is no one before or since. He should be the epitome of all generations!"

Even Fusu, elm knots, stubborn and stubborn temperament.

At this time, he followed suit with a look of embarrassment and unwillingness.

One emperor through the ages, the watch of all ages!

Very useful.

Really useful.

Even the First Emperor at this time could not suppress his truest thoughts.

A smile that he hadn't seen for a long time appeared on his plain face.

if it is possible.

He wanted to directly reward the emperor's eldest grandson, and all the courtiers in the court today were promoted to one level.

Very comfortable.

"One emperor through the ages, the watch of all ages!"

These two words are really useful.

Even though he never liked being flattered, he couldn't help but feel proud.

If everyone in the world praised him like this.

Then his victory in politics will leave an extremely bright mark in Chinese history.

His achievements should exceed those of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors.

It's not that he is arrogant in his victory over the government, he has established achievements that have never been seen in ancient times, and the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors may not be able to compare with him.

The word emperor was his idea, combining the "Three Emperors" and the "Five Emperors" into one, and it has been known to the world ever since.

He won the government, had the virtue of three emperors, and the five emperors of great merit.

But the word "emperor" is plain, suitable for rulers, but not domineering.

Unfortunately, he really couldn't find any words that could go beyond the word "emperor".

but now.

One emperor through the ages, the watch of all ages!

Just eight short characters.

But he explained his status thoroughly and insightfully, which can be called a peerless word, a mantra of eight characters.

'I'm afraid there is no word in this world that can surpass these eight words!'

The First Emperor couldn't help but murmur.


When looking towards Ying Cheng.

I just feel that the eldest grandson who is kneeling stupidly is as pleasing to the eye as possible.

Based on these eight words alone, from now on, no matter what his eldest grandson does or says, he will take it for granted.

So comfortable!


The instigator of all this, Ying Cheng, is done with his sleeves and hides his fame.

at this time.

Just meditate with your mouth closed and you will be as quiet as a wooden pile.

No need for him to say it.

The rest of the words, the ministers in the court have already finished speaking for him.


This is just the beginning. Now he is proud and will wait a while until he reads some bad things.

Just don't change your face again.

How high you praise him now, how bad his guidance will be later!

All the princes in the court are talking.

When you say change your face, you change your face.

The First Emperor only lost control for a moment, then he sat down and suppressed all his smiles.

"Zhao Gao, continue, stand up and read!"

This is the First Emperor.

In one word.

Even though Zhao Gao's knees hurt and his legs were sore, he still resisted getting up, pretending that nothing was wrong, and continued reading.

The noisy and praising courtiers below shut up again, turned around and began to listen quietly.



The courtiers who enjoyed this benefit all pricked up their ears.

He was extremely serious and focused all his thoughts on the content of Ying Cheng's "On Da Qin".

The first ‘first achievement’ was snatched away by Li Si.

If there are any more unparalleled words, they want to win the 'first achievement'

"Abandon the ways of the previous kings, burn the words of hundreds of families, and use stupid Guizhou heads; make the city famous, kill heroes; collect the soldiers of the world, gather in Xianyang,... capture the homeland of the six countries, and seek the inheritance of descendants and emperors for eternity."


The courtiers listened attentively, but they never heard words that could compare to the eternity of an emperor.

Although there is still pride.

Comparatively speaking, it is once again ordinary.


At this moment.

Zhao Gao is making trouble.

Zhao Gao still had some ability. After experiencing the nervousness, he read and skimmed the text at a glance.

But this is rough, rough.

I was shocked by the content behind Ying Cheng's "On Da Qin".

I dare not read any more.

Read on,

Zhao Gao was afraid that if he got a head on his head today, he would fall to the ground.

Zhao Gao's reading voice stopped abruptly.

The courtiers below looked at Zhao Gao in confusion one by one.

There was nothing surprising, and the First Emperor didn't say anything.

I don’t understand why Zhao Gao suddenly looks like this.

"Why did you stop?"

The First Emperor also looked at Zhao Gao with a confused frown.

"Your Majesty, I beg your Majesty to convict you. I dare not read it!"

Zhao Gao was so cowardly that he almost smashed his head into pieces while kneeling!

At that time, the common people in the world will cut down the trees as soldiers and raise the poles as flags, and the world will gather in response!

One man is in trouble and seven temples are destroyed!

This is not something a minister would dare to say.

It's not something that a slave can say.

Even if it is read out by decree.


Zhao Gao didn't dare either.

"I absolve you of any guilt, read!"

The First Emperor was still very enlightened.

My heart feels like a bright mirror.

It is clearer that if the eldest grandson really just wanted to compliment him, there would be no need to go to all the trouble to do this.

There must be something to say.

But Zhao Gao didn't have the guts to say anything, so he must have something bad to say.


Even if it is not good, it is ultimately a criticism of the current ills. If it is used, it should be changed. If it is not used, it should be ignored. It is not surprising.

Order of the First Emperor.

Zhao Gao originally did not dare to disobey.

However, Zhao Gao, who knew the reason well, even at the risk of disobeying the First Emperor's order, kowtowed repeatedly to apologize, and even cried when he knew full well:

"I don't dare, I don't dare. Your Majesty, please tell me clearly!"

For the sake of my life.

Zhao Gao would not dare to read it again even if I beat him to death.


Seeing this situation, among the courtiers below, Li Si, Feng Quji, and other senior ministers who often came into contact with Zhao Gao couldn't help but take a breath.

Especially Liz.

He still knows Zhao Gao relatively well.

This man is courageous, able to get things done, and he is greedy for power and cherishes his life as much as gold.

If the content were not so critical, even if Ying Cheng had really angry words at this time, it would not be enough for Zhao Gao to take such a big risk and disobey the First Emperor's order.

And now Zhao Gao is desperate to disobey.

Then explain.

The content behind "On Da Qin" written by Ying Cheng is even more terrifying than the First Emperor's Wrath.

In fact, Zhao Gao felt that he would completely offend His Majesty the First Emperor.

"Damn it, what on earth was Ying Cheng writing on the back that was so treasonous and treasonous!"

Li Si couldn't help but scream in his heart. He had a premonition that the Xianyang Palace would be blown away today.

This chapter has been completed!
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