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Chapter Thirty-Six: When a fire starts, it burns down even my own house

"It's gone!"

"It's gone!"

"It's gone!"

Before Ying Cheng could walk out of the study, he heard the servants outside screaming.

Although no one entered Chengyi Garden.

But at this time, the study room of Chengyiyuan was already filled with black smoke.

There is nothing bigger than water leakage.

The servants screamed one by one to get water to put out the fire.

"Cheng'er, Cheng'er!"

When Li Xian saw it, he was also panicked. Ying Cheng was still inside. This leakage was a big deal, so he had to rush in.

"Quick, put out the fire."

Fusu also screamed and rushed inside.

Although he was very annoyed with what Ying Cheng had done.

But he is his biological son after all.

The black-armored guard originally wanted to stop him.

But I looked back at the study room where smoke was billowing.

He secretly said something bad and didn't dare to stop him, so he quickly rushed towards the study.

The black-armored guards were also in a hurry and rushed to put out the fire.

For a while.

Two to three hundred people rushed towards Ying Cheng's study.

Just in time.

Guo Huaiyi and Pang Cheng carried the iron box, and Ying Cheng came out followed by Tian Fu and Zhong Liang.

"Don't move. I set the fire. There is no need to put out the fire. Let it burn."

No need to guess, Ying Cheng stopped everyone immediately


Li Xian, who rushed in in a hurry, was almost worried to death, but when he heard Ying Cheng's words, he almost stumbled to the ground.

"Did you set this fire?"

Li Xian looked at his son in confusion.

I don't understand what Ying Cheng is doing.

"Well, Mom, the fire I set was just to burn some things, so don't worry."

Ying Cheng nodded very seriously.

Fusu also rushed in.

I originally rushed in very worried, but as soon as I heard Ying Cheng's explanation.

I almost fainted from anger.

"What, you set the fire? I, I, I, Nizi, what on earth do you want to do?"

"Are you going to burn Fusu Mansion?"

"I, what on earth are you doing, setting fire to your own home?"

Fusu roared on the spot, his anger rising like boiling water.

"Yes, I put it there. Dad, don't worry. It's open on all sides and separated by walls. Even if it spreads, it will at most affect the houses next to it."

"It can't spread to the entire Fusu Mansion."

"Once it's all burned out, the fire will naturally stop."

Ying Cheng explained sincerely that this was a fact. At most, the place where he lived would be burned down.

"I, you, the treacherous son, you treacherous son."

"You're really capable of setting fire to your home."

Fusu was so angry that he put his hands on his hips and his eyes almost popped out.


At this moment.

The fire oil in the secret room finally started to fully burn. There was only one exit in the small space, and the fire roared out and spread into the study room filled with bamboo slips.

Until then.

Only then did the fire really start.

From the outside, you can see raging fires and even crackling sounds.


Fusu stared at the raging fire, took a breath of cold air, and ordered: "Put out the fire, put out the fire quickly."

"Dad, there's really no need to save him!" Ying Cheng persuaded.

Don't do anything in vain.

Because this fire cannot be saved at all.

The secret room seemed sealed and safe, but in addition to kerosene, there was also animal fat.

Once it burns, even a heavy rainstorm cannot extinguish the fire.

It can burn everything inside at once.

If anyone could go in and fish out something in such a fire, even if it meant leaking secrets, he would admire the person who dared to rush in.

"General Guo, please seal the study. No one is allowed to come near."

"In addition, don't let the soldiers get too close, at least ten feet away."

Ying Cheng took the opportunity to give Guo Huaiyi an order to prevent anyone without eyes from being accidentally injured.

"Okay, okay, if the city is burning, let it burn. Take precautions to prevent the fire from spreading!"

"It's just a few houses, nothing important."

Li Xian also hurriedly came out to cover Ying Cheng to prevent the conflict from continuing.

When Fusu saw this, he threw his hands away angrily.

"Burn it, burn it, no one should care. It's best to burn the whole house to the ground."

"Anyway, a son like you will be destroyed sooner or later and burned to the ground."

Fusu turned around and left angrily, he really didn't care.

The fire was set by my son.

The son also prevented the fire from being put out.

What can he do.

What else can he do.

"Tell me, what are you doing? Why are you burning down your own house?"

"Have you eaten yet? Mom asked the kitchen to prepare some food."

Li Xian didn't know Ying Cheng's secret. Even if he knew about building the secret room, he didn't think about it for a while.

Ying Cheng made up a few random sentences.

After seeing that no one could save the fire.

Ying Cheng ordered his troops to withdraw and left Fusu Mansion with Guo Huaiyi and four others.

In the distance, you can still see the thick smoke rising from Fusu Mansion.

Imperial Palace, Yuehua Palace.

The First Emperor was enjoying rare quiet time as Mrs. Huayue squeezed his shoulders.

I am also tired.

I read the documents in Zhangtai Palace for three days in a row, and got angry again. I went to the morning court in the morning, which was also very tiring.

But the First Emperor was resting.

There was a burst of hurried footsteps, and Zhao Gao rushed in with hurried steps and shouted:

"Your Majesty, it's not good, it's not good, the eldest son's mansion is in trouble."

"Looking from a distance, black smoke is billowing, like a fire."

The First Emperor was startled when he heard the sound. He turned over and walked out of Yuehua Palace, looking shocked.

"That is indeed the location of Fusu Mansion. Come and see what's going on?"

"With such thick black smoke, I'm afraid half of Fusu Mansion will be burned down. What happened?"

"If the fire cannot be controlled, mobilize the surrounding people to put out the fire as soon as possible, and be sure not to let the fire spread."

"Also, according to my instructions, all governments must take fire prevention measures. The weather is dry and there should be no more water leakage."

"Especially the major treasuries, if they are compromised, don't come to see me."

The First Emperor also became more and more frightened as he watched.

Although there was no fire, the black smoke was billowing and almost covering half of the sky. It was really scary.


What has Fusu Mansion become now?

But very quickly.

Zhang Han, who had been paying attention to the movements in Yingcheng, hurriedly came to report.

"Your Majesty, originally, I should not have reported this incident!"

Zhang Han was very depressed and found a step for himself to go down first.

"However, this fire came from a strange place. Not long ago, Dalu Ling brought Guo Xiaowei, Pang Cheng, Tian Fu, Zhong Liang and Baimin Heijiawei back to the eldest son's residence."

"Dalu ordered the black-armored guards to seal off their own garden, Chengyi Garden."

"Originally it was nothing, but unexpectedly, almost two minutes later, black smoke billowed from the study room of Chengyiyuan."

"The servants in the young master's house rushed to put out the fire, but Dalu Ling actually said that he had set the fire himself and would not let anyone else put out the fire."

Zhang Han just finished speaking.

The First Emperor looked strange, pointed at the black smoke in the distance and asked extremely depressedly:

"Then he burned down most of Fusu Mansion?"

"What a sin!"

This chapter has been completed!
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