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Chapter Thirty-ninth: Take away the craftsman's house west of the Zaohe River first

In the past, the Shang kings enacted legislation and established trust to make the people believe in the existence of Qin law.

In the past, the law of Qin was rectified and private fighting was changed. No matter who was beheaded in public, the blood of tens of thousands of people stained the Wei River red, which changed the private fighting.

In the past, when the law of the Qin Dynasty was rectified, Prince Huiwen, the eldest son of Duke Xiao, slaughtered the village for grain. Ying Si was deprived of the crown prince and demoted to a commoner in exile. Ying Qian, the eldest brother of Duke Xiao, taught him no way to be punished, and all the people were punished.

Reverence Qin's law.

The majesty of Qin's law is due to the efforts of successive generations of Qin kings.

It has become a majestic law that cannot be broken.

This also gave the law a sacred mission.

Regardless of whether civilians or officials violate Qin law, they will be punished.

It seems to be under strict law.

This brought the Qin Empire's political orders and the credibility of its prefectures and courts to an unprecedented peak.

Driven by Qin Fa, the First Emperor was also pushed to unprecedented heights.

The people do not believe that the government will deceive them.

Therefore, no matter what kind of government orders are issued by the government, the people will implement them.

It doesn't matter whether it's bottom-up or top-down.

The Qin Empire formed a highly unified empire.

Because both the people and the officials are very sure of one thing.

When Qin law is violated, it is impossible to escape easily without punishment.


In the past, the common people, officials, and nobles of the six kingdoms' homeland were in an era when there were no laws or they were still ruled by men.

When faced with the extremely strong constraints of Qin Fa.

Resistance naturally arose.


Countless chaos began.


On the land within Guanzhong that has been cultivated for hundreds of years with the Qin method.

This chaos presents a completely different situation.

Ying Cheng stood on the Zaohe Bridge and concentrated for a long time.

Because he had already seen a team of a thousand people walking towards him in a mighty manner.

He gave up the place where he once lived, moved, crossed the bridge, and went to Xianyang City to find the Xianyang Order to fulfill the promise he made to Dalu Mansion and his eldest grandson.

In a sense.

These people believed in him, believed in him as the eldest grandson of the First Emperor, believed in the Xianyang Order of his parents, and believed in the Qin government that issued the order to move out.

With a single edict, the world moved and all the people surrendered.

This is the main tone of this era.

"Sure enough, it's me who should adapt to this era, instead of still being a stick with the mindset of future generations!"

Ying Cheng couldn't help but murmur.

What he saw at this time shocked and touched him deeply.

It does not mean that he has changed his determination on legislation.

But it further confirmed the direction of his future actions.

"Take the law as the rule of law and maintain peace and stability in the country!"

"Teach etiquette and law, be loyal to the emperor and patriotic!"

“Only by putting the law first and then etiquette can the country be rectified; by putting etiquette first and then the law can we rectify morality!”

"Legislation, what is establishment? It should establish the mind for the heaven and the earth, establish the destiny for the living people, carry forward the unique knowledge of the past saints, and create peace for all generations!"

Ying Cheng thought that he should also get a stone carving, carve this sentence on it, and place it in front of the Dalu Mansion.


There is a high probability that the legislative officials who come to Dalu Mansion don’t know what they are coming to Dalu Mansion for.

very good!

Now that the problems of the people of Zaohe are basically settled.

So, how should this super workshop be built?

Let’s not talk about anything else.

At the very least, build a wall to isolate the inside and outside!

Since we want to build a wall that is even more majestic than the Epang Palace.

That would definitely require a lot of labor!

The vertical distance is one hundred feet east of the Zao River and almost eight or nine miles west of the Zao River, which cannot occupy the walls of the Epang Palace.

The horizontal distance from Jizhao Mountain to the south is a small mountainous area with a high and raised mountain that looks like a chicken's finger. It is almost twelve miles to Fengxiankou in the north.

This is only approximate.

There was no need for him to calculate anything. At the very least, he needed to build a wall that was forty miles long and three meters high.

Ying Cheng's eyes gradually turned to the large construction site of Afang Palace, which has 600,000 civilian craftsmen!

A little excited!

"There are 500,000 to 600,000 people. If I transfer 100,000 people, it shouldn't have much impact!"

Ying Cheng hesitated and walked towards the Epang Palace construction site without realizing it.

It's not that he is afraid, it's actually that as a project appointed by the First Emperor, Afang Palace has a strong deterrent effect.

I looked at the sky.

Ying Cheng felt that before dark, he should finish one more thing, and by the way, he had to renovate Zaohe River, but he couldn't build a super workshop after all his hard work.

A heavy rain drowned all his achievements.

"Then how about two hundred thousand in order to speed up?"

Ying Cheng murmured again as he walked, it would be better to reinforce the river embankment and build the wall at the same time.

But walk, walk.

Ying Cheng saw a place surrounded by walls and no one was allowed to approach.

On the door is written the palace craftsman's workshop.

He knew that the various styles of bronze utensils, bricks and tiles, bluestone floors, etc. in the palace were part of the output.

This was the private property of the First Emperor.

"Can this wall be knocked down?"

When Ying Cheng looked at it, it was not a very tall and thick wall, but a brick wall.

The development of Qin bricks is still well-known. They are blue-grey overall, hard in texture, neatly made, can make a sound when knocked, and have no holes when broken.

What are hollow bricks, strip bricks, rectangular bricks, pentagonal bricks, curved bricks, coupon bricks, etc.

For example, in the palaces and the residences of major courtiers, there are patterns on the molds, including geometric patterns, dragon patterns, phoenix patterns, graphic patterns, animal patterns, etc.

If we develop further, we can actually form printing technology.

"This, Young Master, should I report it to His Majesty before I decide? This is the palace craftsman's workshop!" Guo Huaiyi whispered with his eyelids twitching wildly.

"Compared to the Super Workshop, which one is more important?" Ying Cheng paused and asked.

"This, both are important!" Guo Huaiyi hurriedly replied.

That's very good. I won't ask next time. Ying Cheng said: "Well, I think the super workshop is important."

"Lieutenant Guo, please listen. I am ordering you to knock down the wall of the palace craftsman's workshop and guard all the people inside. Don't hurt the craftsman."


Guo Huaiyi took a deep breath, with the scene in the secret room flashing in his mind, and immediately said: "The last general takes orders!"

Say it.

Guo Huaiyi directly ordered a group of 500 black armored guards, led by a captain, to go straight to the palace craftsman's workshop.

Guo Huaiyi himself continued to follow Ying Cheng.

"Where is that place? It should be the carpenter's workshop of the Shaofu Works Department!"

"Not as important as my super workshop."

"Captain Guo, listen to the order. I order you to knock down the wall and put it under guard so as not to hurt the craftsmen."

As Ying Cheng walked, he saw another walled workshop standing on the ground.

During this period, the handicraft industry in the Qin Dynasty was very developed, among which the government handicraft industry was the most developed. All craftsmen had craftsmanship certificates, and the inheritance was based on inheritance from son to father.

The status of craftsmen is not low, such as Li Bing and Zheng Guo, both of whom are famous craftsmen in the history of the Qin Dynasty.

Of course, this is also a relative example.

The status of scholars, farmers, merchants, and craftsmen was lower than that of farmers, not to mention those in power.

And following Ying Cheng's order, Guo Huaiyi no longer hesitated.

Even the palace craftsman's workshop was carried away.

Of course it doesn't matter if a carpenter's workshop belonging to the Shaofu Works Department is taken away.

This chapter has been completed!
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