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Chapter 49: Zhao Gao is timid, a craftsman of a great country


The officials in Xianyang Palace were furious.

Li Xian responded immediately after learning the news.

Ying Cheng, who was still unaware, was far away at the Zaohe Super Workshop.

The situation in the court is changing.

Everyone was waiting for the First Emperor.


Dazheng Palace.

The First Emperor, Li Si, Feng Quji, and Meng Yi rested together.

He was fast asleep.

Last night, the four monarchs and ministers watched the super workshop built by Ying Cheng.

He never returned to Xianyang at all.

Instead, he arrived at Yongcheng overnight.

This time.

It wasn't just the First Emperor who hid far away.

Even the three chief and assistant ministers hid.

Stay away from the distractions of the world.

By the way, the First Emperor also paid homage to his ancestors, hoping that they would give him a dream.

It is said that my great-grandfather dreamed of him in his dream, so he traveled thousands of miles to find him from the State of Zhao.

Now he also hopes to get closer to his ancestors and give him some inspiration!

Keep dreaming, my ancestor of Great Qin!

But on the steps not far away, I saw Zhao Gao, the emperor and his ministers sleeping on the same table, surrounded by black-armored guards standing upright like pens.

But he couldn't feel happy at all, and he sat melancholy!

It's not that he can't sleep, it's that he can't sleep!

What happened last night made him unhappy, very unhappy.

As a servant of the emperor, it is said that the emperor's edicts were ignored, which is equivalent to ignoring the emperor's majesty.

He couldn't figure it out.

Don't understand either.

Why did the First Emperor sacrifice his own dignity to achieve the power of Yingcheng?

No one dares to preach even this kind of thing.

But the person involved knew this, and it also boosted the momentum of the person involved out of thin air.

Making him act more recklessly.

That's all.

He, Zhao Gao, is now also a person of high status. He is the official of the Che Mansion and controls the Palm Print Department. Wherever he goes, he is greeted with a smile.

But Ying Cheng dared to humiliate him.

It really made him angry and unwilling.


"Oh my God!"

But in this depression, Zhao Gao's eyes suddenly flashed, and he stood up in horror and stared at the First Emperor in disbelief.

His hands couldn't help but tremble.

Even his lips turned white involuntarily, and his throat was dry.

My heart felt like a river turning upside down.

The hair and skin on the body felt like being cut with a knife.

The cold sweat at that moment soaked Zhao Gao's back and clothes.


Zhao Gao slumped down on the ground, suppressing all dissatisfaction in his eyes, expression, and body.

He, Zhao Gao, will be a slave for the rest of his life, and he can only be a slave of His Majesty the First Emperor.

All his power was a small reward from His Majesty the First Emperor to his slave.

If he, Zhao Gao, feels even the slightest bit dissatisfied over the gain or loss of power, he will surely be doomed.

The sky in the east gradually turns white, and as a round sun that is not too warm rises, a vibrant day begins again.

This kind of day goes on and on day after day.

But in Da Qin Chaotang.

But it is changing rapidly.

When the First Emperor consecrated himself to Zen in Taishan, he summoned 72 doctors from Qilu and built a doctor's palace to support them.

It was not that the First Emperor wanted to adopt the opinions of hundreds of schools of thought.

It is because the ceremony of conferring Zen has been extremely orthodox since ancient times, and the nine tripods determine the world, and the ceremony of conferring Zen.

There are the ancient rituals of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors of Xia, Shang and Zhou.

This is regarded as the orthodoxy of China and the descendants of Yan and Huang.

In ancient times, seventy-two families were granted the title of "Father of Zen and Liang" in Mount Tai, but only two out of ten reporters from Yiwu Institute.

In the past, there was no Huai family who granted the title of Mount Tai, as in Zen;

Huixi sealed Mount Tai, Zen and so on;

Shennong sealed Mount Tai, Zen and so on;

Emperor Yan sealed Mount Tai, Zen and so on;

The Yellow Emperor sealed Mount Tai and created Zen pavilions;

King Cheng of Zhou Dynasty granted him the title of Mount Tai, the leader of the Zen society: all received the order and then received the title of Zen.

As a result, seventy-two doctors were born.

The Doctor's Palace does not have any real power, but it receives special treatment.

I usually study and learn.

When he is serious, he talks endlessly.

Occasionally, sparks of governing the country emerge.

Over the years, out of the 72 doctors in the Doctor's Palace, only about 30 are left.

And now.

"What's the crime? Dalu ordered the people to move according to His Majesty's edict, and the people moved out voluntarily. There was no chaos, so they should be innocent."

"The land of Zaohe should be requisitioned appropriately. The land west of Zaohe was requisitioned by Dalu. Half of the prisoners in Epang Palace should be within the scope of requisition."

"Garrisoning the Western Camp, and guarding the school captains, His Majesty ordered them to obey the orders of the great law. How can they be mobilized without permission?"

"There are two hundred thousand prisoners. If there is no suppression by the Western Camp, what will happen if chaos breaks out during the deployment?"

"There was a slight confrontation with General Yang, but we just had a conversation to coordinate the situation. How can we be considered guilty of rebellion?"

"Facts speak louder than words. General Yang did not attack each other with Dalu Ling. Instead, General Yang sent soldiers to guard, and Dalu Ling sent supervisors to supervise. There is peace and harmony around Zaohe. Why is there chaos?"

"To trap people in this way is nothing more than Legalism treating people evilly and treating them evilly."

"People's hearts are toward good, but you are evil first, and you are sitting in the temple in vain."

Chunyu Yue stood in the main hall of Xianyang Palace. This was not the first time he stood there. He did not feel nervous, but instead spoke loudly and argued sharply.

Even the slightest disagreement would escalate to denounce Legalism.

"Chun Yuyue, how can you stand in this temple and speak nonsense?"

Li Zhan looked at him angrily, wishing he could kick Chunyu Yue out of the court.

But it was Li Zhan who just fought back.

An old man with a white beard stood up and asked with a smile:

"Why are you not qualified? Your Majesty accepts the learned people from all over the world, and Chunyu Yue is my good friend. If he thinks he is more talented and learned than me, Your Majesty will definitely accept him."

The Yushi Mansion was already dissatisfied with the great alchemist, but when he saw the old man standing up to interfere, he ignored him and kicked him out in court.

"Lu Ao, you are looking for your immortal, asking for your Tao, refining your elixir, and cultivating it to the point of disturbing the court. Someone, please get this bullshit doctor out."

"Without His Majesty's orders, how can you, as an official, challenge my rights?" Lu Ao sneered:

"You, on the other hand, overstepped your authority by opening your mouth and wanted to kick me out of the temple. Wouldn't it be even more overstepping your authority?"

Shusun Tong did not forget to point out the point and said with a smile: "Mr. Lu may not know that this official is a person who studies law. People who study law only learn the law but not the etiquette."

"How can one understand the etiquette of the court?"

"It's a joke, it's nonsense, it's flattery, but it's something you and other low-ranking people have learned to master." Tingwei Zuo Supervisor Yan Huai said with a smile:

"Since you know etiquette, you entered the temple without being summoned by His Majesty. You are indeed a knowledgeable doctor who knows etiquette."

"Refining elixirs to enhance immortality, inciting divine power, and fooling the people are what you are good at. If you enter this temple, you will lack a lot."

"The difference between what Supervisor Zuo said cannot be generalized. There are few filthy people in the Doctor's Palace, but not all of them are immortals." An old man stood up and retorted:

"Besides, everyone is equal, helps and loves each other. Even if you have prejudices, you cannot be openly hostile."

This provoked Wang Wu, who was standing on the right, to come over and said, "Oh, the Mohist's remarks are really annoying to listen to."

The old man from the Mohist family sneered and said: "How can a warrior, arrogant and arrogant, know how to love others? The chaos in the world is all caused by your greedy heart."

"How dare you say that again." Wang Shu glared angrily.

Lu Aoque then humiliated Mo and said: "Human beings are born differently. Only by being highly virtuous and prestige and commanding the world can one achieve enlightenment and become an immortal."

"If people have no relatives, no rank, no rank, how can you live in this doctor's house? It is better to go to the fields to farm, to fight on the battlefield, and to share the happiness with the people."

It's fried.

The First Emperor never showed up.

The ministers in the court, who were already very angry, came one after another in front of the doctors in the doctor's palace.

The fire started to rise without even lighting it.

But there is no one who can make the decision. If the words get a little fierce, the war of words begins.

For a moment, they were still arguing about Ying Cheng's guilt or innocence.

It was forgotten in the blink of an eye.

In particular, Dr. Gongben is from various schools of thought and is the source of doctrine used by the First Emperor.

The disharmony is severe.

As a result, the flames of war spread in the Doctor's Palace, among the courtiers, among the Legalists, peasants, and military strategists.

Along with this, people from the Confucian, Gong, Tao, and Mohist schools also argued endlessly.

Fighting and fighting rose to the level of governing the country. Following the road of enfeoffment and governing by doing nothing, the theory of rule by man was raised again.

And this is the reason why all parties have always been incompatible with each other.

There was no First Emperor, no Li Si, no Meng Yi, ally Feng Quji, and no Feng Jie to hold the line.

Everyone suddenly became red-faced.

It almost caused the roof of Xianyang Palace to fly out.

So, what does this have to do with Yingcheng!

Ying Cheng looked at the letter his mother asked Ah Qiu to send, and was deeply impressed by his mother's thought of carrying the doctor's palace in.

As for my mother's promise to Chunyu Yue, Shusun Tong entered the Dalu Mansion to participate in legislation.

No problem at all.

And it saves him the trouble of looking for it.


His Ten Principles of Qin Law did not discuss Legalism alone.

Governing the country by law does not mean ruling the country by legalism.

One word difference, but a world of difference.

"Everything is fine, mom, don't worry!"

Ying Cheng only replied with eight words, and then sent A Qiu back.


He is full of energy and continues to promote his super workshop.

This is the most important thing these days.

Ying Cheng doesn't want to take care of the wall at all. If it's high or low, you can just build it for me.

A dangerous wall is better. Maybe someone climbs the wall and is killed by the dangerous wall without having to take precautions.


This is just Ying Cheng’s personal conjecture.

Everyone admires the craftsmanship of Great Qin, even Chu Xiao, the eunuch who was oppressed by him.

It also shows an admirable craftsmanship.

"It is ten miles long and horizontal. If the ten miles are connected and one place falls, the connected places will be affected."

"Every one hundred feet, deep foundations must be built, isolated by barrel walls, and the barrel walls should be built to more than three feet, with stairs inside and beacon fires placed to serve as outposts."

"Since this wall is used to isolate the inside and outside, it should be a dike on the inside and a ravine on the outside."

"Among them, the Zaohe Bridge is an important traffic thoroughfare, which must not be blocked. It must be taken into account. The Zaohe Bridge is used as a boundary, and it is placed in the north and south. It is blocked by a high wall in the middle, and the two doors can be connected or bridges can be built to connect each other."

"The Zaohe River flows to the north and the Weishui River flows, and flood control dams must be built to the south of Jizhao Mountain to prevent unexpected events."

"Within this super workshop, the terrain is higher in the west and lower in the east. Since the Epang Palace was built, if there is a continuous heavy rain, the drainage volume will definitely increase dramatically, and the water will definitely flow into the super workshop."

"Xiaguan's suggestion is that the Afang Palace drainage ditch and the Super Workshop drainage ditch be connected and drained into the Zao River."

After Chu Xiao finished speaking, he remained silent and only waited for Ying Cheng's reply.

He is a dignified assistant to the young master, and the eunuch orders him to take action. If he creates a defective product, he will be laughed out of his colleagues.

This chapter has been completed!
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