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Chapter Fifty-eight


"Fifth and ninth grade!"

"Put the right in a cage!"

“With power comes responsibility, the use of power is subject to supervision, dereliction of duty must be held accountable, and violations of the law must be investigated.”

In the entire hall, everyone was listening to Ying Cheng's fifth-level and nine-level theory.

There was a turmoil in my heart.

Any sentence is enough for them to study it as a piece of knowledge.

Levels exist from beginning to end and have never been eliminated.

Whether it is the Six Kingdoms in the past or the Great Qin today, there is a clear conclusion.

People are divided into high and low!

Emperor, supreme power.

Officials manage the world, govern one place, and have the power to make decisions about a place.

Honorable people, great people are everywhere in the Qin Dynasty.

Nobles, the land of the Six Kingdoms in the past was full of nobles.

Craftsmen, the craftsmen of Da Qin are the only ones in the world.

The common people, the common people are only responsible for farming and obeying the arrangements of the government.

Slaves, there are many, many slaves in Da Qin, and they can be driven at will.

If you encounter barbarians, you will not be punished if you kill them.

These are the levels recognized by everyone in the world.


No one ever mentioned it openly.

This is a customary rule.

People with craftsman status are low-class people, and businessmen are low-class businessmen who are suppressed at will.

Now comes the formal division.

This made everyone look horrified.

They can't imagine what it will look like once implemented.

But no doubt.

In this way, everyone in the world can be included.

If we cooperate with etiquette and law enforcement, what should everyone do and what should not be done?

That’s it, the divisions are clear and clear!

"First class, third class?"

Young Master Huai's eyes flickered, and he had already made a secret position in his heart.

Take your seat.

He thinks there is no problem.

He is a prince.

There are at least three above his head, the mothers and concubines in the palace, the elders of the clan, the prince, and then he will be the one.

As a prince, he is much nobler than other clan members, and much nobler than other officials.

This does not change anything in itself, but only clarifies his status.

"The fifth level and the ninth level, once this method comes out, the world will be at peace!"

Li Zhan stared at Ying Cheng in extreme horror, unable to imagine how Ying Cheng came up with such a shocking theory.

How can a ten-year-old brain hold so many things?

One word even popped up in Li Zhan's mind...God bless the Qin Dynasty!

Don't blame him for being shocked.

As a court lieutenant, he knows the current situation of Da Qin better.

In the past, it was an extremely troublesome problem for the nobles of the Six Nations!

The wind of restoration continues!

For this reason, millions of warriors from the Qin Dynasty dispersed in all directions to suppress it.

There are also two voices in the court, one to appease those who may cause chaos and the other to kill them all.

Appeasing the symptoms but not the root cause, killing them all and using their reputation and money to stir up rebellion among the people will lead to one big chaos after another.

The reason.

It's because they don't know how to integrate these people.

Now, there is!

The fifth and ninth ranks have crammed all the nobles in the world into this framework.

The venerable survive, the disobedient will perish!

This will be a sharp sword that penetrates the heart of all nobles!

"Fifth and ninth grade!"

"A gift to the world!"

"If Confucianism can become the guiding principle of this framework, from now on, this framework will be determined by Confucianism!"

Chunyu Yue's expression was extremely deep and ambitious, and he instantly saw the huge loopholes in this framework.

Whether it rises or sinks, people have the final say.

If there is no way to rise, this framework will inevitably collapse.

But this!

Chunyu Yue didn't say a word.

If this can be accomplished, for their Confucianists, it will be equivalent to ascending to heaven in one step!

The twenty-eight people in the main hall are all the mainstays of the Qin Dynasty.


One after another from Yingcheng's five-level and nine-level theory.

See extremely far-reaching ambitions.

The rise of a more stable Qin Empire.

But soon.

Voices of dissent emerged.

"Doesn't that mean that any member of the clan can bully us and other officials?"

"I think there is something wrong with this, absolutely!"

"Moreover, we all have quotas for recommendation. If we recommend someone, doesn't it mean that we have to start from the second or ninth level? How unbecoming!"

Li Zhan frowned and questioned.

It's not about questioning the fifth or ninth grade, but questioning whether there is a problem with the hierarchical definition between officials and royal relatives.

The hierarchical equivalence relationship remains to be discussed.

The authority status of the three princes is lower than that of the emperor. Even if they are compared, they are equal to those of the harem and the prince.

If divided in this way, the status will directly drop to those relatives of the emperor who are beyond the reach of the emperor.

This can't happen!

"What about my Confucian knowledge, and what about us Confucian scholars?"

Chun Yuyue also frowned, if it was really divided according to this level.

So where will Confucianism and Confucian scholars be divided?

"Yes, yes, your level is good, but what about our millions of soldiers in Great Qin?"

The central guard general also started asking questions.


Such a hierarchical system indeed safeguards their interests.

But behind them, there are many soldiers, so what will happen?

"Yes, Dalu Ling, I have hundreds of craftsmen in Great Qin, where should they be placed?"

Gongshuqiu couldn't help but ask questions.

This is closely related to the interests of each of them and the groups they represent behind them.

Ying Cheng had already expected it and did not beat around the bush, saying:


"Fifth level and nine levels, each of you will draw up a division of our nine levels."

"And define the rules of etiquette for each level."

"These five levels and nine streams include hundreds of schools of thought, including craftsmen, various professions, various titles of nobility, and soldiers."

"Everyone, please write and try to finish it today!"

After Ying Cheng said this, he leaned aside and stared at everyone below with a smile.

Da Qin needs stability now.

Then draw a circle for everyone.

Stay safely within your own circle.

The Ten Principles of Qin Law are just laws, written laws.

And the fifth and sixth grade is Commander-in-Chief Qin Fa!

Whether it is military law, agricultural law, or commercial law, it is only the most basic structure of the law.

The General of Qin Law is needed to structure the scope of rights of every common people and government in the entire Qin Dynasty.

"So, very good!"

Seeing that Ying Cheng was not going to say anything, Li Zhan nodded and started writing quickly.

The division of forty-five streams is indeed a lot, and it cannot be divided in a short while.


No matter whether it is Gongzi Huai, Gongshuqiu, Zhonghujiang, Chun Yuyue and others, there is no dispute about one thing.

That is the first-class division.

His Majesty the First Emperor, Lord of the World, and Emperor of the Eternal World!

The concubines of the palace were of the first class and enjoyed great honors but had no right to interfere in any affairs of the court.

The prince, a first-rate or second-rate prince, enjoys the right to inherit the throne of the emperor.

A prince, first or third class, enjoys the rights of a prince.

An elder of the clan, first-rate and fourth-rate.

The emperor's son-in-law is of the first and fifth rank.

Clan of the seventh generation, first class and sixth class.

A member of the Ying clan, first-class seventh-rate.

Clan mother clan, first class and eighth class.

This is a royal hierarchy from top to bottom.

This chapter has been completed!
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