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Chapter 60: Those Who Are Not Officials Are People

Night shrouds Xianyang City.

The night ban has begun.

On the bank of the Weishui River, on Zhangtai Street, there is a place with bright lights and people coming and going.

Happy Teacher!

Goulan listening to music exists in any era.

The same goes for Da Qin.

Night ban, blocking city gates, street gates, and square gates, prohibiting people from carrying out activities at night.

But this.

We cannot stop the officials and nobles from lingering in the Music Department.

Even though there is a palace wall, you can clearly hear the shouts and sounds of the music director.

"This is the level!"

"We have used strict laws to ban millions of people in Xianyang City at night, but we have not restricted one happy priest from enjoying themselves on the banks of the Weishui River. What is the reason for this?"

Ying Cheng smiled with a calm smile, and with one stroke, crossed out all the words sage, doctor, doctoral student, bachelor, and scholar on the fifth-grade and ninth-rate silk script written by Chun Yuyue.

"Dali Ling, this!"

With a sudden movement, Chun Yuyue stood up on the spot, staring at Ying Cheng with extremely deep eyes.

It can’t be said that my heart is not shaken, it can’t be said that it’s not shaken.

Unexpectedly, Ying Cheng directly rejected his theory of learning.

"No matter what the world becomes under the rule of the emperor's court?"

"Any representative of rights that exists outside this framework of governing the world is not allowed to exist."

"If you are a person of three, you must have a teacher like me. Choose the good ones and follow them, and change the bad ones."

"If we classify them in this way, I think that every one of the tens of thousands of farmers in Daqin can be called a doctor, a doctor of agriculture."

"Every craftsman in Da Qin can be called a doctor, a doctor of engineering."

Ying Cheng was undoubtedly eliminated. He looked at Chunyu Yue with a smile and asked, "Has Mr. Chunyu ever farmed? Can he smelt iron?"

"There are specializations in the art industry, but there are hundreds of schools of thought!" Chunyu Yue said dissatisfied.

Ying Cheng shrugged his shoulders and said, "That's fine."

"But if this is the case, how should the world's learned men be positioned?" Chunyu Yue attached great importance to this.

"If the sages and sages are not of use to our great Qin, what use are they to us?"

"What use are the learned men if they are not of use to our great Qin?"

Ying Cheng said, swiping a stroke on a slender silk book, landing on the third-class first-class, and said:

"Those who are not officials are all citizens, good citizens!"

"How can this make a learned man join the ranks of untouchables?" Chunyu Yue said angrily with a livid face.

"The objection is invalid. I have the right to veto." Ying Cheng said, adding at the end: "These laws cannot be changed in future generations. Those who are not officials are all citizens."

"How dare you, how dare you, how dare you do this, how can you let the world's scholars live in this world with dignity?" Chunyu Yueyuan was furious.

Ying Cheng shook his head, smiled, and said, "Don't worry, I can explain it to you now!"

"In our laws of the Qin Dynasty, there is no regulation that punishes a scholar who commits suicide because he is dissatisfied with the provisions of the law."

"You, you, you..." Chunyu Yue stared at Ying Cheng like crazy, wishing he could eat Ying Cheng alive.

But Ying Cheng was not a bird at all. Another stroke fell on the silk book of Yang Hong, the central guard general. One stroke was crossed out, and the Great Qin soldiers were crossed out from the second and eighth ranks.

With a bang, Yang Hong stood up on the spot, his eyes as wide as bells, staring at Ying Cheng, and the veins on his arms were bulging.

That looks more like if Ying Cheng dared to lower the level of Da Qin soldiers, he would punch Ying Cheng to pieces.

"Yang Zhonglang, what do you want to do?" Guo Huaiyi, who had been standing beside Ying Cheng from the beginning to the end, was holding the sword in his hand. If Yang Hong dared to move, he was ready to kill Yang Hong with one sword.

But it was Ying Cheng who hesitated for a long time in summarizing the third-class first-class and second-class ninth-class names in the long silk book.

According to his ideas.

Common people's household registration can be divided into work registration, business registration, agricultural registration, and military registration. These are all third-class first-class citizens.

But finally.

Ying Cheng still made one stroke, and settled Yang Hong's second-class and eighth-class ranking to the second-class and ninth-class class.

"If it weren't for the consideration of being with the good people, which would dampen the people's enthusiasm to join the army, and shake the foundation of our millions of soldiers in the Qin Dynasty, I would definitely classify the military officers and soldiers into the third-class first-class."

After Ying Cheng finished writing, he turned to look at Yang Hong, who was about to get angry, and explained: "Because of myself, the officers and soldiers of Great Qin will enjoy the preferential treatment system for military merit and honor."

"Preferential treatment for children, preferential treatment for family members, preferential treatment for medical treatment, preferential treatment for retirement, preferential treatment for school admission, etc."

"I can't discuss this with you here!"

"Leave it to Your Majesty to decide on the preferential treatment system for military merit. We are now deciding on the fifth- and ninth-rate commander-in-chief!"

Hearing Ying Cheng's words, the Zhonghu General's anger immediately disappeared, and he sat down without any objection.

Except Yang Hong.

Sitting nearby were Young Master Huai, Li Zhan, Chun Yuyue, Shusun Tong and Gongshu Qiu, but Zhang Rang and others were horrified.

"Cheng'er, Cheng'er, what did you just say!" Young Master Huai straightened up in fear and leaned forward to wave to Ying Cheng.

"Uncle Qi, what's wrong?" Ying Cheng paused and asked.

This young master is his seventh father, the seventh eldest son. People are asking him now as an elder. It is impossible for him to get an official position.

Seeing Young Master Huai asking the question, the others also leaned forward and stared nervously at Ying Cheng.

"This, this fifth-level and ninth-rate, you, don't you plan to show it to your father, let His Majesty make a decision, and give it to Prime Minister Li and Prime Minister Feng for discussion?"

The young master asked with fear, already having a very bad premonition.

Ying Cheng shook his head pretending to be confused and said:

"The Dalu Mansion is responsible for re-establishing the laws of Qin. This is His Majesty's decree. After the Dalu Mansion finalizes the version, it will be announced to the world. Who else should I show it to?"

Young Master Huai swallowed his saliva and said: "Give it to your grandfather, Your Majesty. Besides, even if it is a finalized edition, it cannot be issued without a seal."

"At the very least, after the version is finalized here, it must be shown to the left and right prime ministers, as well as the Yushifu, and finally to His Majesty before it can be implemented."

The young master is about to panic.

He dares not to worry about others, and even if he has ten courages, he won't dare to do anything nonsense.

But this nephew.

If you have this idea, you may not dare to do it.

"Yes, the great law decree, even if it is not shown to the prime ministers, it must be shown to His Majesty." Even Li Zhan warned him politely and nervously.

That's because I'm really afraid that Ying Cheng will cause trouble.

It's just a fool's errand, the problem is, don't take them with you!

Whenever something happens to Ying Cheng, it will be announced directly. Today, they are the accomplices of Ying Cheng. It is difficult to tell the difference!

"Officials from the Prime Minister's Mansion and the Censor's Mansion are here."

"The people from Jiu Qing are also here, so our legislation is reasonable and can be directly announced to the world."

Yingcheng smiled steadily and said: "Since every government has ordered you to come here, it is the same everywhere. Everyone has no objection to what we have decided, so we can just implement it."


The expressions of everyone present changed.

Every eyelid twitched.

I'll be scared to death.

Ying Cheng chuckled, waved his hand, and said: "I saw that I scared you so much, don't worry, I will definitely give His Majesty a look. Why are you so anxious? Am I, Ying Cheng, such a courageous person?"

This chapter has been completed!
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