Turn off the lights
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Chapter 62: The Sleepless Xianyang Palace

This night.

It's destined to be a sleepless night.

After midnight, the lights in Dalu Mansion gradually dimmed.


In addition to Dalu Mansion, all the official offices of the Three Gongs and Nine Ministers in the entire Xianyang Palace complex were lit up!

"it's not finished yet?"

The young master's order was impatient and stamped his feet anxiously inside the young master's office.

"It's not over yet. Oh my God, what are you talking about?"

Feng Chang ordered him to sit at the door of Feng Chang Mansion and stare at the sky eagerly.

"it's not finished yet?"

In the Taiwei Mansion, the general entering the palace and the chief concubine Wang Shu were milling around impatiently.

In the official offices of Sangong and Jiuqing, all the chief officials are waiting.


These people were very dissatisfied with Ying Cheng's behavior.

But there was no way to find His Majesty the whole day.

Let them really understand that the First Emperor was really determined to ask the Dalu Mansion to legislate this time.

No, after finding the door to no avail, they could only wait.

It has been dark since the sun set in the west, and now even the moon has crossed the sky.

And while waiting one by one.


The Shaofu Official Office.

An anxious voice came, and Gongshu Qiu rushed into the hall anxiously.

"Zhang Gong, Zhang Gong, the sky of our Great Qin is about to change, the sky is about to change!"

Before Gongshuqiu entered the door, urgent sounds had already reached the official office.

The Shaofu Ling was still pacing when he was startled by Gong Shuqiu's loud voice.

In a hurry, the Shaofu ordered Yingmen to rush towards Gongshuqiu.

"Why are you so anxious? What were you talking about in Dalu Mansion? Why did it not end until now!"

Gongshu Qiu sat down impatiently, took a few sips of herbal tea, and said:

"Today, Dalu ordered us to discuss the law and etiquette first!"

As he spoke, Gongshu Qiu scanned his eyes and continued: "Li Zhan and that Chunyu Yue were arguing endlessly about law and etiquette."

"This is normal, and then, and then, there is a fight over law and etiquette?" Shaofu Ling asked eagerly, but when he saw that Gongshu Qiu seemed to be looking for something, he hurriedly asked again: "What are you looking for, what are you looking for?


"Blank silk scroll, blank silk scroll." Gongshu Qiu replied anxiously.

"Give, give, give!" It was rare for the young man to serve his subordinates, "After that, Mo Bucheng discussed this. The dispute between law and etiquette is not clear at all."

Gongshuqiu was also anxious, and he didn't care about being disrespectful to his immediate superior. He picked up his pen and wrote the words "Dharma and Rituals" on the silk scroll.

"The argument must have been unclear, and my subordinates didn't participate, so they just casually interjected a few words."

"But later, Dalu Ling refuted the argument between Li Zhan and Chun Yuyue."

As Gongshu Qiu spoke, he stood up excitedly, copied Ying Cheng's "Laws and Etiquette of the Country" in Dalu Mansion exactly, and said, "What did Mr. Zhang see?"

"Don't beat around the bush, Dalu Mansion is guarded by black-armored guards. Who knows what exactly was said!" Shaofu Ling shook his head urgently.

"Mr. Zhang, this is a national policy that can change the world of our Qin Dynasty. Legislation, legislation. I am deeply impressed by your majesty's wisdom!"

Gongshu Qiu did not forget to pat the horse from hundreds of miles away and exclaimed: "This is law and etiquette. The dispute between the two has lasted forever and there is no answer!"

at the same time.

In Fengchang Mansion, Zhang Rang said in amazement: "But Dalu Ling said it!"

"Neither I, nor you, nor everyone here has the ability to determine other people's understanding of etiquette."

"But we set the standard of etiquette for the people of the world!"

"Under courtesy, I will bind you with the law."

"Above etiquette, I respect you with virtue."

"And this line is for us to re-set the standard of etiquette for the people of the world."

"Above, they are kind people in the Qin Dynasty, and I will treat them with courtesy; below, they will be treated as evil ghosts, and they will be eradicated by law!"

Feng Changling frowned, his thoughts quickly digesting this shocking information.

"Is that really what you said?" Feng Changling asked with twinkling eyes.

"More than that, this can be called the largest major change in the history of our Great Qin Dynasty, even worse than the enfeoffment!" Zhang Rang couldn't help but exclaimed:

"Dingli, the criterion of Dingli."

"And the law, for the purpose of enforcing the law, gives 'Dingli' a knife that can cut off all evil in the world."

Listening to Zhang Rang's excited words, Feng Changling couldn't help but shook his head and said: "This is wrong. If you use this method, the sword will be more dangerous."

"In today's world, rituals and music have collapsed. If you cut them off with one sword, you will lose countless souls."

"If this is the case, the restoration trend of the nobles of the six countries will be even greater, and the people of the six countries will rush to follow it."

Zhang Rang smiled faintly and said: "So, Dalu Ling proposed another fifth-level and ninth-level Qinfa general!"

"This is the key to truly changing the leadership of our Great Qin. From now on, the world's structure will change drastically. Our Great Qin is stable!"

Feng Changling frowned and asked: "Fifth or ninth rank?"

Taiwei Mansion.

Wang Shu asked in confusion: "Fifth-level and ninth-rate, what is that?"

Yang Hong, the general of the Central Guard, sighed deeply: "I really don't know how Dalu Ling came up with such a shocking and unparalleled strategy."

"What kind of peerless strategy is contained in that head of only ten years old!"

"If you keep talking nonsense, I will pry open your brain first and see what you are pretending to be!" Wang Shu reprimanded irritably.

Yang Hong quickly calmed down and said seriously:

"The five classes and nine streams are to divide the people of this world into five classes and put them all into the forty-five streams."

"Just like our title system, everyone fights bravely for the title, just to win the title."

"Put all knowledge, clans, craftsmen, common people, slaves, and barbarians into the fifth and ninth grades."


Wang Shu couldn't help but take a breath after hearing Yang Hong's brief description.

Even in my mind, I can already imagine what kind of scene it is.

All peoples in the world unite as one.

Draw a line of conduct for everyone, and use the law to reward and punish them.


Everyone will follow this divided trajectory, up and down.

"This will be a more stringent system than our Great Qin military law!" Wang Shu couldn't help but be horrified.

The military laws of the Qin Dynasty were already strict enough.

There is no such division.

Even so, the soldiers of Great Qin, as long as the general gives an order, they are not afraid of mountains of swords and seas of fire ahead.

Once the people of the world are divided like this.


With His Majesty the First Emperor issuing an order, what a majestic scene will be created.

"This method will be our method for the Qin Dynasty forever!" Wang Shu couldn't help but sigh deeply, but suddenly thought of something and asked hurriedly:

"What about our lieutenant generals?"

Doctor's Palace!

Chunyu Yue sat bored on the steps of the Doctor's Palace, facing the cold wind and sighed:

"From now on, the great Qin army will sweep across all corners of the world. Who can stop it?"

"It's just a first-class one, but it's also a huge difference between an official and a citizen. When the time comes, countless people will rush to join."

"Who can stop me!"

Shu Suntong sighed and said: "More than that, although I don't know the contents of the preferential treatment system for military merit and honor,

But it is conceivable that if Yingcheng dares to abolish Da Qin’s fundamental national policy of farming and war, his strategy will be such a shocking one."

Chunyu Yue was deep in thought and suddenly said: "Brother Shusun, this may be our last ditch effort for Confucianism!"

"Gather all the Confucian scholars to come to Xianyang and fight!"

"Once this method comes out, the former nobility of the six countries will be divided and there will be no possibility of gaining momentum, especially the Propaganda Department!"

"I can foresee that it will become an unstoppable weapon that can destroy those nobles."

"If our Confucian school cannot rise in this general trend, it will surely be annihilated."

"Ying Cheng is definitely not comparable to Fusu. He is not even as good as Fusu."

"Above, they are kind people in the Qin Dynasty, and I will treat them with courtesy; below, they will be treated as evil ghosts, and they will be eradicated by law!"

"Can't hesitate any longer!"

"Either we wait for the Great Qin edifice to collapse, or the Great Qin stands unparalleled and becomes a masterpiece for the ages."

Listening to Chunyu Yue's deep sighs one after another, Shusun Tong stood up and stared at the doctor's palace of Nuo University, laughing and saying:

"Brother Chunyu, do you know what I'm thinking about now?"

Chunyu Yue asked strangely: "What?"

Shusun Tong sneered softly: "I was thinking that among the thirty or so doctors in the Doctor's Palace, no one takes Ying Cheng seriously!"

"You and I will never call each other by our first names from now on!"

In Xianyang Palace, it was as if an earthquake had occurred tonight.

The lights in Dalu Mansion gradually dimmed in the middle of the night.

But the Xianyang palaces were lit up all night.

The three ministers and nine ministers are working hard to absorb all the laws and regulations discussed in the Dalu Mansion today.


Five-level and nine-level system.

"Where are the nobles of the Six Kingdoms in the past?"

"Those who are officials are second-rate by direct relatives, and the rest are third-rate and first-rate."

“Wouldn’t that mean that we are in line with the people?”

"This move will divide the situation where the nobles are entrenched in one fell swoop. Some people will have to adapt and some will be eliminated."

"What about the local clans?"

"Those who are not officials shall be considered as citizens!"

"Where's the clan law?"

"I don't know, we haven't talked about the law yet."

They were discussing in one official office after another late at night.

While analyzing what impact the entire fifth and ninth streams will have.

Anyone with a little bit of vision can see that once such a national policy is implemented, the situation will be turned upside down.

Don't dare to delay.

No one knows what Ying Cheng will do tomorrow.

No one ended this late-night discussion, and no lights were turned off at the official office.

This is an extremely rare scene in Xianyang Palace in recent years.

But in the court, everyone must grasp the trends in the court.


The sky is getting brighter.

And in the midst of everyone's discussion.

At the beginning of the morning, Ying Cheng opened his eyes, and an order was issued from Dalu Mansion.

"It is reported that Sangong and Jiuqing's Mansion, Chen Zheng gathered in Dalu Mansion, today's discussion of legislation will continue!"

This chapter has been completed!
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