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Chapter 75: Si Wencheng's Twenty Ritual Enlightenment

I heard the final word from the First Emperor.

Both Li Si and Li Zhan, who was about to step out, sighed in their hearts.

His Majesty, who was sitting deep in the knowledge of this matter, had already decided in his heart that even if they objected again.

It can no longer be effective.

"The Secretary of the Propaganda Department, I recommend Chun Yuyue to be appointed!"

To resolve one matter, Ying Cheng said again: "Chun Yu Yue is a learned scholar of Confucianism. He is benevolent, righteous, propriety and wise. If you want to govern the world, Confucian etiquette is indispensable."

"I believe that we should use Confucianism and etiquette to promote the benevolence of the Qin Dynasty, remove the old customs in various places, and expand the definition of etiquette, so that the people can respect their relatives and teachers with heaven and earth, benevolent, righteous, propriety, wisdom and trust, be gentle, courteous and thrifty, and be loyal, filial, honest, shameless and courageous. These two crosses are established in the Qin Dynasty."

After Ying Cheng's words fell to the ground, the court hall was silent and greatly shocked.

The sound of murmurings could be heard endlessly.

Li Si couldn't help but murmured in a low voice, "Heaven and earth respect relatives and teachers, benevolent, righteous, propriety, wise and trustworthy, gentle, courteous and modest, loyal, filial, honest, shameless and courageous!"

Feng Quji also had a mature yet sharp look in his eyes, "Heaven and earth respect you as a teacher, benevolent, righteous, propriety, wise and trustworthy, gentle, courteous and humble, loyal, filial, honest, shameless and courageous!"

Meng Yi was also murmuring softly, "Heaven and earth respect relatives and teachers, benevolent, righteous, propriety, wise and trustworthy, gentle, courteous and modest, loyal, filial, honest, shameless and courageous!"

The learned men in the court couldn't help but murmur.

Fusu, who was still very dissatisfied at first, stared at Ying Cheng in disbelief. He couldn't understand, couldn't understand, really couldn't understand.

Suddenly he discovered that he had helped Su learn Confucianism all his life.

It's no match for these twenty words.

Even the First Emperor, who was sitting deep inside, began to murmur softly.

"I seem to suddenly wake up and have a summary of the past!"

Twenty words, like the sound of heaven, seem to have found a clear direction for this gift from the world.

There seemed to be a murmur of chanting in the entire court hall.

Twenty words are like an enlightenment, and the teaching has fulfilled all the rituals in the world!

"???" There were many people in the court who had doubts and didn't know why.

But for many knowledgeable people.

When looking towards Ying Cheng, I felt a huge mountain pressing down on the entire court.

Etiquette and law collapsed in the Spring and Autumn Period. Before the Spring and Autumn Period, there was a long epic of governing the country with etiquette.

No one can deny that it was a long historical chapter in which Chinese etiquette flourished to its utmost brilliance.

The three emperors and the five emperors gave way with propriety, not the family of the world, but determined the master of China with virtue, which was the beginning of the etiquette of the world.

In the summer of four hundred years, when the family world began, the long road of etiquette also began, and etiquette flourished from then on.

The rule of law and etiquette began in the Xia Dynasty. Many tribes abdicated and inherited in parallel to jointly govern the Xia Dynasty, so the "Xia Rites" appeared!

Although Shang defeated Xia, they inherited Xia's rites and improved the more stable "Yin rites", the rites of sacrifice and the rites of heaven and man!

During the five hundred years of Shang Dynasty, etiquette was respected and etiquette was prevalent in the world.

After the establishment of the Zhou Dynasty, the Duke of Zhou established rituals and music, enfeoffed princes, inherited the rituals of Xia and Shang, and formulated a more complete "Zhou Rites".

The feud between the princes divided the Zhou rites.

Confucianism, Taoism, Legalism and other schools of thought were separated from Zhou Li and innovated.

There are hundreds of schools of thought, hundreds of princes, and one country and one system. They are subject to unpredictable changes, and the Zhou rites collapse as a result.

The Chinese are wild and unruly, and the word "Huaxia" comes from this.

Knowledge is never fabricated out of thin air. It comes out of nowhere. It has its inheritance and origin.

Even Confucius, who is regarded as a saint by Confucianists, claimed that his knowledge was "stated but not written."

And now.

It was extremely shocking and even unbelievable to them.

Yingcheng Twenty Crosses!

This article gives a summary and redefinition of the ritual in this long history.

Twenty crosses, the Tao has fulfilled all the rituals in the world.

Going back three thousand years, this is the gift of Central China!

"Hahaha, hahaha, hahaha..." A sudden burst of wild and arrogant laughter appeared above the court, breaking the sudden silence of the court, and everyone left in search of the sound.

I found out that... Li Si was laughing wildly.

Those who didn't know better thought Li Si was going crazy.

The First Emperor asked in confusion: "Why is the Prime Minister laughing?"

Li Si bowed deeply to Ying Cheng, then faced the First Emperor, as if he had become more than ten years younger, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, I have some insights in this shocking thought."

"Young Master Cheng, your words woke me up, and I laughed with great pleasure."

The First Emperor really asked with doubts: "What kind of insights did the Prime Minister have? You might as well say it and share it with all your loved ones!"

Li Si laughed and said: "Your Majesty, I feel that there is no conflict between law and etiquette. They come from the same source, but they end up in different paths!"

Li Si's words instantly caused many ministers in the court to cast extremely surprised looks.

Especially his son Li Zhan, he was about to be pissed to death by this father.

In front of all the princes in the court and His Majesty, why does my father speak so nonsense and how can I, the Legalist, lose face?

Feng Quji, who had always been a spectator, couldn't help but ask: "The dispute between law and etiquette has been going on for a long time. It has reached the point of incompatibility. How come there is no conflict?"

The First Emperor frowned, as if he was puzzled, and was thinking hard about what Li Si had realized. He felt that Li Si had suddenly become much younger.

That kind of youthful and energetic look.

Li Si smiled proudly and said: "I suppress Confucianism and do not enter the court. I admit that it is a bit biased, but I do suppress it. I think that Confucianism is just a study that fools the people and fools the emperor."

"If Confucianism is practiced, officials will be selfish, officials will protect each other, the people will be ignorant, the superiors will be deceived, if Confucianism prevails, the road to advancement will be blocked, the criminals will not get the punishment they deserve, and everyone will follow suit

, great chaos will ensue."

Everyone was shocked when Li Si openly admitted his behavior in the court.

"Dad!" Li Zhan even shouted anxiously from behind, telling him to stop talking. Besides, they would really lose the respect of the Legalist courtiers.

But Li Si didn't care, and even glanced at Ying Cheng. He was indescribably complicated and continued to smile: "But now, I feel that I still haven't read the sage's book thoroughly!"

"Legalist knowledge must be strong when used, and hard will break easily; Confucian knowledge is as soft as water and as gentle as tan."

"I now feel that we, the Qin Dynasty, must use Confucianism, no, rather, we must use Confucian etiquette."

"The king of heaven and earth is the teacher, benevolent, righteous, propriety, wise and trustworthy, gentle, courteous, frugal and accommodating, loyal, filial, honest and courageous. These two crosses are the etiquette and are praised throughout the world."

"What does it have to do with our Legalists, and what does it have to do with our Da Qin Qin Law?"

"The etiquette of Confucianism is just to tell your majesty, just to tell all the ministers, just to tell the officials of the world, just to tell the people of the world, the principles of life."

"Tell everyone that you must understand etiquette to be a human being, and to be a human being, follow the etiquette of Confucianism."

"And the law is still the law, and it can only be the law!"

"If the law is violated, the violation will be punished, so what does it have to do with etiquette? The two have nothing to do with each other, but they prove each other."

List paused and said with a cheerful smile: "I still haven't thought clearly about the great law that says, 'The law should lead people to do good, rather than force people to do evil!'"

"I suddenly realized here that the strict law is to warn those who want to break the law. If they break the law, they will definitely be punished accordingly, until they can no longer bear the weight."

"For those who have violated the law, the sentencing is determined. The purpose is not to punish for the sake of punishment, but to encourage good deeds!"

"The method is to induce them to do good and become sentimental, to change their ways and to be a new person!"

"I was puzzled at first. The Propaganda Department and the Education Department have similar intentions, and both have the ability to educate. However, one has different duties and powers with the people, and the other with the scholars, so I kept silent and let them be dealt with."

"But now that I saw that Dalu ordered to inject all Confucianism into the Propaganda Department, I asked the minister to think for a while, and then I got some insights."

"The Propaganda Department should preach the rites and propagate the Dharma, so that people all over the world know the Twenty Rites. Everyone will praise our Qin Dharma, and we will make great contributions to our Qin Dynasty."

"Legalists can't do this kind of thing. If a Legalist goes there, they will just hold a doctrine in one hand and a mallet in the other, and give stern admonishments."

"But using Confucian people to influence people with virtue and teach them through words and deeds is not the best strategy."

Li Si said, took three steps back, paid a deep respect to Ying Cheng, bowed ninety degrees and said with a smile: "Li Si, you need to be taught!"


In the vast Xianyang Palace, a gasp of cold air can be clearly heard.

This is the voice of the ministers.

There was also the voice of the First Emperor.

this moment.

They felt that Li Si had changed.

It has become different.

Especially the veterans like Feng Quji and others felt that Li Si suddenly looked radiant and really looked ten years younger.

There is a saying in Taoism: once you have enlightenment and enlightenment, you will ascend to heaven.

They felt that Li Si was in this state at this time.

Li Zhan stared at Li Si in disbelief, but repeatedly murmured what Li Si had just explained.

It seems to be enlightened, but it is not true.

But he understood that Legalism might and would undergo earth-shaking changes.

Half of the courtiers in the court were murmuring, meditating, and thinking about Li Si's explanation just now, and even considered it as a classic.

The speech of the leader of the Legalists is a kind of baptism for the Legalists every moment.

Even Fusu was murmuring deeply, trying to interpret Li Si's words.

"The city cannot bear the Prime Minister's courtesy!"

Ying Cheng hurriedly stepped forward to help him, and he had to admire in his heart this powerful official who had been able to sit firmly in the Qin Dynasty for more than twenty years and single-handedly changed the Qin Dynasty.

Really, so smart.

It's probably because he was too smart that he lost his life in the late festival!

He just made a little movement and was noticed.

That's right.

In his opinion, Confucianism must not be reused, but it must be used.

If you want the world to be stable, you must understand etiquette and integrity.

Only by practicing etiquette can China survive forever!


Etiquette and integrity are only the standards of morality, but they still cannot get rid of empty talk, which will harm the country. If everyone follows the Jiangnan theory, they will inevitably freeze to death in the drunken and meaty roads of the rich family.


Dharma is a knife, and this knife must be sharp.

You have to grind it every moment, grinding it to a point that makes people look away and stay away from it.

If there is no one in Tingwei's prison one day, it will be the success of Legalism.

Once the knife becomes rusty and unable to cut, turning the three years of filial piety into a means of defeating political opponents becomes a decadent bureaucracy.

But now, he seemed to see hope.

There is also a sense of satisfaction in success.

Reform cannot be accomplished by one person.

It requires a large group with a common belief.

And if Li Si changes because of this, the energy it will bring is unimaginable.

Change from the bottom up, change in reverse.

Change from top to bottom, change will be smooth.

This chapter has been completed!
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