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Chapter 80 Papermaking Assembly Line Workshop

Crossed the swaying Zaohe River.

We arrived at the workshop where the black-armored guard stood alone and no one dared to approach.

There are three courtyards in the front, middle and back.

The first yard is the crusher, which is the most technological place in the entire super workshop.

No one there.

Construction continued, and Xianglikui was still leading workers to supervise construction in other areas.

A paper mill cannot meet the demand.

"Go and ask Gong Shuqiu, Xiang Likui to come over, and a hundred prisoners from each courtyard."

Ying Cheng gave instructions and walked inside.

Facing you is a thick and large crushing tube.

There are also scraps next to it, which seems to have been tested.

As long as the scraps are not lumps of wood, they can be broken into pieces. Boil them in lime water and the wood will fall apart.

He didn't expect to bleach, and he didn't expect to smell good.

Black is a good color. In addition to black paper, it can be seen clearly on paper of other colors.

no problem!


Xianglikui and Gongshu came to enmity.

More than a hundred prisoners who looked like loaches also came.

"Your Majesty, I pay my respects to Dalu Ling!"

As soon as they saw Ying Cheng, Xiang Likui and Gong Shuqiu, they quickly paid their respects.

"Did you make this?" Ying Cheng asked, grabbing the scraps.

When Gongshuqiu saw this, he thought that Ying Cheng was to blame, and said hurriedly: "Back to Dalu Ling, I wanted to test the effect of this crusher, so..."

Ying Cheng stopped Gong Shuqiu's explanation and said with a smile: "It's a great achievement, and you will be rewarded when you settle down."

"Now that you've done the operation, it's up to you to guide it!"

Ying Cheng said, walked up to the prisoners, looked at the extremely nervous prisoners, and said with a smile:

"If you work here for three years, I will absolve you of any crime. No matter what crime you committed, you will be exempted and your status as the leader of Guizhou will be restored!"


The originally nervous prisoners stared at Ying Cheng with joy, and asked in confusion whether it was true.

"Not only that, I also promise you that after three years, you can receive a thousand dollars and go back to live your stable life."

The prisoners who were originally asking questions suddenly knelt down one by one and shouted thanks.

Ying Cheng smiled calmly, said hello, and asked Gong Shuqiu and Xiangli Kui to start.

The public's attitude towards losing grudges is not as good as his.

He glanced at the stronger men among them and scolded: "You guys go over there and chop wood."

After saying that, Gongshu Qiu threw a piece of wood that had been split and said coldly: "If it is more than this size and thickness, it will be killed without mercy."

"You guys, come over here. It's up to you to put the wooden strips into this opening."


Gong Shuqiu walked to a position where the switch was pressed.

The giant copper gears are all rotating.

When it is necessary to stop the machine, just remove any one of the gear sets to stop the machine. There are three switch positions for easy replacement.


Just hearing a sharp impact, the entire gear set was driven up in an instant.

One by one, they were connected to each other, spinning at an extremely fast speed.

Not surprisingly, in an instant the entire rotating shaft of the pulverizer was roughly driven to rotate.

The original gear grinder.

"Stuff it inside. If you don't want to die, don't stuff your hand in it. Without your hand, you'll be useless!" Gong Shuqiu reminded him coldly.

Even though this was a well-intentioned release, it sounded very uncomfortable.

Ying Cheng did not approach it. He felt that this thing was a dynamite bag that lit the fuse to him. Since he experienced the assassin last time, he felt that it was better to stay away from high-risk sources of danger.

His life is worth an eternity of Great Qin!


Ying Cheng saw pieces of material sputtering out from the exit.

very satisfied.

I gave an order to Gongshuqiu and let Gongshuqiu keep an eye on it for the time being. When things stabilized, I would appropriately promote a few managers to manage it separately.

Chopping, crushing, transporting materials.

The transportation of materials is separated by a wall. You can go directly and pour it into the cooking tank, but now there is an extra process.

Here you need to transport materials to the gate of the second yard cooking pond.

"You guys go back and have a rest. Get a good rest. You can crush the materials at night, and they can crush the materials during the day." Ying Cheng gave the order smoothly.

Twelve-hour work system, shifts, two people per position.

There is no shortage of people.

Raw materials: lime, crushed wood!

This has a certain ratio of ingredients.

The ratio of water to lime is around 50. As the water evaporates, add water and lime in the same proportion.

This is related to whether the wood fibers can be fully dispersed and degummed.

He also experimented with this ratio for a long time before coming to the conclusion.


He has never tested a large pool like this, but according to the proportions, there should be no problem.

Because no matter how sticky it is, paper can be made as long as the wood is fully dispersed.

Lime is dispatched directly, there is no need to produce it here. There are many lime workshops in Afang Palace, so there is no need to worry about raw materials.

There are four giant cooking tanks in the entire yard, and they are all under construction at the same time.

A quick decomposition method that does not require soaking for a month or even a hundred days like bamboo material for making paper.

Guo Huaiyi followed Ying Cheng closely like a curious baby.

Only he knows what Ying Cheng is doing now.

We also know what kind of sensation Ying Cheng is doing now.

Make paper!

Thinking of the blank sheets of paper, Guo Huaiyi couldn't help but get excited and wished he could start working on it now.

"Young master, let the future come!" Guo Huaiyi couldn't help but said excitedly.

Ying Cheng shook his head, waved to several prisoners and said:

"You guys, pour the scraps into this pool."

Ying Cheng guided the whole process and did not let Guo Huaiyi do it, let alone do it himself.

And these prisoners don't even know how these scraps were obtained.

The most cruel thing about slavery is that all slaves will become tools for extreme exploitation by the superiors.

"You guys go make a fire!"

"You guys pour lime into it, one bucket at a time, and fill most of the pond with water."

That's right, it's just carrying water.

The water in the Zaohe River is very turbid and needs to settle.

Ying Cheng casually ordered the troops and generals, and arranged them directly according to the shift positions.

Quickly, more than a dozen prisoners were arranged.

As the same saying goes, if there are more people, it will be better, but if there are fewer people, it will not work.

The prisoner took action obediently.

It takes a lot of time to boil such a large copper pool.

Ying Cheng left and inspected the entire construction site, and everything was proceeding normally and stably.

Regarding the relocation of the workshops, each group's workshop still has three or four days to go, and it will take at least a month to achieve the results he wants.

He conveniently supervised the construction work of Xianglikui and intensified the construction efforts.

Returning to the paper mill again, the entire copper pool was already boiling.

"Start stirring!"

Ying Cheng nodded and directly ordered the hammer. The wood will swell and swell under boiling water and become loose. Just stir it thoroughly.

It seems almost done.

Pour the boiling water into another pool and wash away the mortar with clean water.

Then the hammering started.

This is the most laborious process, and it is still a manual operation, which requires hammering the loose and expanded wood into pulp.

As for the first boiling pool, the fire was not getting warmer, so it continued to pour water and wood to continue producing the raw materials for the third step.

Wait until it's almost done.

Ying Cheng asked the prisoners to use their hands to fish out the beaten pulp inside.

Load it into the next trolley and enter the next process.

The third yard.

It is also a copper pool.

But this copper pool is long, not deep, not big, and there are more than a dozen in number.

Put the pulp inside and stir thoroughly.

Even if it is basically successful.

"Two people put the papermaking mold frame inside and shook it through water. They came over to see that there was this thin layer on it, so they took off the soft frame inside."

Ying Cheng gave the instructions seriously.

This process is not difficult to say, but it is not easy to say it is simple.

The thickness of the paper is all determined by this operation.

If the operation is skillful, the thickness of the paper will be very uniform.


This is nothing.

Even if there is a gap, it is a gap that is invisible to the naked eye.

To make paper, you only need to remove the soft frame and press it on the long table.

The bottom is absorbent fabric.

Fasten the wet paper to the cloth, take away the soft frame, and continue to repeat the operation. In addition, separate a slightly wider line on each layer for easy peeling.

The preliminary paper has been completed.

The layers accumulated are almost a foot thick!

Ying Cheng continued to the next step, inside a huge and spacious thatched shed.

"You guys set up a fire to burn the beds, and all the beds will be hot!"

Ying Cheng is in need of step-by-step instruction.

Place a copper plate on top of the hot earthen kang. The heat transfer capacity of copper is second only to silver, which is very good.


Ying Cheng nodded and placed the wet piece of paper under a copper block that was lifted up by a pulley.

Gently put the copper block down, and the one-foot-thick paper layer began to seep water.

This step can compact the paper and remove some of the water.

Then lift the copper block up.

Place the wet paper piece on the Tukang and begin to peel off the paper.

In fact, this process does not require too much care. You can uncover the edges by slowly smoothing them along.

Then he placed the removed piece of paper on the heated copper bed.


A piece of warm and dry paper is finished.

This piece of paper is seven feet two long and two feet four wide, with room to spare.

"Is this it?"

Guo Huaiyi was extremely surprised and carefully observed a piece of warm paper.

Exciting and incredible.

too easy.

Really, it's too simple.

It's so simple that after he leaves, you can make the paper yourself.

Ying Cheng signaled Guo Huaiyi to stop talking, watched the operations of several prisoners very seriously, and guided them from the side.

"Take your time and relax."

"I will not break the promise I gave you."

"After three years, you will be free."

Ying Cheng patiently guided me. This operation is not complicated, and it’s almost done.

I took a stack of large papers to the cutting place.

Such a large piece of paper should be cut into a rectangular paper that is eight inches long and four inches wide, which is a 26 by 13 rectangular paper.

It is also the fixed size he sets for all printing slots.

The standard for future Qin books.

Such large paper can be cut into fifty-four pieces.

This chapter has been completed!
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