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Chapter 82: A New Beginning, Qin Tomb

"In the fifth and fifth year of the Qin Dynasty, on the third day of the eleventh month in the thirty-second year of the First Emperor's reign, I ordered all the counties and counties in the world to gather treasures from all directions and choose a place with unique bells and bells as the tomb of the Qin Dynasty. It was also a cemetery to receive incense and sacrifices from the world.

, awarded to Yongchang, and the soul bless the Qin Dynasty.

Since the unification of the six countries

In the rise of Qin and the road to unifying China

Soldiers who sacrificed their lives


Since I succeeded to the throne

In the rise of Qin and the road to unifying China

Soldiers who sacrificed their lives


This goes back to 556 years

In the rise of Qin and the road to unifying China

Soldiers who sacrificed their lives



In the early morning, the cold wind was blowing, with a hint of warmth.

One after another, seemingly ordinary and calm edicts, departed from the four gates of Xianyang City, followed nine straight Qin Roads, and dispersed quietly towards the world.

Ying Cheng stood at the west gate, staring at the team running away on the straight road from a distance, and his heart was filled with excitement!

This unparalleled ship was finally moved by him.

The first thing to be leveraged was Da Qin's national policy of farming and war.

More seriously, Great Qin’s militarized reform has already begun!

The military merit and honorary preferential treatment system will replace the national policy of farming and war.

And this edict.

It was specially prepared for military reform.

As the originator of the system, Ying Cheng himself could not participate in this matter.

The First Emperor was doing it himself.

The Tomb of Qin will become a place of honor for soldiers all over the world.

At the same time, it will also change the values ​​​​of people in the world.

"Enter the city!"

Ying Cheng didn't stay long and quickly rode a pony into the city.

This is a very docile little pony.

After learning from the pain, Ying Cheng decided to practice horse arching!

Don't seek to be able to fight well, just seek to protect yourself with all your strength.

There was no padded saddle, no footrests, and no hooves.

These are not the focus of his changes right now, just find a suitable time to make them happen.

Now his focus is still on his butt, no, it is on Dalu Mansion to revise the laws and fundamentally change Da Qin.

My butt really hurts.

A rough mat was placed on top of the jolting horse.

Guo Huaiyi told him very sincerely that if you want to practice horse racing, you must start with basic skills.

What is the basic skill? You need to grind out a thick knot under your buttocks.


Ying Cheng's butt hurts now.

But he was never one to give up easily.

Walking on the streets of Xianyang City, because I entered the city early this morning, there were already many stalls on the streets, and there was an endless stream of pedestrians, a sea of ​​people.

"Millet porridge, hot millet porridge, don't miss it when you pass by, have a bowl."

"Leek and green vegetable buns, would you like to try them, sir?"

"Sir, please take a bite of hot bean porridge to go away the cold!"

Listening to the cries of street stalls selling food, I watched people sitting down one after another to eat delicious food.

Ying Cheng shook his head and did not eat.

He ate these folk foods when he was traveling a year ago and they were really unpalatable.

In this era, the food in the palace could not even compare with an ordinary restaurant in later generations, and only a few were delicious.

As for the people.

A scene of people and pigs eating together!

Didn't linger too much.

Quickly, Ying Cheng entered the palace and arrived at Dalu Mansion.

In front of Dalu Mansion.

It was already a crowded scene.

Two to three hundred people of all kinds stood in front of the door, waiting for Ying Cheng's arrival.

starting today.

Dalufu is no longer discussing... what the ritual should look like and what aspects it should be; what should be the standard for legislation and what should be the specific form.

In the past few days, during the discussions between the three ministers and nine ministers, the general direction had been set.

And next.

It takes a long time to formulate every rule and every etiquette standard.

The five grades and nine streams, the ten principles of Qin law, the criterion of etiquette.

These are three big frameworks. What content is added to them really depends on your ability.

Far away!

Li Zhanpi stared at Ying Cheng with a dead smile, his dissatisfaction with Ying Cheng written on his face.

At the suggestion of Li Si's grandfather, Li Zhan, the second uncle, resigned from the post of Jiuqing in Tingweizheng and now serves as the Grand Historian of Dalu Mansion, assisting him in handling matters in Dalu Mansion.

Although the title of Dalu Mansion is the same as that of Sangong, it is his Dalu Order.

As for the Da Shi Ling, in the Da Qin official system, he was at most the highest-ranking official among the officials.

But no matter how you calculate it, they are all officials and cannot be compared with officially appointed officials.

For Li Zhan, who holds the position of Jiuqing, this is a big downgrade.

According to the official positions of the Qin Dynasty, if Li Zhan wanted to climb from Da Shi Ling to Ting Weizheng, he would have to go out to serve as a county lieutenant, then be promoted to the central position of Zuo Er, and then to Zheng.

Young Master Huaiye stared at Ying Cheng with a smile, and seemed to welcome Ying Cheng.

But who knows.

Shi Ling, the director of the Prime Minister's Office, is a position with mixed seniority. Even if he cannot be promoted further, as a young master, after being released, he will still be a county inspector or something like that.

Now being transferred to Dalu Mansion to be a Wuguandao investigator is a hard job.

Pack your bags, take a few people with you, and do some research.

I will definitely be a good parent officer in the future.

Shusuntong's eyes flickered and he stared at Ying Cheng humbly, feeling a little lonely.

in the past.

Shu Sun Tong and Chun Yu Yue were inseparable.

But now.

Chunyu Yue successively served as Sizheng of the Propaganda Department under Fengchang Mansion. In any case, he was a powerful figure.

But Shusun Tong became one of the many "Dingli" officials in Dalu Mansion, and he was not even the person in charge.

The person in charge was Zhang Rang, the minister of Fengchang Mansion, which was a great displeasure to Shusun Tong.

Especially, after Chun Yuyue became the Secretary General of the Propaganda Department, he not only had his own official office, but also his own residence.

at the same time.

There are also a lot more new faces.

Especially there are a few more people who seem to be out of tune with the officials.

At first glance, you can tell that he is a businessman, he looks rich and graceful.

It is not that there are no merchants in the Qin Dynasty, nor is there no wealthy merchants, but in the context of the Qin State's national policy, there are more of them with official and businessman status.

Among them, there are three that are relatively large in Qin State.

Xirong Wushi, a wealthy merchant with great strength in the animal husbandry industry, mostly sold and transported cattle, sheep and horses. Even most of the war horses in the Qin army were provided by this wealthy merchant.

Qin merchant Hu Xiu, a wealthy businesswoman who dominated the Qin Dynasty with her handicraft industry, was involved in many industries such as clothing, cloth, wood, sand, bamboo, writing, and mercury. She had been doing business for generations. Her ancestors provided cinnabar to the Qin government. She rose to power in the hands of Hu Xiu.

The Desi family in Shuzhong, a wealthy businessman who rose to prominence through mining and iron governance, had close cooperative relations with many military, industrial and agricultural tools companies of the Qin Dynasty. He was originally a businessman from Zhao, but moved to Shuzhong after Qin destroyed Zhao, and became the Zhuo family in Shuzhong

Slowly moving towards the world.

Those who can appear here will not be able to participate in legislation unless they have a strong background in the imperial court.

There are also many new faces.

There are only a dozen or so of them that Ying Cheng knows and has met.

Of course, I don’t know.

It doesn't mean these people don't know Ying Cheng.

After seeing Ying Cheng appear, they hurriedly faced Ying Cheng and worshiped in unison:

"Greetings to Mr. Cheng!"

This chapter has been completed!
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