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Chapter 14 The Aggressive Reporter

Happy community.

Wen Zheng had an eye-opening meal and lay lazily on the bed to call up the system.

"Qiu Mi! Congratulations on winning the first place in the preliminaries, and you will be rewarded with a lucky draw opportunity!"

Wen Zheng waited for a long time and saw nothing. He couldn't help but muttered. Last time he passed the audition, he was given a chance to draw a lottery, plus a 50% discount coupon for downloading songs. Why did he only get a chance to draw a lottery this time?

Just when he was depressed, he suddenly found that the worship value in the corner of the panel was falling crazily.

When he first came in, he took a look at the adoration value. It was already almost 10 million. Why is it only over 8 million now?

Even if it becomes less, why is it still declining?

In the blink of an eye, the worship value dropped below 8 million and headed towards 7 million.

Wen Zheng was confused, but he didn't panic at all. Even if there were five million admiration points left, it would be enough for him to download a good song. What's more, he would go to the company to record a song tomorrow. "Princess" would be released on Yuanlang Music, hum.


I want both worship and money!

"Let's draw a lottery!"

Wen Zheng gave a casual order, and the familiar lottery screen reappeared on the panel. In the end, a bronze box was stuck in the small frame.

"Ding! Congratulations on getting a pack of spicy strips."

"What the hell! Spicy strips?! It was a real leather suit last time, why is it spicy strips this time!"

Wen Zheng almost went crazy.

How much does a pack of spicy strips cost? Where can he buy them?

"What do I need these spicy strips for?"

Wen Zheng wailed, and put the spicy strips into his bag with tears in his eyes. He looked at the worship value again and saw that it had stopped at the seven million mark. The decline rate had obviously slowed down a lot, which made him feel a little relieved.

With seven million adoration points in his hand, he confidently opened the instrument skill page.

Master-level piano proficiency, 50 million adoration points; Master-level guitar proficiency, 30 million adoration points... Master-level suona proficiency, 100 million adoration points; Master-level erhu proficiency, 100 million adoration points...

Wen Zheng consciously exited the page.

The things inside this are really beyond what he can think of now. Not to mention the unlocking conditions, the worship value alone is not enough for him.

"It's better to go to bed and record songs tomorrow morning. I want to gain worship points, lots and lots of worship points!"

Wen Zheng comforted himself and fell into sleep.

As everyone knows, after the discussion about him on the Internet became heated and caused several websites to crash, things finally turned around.

early morning.

Wen Zheng rarely slept in, but was woken up by the sound of a phone call.

"Are you going downstairs by yourself, or should I go up to pick you up?"

Lin Qingge's voice came from the phone. Wen Zheng jumped up in excitement, and then froze.

It doesn’t hurt, it doesn’t even hurt?

He tried to move his arm, which was dislocated and scratched yesterday, and it turned out to be fine. He then tapped his calf, which was in plaster, and it felt much better.

"Damn it! The system is awesome 13!"

Wen Zheng finally realized that he was able to survive yesterday not because he was lucky enough, but because of the great contribution given by the system to the small pill.

His body seems to be stronger than most people.

No wonder he was so seriously injured, but he still slept soundly last night. It seems that within three days, he will be alive and kicking again.

Suddenly, he realized something even more terrifying. That little pill continued to improve his body, which meant that his physical fitness still had room for improvement!

Does the system want me to participate in the Olympics, or does it plan to send me to the Far East battlefield?

When Wen Zheng thought of this, he laughed first.

But no matter what, the body is the capital of revolution, and a strong body is always a good thing. At least in this incident, he has felt it.

"What the hell is your name! I'm already at your door, can you open the door?"

Lin Qingge thought he had fallen and couldn't get up, so he ran up in one breath.

When she saw that Wen Zheng had not only removed the bandage, but also thrown away the crutches, and even the wounds on his arms were scabbed, she couldn't help but ask, "Are you still a human being?"

"Hahaha, I'm in good health and will naturally recover quickly."

Wen Zheng laughed and changed the topic, "Why are you coming to see me so early?"

"Since you have recovered well, you should go to the company first."

Lin Qingge glanced at his button machine and knew that he must not know what was happening online, so he said with a serious face.

On the car.

Wen Zheng took the tablet that Lin Qingge handed him and looked at the contents on it. Only then did he realize what had happened.

After the big V broke the news, netizens were in a complete quarrel. After major websites were restored one after another, complete surveillance of the accident scene finally appeared on the Internet, and the big V was scolded and quit the Internet.

Seeing this, Wen Zheng suddenly realized that the worship value was so low, but why didn't the worship value increase again?

He turned to look at Lin Qingge and asked, "There must be sequels to the matter, right?"

Lin Qingge said solemnly: "The problem lies with the old man. He hasn't woken up yet. His family members questioned whether you rescued people properly and caused secondary injuries to the old man. Moreover, the driver who was hit by the truck testified that he

You could have taken the old man away earlier and more safely, but after looking at the surveillance cameras on the roadside, you hesitated before going to rescue him."

"You mean, I'm risking my life for a show?"

Wen Zheng looked in disbelief, "How can these keyboard warriors, with their 37-degree fingers, type such cold words?"

When he left the hospital yesterday, the old man's family members had not yet arrived, but the old man had already been sent to the emergency room and needed several expensive life-saving medicines. No matter what, he could only spend the more than 400,000 yuan in his card first.

Put it in, this is a pure good person and a good deed.

If the keyboard warriors want to complain, they should also complain about the truck driver. I, Wen Zheng, am also a victim. How come things turned sour when it got online?

Lin Qingge glanced at Wen Zheng, who was turning blue, and said hesitantly: "I'm going to call the reporters, and you can explain the situation on the spot. As you can see now, our opponents have no intention of giving you a way to survive. If this continues, the singer competition will be far away.

Wave music will be seriously affected. As long as the situation calms down or the truth is revealed, you will make a lot of profits."

Wen Zheng originally wanted to refuse, but considering the singing competition, he nodded and agreed.

The competitions in the five divisions were held alternately, and he knew very well what this singer competition meant. It didn't matter if he suffered a little injustice, and he didn't need to explain to the brainless trolls, but Yueyin Records could not be affected.

When the two arrived at Yueyin Records, the downstairs was already crowded with reporters.

Under the escort of company security, Wen Zheng and Lin Qingge finally squeezed out of the crowd, but reporters on site quickly surrounded them.

Lin Qingge did not expect that the press conference would come so early. After obtaining Wen Zheng's consent, the press conference began.

"Wen Zheng, how do you feel about the accusations online?"

A reporter from SouMiao Entertainment was the first to ask.

Wen Zhengzheng replied expressionlessly: "Read it on a tablet."

Everyone looked confused, and after they came to their senses, they asked even more pointed and crazy questions.

"There are professional lawyers on the Internet who say that your behavior constitutes murder or intentional injury. Have you considered surrendering?"

"You dare to use the life of an old man to gain traffic. I would like to ask if the previous poisoning incident was also a farce directed and performed by you, just to gain a chance to make a comeback?"

Wen Zheng was very angry. After taking a few deep breaths, he said patiently: "I went to buy breakfast, and then encountered an unexpected accident. I instinctively avoided it, but found that the old man couldn't escape, so I took the initiative to save him. In that case,

, I can only throw him into the green belt, this is the best choice. As for what you said, it is completely nonsense."

A reporter quickly asked: "The old man has not woken up yet, and another injured person at the scene claimed that after paying the old man more than 400,000 yuan in medical expenses, he fled in a hurry. In your eyes, 400,000 yuan is a human life."

A clear price tag, or compensation after your conscience discovers it?"

This question is obviously a trap.

Wen Zheng rolled his eyes and couldn't help but snorted coldly.

He vowed that if the law allowed, he would now be able to experience the taste of a new life as an unscrupulous reporter.

When the reporter saw that he didn't answer, he said aggressively: "You acquiesced that this accident was directed and performed by yourself? It seems that you really know how to shock everyone both on and off the stage. Wen Zheng, you don't deserve what you have now."

For everything, please log off and accept legal sanctions."

Wen Zheng pointed to his calf with a cast and said in a deep voice: "I am also a victim."

The reporter said reluctantly: "According to the scene, if you are really a victim, even if you don't die, you will be seriously injured. How come you are on stage to compete again in a blink of an eye? You say you are a victim, who can prove it?"

"What I said is the truth, and the hospital records also have it. It's just that I am in good health and recovered quickly. If you don't believe it, there is nothing I can do."

Wen Zheng spread his hands and showed that he had completely given up resistance, which made many reporters happy.

Just then, an ambulance roared in, attracting everyone's attention.

This chapter has been completed!
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