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Chapter 136 Sorry, I'm a Singer

Early morning.

The film schedules of all large theaters in Dragon Kingdom show that tickets for the movie "Escape from the Amazon" are already available for purchase.

Starting in the morning, there will be four screenings a day!

In response, many netizens continued to make sarcastic remarks.

"Congratulations to Wen Zheng for returning to the age of little fresh meat!"

"Hahaha, I couldn't help but laugh when I saw this intensive filming."

"The show card is full immediately. Guess how long it will take for this film to be removed from the shelves. Can it last for three days?"

"You may not know that my work unit organized us to watch movies together, and my wonderful weekend was just gone. Damn it!"

"I'm even worse off than you are. My son was asked by the school to write a 600-word review after watching it. I have to write a 1,000-word review!"

"Tsk tsk, let's have a moment of silence for those upstairs."

"Is Wen Zheng planning to stop after just one vote?"

Amid the skepticism, major theaters have started checking in for tickets.

In addition to movie viewing groups organized by work units, there were also many self-proclaimed diehards who bought tickets. However, after entering the cinema, they soon discovered an interesting phenomenon.

There was no one taking pictures of the pirates at the scene!

After a moviegoer casually posted the incident online, it immediately aroused the attention of the melon-eating crowd.

"Hahaha, this is a movie that is not even available on pirated websites. Brother, are you still going?"

"Laughing to death..."

"Let's just start the movie now, and wait for the first batch of suffering people to show up and complain!"

Just when the keyboard warriors are gearing up for a big fight, the main movie is being released in major theaters!

The two CEOs of Feifan Entertainment and Royal Entertainment also met in a private cinema.

Liang Long sighed: "There is nothing I can do about the resumption of the singer competition. I didn't expect that the attitude above would be so unified on this matter. Sigh... otherwise I would definitely have a hand in it. This would be a big cake."

Gao Fushun murmured, then rubbed his feet and said jokingly: "In the final analysis, your relationship is not strong enough."

Liang Long spread his hands and said: "You have also seen that Yueyin's side is about to be brought down. Unfortunately, I dare not put any more pressure, otherwise I will definitely have to scare others afterwards. I only hope that Wen Zheng, a pig teammate, can help

Let's wait until the Internet is full of criticism against Yueyin, then we will comply with public opinion and try harder. I have to take a bite of this cake!"

Gao Fushun smiled and pointed at the screen and reminded: "The movie has started. Actually, I don't believe it is a bad movie."

Diplodocus was stunned for a moment, then laughed.

The movie starts out quite well, with two Dragon Kingdom special forces participating in an international training camp.

Hunter School is a special academy where it is difficult for special forces to persist until graduation. According to the regulations, if anyone cannot complete the training, he can quit midway, but he must take off the flag of the country he is flying.

The movie opens with a hellish level of difficulty. Not only are live ammunition used for training, but the amount of training exceeds the limits of the human body, which is no different from torture.

When the audience saw a foreign soldier who was hit by a bullet and had to carry his country's flag home due to injury, everyone felt sorry for them and at the same time couldn't help but sweat for the two Dragon Kingdom special forces.

At the end of a certain training session, Xiaolong's boots were too big, which weighed down Wang Hui, making them two of the bottom five.

Even though Xiaolong explained the reason, the instructor still insisted on either accepting the punishment immediately or ringing the bell and giving up.

A black brother protested against this inhumane and abusive training and rang the bell without hesitation to quit the competition.

When it was Xiaolong and Wang Hui's turn to choose, they had firm eyes, endured hunger and exhaustion, and silently accepted the punishment.

By this time the movie was playing, the atmosphere in the cinema had quietly changed.

There were no more whispers or people closing their eyes to sleep and trying to kill time. Everyone was staring at the big screen.

They felt sorry for the two Dragon Kingdom special forces soldiers and hated the instructor who was unreasonable and full of racial prejudice.

When Wang Hui and Xiao Long were wronged because of corn cakes.

After Wang Hui said, "If you think the people of the Dragon Kingdom are like this, then I have no choice but to give up," he walked straight towards the big bell that sounded the sign of giving up and lowered the national flag at the same time.

Someone in the audience gritted his teeth and shouted secretly: "Don't go, you represent the Dragon Kingdom! We can't admit defeat!"

When Xiaolong punched Wang Hui who was about to ring the bell and retire.

When the two chose to browse the five hundred round-trip high-speed Internet, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time, they still felt inexplicably blocked in their hearts.

Until Xiaolong, who had been ridiculed for his short stature, defeated the provocative foreign soldiers and won the applause of everyone.

Until the instructor silently changed him into boots that fit his feet.

The audience had finally let out most of the breath they had been holding back, and felt a faint sense of pride in their hearts.

At this moment, they had long forgotten that they were forced to watch the movie, and had long forgotten the comments they had thought about when entering the theater. They only remembered that when the Dragon Kingdom military parade was played on the screen, they felt so proud and proud in their hearts!

The second half of the movie.

Xiaolong and Wang Hui performed superbly many times. Wang Hui not only saved the beauty as a hero, but also smashed the conspiracy of the real bad guy, and was awarded the Medal of Warrior afterwards.

"When the Dragon Kingdom soldiers come again, they will definitely have suitable military uniforms and leather boots."

The instructor's words completely ignited the audience's enthusiasm.

Wang Hui and Xiao Long in the movie have won respect and recognition with their strength, which is what everyone has been looking forward to!

The movie ended, the subtitles slowly appeared, and Wen Zheng's song "The Lonely Warrior" quietly sounded.

At the same time, a line of words appeared on the big screen: "Dedicated to the Dragon Kingdom soldiers who silently guard us!"

Some older viewers already had tears in their eyes.

At this moment, the song "Lonely Warrior" is no longer exclusive to children.

At this moment, they remembered the previous promotional video of "Dislocated Time and Space". It is precisely because of the people who are willing to contribute silently that the Dragon Kingdom is what it is today!

After the first screening of the movie, Wen Zheng quickly became a hot topic, and the reputation of the movie changed drastically.

"When the Dragon Kingdom soldiers come again, they will definitely have suitable military uniforms and leather boots."

"Well done, well done. I'm proud to be from the Dragon Country!"

"My blood is boiling. Who said this is a bad movie? I'm the first to say no! There's no need to hide your love for your country, otherwise there's something wrong in your heart!"

"This is a soldier from the Dragon Kingdom. It's not easy. Woohoo..."

"Suddenly I understand why the contestants in the singing competition need military training. Artists have always been too comfortable and have forgotten that the reason why they can sing and dance on stage is who gave them such peaceful years!"

"I'll beat anyone who makes pirated copies to death! I'm willing to earn this money for Wen Zheng!"

"If you don't watch a movie like this three or four times, you will still be a Dragon King. Keep the money in your pocket for the offspring. Brothers, grab your tickets!"

"The tickets for tomorrow are all gone, and the filming schedule for the day after tomorrow hasn't been released yet."

Netizens discussed the movie enthusiastically. It seemed that no one was discussing Wen Zheng. In fact, some official media had already come forward and said:

Those who can write "The Lonely Warrior" and "Dislocated Time and Space" are worthy of our trust forever!

Another official media review of the film said:

This is a very realistic and very genre action movie.

Its "good-lookingness" is by no means limited to the uniqueness of the screen story or the usual ups and downs.

The film has an impact that can make the audience's blood boil, and the dignity and glorious birth process that people look forward to. It makes us have to understand that no matter at any time, we must always hold on to "the interests of the motherland above all else" and "I

It represents the belief of "Dragon Kingdom".

When that moment comes, even if we are only mortal bodies, we must persist in maintaining the dignity of the Dragon Kingdom with our iron will.

In a private cinema.

Liang Long said with emotion: "I regret not taking Wen Zheng into my employ. After watching this movie, my blood boils. Now it's probably hard to get a ticket outside!"

Gao Fushun put away his mobile phone and said with a smile: "The tickets for the day after tomorrow were gone within a minute of being released. This is the case across the country. How about we control the movie schedule?"

Liang Long frowned and said: "Are you sick? If we arrange more films at this time, we will definitely make a lot of money. Wen Zheng's money is not money?"

Gao Fushun smiled, scratched his crotch, and responded: "That's right, you're making money, you're not shabby!"

That afternoon.

When "Escape from Amazon" was extremely popular and sold out, Wen Zheng was called to the company by Lin Qingge.

The phone call only said that a very important person wanted to see him and asked him to hurry up and come.

In the meeting room of the chairman of Yueyin Records.

A man with gray hair on his temples and a sharp-sword-like gaze looked at Wen Zheng. He stretched out his hand and said with a smile: "Hello, I'm from the Drug Enforcement Administration. I heard that you are very good at making promotional videos, so I would like to ask you to help me."

Our department also made a promotional video. I want those colleagues who have been anonymous and dedicated all their lives to know that Longguo and its people have not forgotten them!"

Wen Zheng replied seriously: "I'm sorry, I'm a singer."

This chapter has been completed!
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