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Chapter 16: New Song Released

When Wen Zheng was having dinner with Lin Qingge, he asked the clerk for pen and paper to write a song on the spot. However, he was ruthlessly rejected by Lin Qingge for an even more outrageous reason:

Because the wind is strong, it is not suitable for writing songs.

Wen Zheng was confused, but this did not affect his appetite at all.

After eating and drinking, the two returned to the company again.

Lin Qingge led the slightly lame Wen Zheng into an office and introduced: "From now on, this will be our office. The music director of Yuanlang Platform has a tentative monthly salary of 500,000 yuan, and 30% of your equity income will be settled at the end of the year.

If you want to publish your songs on the platform yourself, just register an account and see what happens. I will ask the technical department to open the backend permissions for you later."

"Music director? And monthly salary?"

Wen Zheng looked around. The office was nice, but when did he say he wanted to be the music director?

Lin Qingge narrowed his eyes and smiled: "As I agreed with you last time, we signed an exclusive cooperation agreement. Besides, you don't need to work really, and you are still getting paid. This doesn't suit your life.


Wen Zheng sighed speechlessly: "I'm just a rich man, I don't like freeloading. Sigh... Okay, I'll prepare it, and then I'll go record the song."

Lin Qingge pointed to the computer and mobile phone on the table and warned: "This is company welfare."

Wen Zheng glanced at it and said quickly: "Forget about the phone."

Recalling the past, it hurts, it hurts too much.

"Tch! Don't forget it. I'll look at the competition data from other divisions. It's up to you."

After Lin Qingge left, Wen Zheng first checked the worship value and found that the originally declining value had now begun to increase and reached more than 11 million.

The video of the old man coming forward to clarify this morning has quickly spread on the Internet under Yao Guangxiao's secret manipulation.

In the decisive battle between the navy and the navy, Baitian's side collapsed in the end. The difference in numbers was really too big, and the evidence was irrefutable.

As a result, Wen Zheng became popular all over the Internet with his two hit songs and his story of heroic rescue. Not only was he highly sought after by netizens, but even some official accounts commented on the matter and gave Wen Zheng recognition and affirmation.

A certain newspaper made it clear that Wen is exactly what society needs, a socially responsible idol, and worthy of learning from everyone.

Although the number of words is small, it is very heavy.

"Qiu Mi! Congratulations on winning the title of Brave for Righteousness, and you will be randomly rewarded with a small life skill!"

The system prompt sounds at the right time.

I saw a colorful box suddenly appear on the board, and then the box slowly opened, and a steering wheel popped out of it.

Wen Zheng's face was filled with questions.

The system voice sounded again: "Ding! Congratulations on your top-notch driving skills." The steering wheel in the screen gradually faded and then disappeared completely.

Wen Zheng cooperated and closed his eyes. As a result, he felt no reaction for a long time.

He curled his lips, looked at his more than 11 million adoration points, and opened the music library with a grin.

So what if he didn't have a coupon? With his current strength, it wouldn't be a problem to download seven or eight songs like "Princess" in one go. In the end, he chose a song called "The Lonely Warrior" with an admiration value of 700,000.

He doesn't plan to use this song in a competition, but will record it today and publish it on the Yuanlang Music platform together with the song "Princess" to earn some living expenses first.

Afterwards, Wen Zheng personally finished the accompaniment of the two-hand song, then walked into the recording studio, and the result was naturally the same.

Even though the employees knew how powerful the new music director was, they were still shocked after experiencing it up close again. If every singer was like Wen Zheng, they might be out of a job.

When everything was ready, Wen Zheng turned on the computer and re-registered the scarf.

The bib official had been paying attention to him and found out that he had registered an account under his real name. Not only did they immediately authenticate him, but they also sent a message: Welcome Wen Zheng to join the bib family.

When Wen Zheng saw the official @himself, he was slightly surprised and ignored it.

A few minutes later.

Wen Zheng posted his first scarf update:

"The new song "Lonely Brave" will be released on Yuanlang Music later. It is dedicated to those heroes who serve silently!"

The curious babies who came after hearing the news immediately started commenting.

"Are you really Wen Zheng? The whole Internet owes you an apology. I'm sorry, we wrongly blamed you, woo woo woo..."

"You don't need to recuperate? It's understandable that you work hard to save people, but it's not necessary for work. We allow you to fish!"

"What the hell is "The Lonely Warrior"? Where's "Princess"? Are you allowed to eat it?"

"To pay tribute to the heroes who dedicated themselves silently? What do you mean? I don't know much about reading. Please explain."

Wen Zheng took a few glances and found that in just a few minutes, the number of fans had increased to more than 300,000, so he quickly turned off the message reminder, closed the scarf page, and ran to register his own Yuanlang Music account.

At this moment, Lin Qingge suddenly appeared.

"You're going to release two new songs today? Why didn't you tell me earlier? The management side hasn't prepared the promotion yet. If you release the new songs rashly, aren't you afraid that you won't be able to catch up?"

Wen Zheng was overwhelmed by her barrage of questions.

He explained: "You didn't even ask. If there is no publicity in operation, then there is no publicity. Anyway, I posted the news on my scarf myself, and the effect is pretty good."

"Next time, tell me in advance. Promotion is very important. You will release the new song in ten minutes, and I will ask the operation team to prepare it."

Lin Qingge frowned and added, "Forget it, you go to the conference room with me first. The people from Yuanlang Music will gather immediately and leave the release of the song "Lonely Brave" to them."

An hour later, "Lonely Warrior" was launched on Yuanlang Music Platform.

At Wen Zheng's request, the operation team of Yuanlang Music only released a well-produced short video with this song as the background music. However, the content of the video covers many positions where people are silently dedicated, such as firefighting, medical, and volunteers.

, military, police, scientific researchers, and even ordinary workers, etc.

As soon as the video came out, it was like a bombshell was dropped on the Internet.

In less than half an hour, the video had over 100 million likes and comments, tens of millions of retweets and favorites, and countless netizens were in tears.

"I finally know what Wen Zheng's words mean, and I burst into tears..."

"There are no peaceful years, it's just that there are people who carry the burden for us. Pay tribute to the heroes and thank Wen Zheng."

"After watching the video, I feel very ashamed. I previously trolled Wen Zheng online for not rescuing people. To be fair, if it were me, I would not dare to go up and save the old man because I am afraid of death. Maybe Wen Zheng is also afraid.

, but he still rushed forward, just like thousands of unknown heroes, rushing forward without hesitation. They are all the pride of our Dragon Kingdom! Salute to the heroes!"

"Who said that those covered in mud are not heroes, but those who stand in the light are heroes! There are always a group of people who contribute silently, there are always a group of people who stand in the most dangerous front, and there are always people who take it for granted and don't do anything for it.

Think for yourself..."

"I am very proud to be a member of the Dragon Kingdom!"

In the conference room of Yueyin Records Office.

A large group of people stared at the data feedback on the computer screen, all of them beaming with joy.

"The Lonely Warrior" has been downloaded over one million times. Although "Princess" has a small number of topics, its downloads have also reached the million level. The first song to be released, "Broad Sea and Sky", is about to be downloaded over 10 million at this time.

With the support of these three songs, the number of registered users of Yuanlang Music has now approached ten million.

It is obvious that these nearly 10 million people are here for Wen Zheng.

"A certain newspaper reposted our video. In addition, many official media also reposted our video. Director Wen's idea is really great. It is much more effective than other publicity!"

Someone in the operations team couldn't help shouting.

Wen Zheng smiled politely and said: "In comparison, it's not how great this song is, nor how great our marketing methods are, but how great these unknown heroes are, and the majority of netizens can resonate with them.

This is the Dragon Kingdom. If one day, the public watches such a video and has no emotions in their hearts, then... I think such a situation will appear abroad, but it will never appear in the Dragon Kingdom, because this is the Dragon Kingdom.


Lin Qingge also said with emotion: "You brought this incident to a perfect end with this song. This is something no one expected. I have to say that you are really amazing."

"Have a good rest recently. The other four regional qualifiers will end in one month. If you come up with something original during this period, you must save it for the competition!"

She is now very worried that Wen Zheng will lose his trump card in the competition after randomly releasing the best products. If he is eliminated, the consequences will not be fatal, but he will lose his almost perfect character.

Wen Zheng pondered for a moment, then approached Lin Qingge and whispered: "Can I cash out some of the proceeds from the song? You also know that I am tight on money right now."

Lin Qingge: "..."

This chapter has been completed!
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