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Chapter 165 Profound Burial

One moment they were relentless opponents, but at this moment Wen Zheng and the foreign mercenary code-named Lingshu were covering each other and trying to escape.

The two of them faced more than a dozen guns, and the terrain was not yet advantageous, so they had no chance to fight back.

Ten minutes later.

It can be said that Wen and Zheng fled into the valley in a panic.

The spirit rat looked around and said excitedly: "How much ammunition do you have left? I think we can fight back a little bit."

Wen Zheng casually checked the weapon and said angrily: "Just two bullets. Just hold on, support will be here soon."

The spirit rat smiled and said: "Okay then. I'll give you a magazine and you can find the high ground."

Wen Zheng took the magazine without thinking much, turned around and climbed up.

Unexpectedly, he just saw the pursuers and subconsciously turned back to see where the spirit rat was, which almost made him angry to death.

This kid actually ran away alone!

"Oh no! Sell your teammates!"

Wen Zheng cursed secretly and was about to shoot to stop the pursuers, but unexpectedly the pursuers actually stopped outside the valley.

Seeing this situation, Wen Zheng suddenly felt that something was wrong.

He was about to open his mouth to warn the escaping spirit rats, but before he could say anything, loud noises came from the valley. At first, it was like a mine firing. Within a few breaths, the explosions got worse and worse, almost like being bombed.

Mud and rocks were flying all over the sky, and smoke and dust covered the sky and the sun.

"Ding! The system immunity card has been used automatically, successfully immunizing against a fatal injury."

In a daze, Wen Zheng seemed to hear the long-lost sound of the system, and then completely lost consciousness.

Outside the canyon.

The middle-aged Japanese man looked at the almost flattened valley and couldn't help but sneered: "If you are given a generous burial above, I will give you a generous burial. It's just a pity that I couldn't get your body. What a wonderful thing."

He paused, and then ordered to his men: "Target No. 1 has been solved, now lurk over there and kill as many of those singers as possible!"

A group of bow-legged people were chanting slogans, with a look of death in their eyes.

The above told them that in this war destined to be without gunpowder, if they exchanged their lives for their lives to get rid of those singers, they could temporarily cut off the future of the Dragon Kingdom entertainment industry, even if it was only for a dozen years or a few years.

That's all, but for the Japanese country, this breakthrough is enough.

And they will definitely go down in history!

No one took a second look at the valley, because in such an explosion, there was no possibility of surviving.

However, Wen Zheng, who had a system to save his life, naturally could not die like this.

Wen Zheng struggled to get out of the pile of mud and rocks, and was hit in many places by rocks.

When he shook the dust off his head and wiped his eyes, what he saw was a head growing in the soil like a carrot.

Upon closer inspection, it was the spirit rat that tried to escape earlier.

Wen Zheng checked his breathing and found that this boy still had breath.

Out of humanitarian concern, he decided to dig out the person first. Whether he could be saved would be another matter.

After a few digs, Wen Zheng couldn't help but be stunned.


This reminded him of the scene in a certain movie where the character played by Uncle Ge had his butt blown off.

The scene in front of me is more exciting and scary than in the movie.

At this moment, the head in the soil opened his eyes slightly. Perhaps because of the flashback, he looked at Wen Zheng carefully and said in surprise: "Are you not dead yet?"

Wen Zheng: "..."

The spirit rat let out a long sigh with great difficulty, and suddenly froze half of his body. He glanced down, and his face suddenly changed drastically.

Wen Zheng consoled him: "Don't look at it, you only have so much left. Who asked you to sneak into my house? If you hadn't come, how could these things have happened. Please be more peaceful in your next life."

"Oh, Falk!"

The spirit rat cursed feebly, and then asked, "Give me a cigarette, and I'll tell you a secret."

Wen Zheng thought for a moment, touched the cigarette dots on his body and put it into his mouth.

He suddenly became curious, why should he smoke? However, to his disappointment, there was no smoke seeping out of the mud.

"Tell me, do you have any arrangements for your funeral? Since you and I are fighting side by side, I will consider it."

Wen Zheng didn't know where the courage came from, he just felt that his state of mind at this moment was unbelievably calm.

The spirit rat coughed up a mouthful of blood and dropped the cigarette.

He said with difficulty: "I checked the account where the deposit was paid. It is an overseas company controlled by Japanese people. It is nine out of ten that they did this. Brother, if you have a chance, help me get revenge."

Wen Zheng hurriedly asked: "What's the name of that company?"

However, the spirit rat's eyes widened and it was impossible to speak anymore.

Wen Zheng slowly lit a cigarette for himself, and when he was about to look at the wounds on his body, he suddenly heard the sound of large footsteps in the distance.

"No, you want to fight back? It's over now."

Wen Zheng looked around in panic.

At the moment, he is unarmed, and he doesn't even have a hiding place. If more than a dozen guns come, he will really have to explain this place.

Just as he was about to bury himself back in the mud, a familiar green suddenly appeared in the distance.

One of our own!

He breathed a long sigh of relief and shouted at the top of his lungs: "Wen Zheng, the new recruit in the cooking class!"

To his surprise, Lin Yun came and replied: "Stay there and don't move. The medical team is following me! Others are on alert!"

When Wen Zheng heard this, he suddenly felt like he was going to survive a disaster.

The medical soldier checked Wen Zheng's injuries, and Lin Yun asked what was going on.

Wen Zheng sighed: "It's a long story, but to put it simply, this carrot led four people to chase me. After I killed one person, I may have felt that it was too deep to evacuate, so I wanted to run away, but I was killed.

Kill three of them. The remaining two, including the radish in the soil, were silenced by another group of people."


Lin Yun said in disbelief.

Wen Zheng explained: "The people who hired them should be Japanese people, but the other party obviously had a backup plan, and the entire mercenary team was wiped out."

Lin Yun frowned and said, "The explosion just now...are you here?"

Wen Zheng was stunned for a moment, then laughed and said, "Maybe I was lucky and was thrown into the air by the air waves first."

Lin Yun obviously didn't believe it, but he didn't ask any more questions.

He suddenly realized the most critical question, where were the people who came to silence him? They didn't meet a single person when they came.

"Quick! Contact Yao Sheng and the reconnaissance company and ask them to escort the recruits back! The enemy may be heading towards them!"

Lin Yunchong shouted to the signal soldier.

Wen Zheng suddenly stood up, only to be pushed back by the medical soldier.

"You have a gunshot wound on your arm, don't move!"

Wen Zheng ignored the medical soldiers, looked at Lin Yun with an anxious look and said, "What's going on with Zhao Xia and the others?"

Lin Yun said in a deep voice: "A few dozen minutes ago, as soon as the communication was restored, Gong Chen reported the situation. The enemy placed booby traps under them. Fortunately, Gong Chen and his team arrived in time. After rescuing them, they had already gone to the base camp.


Wen Zheng suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

To be honest, they were from a reconnaissance company. If he didn't know about it, he would definitely trigger a booby trap.

Lin Yun glanced at the wounds all over his body and said in a deep voice: "Your assessment is over. A helicopter will come to take you back later. Leave the rest to me."

Wen Zheng was instantly unhappy.

He yelled: "You can't get out of the line of fire even if you're slightly injured, you know? What do you think of me? Eating a peach is too cool? Who are you looking down on!"

Lin Yun said speechlessly: "Look at you. You were shot in the arm. There are many soft tissue contusions all over your body. It's unclear whether there are any fractures. It's a miracle that most people can survive such a big explosion. When I saw you just now, I almost thought I was dazzled.

Now, I really want to ask, why can you survive?"

He paused and then advised: "Just stay there, otherwise I won't be able to explain to my sister. They made a lot of noise this time, and also involved an illegal entry route. The military region here dispatched a group

Encirclement and suppression. You deserve a lot of merit, so leave some soup for us."

"Your sister?"

Wen Zheng looked surprised, "I know your sister very well?"

"You're not familiar with your boss?"

Lin Yun smiled and patted Wen Zheng on the shoulder, "You performed well this time. Take a good rest. We'll talk about the rest when I get back."

Wen Zheng was still in a state of confusion until Lin Yun left.

Nima, let Lin Qingge make another trick. It turns out that Lin Yun is her brother.

But Lin Yun is older than him, so how could Boss Lin be the same age as him?

Damn! I have to go over this with her later. I always feel that every word of my boss’s mouth is the truth. It’s okay to let me work for you, but you can’t make up stories to deceive people.

More than half an hour later.

Wen Zheng successfully arrived at the hospital and was sent to the ward after comprehensive diagnosis, treatment and examination.

In the next bed are Zhao Xia and Luo Guangcai.

In addition to being beaten a bit badly, these two people also had the most serious muscle strains. After being rescued, they were immediately arranged here.

After some inquiries, Wen Zheng found out.

Gong Chen and others, who were responsible for tracking their traces, had initially concluded that the watch had been misplaced. When they realized something was wrong, they found it again.

Zhao Xia and others were simply too tired. After being knocked unconscious, they didn't wake up until they got out of trouble and had some reaction.

Ye Xiaoxue and Wang Meili are also in this hospital, but are receiving psychological treatment.

Lin Qi followed Yao Sheng and Gong Chen back together. As for what the situation is now, Wen Zheng, Zhao Xia and others don't know.

Luo Guangcai couldn't help but sigh: "Are you saying we are unlucky? Ordinary recruits can encounter this kind of thing? Say we are lucky, but we almost died. The boss even got shot because of us. Now I am finally

I understand why most offices have reminders that military personnel are given priority. It’s so difficult.”

Zhao Xia answered: "No, something really happened, it was all tied up with the head on the waistband. If you were arrested at that time, I would definitely not have the courage to stand up."

While the two were talking, they realized that Wen Zheng was silent.

Looking back, Wen Zheng was already snoring loudly.

Noon the next day.

As soon as Wen Zheng opened his eyes, he saw the face of squad leader Yao Sheng.

He blinked, feeling a little confused. How long had he been asleep? Why was the squad leader here?

Yao Sheng said with a bright smile: "I'll tell you good news!"

Wen Zheng interrupted: "You tell me first what was the outcome of the war? How are those people doing?"

This chapter has been completed!
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