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Chapter 253 'You Once'

"Here comes the chicken soup!"

Zhou Meiyun walked out of the kitchen with a cup of chicken soup and a smile on her face.

Wen Zhengqiang smiled.

He spent the whole afternoon here, and he agreed to talk to him about Wang Sisi's marriage, but the other party went into the kitchen and never came out again.

If it weren't for the fact that the other party was his prospective mother-in-law, he would have left without saying goodbye.

It's past seven o'clock now, and the third round of the singer competition finals will start at eight o'clock. Not to mention that Lin Qi asked him to sing the opening song. Even if there is no opening song, he will have to draw lots for the subsequent appearance order.


He didn't know why, but he always felt that Zhou Meiyun was delaying him on purpose, seemingly hoping that he would miss today's game.

In his daze, Zhou Meiyun filled a large bowl of chicken soup with a chicken drumstick in it.

"Drink it while it's hot. Only when you're full can you have the strength to participate in the game in the evening."

Zhou Meiyun placed the bowl in front of Wen Zheng.

Wen Zheng took a small taste and found that the taste was actually quite good, but it was a bit hot and the mouth would definitely be filled with bubbles after one sip.

After looking at the time, he said tentatively: "Auntie, it's already past seven o'clock. I have to go to the stadium quickly. The journey will take at least half an hour."

Zhou Meiyun seemed to turn a deaf ear and said to herself: "When you have time, you and Sisi should go for a physical examination first."

Wen Zheng was overjoyed when he heard this, but after looking at the time, he felt even more anxious.

He gritted his teeth, took a sip of chicken soup along the edge of the bowl, picked up the chicken leg and ate it, stirring the chicken soup with a spoon.

After a few minutes of this, I could barely swallow a bowl of hot chicken soup.

Just as he stood up to leave, Zhou Meiyun stopped him again.

"I just finished eating. Please sit down for a few minutes before leaving. I just have something to say to you."

Zhou Meiyun tried her best to dissuade her.

Wen Zheng already said impatiently: "We can't delay any longer. Even if Lin Qi sings the opening show alone, I have to go to the lottery in person. If you have anything to say, let's talk about it when we come back. It's the last show today.

I’ll have plenty of time after it’s over.”

The words were still floating in the house, but people were already outside.

Seeing this, Zhou Meiyun stomped her feet and ran after him, but Wen Zheng had already started the car.

When she was about to rush forward, Wen Zheng's car had already rushed out of the yard.

"Oh, my God, something is going to happen!"

Zhou Meiyun screamed strangely, rushed back into the house and quickly called Wang Sisi.

As soon as the call was connected, she hurriedly shouted: "Sisi, I didn't stop Wen Zheng. You should call him quickly to persuade him. If you don't persuade him to come back, I'm afraid something will happen while driving."

Wang Sisi said impatiently: "Forget it if you didn't stop me. At worst, don't use the millions, just spend money to buy a lesson. If you really don't let Wen Zheng compete, it might be a regret for him for the rest of his life. Forget it."

"Oh, that's not the case."

Zhou Meiyun was anxious, "I put some sleeping pills in his food. I thought he would be sleepy after eating, but I didn't expect him to be okay. Now I'm driving out, am I afraid something will happen on the road?"


Wang Sisi's voice almost shattered the receiver of her phone, "Wait a moment."

After a few breaths, Wang Sisi found a secluded place, then lowered her voice and asked: "Did you put sleeping pills in his food? Can you imagine how much was put in? How long has he been gone?"

Zhou Meiyun replied hesitantly: "No, not much. I just put a little bit in the water first, and he was fine after drinking it. Then I added a little more and put it in the food. Later, he was still fine, so I just put it all in."

It’s in the chicken soup.”

"For millions, what are you doing?! I told you not to play cards a long time ago, but you still play harder and harder, spending millions to buy game peripherals. Just believe it when people say Wen Zheng will lose!"

Wang Sisi roared and hung up the phone directly.

"People say that Yueyin Company wants to support Ye Xiaoxue. You have admitted it, so Ye Xiaoxue will definitely win the championship. Wen Zheng is just a stepping stone..."

Zhou Meiyun listened to the blind voice on the phone, and her defensive voice gradually disappeared.

She only spent a few million, but she obviously mortgaged all the properties and cars in her hometown in exchange for more than 100 million!

If Wen Zheng wins the championship, his more than 100 million yuan will be wasted, and all the mortgaged assets will be taken away, and her family will be finished.

The medicine will work, right? It's a whole bottle.

Fortunately, Wen Zheng will probably not be able to participate in the competition. As for whether he is injured or not, this is not the main issue. At worst, if he wins money later and gives him millions in compensation, he will definitely not be able to say anything.

Zhou Meiyun comforted herself, but her mind was already confused.

the other side.

Wen was speeding towards the stadium. His speed had reached 90 without exceeding the speed limit.

Suddenly, the mobile phone placed aside rang, and the caller ID was Wang Sisi.

After thinking for a while, he reached for the phone.

But just as he was thinking about it, his brain suddenly became dull. When he realized this problem, he was a little confused for a moment, and he felt that he was not as comfortable controlling his hands and feet as usual.

Something seems wrong!

This thought flashed through Wen Zheng's mind.

When he wanted to slow down first, he suddenly found that his left foot could not depress the clutch at all, and his right hand began to lose control, and he had no strength to turn the gear lever.

In just this moment, cold sweat broke out all over his body. After letting go of the accelerator with his right foot based on muscle memory, he tried to step on the brake again, but suddenly found that even lifting his foot was a luxury.

A sense of powerlessness swept through his body instantly, as if a thousand kilograms of weight were pressing on his body at the moment, making it extremely difficult for him to lift his eyelids.

The phone was still ringing, which made him more and more anxious.

On the other end of the phone, Wang Sisi listened to the message that no one was answering the phone and walked outside the stadium while continuing to make calls.

Obviously, what finally came was the unanswered prompt.

Not daring to delay any longer, she immediately trotted to her car, still calling Wen Zheng, started the car at the same time, and rushed towards Wen Zheng's only path.

At this time, Wen Zheng had some difficulty holding the steering wheel steady, but he felt that the speed of the car had been successfully reduced and the car's double flashers were turned on. Even if he was hit, it would be no big deal.

I don't know how long it took, maybe just a few seconds, maybe a few minutes.

Wen Zheng finally slowly closed his eyes. The car immediately lost control and hit the guardrail on the roadside. Then the car's butt twisted and the car turned around and came to the middle of the road. After a few turns, there was a series of collisions, and finally it completely

Roll out on its side.

The vehicles behind had already seen Wen Zheng's van with its double flashers, so they kept their distance and also called the police.

At this time, they saw that the van was indeed in an accident. The owners quickly pulled over to the side and stopped. Some owners put up warning signs to remind the vehicles behind to pay attention to avoidance; other owners rushed to save people.

More than half an hour later.

By the time Wang Sisi arrived, the ambulance and traffic police had already arrived, but Wen Zheng's van was beyond recognition.

I heard someone among the onlookers talking: "I just watched him hit the guardrail. The speed was probably over 100, and the frame of the car was bent. If he had gone faster at that time, he would have been dead."

Fortunately, he hit the double flash in advance, otherwise something big would have happened on the road today. Why? I heard he had a heart attack."

Wang Sisi glanced at this person subconsciously, immediately squeezed into the crowd, and followed the medical staff into the ambulance.

She said first: "I am Wen Zheng's family member."

The medical staff were all stunned.

Wen Zheng?

Is the bloody gourd-like person on the stretcher Wen Zheng?

Everyone took a closer look and realized that the person who got into the car was actually Wang Sisi.

Everyone knew about the relationship between the two big stars, so they didn't waste any time. As the ambulance door closed and left the scene of the incident, Wang Sisi gradually calmed down.

She first called her agent Li Nan and asked her to come to the scene to handle the follow-up and drive her car back.

After she finished, she called Wen Zheng's agent Wang Yuehong.

At this time, it was approaching eight o'clock, the stadium was crowded with people, and the program team was already preparing to start the countdown to the broadcast.

In the audience, Wang Yuehong settled down with Lin Qi's parents and was about to go backstage to see if Wen Zheng came when she suddenly received a call from Wang Sisi.

After she hung up the phone, she immediately ran all the way to find the program director Zhao Qiuxing.

"What? You said Wen Zheng had another car accident?"

Zhao Qiuxing was stunned.

Wang Yuehong was still calm, so she continued: "I'm sure he won't be able to participate in the draw. Let Lin Qidai draw, or just arrange it for him until the end. I'm going to the hospital to check the situation now, but... you'd better be prepared that he can't come to compete."

According to Wang Sisi, Wen Zheng has fallen into a coma and was seriously injured."

Zhao Qiuxing lamented and urged: "Then go quickly. Even if he can't come today, we have to find out whether he can come to tomorrow's party. If he can't attend tomorrow, I can only postpone tomorrow's party now."

There is no doubt that if Wen Zheng is missing from the program, a large number of viewers will definitely be lost, which Yueyin cannot afford to lose. After all, when merchants place advertisements, they only accept Yueyin's offer because of Wen Zheng's influence.

The sky-high price, this is a contract with the nature of a gambling agreement.

If the ratings do not meet the contract requirements with the merchants, Yueyin will definitely lose a lot of money.

When Wang Yuehong left.

The third final of the singer competition in the stadium officially opens!

Lin Qi stood alone on the stage with a black guitar hanging on her body, which made her look lonely.

The prelude of "The Way You Were" has already sounded, and the sound of drums and piano seems to reach into the depths of the soul, stirring up every heart that should be restless by nature but has gradually become numb.

This song was supposed to be a duet between Wen Zheng and her, but the program team notified her that it would be changed to a solo just before the show started. She felt uneasy for no reason.

It wasn't because she was worried that she wouldn't be able to sing or not sing well, but that her heart palpitated for no reason when she thought of Wen Zheng.

The long and charming prelude played slowly, and Lin Qi gradually found her groove and began to strum along with the melody. Along with the sound of guitar, the whole song seemed to suddenly have vitality.

“I once dreamed of traveling to the ends of the earth with my sword and seeing the prosperity of the world.

The young mind is always a little frivolous, but now you are at home all over the world..."

Lin Qiyi changed his former ethereal voice, perhaps because of knots in his heart, so there was a sense of vicissitudes and hesitation in his singing.

She suddenly raised her head and looked ahead, and suddenly found two extremely familiar faces.

At this moment, Lin Qi's tears rolled in her eyes involuntarily.

This chapter has been completed!
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