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Chapter 278 Premiere of 'The Disciple'!

Wen Zheng's film passed the Customs and Qin Bureau smoothly, and the review by the regular department was relatively easier.

Before "The Disciple" was officially released in theaters, Wen Zheng found Wang Yuehong, who was responsible for contacting theaters.

He ordered: "This time, let's mainly cooperate with Fengyun Film and Television. Diplodocus... try it first. As for the theaters related to Gao Fushun's Royal Entertainment, we will definitely not cooperate."

"Fengyun Film and Television?"

Wang Yuehong was a little confused when she heard the name at first.

Wen Zheng reminded: "It's the company in Feng Xiaoyong's hands."

Feng Yutang told him earlier that Wang Sisi was already a shareholder of Fengyun Film and Television. Since then, he has never asked Wang Sisi about this matter, and the other party has never taken the initiative to say it. However, he still has to take care of his family if there is something profitable at the moment.

According to his expectation, Director Qin will definitely spend a lot of effort to help him promote the movie. Although he will donate some of the final proceeds, the final proceeds will be deducted from the portion taken by the theater, as well as taxes, etc.

Generally speaking, as long as Fengyun Film and Television can take over the rights to reflect on the disciples of "Movie", it will be a very considerable income.

Who is making this money for or not?

Wang Yuehong naturally didn't know about Wang Sisi, so she was surprised and said: "You have always wanted to distance yourself from the Feng family, why..."

Wen Zheng waved his hand and said with a smile: "To whom is it not given? Without the theater under Gao Fushun Royal Entertainment, we have to find someone to take over this share, otherwise I will lose money to my grandma's family."

Wang Yuehong heard this and said worriedly: "Then Gao Fushun won't do anything bad, right? I don't think Liang Long can completely draw a clear line with Gao Fushun because of this matter."

"Take your time, Diplodocus has a good idea of ​​getting closer to us."

Wen Zheng waved his hand and asked her to go do her business first.

Just as Wang Yuehong left, Wang Sisi came again.

She asked: "I heard that it passed the review? Which theaters do you plan to cooperate with? Last time, Gao Fushun and Diang Long stole a lot of tickets."

Wen Zheng looked at her and said, "The main thing is to leave it to Fengyun Film and Television."

He hesitated for a moment and then added: "Contact Feng Xiaoyong in advance and let him be prepared."


Wang Sisi had a look of surprise on her face. She was stunned for a moment and quickly calmed down her expression. She knew what was going on and asked, "Why do you want me to contact you?"

"I don't feel comfortable leaving it to anyone else. That's it."

Seeing that Wang Sisi had no intention of confessing, Wen Zheng sighed silently in his heart, and then pretended to be nothing, and made a casual remark.

In a blink of an eye, the day of the premiere arrived.

The whole crew attended the premiere hosted by Fengyun Film and Television. Wang Ye was the focus of all the guests because he was dressed in Drug Enforcement Administration clothes. In comparison, the publicity department personnel sent by Old Man Lin looked inferior.

After watching the movie, entertainment reporters swarmed in. Together with the reporters arranged by the two major departments, such an interview lineup for a movie premiere is rare.

An entertainment reporter took the lead in launching an attack: "The entire crew was arrested before. Is this true?"

Wen Zheng smiled and said, "It's half true and half false."

"Half truth?"

The reporter looked disgusted. What is true is true, and what is false is false.

Could it be that he was caught and then released, so that’s half truth?

Liu Hua interjected: "The crew was indeed investigated, but it was because our filming was too realistic, so the public reported it. If you have already seen the movie, I don't think you will ask this question."

When the reporter saw Liu Hua standing up, he asked: "Before, some of you complained about the crew and said they wanted to escape. In addition, the film was filmed in less than three months. Can this guarantee the quality?"

Wang Ye couldn't stand it anymore, coughed slightly and stood up and said: "This is a promotional video customized by our Drug Enforcement Bureau. We have reviewed it all and there is absolutely no problem with the video. We believe in Wen Zheng's level. He has never disappointed anyone."

, isn’t it?”

"Since it is a promotional video, why do you want to invite bad actors to participate?"

Someone suddenly asked.

At this time, someone from the Propaganda Department asked: "I am a staff member of the Propaganda Organization under the Ministry of Culture. Who are the bad artists you are talking about?"

The reporter looked at Liu Hua, Gu Le and Yan Zu one by one, but finally did not dare to answer.

This was what was said on the Internet before, but now that the higher-ups have personally given them a platform, naturally they can no longer spread rumors.

With these powerful helpers on the stage, Wen Zheng hardly had to speak by himself. Someone helped him solve some difficult questions, and the subsequent interviews went smoothly.

At the end of the day, Wen Zheng stood up and said: "Many people may not know that there is such a police force as the anti-narcotics police. In fact, they are the industry with the highest casualty rate every year. The video is both propaganda and popular science. I hope everyone will resolutely resist bad habits.

At the same time, don’t forget the most lovely people who are giving silently.”

"Before the filming of the movie started, I wanted to donate part of the box office proceeds. Now I have made a temporary decision to donate 80% of the final box office proceeds to the Drug Enforcement Administration. The remaining 20% ​​will be used to cover the cost of investment.

In addition, it also became the starting capital for my next movie."

As soon as these words came out, even Wang Ye was stunned.

Wen Zheng increases donation amount again?!

Is he crazy? He is so thorough in charity!

Only half an hour after the premiere, this news instantly went viral on the Internet, and all major official media outlets liked and forwarded it. One newspaper even bluntly named Wen Zheng, calling him a singer and director with a sense of social responsibility!

Despite this, many viewers who have not yet had time to go to the theater, or who have no intention of going to the theater at all, still do not buy it.

"Donate 80%? Haha... He donated it when he said he would. He goes in with his left hand and goes out with his right hand. This is a great propaganda method. He even roped in the Drug Enforcement Administration. Wen's method is perfect."

"Did you know that the box office was about to collapse, so you decided to defraud the box office?"

"Have you ever seen the movie? If you can still say such cold-blooded words after watching it, I will call you daddy."

"The warm dog is here again, everyone, come and watch!"

"I don't believe there are people like this in the circle. I would rather believe that this is an official propaganda method."

"I just watched the movie, and I plan to watch it again tomorrow with people around me. First of all, the quality of the movie is very high; secondly, the money has to be donated, and I am not short of these dozens of dollars. The most important thing is my heart!


"After watching the movie, I learned more about this police type. I found that Wen Zheng still put it lightly. Some people died and their bodies could not be recovered. I won't say anything anymore. Wen Zheng's thoughts must be counted among me.


"Hey, are they all so sensational now? I don't believe that Wen Zheng can make any good movies in two or three months?"

"I will donate money myself, but I won't be fooled."

at the same time.

All theaters under Fengyun Film and Television have been notified that within a month, they must schedule films for "The Disciple" around the clock!

Although the theater in Liang Long's hands did not schedule films around the clock, it still ensured that each theater would have six or seven "The Disciple" broadcasts every day, while Gao Fushun could only watch, and there was no chance for him to play any tricks.

The theater has made great efforts to pave the way for the movie "The Disciple", and the online promotion is not bad at all. In addition to the crew's own arrangements, many official media have also joined in the promotion of the movie.

Suddenly, there was a movie-watching craze on the entire Internet, as if not watching the movie "The Disciple" would mean being out of touch with society.

With the increase in the number of moviegoers, it is inevitable that the film's box office will soar. Discussions about the movie "The Disciple" on the Internet have become more intense. The most important thing is that the reputation has also quickly reversed!

Inside the cinema.

The scene at the beginning of the movie is extremely impactful, making many people who came here out of curiosity after reading the online discussion feel their hair stand on end.

They never thought that contraband would be associated with children, let alone that vices that seemed out of reach online could be so close to their own lives.

Immediately afterwards, scenes that were defined as famous scenes by netizens who had watched the film appeared one after another.

First of all, Feng Qin's realistic acting. If they hadn't known in advance that Feng Qin was the heroine, they would never have recognized it when they came to the cinema. The addict on the big screen was Feng Qin, even if the heroine appeared at the beginning of the movie,

None of them recognized it.

Then came the scene of Brother Kun, played by Liu Hua, with his guilty and violent rebuttal, which made countless people sigh that this bad actor rumored on the Internet could actually have such superb acting skills.

Then there is the part where Brother Kun gets angry in the restaurant.

Brother Kun, who went abroad, let himself go. When the waiter brought caviar, which was charged by the gram, Brother Kun said angrily: "Did you make a mistake? Let the foreigners next door see it and think we can't afford it!"

"Ah, no, no, no, they are all the same."

The waiter hurriedly explained.

"What do you mean they are all the same?"

The more Brother Kun talked, the more angry he became, "It's just a little bit, who can eat it?! One more can. One can for each person! Take it away, take it away! Take the scale away!"

When the audience saw this scene, they felt that he looked like a big shot.

However, brother Kun lived up to expectations. He opened Ali's eyes with Ali, and also made the audience in front of the big screen gain a lot of knowledge. They all expressed their feelings that Wen Zheng really dared to film.

Which processes can we really see?

While the audience is still recalling the realistic scenes in the movie, the movie is coming to an end.

The scene where Affen, played by Feng Qin, died tragically and her body was crawling with rats, frightened many of the audience.

Brother Kun explained everyone to Ali in detail and named the movie. Just when Brother Kun was preparing to go abroad for a kidney transplant, Ali finally collected the evidence of his crime.

Inside the police station.

The disappointment and heartlessness between Brother Kun and his family, as well as his tragic death in the end, are all pitiful.

The scene between him and Ali before his death made the audience applaud and praise him. They said frankly that this is acting. Nowadays, the so-called movie kings are simply not worthy of carrying the shoes of these two "bad" artists!

At the end of the film, when Ali continued to go undercover and designed to send Ah Fen's husband in, it finally gave the audience a rare sense of comfort.

With all kinds of vigorous publicity, as the number of people who have watched the movie has increased, not only the movie itself has become a hot search, but also the four main actors in the movie.

"Liu Hua and the others are so good at acting, but it's a pity that they have a criminal record."

"Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand. Where does this person have a criminal record? It's just a rumor on the Internet. The official has proven it. You didn't watch the movie premiere?"

"This film is definitely the best of the year, right? For the leading role, supporting roles, etc., at least it should be nominated for Best Actor, right?"

"Nominate? How about giving the award directly? How could there be such a good domestic film in the past ten years, and how could there be such a good actor?"

"You have to be Wen Zheng. It's really surprising. Talented people can do well in anything."

"Some people say that Brother Kun got angry at the restaurant because he saw the scale, but some people think it's impossible. If he was so sensitive, he would have been exposed long ago. What do you think?"

"Let Wen Zheng explain? He is not only a screenwriter, a director, but also an action director. Who knows better than him?"

"Damn it, is this new director Wen Zheng so aggressive?"

"What's even more exciting? It is said that this movie only cost more than 20 million yuan! How can you tolerate those movies that easily cost hundreds of millions?"

"I kind of doubt whether this is Wen Zheng's operation, unless he gives a perfect explanation to the problem just now."

"Second the suggestion! @文正."

This chapter has been completed!
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