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Chapter 6

The next day.

Wen Zheng's physical condition stabilized, and he also received a notification to participate in the "Dragon Star" singer competition.

The notice was very formal. It was a card similar to an invitation. Not to mention the workmanship, the player information on it was all handwritten in small letters.

Wen Zheng, entry number 34563, Imperial Capital Division.

The competition date is two days later, in the No. 1 studio of a local TV station.

Wen Zheng looked over and over at this informative card, and couldn't help but take a breath.

He belongs to the Imperial City Division, which means that there are other divisions in this competition. If every player who successfully registers receives such a card, how much financial and material resources will the organizer named Yueyin Records have to invest?

Moreover, the audition venue is still the No. 1 studio of the official TV station. This is just an audition.

No wonder I, a person who has been banned from the entertainment industry, can still receive notifications. It seems that this organizer is not very powerful, at least the current mainstream entertainment industry cannot affect it here.

This means that he can play with peace of mind.

In the following time, in addition to making preparations, he spent time learning about the world.

The place he traveled to was similar to Blue Star, but also had many differences.

The Dragon Kingdom has just become the world's most powerful country, but the entertainment industry is the only one that is weak. As far as the music scene is concerned, it has always been dominated by niche students. It can be said that there are no important singers or kings at all.

However, the ambitions of the capital powers are still alive and they cannot defeat them head-on, so they are thinking of cultural invasion.

Koryo Street is their pioneer. The male and female bands in the entertainment industry here, as well as sissy idols and so on, all came from there.

Under such an offensive, the effect is also obvious.

News once broke that a fan group in the Dragon Kingdom spent huge sums of money to send supplies to Korean idols who were overseas and had enlisted in the army.

When Wen Zheng saw this news, he subconsciously realized that this singer competition might have a deeper meaning. If he could seize this opportunity, it would be more than just a comeback!

In addition, he also discovered that the original Wen Zheng had solid basic skills in music theory, singing, composition, etc. However, after signing the contract, the company used him as a money-making tool and gave him no room for his own development.

Cheap dreams and futile efforts can now only be given to those who have traveled through time and are reborn.

In the following days, Wen Zheng, under the pressure of debt, also tried to contact some entertainment companies, but the other party hung up the phone as soon as they heard his name.

Stay up until the audition day.

Wen Zheng rushed to the TV station and learned that this audition will be broadcast live online, and only 100 people will be left. After that, the competition will officially begin, and it will be broadcast live on both TV and the Internet.

He glanced at the crowded candidate venue and then at his own number, 34563, and suddenly felt a big headache.

There were at least tens of thousands of contestants, but only a hundred people were left in the end. You can imagine the pressure of competition.

As time passed, and Wen Zheng was still worried about whether it would be his turn today, his number suddenly came from the loudspeaker.

As he jogged to the entrance area, there was a sudden commotion in the crowd.

"Is that Wen Zheng? She looks quite similar, but she looks more like her if she's a bit more delicate."

"It's probably him! He's an unscrupulous artist. He was kicked out by his original company. Naturally, he doesn't have to maintain the idol persona given by his original company. That's normal."

"Don't talk nonsense if you don't know. I heard that our qualification for the competition is political review. If he is really an unscrupulous artist, he will be rejected when he signs up."

"His image is much more pleasing to the eye now, but this is a singing competition, not a beauty pageant. He is an actor with a broken voice. Are you sure he is not here to make fun of you?"

"Up masters should have some ghost material for tomorrow."

Wen Zheng has changed a lot, not only his physical strength but also his whole mental outlook. This is not to say that he has a strong aura or a good temperament now, but it is because his previous sissy persona was too bad.


As for whether Wen Zheng can sing, perhaps everyone has forgotten how Wen Zheng won the first place among trainees back then.

He relies on his unparalleled voice talent, as well as his own hard work and persistence.

However, these are ultimately unable to compete with the word profit.

In this world, a popular actor can earn more and faster than a top singer. It costs money and time to train excellent singers. Even if they grow up, they will not be as good as top foreign singers. But if you want to become a popular actor, you only need to

As long as it's a living person.

Wen Zheng looked back at the people who were pointing at him, waved generously, and walked into the studio with confidence.

"You will know soon whether you can sing or not."

With the system in hand, he still has confidence after all.

Under the urging of the staff, Wen Zheng walked through a dark passage. After taking a few steps, a bright light appeared at the corner in front.

The stage is ahead.

There were two people lined up in front of Wen Zheng, and he soon discovered that after walking on the stage, the three judges would not talk nonsense to you at all.

Everyone's performance time is strictly controlled within one minute, and it usually ends early. You will never be allowed to time out. After the performance, the judges and teachers rarely talk. The contestants only need to look at the colors of the three lights.

Know whether to pass or not.

The whole process seemed rushed and there was no chance to do it over again.

Soon, Wen Zheng came to power.

"Please begin your performance."

The three judges and teachers looked at Wen Zheng in a daze, and one of them urged with slight dissatisfaction.

At the same time, the audience in the online live broadcast room also instantly recognized him.

Wen Zheng, who caused an uproar in the entertainment industry a few days ago, actually came to compete, which made thousands of netizens excited.

"I bet, isn't this the one who doesn't pay? His voice is broken, but he still comes to sing? Quasimodo also wants to be a singer?"

"Don't insult Quasimodo. Apart from being slightly more handsome than me, how can this kid compare to Quasimodo?"

"Being able to participate in the competition means that there is nothing wrong with this kid. Those news are indeed rumors. It's a pity that his voice is broken..."

"I guess his voice has improved, but he can sing? How can someone who has only made bad movies and never released a single song come here to gain popularity and exposure after two years of debut?"

"I bet 50 cents that if he can't last ten seconds, he will have to step off the stage at a red light."

"Follow me! Plus the bonus of electric fan, I bet him for eight seconds, he will raise three red lights!"

"A box of spicy chips! I bet he will step down as soon as he opens his mouth!"

on site.

Wen Zheng heard the judges' instructions and without any hesitation, he opened his mouth and sang the song "Broad Sea and Sky" a cappella.

Although it was a pity and waste to release the Wang Zha in the audition, he understood that this step was crucial and he could not afford to miss it.

"Today, I watched the snow drift by in the cold night.

Drifting far away with a cooled heart.

Chasing in the wind and rain, unable to distinguish the traces in the fog.

The sky is vast and the sea is vast for you and me, can it change..."

As soon as Wen Zheng opened his mouth, the three judges on the scene immediately sat upright and stared at the stage with burning eyes.

There is a saying that an expert can tell if something is wrong as soon as he makes a move. The moment Wen Zheng opened his mouth, they immediately realized that the young man in front of them had an unparalleled voice condition.

For singers, having a good voice is one of the indispensable conditions. Compared with other conditions, the voice depends on God. After all, no matter how good the emotions and skills are, it is useless without a good voice.

There is no doubt that Wen Zheng on stage is the kind of person that God chases after him to feed him.

It took Wen Zheng about twenty seconds to sing the first verse, and the judges' interest was aroused.

They discovered that Wen Zheng, who sang a cappella, not only had an excellent voice talent, but also that the skills and emotions he used when singing were just right.

There is no suspense about Wen Zheng's promotion, but the judges still want to hear more.

"Forgive me for my unruly, indulgent love of freedom in this life.

I am also afraid that I will fall one day.

Anyone can abandon their ideals.

How can I be afraid that one day it will be just you and me..."

When the chorus part came together, all three judges stood up. The barrage in the live broadcast room was actually very unified at this moment.



"But I'm uneducated, so I can tell the world just by saying shit!"

Wen Zheng's performance was a minute early, but the judges did not stop him and his performance continued.

"Anyone can abandon their ideals...

Still free myself, singing my song forever, traveling thousands of miles..."

When the song ends, three green lights turn on.

The live broadcast room was completely boiling, and only the barrages flying quickly could be seen on the screen, and the live broadcast screen could not be seen at all.

"Where are the electric fan benefits? Where are the spicy strips? Come out and speak!"

"Heizi speak!"

"It turns out he sings so beautifully! He is even more handsome when he is not a sissy! He is indeed a treasure boy who was delayed by the entertainment company. I love him."

"Please give me the name of the song, I can't find it..."

"It's probably Wen Zheng's original song. It's amazing. I seem to see hope for the rise of the Dragon Country music scene!"

“Please put this song on the shelves as soon as possible. I’ll download it every time I borrow it!”

"I found the lyrics very interesting. It was clearly a response to his old club's dismissal of him. Hahaha, come on, big brother!"

"A hot man is back! I am a fan first to show respect. But can anyone tell me why Wen Zheng's scarf is gone?"

"Needless to say? His old employer must have taken it away. I heard that when Wen Zheng left, his cell phones were taken away by the company. It's really hard to describe the current entertainment industry..."

"Hot Chicken Company! What has become of our Dragon Kingdom's entertainment industry? Without anything of our own, how many good talents like Wen Zheng have been delayed."

"I feel that Wen Zheng is well prepared. Maybe he will single-handedly challenge the entire chaotic entertainment industry!"

"I hope this competition will be a turning point. Come on, Wen Zheng!"

This chapter has been completed!
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