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Chapter 89 Lin Qi scored twice

five minutes later.

The Yuanlang live broadcast platform has been successfully restarted.

After Wen Zheng restarted the live broadcast, he found that his popularity had increased again and had exceeded the 30 million mark.

He was secretly stunned. He didn't know how the Yuanlang platform could sustain such a huge number of visits. It was even more outrageous than himself.

When netizens saw Wen Zheng coming back, they immediately started typing and interacting happily.

"You blew up the whole platform, did you know that?"

"The song "Chi Ling" just now is already a hit!"

"Lin Qi just said that she was convinced."

"Holy shit! I'm actually in the live broadcast room with 30 million people, Wen Zhengniu 13!"

"Calm down, everyone. Listen to Wen Zheng's advice and stop sending gifts. The live broadcast platform just collapsed. Everyone here is responsible."

Wen Zheng thanked him in due course and saw that the time was almost up, so he said: "The live broadcast is about to end, and the next time we see you will be a day next month. Before the next broadcast, I will play a lullaby for everyone. After I finish playing, I will stop.

Come on, everyone, go to bed early and have a good night in advance!"

"Oh, by the way, one more thing, don't give me gifts! I'm not interested in money!"

Afterwards, Wen Zheng played "Mysoul" which he had played at the piano store during the day, then stood up and bowed, and then started playing at the speed of light.

He is really afraid that netizens will get excited again and go crazy for gifts.

Little did he know that when he was playing the piano, the barrage really got excited, but he finished the broadcast quickly enough and didn't see it.

"Isn't this piece played by the mysterious pianist on the Internet?"

"You can't be wrong! I watched that video no less than ten times, and what Wen Zheng played was the third piece of the mysterious pianist's piano test!"

"I bet, people on the Internet are still studying how to get the music score, and Wen Zheng has learned it now?"

"Don't compare your hobbies with other people's jobs."

"Is Wen Zheng the mysterious pianist? It seems to me that his piano is not cheap."

"What are you dreaming about? That person on the Internet is a pianist. Pay attention, the ones with '家' in the end are people who have achieved a certain level of attainment. Just because Wen Zhengci is a great player, doesn't it mean that he also has high attainments in piano. Do you really think he is an all-rounder?"

"It can't be Wen Zheng. That person can't play as well as Wen Zheng!"

"Haha, do you know how to play the piano? Obviously the mysterious pianist is more professional, right? He is a sweeping monk who doesn't want to be exposed. He is such a great and god-level person that even Wen Zheng's temperament can't keep up."

"Fuck you, you little black guy, you think Hei Wen is the one, right? Where is my Wen family army!"

When the barrage started to get noisy, Wen Zheng happened to be broadcasting at the speed of light.

Lin Qingge and other big names on the list saw that Wen Zheng had turned off the live broadcast and the barrage started making noise again, so they also exited the live broadcast room.

In a rental house.

Zhao Lei was watching the viral video of the mysterious pianist, happily imagining that one day he could become a viral sensation on the Internet overnight.

Suddenly, he found that there were many more topics about Wen Zheng's live broadcast in the evening.

"Shocked for a whole year! Wen Zheng made his live broadcast debut tonight. The popularity of the live broadcast exceeded 30 million, making history!"

“Millions of people tipped online, and the live broadcast platform collapsed.”

"Wen Zhengyuan's first broadcast will probably earn over 10 million per hour!"

"A true idol. Wen Zheng appeals to netizens not to pay for gifts. He does not love money and has no interest in money."

"I dare not forget my country because of my humble position. Lin Qi is convinced!"

"Drama and pop are perfectly combined, and Wen Zheng creates a new genre."

"The official media praised "Chi Ling" and "The Wind Rises". Is there anyone who hasn't heard them? No way."

Zhao Lei was disgusted with these push videos for no reason, but he couldn't bear the volume of push videos, so he was forced to watch a few.

After learning more about it, he was stunned on the spot.

Why did Feng Qin have the opportunity to compete with Wen Zheng? Why didn’t I? I obviously gave him a gift!

Could it be...

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

If Wen Zheng hadn't given Feng Qin some unspoken rules, it wouldn't make sense at all. Wen Zheng wouldn't accept the gifts, and the only thing Feng Qin could offer was that he wouldn't have it anymore, and the gifts would be cashed out and returned.

Zhao Lei thought he had figured out the reason, and his smile was more than a little playful.

Apart from the two parties involved, Wen Zheng and Feng Qin, he was probably the only outsider who knew about this matter. No wonder Feng Qin looked embarrassed when he entered the house with the gift box that day, tsk tsk...

In this way, he has Wen Zheng's leverage. As long as he uses it properly, Wen Zheng won't let him control it?

He suddenly felt that he had great luck and couldn't help humming the song Wen Zheng sent him.

"Draw a moon on the lonely night sky..."

"Draw a big window for the deserted house, draw a bed, and draw a girl to accompany me."

"Draw another lace quilt, hahaha..."

After humming a few lines to himself, Zhao Lei couldn't help laughing loudly, "Isn't my day of success as Zhao Lei coming! Hahaha..."


After Wen Zheng finished the broadcast, he quickly lit a cigarette. Before he could take two puffs, Lin Qingge's call came.

“The live broadcast performed well.”

Lin Qingge was the first to praise.

Wen Zheng said speechlessly: "Can you please turn off the rewards next time? If this continues, problems will easily arise."

"You can still be so timid after making money?"

Lin Qingge sneered at this, "That's up to you. I'm calling to tell you that Yao Guangxiao's situation has improved, but I can't disclose the specific details to you. Pay attention to the news recently."

"You mean he wants to be on the news? Then he has to go in."

"It's not what you think. He is still under grounding and you can't contact him, not even Lin Mo. It's probably just for the next two days. Pay attention to the news."

"Okay. Thank you then. I'll treat you to dinner when you come back."

Lin Qingge laughed when he heard this and said: "Eating is a must, I'll find a place. Your income from tips alone tonight will be more than ten million, I will definitely eat this meal. But..."

Wen Zheng interrupted angrily: "You have the nerve to mention what kind of gift you want tonight. Let's just put the money there first. I still have some money in my card, and I don't know what to do with it."


Lin Qingge was very disdainful, and then asked him, "But I am very curious, is the mysterious pianist mentioned in the barrage trying out the piano at the piano store, is you? I look a bit similar in body shape."

"I've seen the video, that person is better than me."

Wen Zheng said casually and perfunctorily.

Just because he was still angry that Boss Lin took the lead in selling gifts, and the amount of money he spent was millions, which attracted the wealthy people in the live broadcast room to follow suit. He was really afraid that he would be caught because of this one day. After all, the issue of tax deduction for rewards was not his own.


"I don't even look like you," Lin Qingge curled her lips, "When someone plays the piano, they are elegant, calm, and full of aristocratic air. Now look at you, you are just idle all day long, and those who don't know better would think you are a gangster."

"You're a bit insulting. Isn't it obvious that I'm handsome? I'm too lazy to tell you. I won't talk if there's nothing else to do. I'm a little tired."

"Something's wrong."

Wen Zheng waited for a moment, but didn't hear Lin Qingge continue to speak, so he suddenly said angrily: "That's what you said."

Lin Qingge smiled and said: "I see that Lin Qi cares about you. How about you interact with her and, if you have the chance, trick her into joining our company. With her joining, you can feel more relaxed. How about it?"

Wen Zheng was silent for a moment and sighed: "Who makes you the boss? And you are the boss who I owe a favor to, but I can only try my best and cannot guarantee anything."


Lin Qingge got the answer he wanted and immediately became straightforward.

In a small courtyard in the south.

Lin Qi was sitting by the window, lost in thought. On the table next to her were the lyrics and music of "Chi Ling" that she had written from memory. The person was just like the words, clean and elegant.

She suppressed her inner impulse to book a flight immediately several times, and she was a little worried about gain and loss.

"I'm leading the rhythm in Wen Zheng's live broadcast room tonight, forcing him to create a live composition with the theme of ruthless actor. Will I have given him a bad impression of being stingy and vindictive?"

"No, no, no, I finally got convinced. He probably won't mind. Why did he mock me for being single in the first place?"

"Ah, that's not right. I gave in, and the live broadcast room just happened to crash. He must not have seen it!"

"It's true, he definitely didn't see my attitude. If I rush to visit and ask for advice now, if I get ridiculed by him, it will be quite embarrassing if this matter spreads."

Thinking of this, she gradually became a little irritated.

Suddenly, she had a flash of inspiration and immediately had an idea.

After a few minutes.

Lin Qi posted updates on his scarf:

"@文正. If you were to write a song with the theme of secret love, how would you write it? What is the essence of this theme? I don’t know how to ask for advice."

She thought about testing Wen Zheng's attitude on her scarf first.

If the other party replies seriously, then most likely he is not angry, and she can take the opportunity to formally apologize, and then visit her as a matter of course. This is a rare opportunity for her to learn.

Furthermore, she was actually quite curious about what kind of amazing lyrics and music Wen Zheng would come up with if he were to write about secret love.

As soon as the news was released, the melon-eaters immediately expressed their excitement.

Unexpectedly, Lin Qi attacked Wen Zheng in the live broadcast room. After being easily resolved, Lin Qi scored twice and interacted with Wen Zheng on the scarf again.

For a while, this scarf became a hot search topic.

All netizens want to know, since Wen Zheng said that Lin Qi's song "Secret Love" was average, and I don't know what his own level is, but don't slap yourself in the face.

However, while the Internet was abuzz, Wen Zheng was tired of responding to Wang Sisi's phone calls.

Wang Sisi may have noticed Wen Zheng's tiredness, so she stopped talking and said seriously: "The mushroom house just called Li Nan and asked us to record the program tomorrow without waiting in line. Get ready,

Go directly to Southern City Z to meet me tomorrow, and we will go to the island to participate in a variety show together."

"What? Going tomorrow?!"

"You don't want to go?"

"Uh...hehe, how could that be? Then I'll see you tomorrow."

This chapter has been completed!
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