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Chapter Nine You Know Lu Xun!

Smith was more willing to trust Shepard than Morgan, so he immediately approached Morgan and asked him for command of the two helicopters. Although Morgan didn't understand what Smith, who was solely responsible for ship escort security, wanted the aircraft for.

, but he also had no shortage of aircraft, and he immediately nodded and agreed to Smith's request, and even generously replaced the Black Fish with a UH1 helicopter carrying a light machine gun, and even the pilot was given to Smith.


Smith was not polite and immediately went through the entry procedures for the pilots of the two helicopters. As a result, Pegasus Company now officially has the navy, army and air force!

Of course, these three armies are just talking about it for fun. The navy is nothing more than an ocean-going cargo ship and two offshore barges, the latter of which is working in Vietnam. The army is just a few hundred security employees, most of whom work on the navy's logistics ships.

Everyone who can work on the Black Fish is a trustworthy and reliable person. These skilled and capable veterans have families and families. With high salaries, their execution capabilities are comparable to those who only have 800 yuan a month.

The young men are much taller!

The Air Force is these two Huey helicopters that were supposed to be taken over from the military. Of course, there is no problem in calling them Iroquois. The UH1 helicopter is a general-purpose helicopter designed and manufactured by the American Bell Helicopter Company.

, not only has a huge output, but also has many variants. The most important thing is that whether it is in South America, the Middle East or Africa, you can always see the shadow of this type of helicopter active. It can be said that in later generations, as long as the Vietnam War is mentioned, then

People will definitely think of the Huey helicopter hovering in the sky. To some extent, this helicopter has even been equated with the Vietnam War.

Although these two helicopters are second-hand, they are in pretty good condition, especially before they were handed over to the CIA. Both helicopters were overhauled and spare parts replaced. However, there are still problems, but they are not on the helicopters.

, but on the pilots. Among the four pilots, only one brother who was in his forties and had a bitter look on his face had been on the battlefield. The remaining three were all novices and could not be said to be completely qualified.

All the newbies are regular pilots who have received a complete set of flight training and completed various tests. Compared with Ku Da Qiu Shen, they are just a little bit immature.

"Then you will be the flight commander of the flight team! Does anyone else have any objections?"

Shepard immediately expressed his bitterness and hatred, and he and the other three people all shook their heads.

"Do you agree or disagree?"

Shepard was a little confused, but he had to figure it out. After all, everyone's lives are in his hands!

"Of course I agreed, otherwise what can I do? Flying has never been a simple matter. So what if I don't want to fly? It's not necessary to fly. When flying, so many people's lives are entrusted to me, so I can only

If you can bravely fly..."

Shepard also didn't expect that as soon as he gave him the nickname "Bitterness", this guy would immediately start talking. It's no wonder that he turned into the Mediterranean at just forty years old.

"Well, please stop for a moment!"

Shepard, who had a big head, waved his hand to signal this guy to pause, and then said.

"Our company is not an army. If you have different opinions and suggestions here, you can put them forward!"

"What opinions can I have? I'm just a pilot. I follow orders and take off as planned..."


Seeing that the other party was about to start talking again, Shepard immediately interrupted the other party and spoke quickly.

"In that case, we would like to officially congratulate Major Bob Sandman on becoming the flight commander. Someone will bring you over later to understand the company's benefits and other procedures. Let's disband first!"

As soon as Shepard finished speaking, he and the other three pilots immediately ran out with oil on their feet, leaving only the bitter and resentful Bob Sandman to sigh.

"If I had known I would still be entangled with flying after leaving the army..."

After realizing that the opponent was powerful, Shepard turned around and found Smith and asked for the opponent's files.

"This guy was doing well in the Marine Corps, why did he want to be discharged?"

"Didn't you see that he has such a powerful mouth?"

"Well, what does his discharge have to do with his mouth? He is still a major. He has flown to war zones hundreds of times and saved more than thirty people!"

"Just because you are so eloquent!"

"He said the wounded person was dead?"

"No, the doctor jumped out of the plane!"

Ah this!

Shepard knew that the battlefield would cause many people to suffer from various kinds of post-traumatic sequelae, but it seemed that the major pilot's was more serious. After all, it was him who suffered from the sequelae of other people, but this major's not only hurt himself, but also hurt him.

harm others.

"Then the doctor is dead?"

"No, the helicopter just took off and the doctor broke his leg!"

"Then kick this guy?"

"Better keep it!"

Smith rubbed his head in distress, now is a war period, there are not so many normal pilots, just make do with this one!


Shepard nodded, and the preparations were at the end. It would not be good to cause another incident. I just hope that the guy doesn't lose his chain when he takes off!

"By the way, John, we just got a call from above. They asked to advance the plan. Tonight, those Yala people will be on the ship. By then, you will have to worry more about security work!"

"Well, don't worry, I'm ready, including welding guns and water cannons!"

Naturally, Smith's safety does not refer to external factors, but internal factors. This is Shepard's mission. In order to ensure that the strong men that the CIA pulled from nowhere do not cause trouble, Shepard even prepared tear gas and shotguns.

, but those are the last resort. Generally speaking, it is enough to lock these guys after entering the cargo hold. If the situation escalates, it is not too late to weld the door!

"That's good. After finishing this job, I can retire with peace of mind..."

"Wait, uncle, you can't say this nonsense!"

Shepard immediately rolled his eyes. These words were even more outrageous than that of the pilot. He was suddenly panicking.

"What's wrong with that? I'm older and I don't have a good father like your father!"

"I know you want to retire, but you can't say this before the war. You are also an old navy man. You must have heard MacArthur's words of "go home before Christmas!"

"It seems that this is true, so what should we do?"

"I think it's better to review how to say I surrender first!"

This chapter has been completed!
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