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Chapter 22 The local gang is not very friendly

Although everyone thinks of black uncles when they mention Africa, in fact, Shepard saw a lot of white people in Lubumbashi. As the capital of Katanga Province, this city naturally has distinctive characteristics.

Major foreign companies have offices here, and because of the influx of people, there are naturally a large number of European and American restaurants here.

The next morning, Shepard sent Plomri to take a few people to the market to check out the situation, and then several people returned, bringing bad news and good news.

"The good news is that the furniture problem has been solved, and the boss there promised to deliver it by car as soon as we finish it!"

"What about the bad news?"

“The bad news is that our local friends don’t seem to be very friendly to us!”

After making a good deal with the owner of the furniture store, Lao Pu saw that it was still early, so he immediately prepared to take his men to find a restaurant on the street to have a drink. Then he found a restaurant that was said to have the best reputation, but after going in, he discovered that this place

In addition to people from mining companies and oil companies, the guests also included a group of fellow travelers, their Belgian and French friends!

"Did you start a fight?"

"No, just a verbal exchange!"

Lao Pu went to do some shopping, so he found a corner to sit down and prepare to taste the local specialties. However, he didn't want to cause trouble, but an enthusiastic Belgian friend came over and asked about Pulomli's physical condition and age.

Expressed concern, and then said with a hint of ridicule that you old, weak, sick and disabled people from the United States are not suitable for this industry.

"It sounds like they are very suitable for this!"

Shepard sneered a few times. He didn't even think about making trouble for those guys, but they came to him first!

"Lao Pu, send a message to Mitchell, and his people can send it over immediately!"

"If you hadn't asked me to keep a low profile, those little bastards' legs would have been broken long ago!"

"I believe it, but we just arrived here, so we better not be too arrogant!"

In the following week, Shepard also had several meetings with his local colleagues, but this time they seemed very restrained, and other than the yin and yang laughing and joking aside, there was no other provocation.

All members of Shadow Company adhered to his orders and acted in a low-key manner, waiting for the large forces to move in. However, what Shepard did not expect was that the first people to cause trouble for him were not his local counterparts, but people from the Democratic Republic of the Congo.


Jean Reso had told Shepard before that there was a pig-headed colonel in the local garrison with a very long name named Senerio Papatokdeneca. He was always a cannibal and did nothing for others. This man was originally a member of the Belgian colonial period.

An army sergeant was promoted because he stood in the right position during the independence period. He went from an illiterate sergeant whose only hobby was drinking, playing cards and cockfighting to an officer who was also illiterate.

Later, during the warlord war, he was a subordinate of Tshombe, the separatist warlord of Katanga Province. Later, in the power struggle between Tshombe and Mobutu, Tshombe failed and was exiled. He was the first to turn things around and defect to Mobutu.

Yes, he was promoted three levels in a row, from a company commander to a regiment commander.

And he himself became the highest military governor in Katanga Province, commanding an army of 20,000.

Yes, according to the documents, the Congolese regular army in Katanga Province should consist of two regiments plus several battalions and a number of auxiliary personnel, totaling more than 20,000 people.

But such a large-scale army naturally requires large-scale finances to support it. Generally speaking, the current financial resources of the Democratic Republic of the Congo can definitely afford it, but Mobutu, the head of state, has a small problem!

Mobutu, known as the Light of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and several other good brothers were nicknamed the Three Tyrants of Africa in later generations. But in fact, saying that he was a tyrant is a bit exaggerated, because Mobutu was not fond of indiscriminate killing.

, he is not the kind of lustful ghost who has a harem of thousands, he is just a little bit greedy for money.

This little bit of greed for money is actually not much, that is, about 60% of the national finance. If the head of state takes the lead in making money, then the people below must not follow suit.

So the actual salary given to the 20,000 troops was for 5,000 people, and even this money was a bit small for Colonel Senerio, so he waved his hand again, and only 5,000 troops were left.

For those who were under a thousand or more, he received the extra wages and sold the extra equipment.

Generally speaking, there is no intersection between the military commanders of this kind of garrison and the mercenaries, and there should not even be any intersection. But this guy's people didn't know why, and they directly seized the furniture transport fleet that Shepard ordered from the market.

This made Shepard unable to bear it any longer. He had seen people jump in the face, but he had never seen such a jump in the face. Was this spanking Uncle Black’s ass? No, this was his fucking face!

"Hannibal, call your people and come with me! Old Pu, get ready!"

Shepard's head was filled with excitement, and he immediately wanted to lead someone to kill him, but was stopped by Plumli.

"calm down!"

"How can you be so calm? Damn it, Lao Pu, you know me. From Mexico to Yala and then to Brazil, when have we ever been so angry?"

"I understand, but the environment is different now! We only have about twenty brothers now. Even if there is a conflict, we can't take advantage!"

"I see!"

Shepard suppressed his anger and said.

"Let's go and see what this colonel wants to do first!"

Immediately, Shepard took Hannibal and two black soldiers who were almost 2.5 meters tall and 3 thick, got into the jeep, and fought all the way to the headquarters of Colonel Senerio.

Looking at the fluttering American flag, the soldiers at the door did not dare to make any trouble and hurriedly went to report it. Then, Shepard saw a guy who was 1.6 meters tall and weighed definitely 300 kilograms wearing a coat.

A military uniform appeared in his sight.

"Like a wall?"

Hannibal whispered.

"It's not so much a wall as it is a wall!"

"Dear American friends, welcome to Katanga. I wonder why you are here?"

The round guy was waving his hands very enthusiastically, but the golden gun on his belt and the gold ring on his finger looked extremely dazzling. There was even a row of dazzling gold stars on the military uniform that the guy was wearing, and there was a row of dazzling gold stars on his chest.

There are no calendar medals in the entire row.

"This is the commander of Shadow Company, Mr. John Shepard. We came to Katanga Province according to the requirements of the U.S. Department of Defense to perform security tasks to protect the interests of our country's enterprises, but yesterday, the National Defense Forces seized a batch of our goods.

The reason is that there are prohibited items, so we specially came to consult Mr. Colonel, what are the prohibited items?"

"Ah? That batch of rotten wood belongs to you?"

The colonel looked very surprised, and Shepard took off his sunglasses and added something serious.

"We have notified the embassy, ​​and I think Mr. Mobutu may also ask about it before long, so I would like to ask the colonel to give us a reply!"

This chapter has been completed!
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