The adjutant said: "The kings are just overdoing it. For example, they serve this king. After this king retreats, the second king will take office and they will continue to serve the second king."
"Oh, I understand." Zhao Zimo said suddenly: "Now the butler is here to welcome us, which is the highest treatment of the United Nations."
The adjutant said: "Yes, only the emperors of each country will welcome him when they come. For example, the ministers and prime ministers of each country will welcome him by the stewards."
While talking, the housekeeper brought them into the palace. The palace was very large, with ten football fields as big as that. It was just that the length was so long that it could not be seen far away. The width was five or six football fields as big as that. Zhou An could see it and found that there were doors from back to front on both sides.
Zhao Zimo said: "It's so amazing. With such a large space, you won't use space abilities here, right? How powerful is this abilities to arrange it."
The adjutant said: "You can see that you have a good vision. This is arranged by three SSS-level space abilities, and there is only one in the world, and other countries cannot arrange such a big one."
Zhao Zimo said: "Why."
The adjutant said: "You are stupid, please guess yourself." He patted Zhao Zimo's head and walked forward.
Zhao Zimo didn't feel a headache. He was thinking about this question. Zhou An walked to him and said, "Think about the name of the United Nations."
Zhao Zimo patted his head and said, "So that's it." He figured out what the United Nations is, it is composed of various countries. Every country has SSS-level strong men. Although space abilities are rare, it is not easy to find three space abilities.
The Sith took them and his group to the fourth room on the right, opened the door, and everyone, including Zhao Zimo, saw a strange scene. Inside the door was a small bamboo forest, and there were more than a dozen bamboo houses located in the bamboo forest, which looked beautiful.
Sith said in standard Chinese: "This is your room."
Wu Yingying's eyes shined with a crystal light and said, "Wow, okay, such a beautiful room is ours."
At this moment, a golden foreigner, in his fifties, dressed as a housekeeper like the Sith, walked towards them with a group of nine people.
All nine people are black, and each dresses are different. Some wear suits and tie, some wear primitive dresses, some wear camouflage uniforms, and hold a submachine gun in their hands, etc.
The nine people led the lead in a suit and tie. They were a black man, in his thirties, and looked like Kong Wu was powerful. Seeing Fang Zhengguo's eyes lit up, he quickly walked forward, and while walking, he said in half-dirty Chinese: "Zheng, you have also come."
Fang Zhengguo also smiled on his originally serious face, and he went up to him and said, "Long time no see Badar, I'll be there, your heels will be there."
Badar said in confusion: "What is the front foot, the heel, what does it mean?"
Fang Zhengguo laughed and said, "I forgot that you are not proficient in Chinese anymore, so I'd better tell you in Feiyu." Then Fang Zhengguo started talking to Badar in Feiyu.
No one of the Xia people present could understand it. Of course, the adjutant could understand it. He was proficient in the languages of hundreds of countries. Of course, if he just learned it, he would not be able to learn it. He had the ability to learn the languages of various countries quickly. Therefore, even if the adjutant was not the strongest among all his subordinates, Fang Zhengguo still brought him.
Fang Zhengguo and Badar talked happily for a while, and said a few more words to Badar. Badar nodded, and then Fang Zhengguo said to the adjutant: "Take them in, Badar and I have to have a good chat."
The adjutant responded and led the seven people to the door.
While the seven people were leaving, they saw Fang Zhengguo, Badar, and eight people behind Badar walked into the room next to them.
One of the black women was very slim, with long black legs and two sexy high shoes. Zhao Zimo whistled loudly before stepping into the door. The black woman turned around and saw Zhao Zimo, and a smile appeared on her face.
Zhao Zimo was about to respond, but Wu Yingying pulled Zhao Zimo into the door. Because Zhao Zimo was the last one to enter the door, the door automatically closed after they entered the door.
Zhao Zimo said complainingly: "What are you trying to pull me? I almost drew her. Oh, foreign women are different from Chinese women. They rolled their eyes when they whistle in Xia Country, but foreign girls are not annoyed, but smiled sweetly, and they obviously have a good impression of me."
Wu Yingying said, "You whistle and look at others, and they will fall in love with you as soon as they smile at you. You should think it's beautiful."
"This is not the beauty you think, it is the fact." After saying this, Zhao Zimo felt aroused in his heart and said, "You care so much about me, you won't fall in love with me."
Wu Yingying immediately let go of Zhao Zimo's hand and said in panic: "How is it possible? How can I like this annoying thing like you?" His face turned red as he said.
Zhao Zimo said, "I won't say that correctly, don't like me. It's too fierce. It's like a tigress, we can't get along with each other."
"You." Wu Yingying suddenly became angry, stepped on Zhao Zimo's feet hard, then raised her head, snorted and left.
Zhao Zimo said, he was trampled and felt in pain. He couldn't help but think in his heart, "Isn't it just a joke, why are you so angry? It's really a needle in the sea of women's hearts, and they lose their temper at any time."
Gushe Qingmeng said: "Every country that comes here will enter such a door."
The adjutant said: "The door here was specially designed by the United Nations to find an SSSS-level competent person before we came. Otherwise, how could such a big palace be able to put so many countries? Don't make a fuss, it's like this every international competition."
Gush Qingmeng asked curiously: "Is the space in each gate the same? Are there such a small island?"
The adjutant said: "It's different. They are all arranged according to the special arrangements of the team. General Fang likes such islands, so he arranged such islands."
At this time, they had already arrived in the bamboo forest, and the adjutant said, "Each person chooses a house."
Everyone chose the house, but the adjutant did not choose, but entered the first house on the left casually.
Wu Yingying said happily: "What's the point of staying here when we come to the United Nations? Why don't we go out and have a walk? Maybe there's something fun."
They agreed with Wu Yingying's words, which was the first time they came and wanted to go out and take a look.
Only Gu Hongqi and Zhuang Sanshan did not go. Zhuang Sanshan wanted to practice a secret technique of physical art. As long as he succeeded, he planned to shine in the international competition. Gu Hongqi was kept by the instructor and said that he would give him a temporary training to increase his strength.
Before leaving, Wu Yingying suddenly thought: "What language does the United Nations speak? Who can you do?"
Gushe Qingmeng said, "I can speak rice, sun and kimchi."
Long Tianyue said proudly: "I can speak the language of the fifty-seven countries."
Wu Yingying said in shock: "Wow, Brother Long, you know so many languages."
Long Tianyue said: "I learned all these languages by myself and did not rely on any ability."
"It's so good. With you, we don't have to worry about being speechless when we meet people from other countries." Wu Yingying said: "Let's go, let's go."
Wu Yingying walked out of the door with her head raised and her chest raised.
But as soon as he walked out of the door, Wu Yingying became depressed and said, "Where are we going first?"
Zhao Zimo said with a frown, "It's up to me now. When I came out, I asked the adjutant for the tourist map here, and we can just look at the map and play."
After saying that, Zhao Zimo was about to pick up the map.
Wu Yingying said, "Okay, don't take it anymore. It's best to just say there, let's go there directly."