"Three dynasties gained the world through benevolence, and lost the world through unkindness. The same reason why countries were abolished, reborn, and destroyed. The emperor was unkind and did not protect the world; the princes were unkind and did not protect the country; the ministers and officials were unkind and did not protect the ancestral temple; the scholars and common people were unkind.
, Not protecting the four bodies, discriminating against evil and dying but rejoicing but not benevolent, is like drunkenness due to evil and strong drink.”
Then the old master read this article. After talking about an article, he looked up at the students below. When he saw Zhou An, he was stunned. He had never seen this student before, and he was wearing a military uniform.
, carrying weapons, but he didn’t care, after all, there were many students with quirks in the academy.
People in this era are very open-minded. Even if they wear alternative clothes, they wear them as novelties. Therefore, it is not like the ancient times in previous lives where people would be scolded if they were not well-dressed and dissatisfied if they were not well-mannered.
"I explained it carefully yesterday, but who knows its meaning?" the old master said to the students below.
Only one of the students below slowly raised his hand. This student was a woman, wearing a brocade purple skirt, as delicate and fragrant as a violet.
"Are you not as good as a woman?" All the students lowered their heads, not daring to look into the old master's eyes, but this woman was a little unhappy. What's wrong with women? Why are they not as good as men?
"Li Yuxuan, tell me." Seeing that the other students had not raised their hands, the old master snorted coldly and said.
Li Yuxuan stood up and said: "The three generations of the ancient country gained the world because of benevolence, and lost the world because of unkindness. The rise and fall of the princes and countries are also due to the same reason. The emperor is unkind and cannot protect the world; the princes are unkind and cannot protect the country...
Li Yuxuan said in a catchy way, and in a short while she finished explaining the meaning of this article.
"Not bad, not bad. The explanation is very clear. You are indeed a genius of the academy. It seems that you will successfully pass the examination next year." The old master said with appreciation.
"Thank you for the compliment, Master." Li Yuxuan sat down on her seat.
"Now benevolence conquers the world, but not benevolence leads to loss." The explanation of this article has been explained again. Do you all understand?" The old master saw that many students were dodging and did not dare to look at him. He knew very well that there were still many students who had not remembered it.
He was a little angry. He couldn't understand the meaning of such a simple article, so he immediately said: "Put this book on the chopping board. After class, everyone will copy it and memorize it when they go home. They will memorize it in one day. When I go to class tomorrow,
I will test it, and those who fail will not take my class in the future."
"Okay, today we have a formal lecture. What I'm talking about today is the core of this article, benevolence, what is benevolence, benevolence is benevolence, which means people-oriented, full of benevolence, and the style of a gentleman..."
The eloquent old master talked about it for a long time, which made Zhou An yawn. Did he know that benevolence is not so easy to talk about. There are many meanings of benevolence. Looking at the benevolence this old master talks about, the general idea is that you must have a benevolent heart and a benevolent heart.
Be a gentleman and don't go into evil ways. When you talk about evil ways, you keep looking at yourself, as if the person you are talking about is you.
Zhou An doesn't want to stay here anymore. This lecture is too boring and has no meaning at all. Besides, he's not really here to attend the lecture. He's here to sign up. He's just staying here for emergencies, so he sees the old master shaking his head and looking at it.
When he wrote a book about benevolence, he wanted to stand up and leave.
"Student, why are you standing up? Do you have a different view on benevolence? Tell me."
As soon as Zhou An stood halfway, the old master asked him,
Zhou An's face darkened, and he stood up halfway. He didn't expect to be seen by the old master. This was terrible. Although he was a scholar and a child prodigy, after all, this was what he had gained from his previous life. Although he had seen some
Book, if you only know what these words are, the general meaning is pretty good, let alone what such a profound question is.
Although benevolence had many meanings in his previous life, if he expressed it in ancient classical Chinese, he was not so knowledgeable and could not express it. He could not just beat up the old master and leave directly. Then he would be completely blackmailed in Jian'an Academy.
, but he still wanted to find someone who could learn ancient calligraphy, but he couldn't become a black man, so Zhou An was a little disappointed. His mind started to spin rapidly. Suddenly he thought of a poem-like line, his eyes lit up and he said: "I don't
I understand benevolence, but I know how to use a poem, and I will use this poem to say it!"
The old master's beard twitched, and he was so angry that he was almost speechless. He talked about benevolence for a long time, but you didn't understand a word, which made my half-day effort was in vain. But then I heard Zhou An wanted to use words,
I was a little curious, so I said angrily: "Then you write it, and I will see how your poem expresses benevolence."
Be dedicated to heaven and earth!
Make a living for the people!
Continuing the unique learning for the Holy Spirit!
Create peace for all eternity!
This poem, which is not considered a poem, comes from "Hengqu Quotations" written by Zhang Zai, a Confucian scholar in the Northern Song Dynasty. It was later also called Hengqu Four Sentences.
This poem was a very famous poem that Zhou An heard in his previous life. He had heard it once before, and he had never forgotten it until now. He felt that this poem was very suitable for the concept of benevolence, so he said it.
The old master was stunned when he heard it. The book in his hand fell to the ground involuntarily, and he looked at Zhou An blankly. This poem instantly impacted his soul, impacted the strongest point in his heart, and shocked him severely.
This poem is so impressive that it can be passed down from generation to generation!
Those students had the air of watching a good show to see what he could say, but when Zhou An said this poem, they were shocked immediately. Who could say such a magnificent poem?
, this person must have great ambitions, must have great ambitions!
Among them, Li Yuxuan was also shocked, and her beautiful eyes kept wandering around Zhou An. This poem was written by someone who did not look like a student in front of her. He had such ambitions, why was he wearing a military uniform.
Zhou An saw that everyone was looking at him blankly. He didn't say anything, just took up the Piaoyun Step and left here in a flash.
"Master, he ran away." At this time, someone came over and suddenly shouted.
"This new student, does anyone know his name? I found him. I can't let him go with such a good talent." The old master suddenly came over and said loudly.
As a result, all the students shook their heads.
The old master was immediately dumbfounded and asked: "Isn't he a new student? Then how did he get into my school?"
"I know, Master!" At this moment, a student next to Zhou An stood up weakly and said.
"Say." The old master calmed down and said.
"He suddenly appeared in this seat. He is not from our school." The student said weakly.
"What!" the old master cried out in surprise. He is not from his school. Then why did he appear in his school? Could it be that he is a new student? No, I want to find the dean and ask him to come over, but I don't know who he is. What should I do with his name? Then he rolled his eyes and said to the student below: "Now that get out of class is over, I have a task. Who can find that student and know his name? I will give him my treasured book "University" He, this is an ancient book from the previous dynasty, so it is not easy to get."
The old master said seductively.
After hearing this, all the students looked very excited. This is an ancient book from the previous dynasty. This is a rare book. After getting it, read it often and the meaning will emerge. This is the effect of historical precipitation.
All the students ran outside one after another, looking for Zhou An. Only two students did not move. One was holding the student next to Zhou An, and the other was Li Yuxuan.
The student next to Zhou An knew how fast Zhou An was and immediately sat next to him. It was impossible to find Zhou An, so he didn't want to waste time. Although the rare book was very precious,
He is not greedy. He might as well read more books in this little time.
And Li Yuxuan was not as dull as everyone else just now. She saw with her own eyes that Zhou An arrived outside the school in just one or two steps. She knew that this was martial arts. It was impossible for her to find it at such a fast speed, so she also
She simply didn't look for it and waited for their news to see if she could find it. However, she also had a little thought. She knew some pictures. If they couldn't find it, she would draw a portrait of Zhou An and search again. If you didn't believe it, you wouldn't be able to find it.