Zhou An returned the etiquette of a scholar and said, "Wu Tongsheng is my friend, and help is the right one."
"You are Wu Tongsheng's friend, our friend. We will be a family in the future. After you come, you have not welcomed you yet. I am now asking my personal guards to hold a banquet to welcome you." Guo Meng said.
Zhou An heard the previous sentence that Guo Meng said many times since he came to the military camp. They all said they were their friends, but they just mean it. Now what Guo Meng said is particularly sincere, so Zhou An knows that what he said is serious.
However, Zhou An didn't want to make a big fuss, so he said, "Thank you, if you hold a banquet, you can go, I won't go."
"Why do we have any shortcomings in taking good care of us?" Guo Meng said.
"No, it's just that I am a relatively withdrawn person and don't want to go to a lively place." Zhou An said with a wink at Wu Tongsheng.
"Then we'll go first." Wu Tongsheng immediately understood what Zhou An meant.
Then Wu Tongsheng said to Guo Meng: "Don't you want to hold a banquet? Let's go together now, and I'm hungry too."
As he said that, he pulled Guo Meng with one hand and Li Zhongfu with the other, walked outside.
Li Chong naturally understood the meaning of Wu symbiosis, and followed him and walked out with a knife.
After following Zhou An during this period, they had already cooperated with Zhou An and had a tacit understanding. Zhou An gave them a small move and they knew what it meant.
Moreover, Liu Chong, under Zhou An's strong strength, has become accustomed to being led by Zhou An. Zhou An's strength is also a top-notch existence in the Yuan Dynasty. He is even stronger than these generals in his impression. The only one who can compete with Zhou An on Kill Island is Nangong Wentian and the overseas marshal.
Liu Chong's eyes were really vicious. He saw that Zhou An had all kinds of powerful and strange means, and he guessed this way based on Zhou An's every move.
In fact, Liu Chong and Wu are two kinds of people. Liu Chong was born in the royal family. People in the royal family have great interests in their internal struggles, and they are mainly based on interests. As long as they are beneficial to themselves, try to win over them as much as possible, expand their strength, and give them a glimmer of vitality to seize the throne in the future.
He is the son of the prince, so he is also a royal nobleman, no worse than those princes. Although his chances are very small by status, every person in the royal family looks at the throne and will take it over as long as he has the chance.
Throughout history, which throne was not taken away, became the emperor of an emperor in the endless sea of corpses and blood.
So Liu Chong would not have come to Killing Island. When he came to Killing Island, he wrote a brilliant mark on his resume. Not many descendants in the royal family came to Killing Island. Everyone came to the royal family with outstanding talents.
Wu Congsheng is relatively suitable for Zhou An's taste. Wu Congsheng is because of his identity. He is the only seedling of Wu Tianci, who enjoys endless glory at home, so he doesn't really like power, but often goes out of the market and is very loyal.
He is very loyal to the people he interacts with. Zhou An likes to interact with such people very much because the people who keep the word "Yi" in mind are more righteous and cannot do any sinister actions.
Wu Tongsheng, Liu Chong, Zi Yishao, Guo Meng, Li Zhongfu walked out of the house.
Guo Meng's face was a little dark. Before he could find out about Zhou An's reality, he said a few words and was pulled out by Wu Tongsheng. He wanted to scold Wu Tongsheng for a few words, but he couldn't. Wu Tongsheng was Wu Tianci's grandson after all, and 90% of the generals here were Wu Tianci's old subordinates. He could not scold Wu Tongsheng for no reason, he could not do such a thing.
Li Zhongfu saw everything in his eyes. Seeing Guo Meng, who had always been powerful, it was a little funny. After all, Guo Meng is the number one general in Dongying and rarely gets defeated. However, he didn't say anything. He was just watching the show. Now that the show is so good, what else can he say?
When Chiang Yidao was a little unhappy, he naturally saw that Guo Meng was neglecting him. He was a little happy to come here, but now his happy expression has faded a lot. He understood the rules of the entire Killing Island. After all, he has been on Killing Island for more than ten years. Although he has not entered the military camp, he still knows some other places.
For example, strength is the most respectable. He originally thought that this was just in the big city, and there was no such situation in the military camp. After all, the loyalty and patriotism promoted by the Yuan Dynasty, the same comrades and comrades were all brave, but he did not see it, and only saw the same strength as outside.
Of course, it is possible that he has been here for a short time, but it is not that he has not yet come into contact with it. However, this is not what he thought. What he thought is that the world is respected by the strong everywhere. Now Zi Yidao is a little excited. Seeing that he is not very interested, Liu Chong took him to the banquet together. Zi Yidao still wants to win over. After all, this is also a master of one side. After his experience on Kill Island is completed, he wants to bring some direct descendants here back, and Zi Yidao he likes it, so he wants to bring Zi Yidao back.
"You are..." Zhou An said to Huang Shiying, the only female general left in the room.
Huang Shiying knew what Zhou An mean, that is, why haven’t you left yet after they left?
Huang Shiying smiled and said, "I don't want to attend those banquets either, I want to communicate with you."
"What do I have to communicate with? I'm just an ordinary warrior." Zhou An said.
"Are you ordinary?" Huang Shiying said with his eyes circulating on Zhou An.
Zhou An was stunned for a moment, and smiled and said, "Please sit down." Then Zhou An took a kettle from the table, poured the water on the cup, and brought it to Huang Shiying.
Then Zhou An sat on the bed opposite Huang Shiying, looked at Huang Shiying, and waited for Huang Shiying to speak.
Huang Shiying already understood very well in her words, that was to have something to say to Zhou An, so Zhou An kept her.
"You are not only a warrior, but also a great scholar." Huang Shiying said with a brief remark.
"Yes." Zhou An nodded without refuting.
"Since you are a great scholar, you must have cultivated the righteousness of Haoran," said Huang Shiying.
"Yes." Zhou An continued nodding and said. He was a little suspicious about Huang Shiying asking what she was doing, so he did not let Huang Shiying go. He continued to listen and see what she wanted to say later.
"The righteous spirit you cultivate is different from the righteous spirit you cultivate." Huang Shiying said.
After hearing this sentence, Zhou An understood what she meant. Zhou An hesitated for a moment and was about to speak, but Huang Shiying said again: "I will answer for you. It's different, right? You've even practiced more powerfully."