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Chapter 202

The next day, Hua Ling saw the two princesses that the female students told her about yesterday.

Princess Cuizhu Qiao and Princess Zhuqin Yanran, it is said that one of them likes Ren Yun.

There are not just one or two people who like Ren Yun. Why does Hua Ling focus on these two princesses?

No reason, because there is a person she knows!

Isn’t that Princess Zhuqin the same as Yuan Shumin from the previous life?

In her last life, she had not come back since she left Xun'an City, and there was no news about her. Hua Ling looked at Sister Shumin who had devoted herself to the royal family. She didn't know whether to be happy or sad for her, but looking at this, she should

Are you having a good time? Well, that's good.

Then, Hua Ling was thinking, who among the two of them likes Ren Yun?

Does Sister Shumin still like him this time? Hua Ling doesn't know.

But I heard from others that she is going to get married soon.

It shouldn't be her, right?

Well, is that Princess Cuizhu?

Well, it doesn't matter. She doesn't care what kind of princess she is. Hua Ling doesn't care. The Taifu is hers and no one can use it or take it away.

Hua Ling looked at Ren Yun with burning eyes. Ren Yun couldn't ignore this look and was actually made uncomfortable by this little girl.

"Hua Ling Hua Ling, you have been so attentive these past two days. Do you like listening to these heavenly books so much?"

Hua Ling smiled, that's strange, who likes to listen to those things? It's just that Ren Yun said that her attention is on people.

"Flower spirit?"

Hua Ling came back to her senses and vaguely saw someone coming!


Yanran looked at her funny, this girl is really cute.

"There is no Taifu. The Taifu is out."


Yan Ran hummed, then exchanged a few words with Hua Ling, and said, "To be honest, I'm also quite curious, what is the relationship between you and Taifu Ren?"

Hua Ling's cheeks turned crimson and she hesitated. However, with the blush on her cheeks, Yanran's heart sank little by little. It turned out that he already had someone he liked.

"Teacher Ren is very good, you must cherish him."

Hua Ling had a very good impression of Yuan Shumin, and now seeing her blessing, Hua Ling is even more happy.

"You, how do you know about my relationship with Taifu? We, we just met today, right?"

She smiled sweetly and did not hide it. She said: "I happened to see a scene yesterday. It was really interesting."

Hua Ling understood what that scene was from her teasing eyes. Well, it was probably when she couldn't control herself from kissing Ren Yun.

In the eyes of others, there is no surprise or embarrassment, only inexplicable ambiguity and an unclear relationship between the two.

Hua Ling likes this kind of misunderstanding. It doesn't matter if there are two more people and the news spreads, everyone will know that the Taifu is hers.

But the facts show that Hua Ling's little calculation was wrong, and not many people saw it. No, it should be only Yanran who saw it.

However, Princess Zhuqin is very strict with her mouth and will not talk nonsense everywhere, let alone spread it indiscriminately.

Hua Ling: "Master Taifu!"


"Teacher Ren, why didn't you wait for me when you left the palace? We live together."

Ren Yun thought to himself why I didn't wait for you to come with me. Don't you have any idea in your own mind? Is it better to let me wait for you to play a gangster on me again?

Hua Ling is indeed experienced in love, and she is not too stupid at this time.

"I apologize to you, Master. I was reckless yesterday. Please don't be angry with me, Master."

Hua Ling apologized and blinked her eyes. For some reason, Ren Yun felt itchy and didn't know how to react.

Ren Yun coughed lightly and said, "It doesn't matter, she's not some yellow flower girl."

Hua Ling smiled, her eyebrows crooked as she smiled, and Ren Yun thought to herself, "I don't know what's going on. Sure enough, good-looking people can only tug at other people's heartstrings."

However, Hua Ling was not happy for long, and the smile on her face disappeared. She really didn't want to see what she saw.

Bu Yin: "Oh, what a coincidence."

Ren Yun smiled and greeted: "Where are you going, Prime Minister?"

"The emperor has summoned me to make a bet on you on the road you must pass."

"Oh? It seems that this chance encounter is not a coincidence after all?"

Bu Yin laughed: "How can there be so many coincidences in this world? They are all created by human beings."

"Okay, don't ramble on here. Just tell me what you want to do."

"It's nothing. My friend gave me a few jars of good wine. How about coming to my place for a drink in the evening?"

Ren Yun laughed and said, "This relationship is great. I'll see if the wine is good then. If it's not good, I won't drink it."

"I don't dare call you if it's not fine wine."

"Okay, see you tonight."

The two of them, Bu Yin, played the role of me and said a few more words on the spot. They both ignored that there was another person next to them, who looked very unhappy, and his little face was red.

Hua Changxiang Ling is a very stunning person. People with beautiful looks always say that they rarely feel ignored when receiving a lot of people's attention. This is the case with Hua Ling. However, this time, she was completely ignored by fear.

It would be okay if the person who ignored her was someone else - but this was not someone else, it was her husband!

Hey, is there any mistake? She was completely ignored by her husband. That person was none other than her husband. Husband!

Or is it because of the person I hate very much!

Not to mention how aggrieved Xiao Hua Ling felt, there was just a little bit of grievance in her heart.

She had an impulse to turn around and leave, not to talk to this person anymore, he was so annoying.

But then I thought about it, no, she had to be there, the divination guy was not a good thing, she had to watch him and not let others harm him.

Her husband in this life may not be very smart, he always likes to make friends with bad people, and refuses to listen to or stop him no matter what.

But what can be done? Hua Ling sighed and thought, of course he has to protect his own people. He can't let other wolves take him away, this is not possible.

Alas, Hua Ling couldn't help but sigh to herself. She is really a good lover who is more than qualified.

It wasn't until after Bu Yin left that Ren Yunwo realized that something was a little bit wrong with the atmosphere. When he turned around, he found a bulging puffer fish staring at him.

Ren Yun: "...Um, what's wrong?"

What's wrong? He dared to ask what's wrong? Look, look, he didn't even notice his own mistake!

Is this man an idiot? Why doesn't he come out and get angry?

No, Hua Ling’s husband definitely can’t be an idiot!

Now it's just...a little silly.

"Can't you not be friends with him? Can't you stay away from him? Why do you have to date him? Is there anything good about him? Is it because he still has a lot of rights? You don't know much about these.

You care, right?"

Ren Yun: "..."

Ren Yun was actually a little confused by her series of gibbering questions.

What's going on? He was smiling just now, but now his face looks like a pufferfish, and he's asking him a series of questions. Are women always like this when they're angry?

Hua Ling's attitude towards Bu Yin, I think she really hates him, but Ren Yun is confused as to the specific reason. There must be a reason for hating a person so much, but she just came to know Bu Yinjian.

How long does it take to pass the divination?

Where is all the disgust?

Is it really so difficult to understand a woman's mind?

To be honest, Ren Yun always felt that he understood it quite well.

"Hua Ling, why are you so hostile to this urban and rural man? He is actually really nice. You will know if you get in touch with him more. Don't always judge whether a person is good or bad based on his first impression.

, this is wrong, right?”

Ren Yun also turned on the Tang Monk mode. He said: "Look, although you haven't read a few books, you have read so many story books. In fact, these are not useless. He has also taught us many principles.

Ah. You can’t judge whether a person is good or bad by looking at his or her side. This is something we should all learn. For some people, only those who come into contact can discover their good qualities.”

Ren Yun didn't notice at all. The more energetic he talked, the angrier the little girl in front of him became, almost jumping up and down with anger.

Hua Ling was really mad at him, didn't she understand?

Please! Don’t you know whose hands your two lives were ruined by?

Oh, you really don't know!

But she was still very angry. Such a long paragraph was all about defending that person, and it came from Ren Yunzhi's mouth. This long and gibbering paragraph almost confused her.

What is this called? Tell me, tell me, what is this called?

This is called helping others count their money after being sold to them. What a typical idiot!

What else are you doing at night, going to someone else’s house to drink?

Why don't you wash yourself, throw it into the fire, roast it, and serve it to others for dinner?

Hua Ling thought angrily.

"Are you going to his house tonight?"


Hua Ling said seriously: "I want to go with you!"

Ren Yun: "..."

After Hua Ling finished speaking, she didn't care whether he agreed or not and just left.

Ren Yun couldn't figure it out. Did Bu Yin have some strange power? It was nothing. His masters and this little girl all disliked him so much?

It gave people the feeling that they wanted to go up and bite him to death.

Ren Yun said quietly: "Women are really difficult to understand, beautiful women are even more difficult to understand, and women who like to kiss others are even more difficult to understand!"

The flower spirit who has excellent ears and loves her relatives: "..."

I feel wronged! She is obviously very understanding!

Bu Yin watched such a scene and felt happy both physically and mentally. Well, I have to say that he was probably the only one among the three who felt this way.

This chapter has been completed!
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