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Chapter Eighteen: Send someone to protect me

The atmosphere was harmonious, as if they were really a family, and there was no barrier between them.

What Empress Dowager Yunlan was thinking about was that her Chengyu seemed to have finally fallen in love with Hua Ling and whether she liked Hua Ling. Li Chenglan was thinking about whether Hua Ling really didn't have much power and was alone and married Li Chengyu.

It was a good one, and it relieved some of his worries. Of course, Li Chengyu could guess what Li Chenglan was thinking, so he just smiled and said nothing.

As for Li Baiyuan, she blatantly turned a blind eye to Li Chenglan's several conversations and ignored him, and she also looked on coldly at his exchanges with Hua Ling.

Li Chenglan: "Okay, the palace banquet has almost begun. King Ningcang and General Mu have already taken their seats. It's time for us to go."

Queen Mother Yunlan: "Well, okay, let's go then. Come to Hualing and follow the Queen Mother."

Li Chengyu: "Mother...mother?"

Li Boyuan smiled and patted the stunned Li Chengyu, "Okay, let's go."

Li Chengyu and Li Boyuan walked slowly behind, falling a short distance behind.

"Sister Huang, what did you just say?"

"It's nothing." But if you come a little later, your marriage to the little girl will be almost settled...

Li Chengyu wanted to ask, but Li Boyuan didn't give him a chance and quickly caught up with Queen Mother Yunlan, walking talking and laughing.

"The humble minister pays homage to the emperor, long live my emperor!"

"The humble minister pays homage to the Queen Mother. The Queen Mother is a thousand years old!"

After these rituals were completed one by one, Li Chenglan waved his hand and everyone took their seats. Hua Ling was pulled by the Queen Mother and sat next to her.

At the beginning of the palace banquet, Li Boyuan danced to the song "Phoenix Seeking the Phoenix", which amazed the audience.

Even her husband, Ning Zhiqing, held the cup and froze for a moment.

I still remember that when we first met, it was also at such a banquet. This woman, this proud third princess, danced the song "Drunken Meng Sheng". After several years, her grace was still the same. Just like back then.

What's more, Ning Zhiqing has watched Li Boyuan dance for so many years, but every time, he is amazed. How can he be the only one? Mu Lin's people have seen this princess of Mu Lin dance. What a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Can't get enough of it.

Li Boyuan, the third princess of Mu Lin, is truly a beauty.

Li Baiyuan: "Boyuan congratulates my mother on her birthday. I wish my mother a long life, good fortune like the East Sea, and good health. I wish my country good luck, prosperity and stability."

"I wish the Queen Mother/Empress Mother a long life, blessings like the East Sea, and good health! May my country be prosperous, prosperous and stable!"

The Queen Mother said: "Well, okay, okay, thank you from the Ai family. Come and stay calm."

"Thank you Queen Mother."

The first is Li Chenglan's birthday painting. This birthday painting took half a year to complete from beginning to end. Every stitch, every thread, and every texture is unique. It is the only one in the whole country.

Li Chengyu smiled and said: "Your Majesty is so considerate, now it's hard to show off my birthday gift."

Queen Mother Yunlan clapped his hand and said with a smile: "You have already given me a very good gift." After saying this, she looked at Hua Ling who was sitting upright beside him.

Li Chengyu smiled lightly and said nothing, looking at the flower spirit not far away. He was sitting upright on the ground and pretending to be pretty good, but... Li Chengyu let out a soft chuckle in his heart, and his eyes betrayed her.

What Ning Zhiqing presented was Ning Cang's glazed treasure. This gift was of great significance, the Queen Mother was happy, and the Emperor was delighted.

Li Chenglan stood up with the cup and said: "Everyone, today is the birthday of the Queen Mother. It happens that King Ningcang is here to pay tribute. We wish the Queen Mother once again that she will be as blessed as the East Sea and live as long as the Southern Mountains. We welcome King Ningcang..."

The palace banquet continued with singing and dancing, but two people left the venue for a short period of time.

Li Chenglan said in a faint tone: "Sister Huang, are you still blaming me?"

Li Baiyuan saluted and said in a calm tone: "The emperor is serious, Baiyuan doesn't dare."

Li Chenglan looked at this woman's face and suddenly said: "Sister Huang's dance just now was really stunning." Li Chenglan paused and then said: "Just like back then."

Li Boyuan still had the same calm tone: "As long as the emperor likes it."

Li Chenglan's eyes were deep and bottomless: "Well, I like it very much."

"Does the Emperor have anything else to say? If not, Bai Yuan will go back first."

Li Chenglan was silent. Li Boyuan looked into his eyes without flinching at all. No matter how long or how many years passed, Li Boyuan's eyes always had a feeling of oppression. Even Li Chenglan was stabbed. Li Boyuan, Li Boyuan, this is it.


Li Boyuan returned to the banquet and sat down. Ning Zhiqing asked: "Where have you been for so long?"

Li Boyuan smiled and replied: "Nothing, I was pulled over by the emperor to ask some questions."

Ning Zhiqing gave her a piece of crispy meat and said with gentle eyes: "You brothers and sisters have such a good relationship. It's rare in the royal family, isn't it?"

Li Boyuan nodded, ate the piece of meat, and replied calmly: "Yes, I think so too."

After the two came back, Li Chengyu's eyes changed as he sat there watching.

After the palace banquet, Li Chengyu asked Hua Ling to be brought into the carriage and went to find Li Baiyuan himself, who had been waiting for him for a long time.

Li Chengyu looked at Li Boyuan's back, opened his mouth, and called "Sister Huang."

Li Boyuan turned around, smiled sweetly, and said softly: "Zhiqing is still waiting for me."

Li Chengyu nodded and said, "How did the emperor know that I would come to find you?"

Li Boyuan thought for a while and said: "Because... we are connected heart to heart!"

Li Chengyu: "..."

Li Baiyuan smiled and said, "Okay, I won't tease you anymore." She stepped forward and whispered softly in a voice that only the other party could hear: "Zhiqing came to the capital without any troops, so you send a few of your people to protect me secretly.


Li Chengyu was stunned for a moment, then nodded in agreement and said, "Sister Huang, what did you and the Emperor say?"

Li Boyuan seemed to smile faintly, and she straightened Li Chengyu's cloak. It was cold. The weather was cold, and the clothes were also cold.

"Don't worry about this. You have great achievements and you can't tolerate someone like Li Chenglan. I'm not here. You have to learn to restrain yourself, listen more to your uncle, and know how to judge the situation and seize the opportunity. Do you understand?"

Li Chengyu: "Sister Huang..."

Why are you saying this all of a sudden?

"Sister Huang, what happened?"

Li Boyuan smiled and shook his head and said: "It's nothing, it's just that I'm not with you, so I always feel uneasy when I come back this time. I can feel that your situation is a bit difficult, so I remind you, do you remember what I just said?


Li Chengyu nodded and asked again: "What did you say to the emperor? Sister Huang, have you ever been embarrassed?"

Li Boyuan straightened his sleeves and sneered: "No, I just beat him up."

Li Chengyu: "..."

Li Boyuan said in a rather disgusted tone: "What the hell, you're still a weakling after all this time."

Li Chengyu looked around and said, "As long as there's no one around."

Li Chengyu looked at her with a look of confusion on his face. Li Boyuan still didn't know why, so she looked around and asked doubtfully: "What's wrong?"

Li Chengyu: "......"

What do you think? He felt that his instinct to speak without restraint was all learned from the imperial sister at an early age!

Li Boyuan frowned and reached out to touch Li Chengyu's forehead.

Li Chengyu: "......"

Someone even muttered: "You don't have a fever either. Did you just eat enough?"

Li Chengyu: "......"

In the end, Li Chengyu just said with a blank expression that Sister Huang had a good rest and left.

Li Boyuan, who was stunned, thought about it alone for a while, and then suddenly looked around.

Oh my God, she is in the palace!

Oh, it's okay, I didn't say anything wrong anyway.

Li Boyuan looked at the road in the direction Li Chengyu was walking for a long time before turning back.

When Li Chengyu came back and got on the carriage, Hua Ling had already fallen asleep. Li Chengyu paused and relaxed his movements.

After sitting down, he knocked on the eaves of the carriage and the carriage began to move slowly.

Li Chengyu looked at the little girl's sleeping face and gently leaned her head against his body.

He slept so deeply, Li Chengyu thought, he must be exhausted.

Li Chengyu looked at Hua Ling's lips. This little girl occasionally pouts when she is asleep. Did she dream of something delicious?

The red lips made Li Chengyu want to touch them, and he couldn't help but do it.

However, before his hand touched the little girl's mouth, the carriage suddenly jolted, and the unprepared Li Chengyu was startled.

"Your Majesty, forgive me!"

Li Chengyu watched the little thing in his arms move. He cleared his throat in a daze and said it was okay. The carriage started moving again, and Hua Ling also sat up in a daze.

"Well, Your Majesty..."

Li Chengyu coughed twice and said, "Well, how are you? Are you exhausted?"

Hua Ling rubbed her eyes, shook her head, and murmured vaguely: "It's okay, it's quite fun. The queen is good, the emperor is good, and the food is good. I ate a lot."

Li Chengyu touched her head and said softly: "Is it fun?"

Hua Ling was not very awake yet, so she was woken up without getting enough sleep. She nodded and said, "Yeah, okay, it's fun, I like it."

Li Chengyu smiled: "Well, next time I have a chance, I'll take you with me, okay?"

Hua Ling raised her head, her eyes watery, "Really?"

Li Chengyu nodded with a smile: "I never lie."

The carriage stopped, and Hua Ling was about to get out of the car when she was stopped by Li Chengyu: "I just woke up, and my whole body is sweating. Please take it easy for a while to avoid getting cold."

"Oh..." Hua Ling sat back obediently.

Li Chengyu looked at her, remembered something, and said, "By the way, the name you called me during the day was wrong."


"It's the Queen Mother, and the princess. According to Li Boyuan, they are my royal sister, the third princess Mu Lin, and Queen Ningcang. You can also call them queen."

Hua Ling wrinkled her nose: "What?"

Li Chengyu sighed, flicked Hua Ling's forehead, and said: "This is a rule, everyone calls it that, remember it next time, don't..."

Don't lose your reputation anymore,

Hua Ling wrinkled her nose in dissatisfaction and muttered, "But I obviously followed your call." Then she got off the carriage, leaving only a stunned Li Chengyu.

This chapter has been completed!
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