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Chapter 214: Sea of ??Flowers

There is no other shore flower in the world, only one other shore flower essence. Maybe the place where the other shore flower grows is special, and the flower spirit doesn't know whether they can survive here.

"What does the flower of the other side look like?"

Ren Yun often heard Hua Ling mention it, but she also said that this kind of flower could only be found where she came from.

"The flower on the other side is quite beautiful," Hua Ling and Ren Yun scattered the seeds together. "When the flower blooms, there are no leaves, and when it blooms, there are no flowers. It blooms and falls every thousand years. This is the flower of Manzhu Shahua on the other side." "

Ren Yun only said that this kind of flowers was different, and his few words made him really curious.

"Sounds like a story."

Hua Ling clapped her hands and looked at him with a smile: "If you are curious, I will go back and draw it for you."

Ren Yun was surprised: "You can also draw?"

Hua Ling hummed: "Of course! I'm amazing!"

This was taught by the prince in her first life. The person Hua Ling admired the most at that time was Shen Miaomiao. She was good at playing piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. Hua Ling found everything interesting when she saw her playing with it, so she clamored to learn it.

However, learning anything requires hard work and hard work. The lazy little flower spirit will drop out when faced with difficulties, learn to give up, etc. These eight words are vividly displayed.

But Hua Ling was really interested in Hua Hua Ling. She learned a little bit at first, and then Li Chengyu taught her. Interest was one aspect, and the most important thing was that she wanted to be with the prince, so over time, she became I've learned a little bit, so I can't say that I'm a proficient painter, but it still seems like that.

After scattering the seeds of Bianhua flower, the two of them continued walking forward.

"If it really grows, how will you see this sea of ​​flowers when it's so big?"

Ren Yun: "Then let's walk again and we will find it."

"Okay, okay," Hua Ling jumped in front of him, her eyebrows curved, "Then let's come and see it every year, okay?"

Ren Yun's face was soft and there was a smile in his eyes. He reached out and touched Hua Ling's little head and said softly: "Okay."

No matter which life he was in, Hua Ling never felt strange to him.

His personality has never changed, nor have his habits and hobbies.

He always likes to touch Hua Ling's head, always likes to tease others, always makes others angry, always helps those who are weaker than him, and always dotes on Hua Ling.

Ren Yun and Hua Ling played outside for a day. When Hua Ling came back, she was holding the candy figure Ren Yun bought for her, looking like she was still satisfied.

"Okay," Ren Yun said with a smile, "If you like it, we can go there in the future."

"That sea of ​​flowers is so big and beautiful."

Ren Yun raised his hand and rubbed Hua Ling's little head again, and said softly: "Go back, you still have homework to review."

Hua Ling: "..."

"Stop that expression, I won't do that."

Hua Ling no longer pouted or blinked pitifully, but just stared at this man with some annoyance.

Ren Yun: "Although I don't expect you to do very well in the exam, you still have to be passable, right?"

Hua Ling muttered in a low voice: "I don't like reading."

"There is a scent of books in my belly."

"Then the ancients also said that it is virtue for a woman to have no talent!"

Ren Yun knocked on the little girl's head: "The words of the ancients are not entirely correct."

Hua Ling covered her forehead and looked at her resentfully.

Ren Yun thought for a while and smiled: "Although you are already very cute, a talented woman will be even more attractive."

Hua Ling went to study obediently.

Ren Yun displayed the fan in his hand and was very satisfied. He took two jars of wine and went to find Ye Lingfei.

Hua Ling bit her finger and was studying hard. Tanyou looked at her with a very strange look. She almost ran out to see if the sun came out from the west today, but she couldn't see it. It was already dark and the sun was early.


"Ouch? You are successful today. You went out for a date with my cheap apprentice, and then you started studying hard? Come on, come on, tell me, what kind of ecstasy soup did he fill you with?"

Hua Ling didn't even raise her head when she heard the words and said: "Can I tell you?"

Tanyou: "..."

Is this little girl looking for a fight? It’s amazing to have a man, right? I’ll make a date and I’ll do it for you!

Tanyou started to sarcastically say, "I've been thinking about love all day long. If I didn't know, I'd think you were born for men."

Hua Ling glanced at her, a little confused: "I came to this world just for men. Is there anything wrong?"

Tanyou: "..."

She was convinced, she was convinced, how could she forget that this was not a normal monster?

Hua Ling also looked at her like she was a fool, so that Tanyou fell silent into self-doubt.

Tanyou looked at Hua Ling who was immersed in studying. She endured it and did not disturb her too much. Forget it, no matter what kind of ecstasy soup she was given, no matter what the reason for working so hard, it was always a good thing.

, if the two of them are together in the future, and there are nosy people talking about Hua Ling's talent and learning, although they will probably not care, it will always be unpleasant, so it would be best if there is no such talk.

"What on earth are you here to do this time? It's so mysterious every time. It's really curious."

Ye Lingfei: "To be honest, I actually don't know. As for me, I'm just following the old man's orders. I do whatever he says."

"No, what about you, why do you listen to him so much?" Ren Yun smiled and said jokingly, "Is there some pigtail in his hand?"

"Yes, yes, my wife, son, and mother are all in the hands of that old bastard. I am helpless and forced to obey his orders!"

The two laughed loudly, and the old bastard who was just sleeping and returning to his cage suddenly sneezed.

"Brother Ling, to be honest, how long will it take you to finish the work this time? Where will you go in the future? Why don't you just stay? If it doesn't work, just don't leave. Let that worldly expert figure it out on his own. You

Stay and I will find you an official position in the imperial court, which will give you a place to live. It is better than following him back and forth."

Ye Lingfei patted his shoulder and said, "I appreciate your kindness."

"Tsk, I hate this sentence the most. If you understand it, you have no one. What's the point? Isn't it a good idea to stay? Besides, what's the use of following him? He still has a few years to live, he's half dead.

Don’t abandon you when the time comes, hey, really, this is very possible.”

Ye Lingfei: "..."

Ren Yun has never been careful about what he says. Ye Lingfei's expression was twisted and happy for a moment. It seemed that he still didn't understand this person very well. In this life, this guy's true nature was undoubtedly exposed in front of him.

"Don't worry about that. I guess I should be walking in front of him."

"...Don't curse yourself like that."

Ye Lingfei laughed.

Ren Yun thought for a while and said: "Is it possible that what you are doing is life-threatening? Are you the one who blocked the knife for him?"

"If you think so, then so be it. It doesn't matter. As for me, I yearn for death more."

Ren Yun frowned. Ye Lingfei's words didn't seem like he was lying or a joke. Rather, they seemed to come from within. So he felt that he really should take Ye Lingfei to see them.

Doctor, please cure the brain disease or something.

"But, it's really possible to stay this time."

Ren Yun: "Oh?"

"Then the old man may have decided to live here forever and not plan to leave. I don't know the specific reason. I guess... he fell in love with the beautiful scenery here?"

Ren Yun was stunned for a moment, then clapped his hands: "Oh, this is a good thing. That worldly expert finally has his mind back to normal."

"Yes, yes, you are indeed telling the truth. He is indeed not normal. No one knows what he is going to do next, and no one knows what he is thinking."

Ren Yun: "Well, you are right, and I guess, brother, your temper is not normal sometimes. It is probably infected by him."

"Hey, I'm telling you, you kid, you've been cursing people in different ways, right? Can you still have a good chat?"

"Haha, come on, come on, let's do it!"

While drinking, Ren Yun said that he would find an official position for him in two days so that he could completely take root in Lancheng.

"As a tutor, what kind of position can you give me? Could it be that you are the same?"

"Tsk, tsk, you, you are such a bigot, don't even think about a civil service position like mine."

You are still a big boss, Ye Lingfei has a dark look on his face, so what were you like in that life of the prince?

"Become a military commander. I guess you can accomplish something. It's a peaceful and prosperous time now, but you have to guard against any conspiracy to seize power and usurp the king's power. It depends on whether you can afford it."

Ye Lingfei: "..."

Hearing what the Grand Tutor said, would it be better for him to do it, or not to do it? No, how come he dares to say anything and is not afraid of being overheard by interested people.

"As a tutor, do you really have such great abilities?"

"Ha, of course, I am capable of reaching the sky."

Ye Lingfei also smiled, but didn't ask any more questions.

No matter what his abilities are, if he can get things done, it's all good. If he's capable, he's a good person.

Bo Lan: "Tsk tsk tsk, it's really like someone will give you a pillow when you're sleepy. Well, that's good."

Ye Lingfei: "So you really plan to stay here?"

"Of course, I have to prevent the divination guy from becoming a demon."


"So, when you go to the court, you must pay close attention to the divination."

Ye Lingfei looked at him: "You don't seem to be surprised at all."

Bo Lan: "Ah, what? What did you say?"

Ye Lingfei: "Wishful thinking, take one step to see a hundred steps?"

Bo Lan: "Ah, what? What did you say?"

Ye Lingfei: "Don't pretend to me!"

Bo Lan coughed: "These things can always be thought of as long as you use your brain a little."

Ye Lingfei's expression changed. The meaning of this sentence needs to be studied.

Seeing Ye Lingfei's expression change, Bo Lan immediately explained: "That's not what I meant, but even if he doesn't say this, I will find a way to let you become an official in the court."

This chapter has been completed!
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