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Chapter 208

It was late at night, Tanyou, Gardenia and Bingling found Hua Ling in the garden.

Gardenia: "It's so cold, why are you so dazed here?"

Hua Ling looked at the stars in the sky without answering, and the three people next to her sat down next to her.

Bingling: "It seems that Hua Ling's mood today is destined not to be beautiful."

Hua Ling said softly: "I'm just thinking about something."

Tanyou looked at her and asked, "What did you come up with?"

"The reason why Bu Yin attacked him was just because of me."

He didn't want her to feel better, he was torturing her, making her watch her beloved die in front of him but unable to do anything. Obviously, he did it twice.

Tanyou snorted and asked again: "It seems that it is really possible that you have caused others trouble. Now, what are your plans? Do you want to leave?"

Hua Ling shook her head and said decisively: "No, I won't leave."

Hua Ling took a deep breath and said slowly: "Maybe I'm just selfish. I know that I've hurt him, but I still want to be with him. I can't control myself. I can't leave him. I like him.

"He, but my love doesn't seem to be as selfless as I thought. I can't love selflessly. On the contrary, I am very selfish." Hua Ling laughed sarcastically, "Maybe I am just a selfish bad flower spirit.

I can kill people, but I have to stop others from killing people. How can I be so virtuous and capable? After the death of the prince, I tried to cultivate the forbidden book, but I stopped others from touching that book. Now I know that if I meet him again,

If we continue our relationship, it will affect him, and he may even get hurt because of me again... But I just refuse to let him go. Tell me, I am such a selfish person. Sometimes I can control myself, but sometimes

When the time comes, let me let him go unless I die."

Hua Ling thought a lot, she really thought a lot, about the past, the way the person she loved fell in front of her, she had the idea of ​​leaving, but just that thought made her

The pain was so painful that I couldn't breathe.

You see, she can't even think about it, so how can she talk about leaving?

Since you can't do it, then continue to stay, protect him, torture him, harm him, and love him.

"I will never leave, never. I like him. Do you know what liking means? I like someone...I don't know how to say it. I just want what he thinks and love what he loves because of his existence.

And I feel very at ease, because his words can make me happy or sad for a whole day, and his every smile is imprinted in my mind. No matter how time changes, and the years go by, I can't forget it...


Hua Ling smiled: "This is how I feel about him. It has never changed. I can't live without him."

Because after seeing him and meeting the light, Hua Ling realized that the world was so beautiful and that he was so beautiful.

"What's more, who says I can't protect him?"

Tanyou smiled and clapped her hands: "Okay, that's great. Since you think so, then we, the great sisters and friends, will contribute our powerful strength to help you⊙??⊙!

2. Hurry up and accept the order to thank me!"

Hua Ling looked at her with disgust, and then spat at her before leaving.

Tanyou. "...Tell me, does this guy deserve a beating?"

Gardenia sighed: "Hey, Youyou, the little rose essence is despised."

"How can you talk so much? The rabbit will eat you right away!"

Bing Ling opened her mouth: "Ah..."

Bu Yin was startled early in the morning by the flower spirit standing outside the door of the Prime Minister's Mansion. The flower spirit was inserted into his waist and he looked at it with an expression of "I will bite you to death" on his face.

He, Bu Yin felt a rare moment of discomfort,

"Ahem, it's very impolite to block someone else's door this early in the morning."

"Stop talking nonsense! I'm going to ask you something, and you must answer me honestly."

Bu Yin raised half of his eyebrows, looking like he was listening attentively.

"Let me ask you, is the reason why you attacked my husband because of me?"

Bu Yin did not deny it, but nodded: "That's right."

Hua Ling: "Why?"

Bu Yin touched his chin: "To be honest, I really didn't care about you at first, and I didn't bother to make friends. But, who told you to have to get up on the pole to get together, then I don't mind having fun."

"Why do you think so little of other people's kindness? Is there any deep hatred between us?"

Bu Yin shrugged and said in a rather regretful tone: "I'm really sorry, I really can't answer this question for you at the moment."

"I don't care what you want to do, just remember, don't touch him, and I won't let you succeed."

Bu Yin watched Hua Ling crackling warnings to him, and then left on his own after speaking. He couldn't help but feel a little funny, and he actually laughed out loud.

Hua Ling no longer cares about the use of her warning. She is just in a bad mood. Hua Ling must not hold it in when she is in a bad mood. She cannot hold it in either, so she must find something to vent her feelings. In the past,

They were always coquettishly cuddling with her husband, or quarreling with Ming Feng, the big fox, and the others. However, this time, her husband was not the husband yet. Hua Ling expressed her depression. She always lost when fighting against Ming Feng, and she would only become more depressed.


Bu Yin likes the world very much, and looks like he is enjoying himself no matter what he does all day long, as if what he does is really infinite fun.

But there was one thing he didn't like very much. Bu Yin had always found it strange why he had to go to court every day, and why he went to court so early.

This incident really disturbed my sleep this morning.

"Morning, Prime Minister."

"Good morning, Mrs. Ren, what's going on? It seems like you didn't sleep well last night?"

"Hey, we have someone at home, and we drank all night long."

Bu Yin felt strange: "Then you actually came to court?"

Today, the Grand Tutor managed to avoid going to class, but instead of taking a break, he got up early to attend court.

"It's very scary at home. In our house, haha, let's not mention it. I think if I stay at home, I will be roasted by those devils. I might as well listen to the emperor's voice and let me use the light to support myself.


Xu Shu didn't know when he came. He didn't have anything nice to say when he came. He started sarcastically: "Oh, I didn't expect that. When did the Master believe this? Is this aroused? Is he emotionally hurt or something else? Hurry up.

Say something and let us be happy. ”

Ren Yun: "Please pay attention to your image in public. Your master has always been loved by girls. How could you be hurt emotionally? Don't use your own experience to judge others, okay?"

Xu Shu laughed at him.

"Ahem, isn't there something fun to watch these two days? The Emperor is very angry, so I want to watch the fun."

Xu Shu snorted: "You boy, those old guys made the court very chaotic and noisy. The emperor is so angry, but you, too, can still watch the show there calmly."

Ren Yun: "Don't you also enjoy watching it?"

"How could I? Don't accuse me falsely. I'm telling you, I am worried."


Ji Hui can now go to court to listen to politics. Although he does not have any particularly great power, many people have heard that he is the apprentice of the current prime minister. Naturally, no one will bully him. On the contrary, many people will come to flatter him.


"Well, here we come."

Xu Shu smacked his lips: "Let me tell you, Prime Minister, you have really good vision. The apprentices you have accepted are also good. They are very capable and very humble. There are too few such children nowadays. They are really rare."

Ji Hui immediately raised his hands and saluted: "Master Xu, you are so complimentary."

"Hey, you don't have to be polite to me about your child. Maybe in a few years, I will still have to rely on you."

Ren Yun: "Well, I think it won't take a few years. You should be laid off in two days."

If this wasn't in the court, Xu Shu really wanted to kick this guy to death.

Ren Yun: "Hey, let's make a bet on how many times the emperor will get angry today."

Xu Shu: "Twice?"

Ren Yun: "No, I think it was at least three times."

Bu Yin: "Okay, let me tell you two, you can still joke about this kind of thing. You are getting more and more presumptuous. Be careful if someone with serious intentions listens to it, you will be in trouble."

Xu Shu said innocently: "We didn't say anything. Even if we did, if someone found out, wouldn't you still be able to tell us the truth, Prime Minister?"

Bu Yin smiled, looking helpless.

Bu Yin: "By the way, the college has exams again, right?"

The colleges established in the palace are divided into men's colleges and women's colleges. Male and female students are separated and there is a major examination every year.

"Yeah, that's right. I'll also give Ji Hui a set of test questions this year to see how good you are."

Ji Hui did not go to the boys' academy, and all his knowledge was acquired by Ren Yun privately. The child was very perceptive and smart, and Ren Yun was very satisfied.

"Thank you, Master. It would be great if this could be the case."

"Why are you so polite? You are also my student."

Bu Yin: "Well, let's guess who will be first this year?"

Before Ren Yun, the master, could say anything, he just heard Xu Shu say carelessly: "I bet on the flower spirit!"

Ren Yun: "..."

I'm so sorry, brother, you really lose!

The exam questions for both the men's college and the women's college are the same. The emperor pays special attention to the annual large-scale exam, so every student works hard to make the emperor see and notice it immediately when the list is revealed.


Needless to say, the preferential treatment for first place is naturally good.

"Why don't we come and gamble?" Ren Yun suggested with a smile.

Xu Shu glanced at him and said with some caution: "Tell me, is your kid holding back something bad?"

Ren Yun smiled: "Well, it's actually nothing. I just want to win all your money."

Xu Shu: "..."

What a bastard!

It’s not blocked yet, but it looks like it’s in need of a beating!

This chapter has been completed!
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