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Chapter 222: Tenderness

Ren Yun and Bu Yin were facing each other, and Ren Yun chuckled: "But what should I do? I am a bit rebellious."

The corners of Bu Yin's mouth twitched slightly.

"I feel uncomfortable if I don't intervene in some things."

After saying that, Ren Yun also put on a slightly painful look.

Bu Yin smiled lightly and sighed: "Master."

Ren Yun threw back the chess piece in his hand and said calmly: "Prime Minister, let's talk openly. As long as you don't rebel, we will still be brothers."

Bu Yin muttered the word "brother" and smiled even more.


Ren Yun: "What do you think?"

"I will not rebel, nor do I have any such intentions. I am the Prime Minister, and everything I do is naturally for the Emperor. I just don't know, does the Grand Tutor believe me?"

"I believe what the Prime Minister says."

Bu Yin sometimes gives Ren Yun a very strange feeling when talking and doing things. There are some things in which he does not benefit and does not gain much, but he just likes to get involved. It seems that the more chaotic things are, the happier and more interested he will be.

The bigger it gets.

Therefore, Ren Yun often cannot see clearly what his approach is, and it is difficult to guess this person's thoughts.

"Won't you stay a little longer? It's not like your style to leave before you've even had a few drinks."

"No, it's better to go back early, there are people waiting at home."

Bu Yin let out a long sigh: "Have you hugged the beauty back?"

Ren Yun: "Haha, even if it is, she is indeed a beauty."

"Hua Ling?"


"I know you are interested in this girl. She is a good girl. Take good care of her."

Ren Yun looked him up and down: "To be honest, Prime Minister, I'm really curious about what's going on between you and Hua Ling?"

"I can't tell you exactly. It's just a misunderstanding. If you want to know, you can only let her tell."

Ren Yun shrugged: "Forget it, let's go."

Bu Yin looked at Ren Yun's leaving figure, tapped his fingers on the table, and lowered his eyes not knowing what he was thinking.

Hua Ling was sitting outside the Taifu's house, waiting for someone, with her cat named Tinkerbell running back and forth at her feet.

Hua Ling was having a great time playing with Tinker Bell when a sudden shadow fell over her head.

"What are you doing here so late? Why don't you go in?"


Ren Yun pulled her up: "Are you waiting for me?"

"Yeah, of course, I have to wait for you to come back."

"Wow, I'm so touched."

Hua Ling came closer to Ren Yun and sniffed it carefully. It looked like a puppy.

"You drank. Drinking is bad for your health."

"A small amount of wine will make you happy, but a large amount of wine will harm your health. I have a sense of propriety."

Hua Ling snorted: "I don't believe it. You like to drink, and you always drink a lot, but you are not very drunk. Once you are drunk, it is not normal."

Ren Yun raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "You know me so well, so tell me why I act abnormally after being drunk."

"Well...it's not normal anyway, very abnormal, huh? You're not someone who forgets things after drinking, how come you don't know what you look like?"

"Hey, I don't seem to know that I've ever been drunk in front of you. How do you know this?"


Hua Ling was at a loss for words. How did she know? Of course she knew. After being with him for so many years, how could she not even know these things? It couldn't be clearer, okay? But she didn't know if he was in this life.

In this case, Hua Ling was just talking about his habits in her own memory...

"I, I heard what those people at the women's college said!"


"You don't know, those little girls don't do their jobs all day long. They don't study at all. They just stare at you and spy on you all day long. They have many delusions about being your wife! They also sorted out

There are so many of your preferences, what you like, what you don’t like, all kinds of weird and messy things of yours!”

Ren Yun looked at her serious complaint and couldn't help but knock her little head: "Still a little girl? If they are little girls, then who are you? How much older are you than them?"

Hua Ling secretly thought that she was many, many years older than them, and they were just little girls.

"You also said that people are not doing their jobs properly. What are you doing all day long? You only know how to say goodbye to others, and don't you also reflect on yourself?"

Hua Ling puffed up her lips. She was different from those students in the female college. The main purpose of her coming here was to fall in love. This was the most important and important thing that she had always put in her heart.

Never forgotten it.

Therefore, she did not neglect her duties!

"Oh, Master, you haven't heard the point. The point is that many of them like you and have collected all your preferences."

"Oh, I have collected all my hobbies. Tell me what they are."

"Well..." Hua Ling flexed her fingers and began to list them one by one, "For example, you like sour food but don't like sweet food, you like spicy food but don't like oily food, you like cakes but don't like drinks.

Tang, you like dignified, elegant and generous girls, you don’t like irregular ones, you like gentle ones and don’t like noisy ones, you like talented women... Oh, yes, and you want to drink tonight

I don’t like eating peanuts! All in all, they are all kinds of mess, and many of them are inaccurate!”

Ren Yun suppressed a smile: "Well, it's true that it's not very accurate, but your little brain, which is not very smart, actually remembered all of this."

"Humph, of course, I can remember everything about you... Hey! What do you mean by a little brain who is not very smart? Master, are you calling me stupid?"

Ren Yun chuckled and said to her, "You're not stupid, we are pretty smart."


"Hua Ling, honestly speaking, when did you start paying attention to me, collecting my interests and hobbies, and falling in love with me?"

Hua Ling tilted her head, making a thoughtful look, and said: "What about the specifics, um... I don't know, or am I falling in love with you at first sight?"

Ren Yun nodded her forehead and commented: "A superficial woman."

"I'm not superficial. When I first saw you, I knew that you must be a very interesting person. And you are so good-looking. It's hard not to make others like you."

"You praise me so much, I'm almost embarrassed."

Hua Ling waved her hands and said: "Hey, your own knowledge is too insufficient."

Ren Yun felt physically and mentally refreshed by her praise, and the next moment he heard Hua Ling say: "How could you be embarrassed? It's impossible!"

Ren Yun: "..."

Huh? Why does this sound weird?

"Okay, it's really cold outside. Let's go in."


Ren Yun took off his cloak and put it on Hua Ling.

"Hua Ling, why do you always call me Taifu?"

"Because, aren't you the Taifu?"

"We are lovers, you can just call me by my name."

"Haha, if I don't, I will call you that, because I think it's fun. I like to call you that, Taifu, Taifu, Taifu..."

Ren Yun's doting and smiling voice said: "Okay, then it's up to you, oh, yes. If you want to know something about me, you can ask me at any time. You don't need to go through those in person. The information is not accurate. At least,

The little girl I like has nothing to do with what they say she does."

Hua Ling smiled and shouted that her tutor was the best, while leaning into Ren Yun's arms.

Hua Ling likes to run to Ren Yun's room. Before, she was quite restrained without this kind of relationship, but now she is becoming more and more unscrupulous, as if she wants to sleep here directly.

Ren Yun also knew that the words "reserve" and "reserve" of this little girl were completely incompatible with each other. She was frighteningly unrestrained. He would never gain anything by talking dirty words to her.

First time:

Ren Yun had bad intentions: "Why don't you go back to your room so late? Do you want to sleep with me?"

Hua Ling looked forward to it: "Really? Really? Is it really possible?"

Ren Yun: "..."

Round two:

Ren Yun's eyes were complicated: "Little girl, you always lean on me. Are you throwing yourself into my arms?"

Hua Ling tilted her head and thought seriously: "I think you used the word Taifu wrongly. As for me, what I meant was that I love you, love you, love you!"

Ren Yun: "..."

Chapter 3:

Ren Yun bit Hua Ling's ear: "You always look at me with such explicit eyes. What are you doing? Are you going to talk about love with me?"

Hua Ling blinked and asked seriously: "Did you just say that two people have sex together?"

Ren Yun "..."

Hua Ling added: “The kind that leads people to do it.

Ren Yun: "..."

...In short, to sum up the above, it is basically his expression that changes every time, which is obviously his own fault.

In fact, the most unacceptable thing was not the words she said, but the unintentional and ignorant look in her eyes, which made people feel itchy.

"Flower spirit."

"hold head high?"

Ren Yun looked at Hua Ling who was lying on his bed and reading a storybook, and his voice was slightly hoarse: "It's getting late."

Hua Ling heard this and looked out the window: "Well, that's right. The wind is really strong tonight."


Ren Yun patiently reminded: "It's getting late, you should go back."

"Go back to where?"

Ren Yun no longer knows what words to use to describe herself now, and she also doesn't know what words to use now to describe this little girl lying on her bed who doesn't know how high the sky is or how high it is.

"Oh! Yes, go back to the room, um, go back to the room, yes."

Hua Ling said yes, but her movements were slow, for fear that others would not know that she was unwilling.

Ren Yun was holding his forehead on the side. He really couldn't sleep anymore. Tell the boss.

"I asked this little girl, do you need me to help you clean up?"

"Ah, I'll be fine soon."

Ren Yun laughed. He was just alone and had a short storybook. Would it take him so long to deal with it?

"Okay, I'll wait for you to finish cleaning up."

This chapter has been completed!
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