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Chapter Thirty-Six: Follow You

Hua Ling suddenly realized that she had different feelings towards Li Chengyu and Lu Min.

She would be unhappy when Li Chengyu was with other women, but she didn't feel that way with Lu Min.

Li Chengyu told her not to casually say that she wants others to be her man. This is not good. He said that he would go home no matter how late it was, but now he doesn't kiss her or take the initiative to hug her.

Hua Ling felt that Li Chengyu was still angry.

However, now that they have all left, Hua Ling will be angry if he is still like this!

What! You obviously apologized!

In fact, she still doesn't fully understand what makes Li Chengyu angry, but now she has a vague understanding.

"My lord, are you leaving?"

"Well, it's almost time."

In the past few days, Li Chengyu spent most of his time in the military camp. He came back very late and sometimes slept directly in the military camp. Therefore, Hua Ling and Li Chengyu gradually saw less and less time to see each other.

Hua Ling pouted, but didn't say anything else, but she still looked very disappointed.

Li Chengyu looked at her depressed look, finally smiled and touched her head: "Okay, it's not like I won't come back."

"What if I can't come back?" Hua Ling muttered softly.


Say something like this before going on an expedition...

"Oh! Bah, bah, bah! I will definitely come back! I will!" Hua Ling realized that it was not good to say this.

Li Chengyu laughed: "Okay, it's nothing."

"Then when can you come back specifically?"

Li Chengyu thought for a while: "Not sure, half a year? One year? Two years?"

Hua Ling opened her mouth, and her mood became even lower. Although she wanted to stay with Li Chengyu, this man made her very unhappy now. Hua Ling pouted and went out to find Tanyou and the others.

Li Chengyu looked at the angry little man, sighed helplessly, and smiled.

Prime Minister's Mansion

"Are you leaving soon?" Shen Miaomiao brought the tea over and handed it to Mu Sirong.

"Yes." Mu Sirong took the tea and responded in a low voice, looking at her with indescribable tenderness in his eyes.

"Six days from now?"

Mu Sirong nodded, put down the tea she had taken a sip of, and took Shen Miaomiao into her arms, "I'm sorry."

"It's okay, I understand. I'm lucky to be able to marry you." Shen Miaomiao's eyebrows were filled with tenderness.

He understands Mu Sirong, has understood for many years, waited for many years, and is ready to always understand and always understand. She has married this man as his wife, she is his wife, and she will accompany him throughout her life.

The man was her childhood sweetheart, her husband, but he was also Mu Lin's general.

"You don't have to worry about me. I will take good care of my father and mother at home. I will miss you every day. I am your wife, Ayan. I will wait for you at home and return in triumph."

Mu Sirong smiled and hugged her, saying softly: "What if I can't come back?"

"Mu Sirong!"

Mu Sirong's bad-mouthed problem was the same as Li Chengyu's. It was his nature. When he saw that the person in his arms was angry, he immediately hugged her tighter to prevent her from breaking away, "Okay, okay, I'm just talking nonsense, huh?"


Shen Miaomiao looked at him angrily, how could this man take this as a joke!

"If you die, I will remarry!"

Mu Sirong nodded subconsciously: "That's okay."


Now he was really angry. He broke away, stepped on the man's foot hard, and walked away angrily.

Mu Sirong realized that she had said the wrong thing and hurriedly ran to catch up, "Miaomiao! Miaomiao, I was wrong. Oh, please walk slower..."

A few days later, outside the capital.

Mu Sirong comforted Shen Miaomiao, and Shen Miaomiao gave him away with a smile. She was reluctant to give him up. Over the years, she had given him away to Mu Sirong many times, and her nose felt a little sour every time. She couldn't control it, but Every time, I managed not to fall off.

"Okay, don't worry, your family doesn't have to worry."

Mu Sirong touched her face, with countless tenderness in her eyes: "Okay."

Shen Miaomiao nodded.

Leng Qingyi sat on the horse, feeling a little emotional, and said softly to Bai Yucheng: "Mu Yan and Miss Shen are really not easy. Miss Shen has been waiting for General Mu for so many years, and everyone knows that now she has officially achieved enlightenment. Hey , but it’s hard for them to break up after the wedding.”

Bai Yucheng nodded, looked at her, and suddenly said, "Fortunately, we can be together."

Leng Qingyi turned to look at him and smiled.

Hua Ling didn't come after all, Li Chengyu chuckled, this girl is probably still angry, right?

At this point, several people led their troops away, leaving only Shen Miaomiao and the maid next to them, watching their retreating figures.

During the lunch break, Li Chengyu and Mu Sirong deliberately stayed away from Bai Yucheng and his wife. The old couple were so bored!

In fact, these two couples didn't do much, except that they almost always traveled together. However, it happened to be like this, which made the two of them feel a little dazzling.

"It's almost time, let's continue walking." Li Chengyu and the others stood up and were about to rectify the soldiers and move forward, but Li Chengyu suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?"

"Look over there."

Mu Sirong looked in the direction Li Chengyu pointed, "There is movement over there."

"But I don't know who he is, so I can't act rashly to avoid hurting innocent people. I'll go over and take a look."

Just as Mu Sirong was about to speak, he was interrupted by Li Chengyu: "Although I am very touched that you want to take the lead for me, you are also a family man, so please be patient."

Mu Sirong's face darkened: "I'll beat you up!"

Li Chengyu chuckled softly after finishing the gangster, and walked over with his sword in hand. When he pushed aside the grass over there, he found a small red dumpling.

Li Chengyu was stunned for a moment, hmm... why does it feel familiar?

Xiaotuanzi raised her head and met Li Chengyu's eyes. Then, she grinned and smiled.

Li Chengyu: "..."

"Huh?" Hua Ling was pulled up directly by Li Chengyu.

Mu Sirong, who was about to come over to see what was going on, saw a red figure in front of Li Chengyu. He was stunned for a moment, sat down with a smile, and had no intention of going over.

"Why are you here?"

Hua Ling smiled and grabbed Li Chengyu's arm as before: "I'm coming to find you! Your Majesty, I don't want to be separated from you!"

Li Chengyu frowned and scolded: "Nonsense! Do you think we are going sightseeing!"

Hua Ling shook her head: "No."

Li Chengyu took a deep breath, turned around and left, not caring about her, this girl!

Hua Ling saw this and followed him.

"Your Majesty! Oh, don't leave! I came with you!"

Li Chengyu snorted coldly: "I asked you to follow me? I'll have someone take you back now!"

"I don't!" Hua Ling pouted, expressing her refusal.

"It's not up to you."

Hua Ling ran over, stood in front of Li Chengyu, and said seriously: "Your Majesty, I've been thinking a lot recently, and I didn't understand why you were angry with me at that time. Later, I understood a little bit, but I didn't understand. , I always looked like I didn’t understand, but now I seem to understand.”

Li Chengyu was confused by whether she understood it or not, and looked at her expressionlessly: "What do you understand?"

"I understand that I like you. I will be sad when you leave. It is different from others. I like you and like you the most. It is different from how I feel about others. It is different from Lumin. It is different from Ming Feng. It is different from anyone else.

Everyone is different! I like you, I just want to kiss you, hug you, and break up with you..."

Even if Li Chengyu blocked her mouth, they didn't even get to the last sentence. How could this little gangster say it so skillfully?

Also, who is Ming Feng?

The soldiers in the distance just looked at their prince covering the mouth of a little girl, and they all craned their necks to look over there.

Bai Yucheng and Leng Qingyi still saw it.

Leng Qingyi: "I didn't expect that this little girl could chase her all the way here."

Mu Sirong: "This girl is a weirdo. She can do it. I really don't have too many surprises."

Li Chengyu just looked at Hua Ling for a long time, then put down the hand covering her mouth and asked: "Who is Ming Feng?"

"It's just a stinky fox!"

"Oh," Li Chengyu said he understood, "So you came here just to tell me that you like me?"

Hua Ling nodded.

"I didn't plan to come at the beginning!" Hua Ling quickly waved her hand to explain, "Really, I just suddenly figured it out and wanted to tell you. It's not like you are angry! I like the prince!"


Li Chengyu's face curved slightly, but he still pretended to ask casually: "Oh? I don't believe it. You like me, but there will be one, two or three people you like in the future. This is

What you said before, besides, you have known me for only half a year, how can you like me? Or is this little girl’s liking so casual?”

How could Hua Ling understand the twists and turns that Li Chengyu deliberately made for her?

After hearing these words, he just hurriedly defended: "No! I just like you! Although it is half a year, it has been a long time! My feelings for the prince are different from those of other people! I know!"

Seeing her hurried explanation, Li Chengyu softened his heart, rubbed her head and stopped teasing her.

"Are you tired from walking all the time?"

Hua Ling shook her head. She was really not tired, nor was she walking all the time. She was a powerful little flower spirit!

Li Chengyu looked at her, smiled and sighed, gently flicked her forehead and said: "Okay, I understand what the girl is thinking, and I accept it."

Hua Ling looked at him and blinked. Well, that means... the prince is not angry?

"Let's go, I'll have someone take you back later."

When Hua Ling heard this, she shook her head subconsciously.

"Huh? What?"

Hua Ling held his hand and lowered her head: "Aren't you angry anymore? Why do you still want me to leave?"

Li Chengyu: "Little girl, I'm going to fight, not go sightseeing."

Hua Ling raised her head and looked into his eyes: "Then, can't I follow?"

While she was talking, she kept blinking her eyes and fanning.

This chapter has been completed!
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