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Chapter Thirty-Nine: Liberation

"I spent half a year deploying a strategic map, specifically studying Beihen's aspect, and wrote all the years of fighting experience on this plan map."

Everyone in the middle tent looked happy.

Musirong and the others looked at each other silently.

The most important thing is that the people above cannot make any mistakes, and only then can we find out the people below.

If there is something wrong with all the backbones among them, that would be the most terrifying thing.

"However, I am afraid that there may be changes. I will not issue it now. I will issue it when the best time comes. Everyone will watch. The most important thing now is for the soldiers to train diligently to ensure sufficient supply of food and fodder for the soldiers, horses, and horses. Si Fengyan and Shen Qingyuan are not actually

It’s easy to deal with, don’t underestimate the enemy just because of your previous victories.”


"Listen up, this time is different from the other times. If Beihen provokes a provocation and really starts a war, we must try to defeat Beihen in one fell swoop without leaving any room for error!"

Xiao Mo: "The prince is indeed brave and resourceful, and I really admire him. If we can defeat Beihen in one fell swoop this time, then for me, Mu Lin, this will be one less big problem."

After hearing such news, everyone was shocked and secretly excited.

If Mu Lin and Beihen continue to follow this trend, then one of them must disappear. No one is willing to continue fighting like this. Either one of them will surrender and surrender, or the war will be permanently quelled, but the latter

Or is probably impossible.

Mu Lin has always been at an advantage. With Li Chengyu and Mu Sirong in charge, he has won many battles and his morale has greatly increased.

As for Bei Hen, even if they wanted to live in peace, Mu Lin wouldn't believe it after so many years.

If there is really a chance to destroy Bei Hen, then he will definitely choose this move.

After everyone retreated, several people in the middle tent looked at each other.

Bai Yucheng: "Do you think you will be among them?"

"It's unknown at the moment. They are all brothers who have experienced life and death with us." Mu Sirong lowered his eyes. He didn't want to doubt anyone until the last moment.

Leng Qingyi: "But don't think too bad about it, maybe you're not among them at all."

Li Chengyu: "I hope so."

Such inspiring things will definitely be passed down through them. In short, the final result is unknown.

Li Chengyu had just come up with a "strategic map". This strategic map actually existed. Li Chengyu didn't want to frighten the people with endless killings for so many years.

It didn’t really take him a year and a half to make this strategic map today.

It's just that the strategic map he just took out was not real.

Xiao Mo: "This is great! If it really succeeds, we won't have to fight all year round!"

Zhao Zhidan: "That's right! But you don't have to be so excited. Even if you fight all year round, you, the military advisor, are still commanding from the central tent, and you don't go into battle to kill the enemy like us."

Xiao Mo raised his eyebrows: "Huh? What do you mean? Lieutenant General, do you mean to look down on the military advisor?"

Zhao Zhishan waved his hands quickly. He knew the temperament of this ancestor and did not want to offend him: "How can you do it? You are our core! You can't look down on the military advisor if you look down on anyone, right?"

Lu Nanzhi smiled helplessly: "You guys... it would be great if this could really happen."

Lin Xian: "Don't worry! Prince, don't you know yet? As long as he makes a promise, there is nothing he can't do."

"That's true!" Several people laughed and left.

"Oh, strategic plan? Defeat Beihen completely, Li Chengyu is so loud!" Si Fengyan looked stern.

"How do you know about the strategic map!"

"You are such a person," Si Fengyan clicked his tongue twice and said with a frown, "Sincerity is not very good, and being a traitor is not very good either."

"Do you have anyone else in our camp?"

"Hmm, how could I put all my treasure on you alone? You think I am you, so stupid," Si Fengyan chuckled, "But, you are actually in my hands in that military camp of yours

My biggest trump card, just listen to me and everything will be fine. Stop thinking about things and act like a wallflower. That’s the worst thing. It won’t end well in the end, and I’ll be heartbroken too, right?”

This hypocritical face is just disgusting to look at.

"You should know what to do next, right?"


Si Fengyan laughed happily and said softly: "You can do it."

After the man left, Si Fengyan's expression was extremely gloomy, unlike the smiling look he had just now.

"Li Chengyu!" The voice was quite gritted.

"Miss Hualing, what are you doing here?"

Hua Ling turned around and smiled: "I'm waiting for the prince!"

"Ah, then, the prince is in the middle tent?"

"No, he went to practice swordsmanship and he didn't let me follow him! I had no choice but to take a stroll here."

"Oh, then I won't disturb Miss Hua Ling."


When Li Chengyu saw the real traitor, he fell silent for a moment.

Lin Xian was arrested and pinned to the ground. In the tent, everyone had different expressions.

"How...Lin Xian, Your Majesty, what is going on?"

Leng Qingyi: "We have a traitor here. Vice General Lin came to steal the strategic plan."

Zhao Zhidan: "What! This, this is impossible! How could Lin Xian do such a thing! Your lord, there must be a misunderstanding in this, Lin Xian, you know it!"

Li Chengyu looked at Lin Xian and said nothing.

Lin Xian kept his head lowered and did not refute. He could have made excuses, but not a single word came out of his mouth.

"Why?" Li Chengyu sat there, staring at him, "Lin Xian, speak."

Lin Xian kept his head lowered, and no one saw the trembling at the corner of his mouth, "Your Majesty, I know my mistake!"

Li Chengyu: "Reason."

"Your Majesty, I, they are threatening my family! Your Majesty, I have an eighty-year-old mother at home with a wife and children. I can't, I can't abandon them!"

Li Chengyu still had some sense left in his thoughts, and secretly wondered, since when did Mu Lin's people infiltrate Beihen's capital?

Li Chengyu had a sullen face, and no one dared to speak. Finally, Li Chengyu spoke.

"Take him down and deal with him in accordance with military orders."

Those who are dealt with according to military orders, those who collaborate with the enemy and betray the country, should be executed.

"Your Majesty!" Zhao Zhidan knelt down and cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty! Lin Xian also has his own reasons. He is a well-known filial son, and he cannot abandon his family without caring about him! Your Majesty, please consider Lin Xian as Mu

Since he has lived and died for so many years, he is exempted from the death penalty and should be dealt with lightly!"

Li Chengyu thought for a while and said softly: "In that case, let's leave a whole body."

"Your Majesty..."

Li Chengyu stood up and kicked Zhao Zhidan down, who was kneeling on the ground begging for mercy.

"Lin Xian, do you know what is behind you? What is behind you? Let me tell you, behind you is the whole of Mulin! Behind you are the people of Mulin! Not only do you have your mother to protect you,

There are countless old and weak women and children behind you who need you to guard! In addition to being a son, husband and father, you are also a soldier, and you are Mu Lin’s deputy general! If today’s strategic plan is true, and if you really succeed in collaborating with the enemy and betraying the country, you

My mother can't be saved, and Mu Lin as a whole can't be saved! Si Fengyan hates us so much, if they destroy Beihen with your help, if they massacre the city, have you ever thought about what the outcome will be!"

Lin Xian's tears did not dry up, and he trembled but did not say anything in the end.

"Lin Xian, you are my king's man. You were brought out by me. I remember telling you. I told all of you that you are Mu Lin's soldiers. You are carrying on your shoulders

, it is the people of Mu Lin, the heroes of Mu Lin, whose souls have returned to their hometown. Do you really understand this sentence?"

"My lord...I'm sorry..."

"Don't worry, your family will be fine, and they won't know about your collaboration with the enemy and the country. Your annual military pay will be as normal, so go with peace of mind." Li Chengyu turned around and stopped looking at him, "Whoever pleads for mercy again will be punished with the same crime!


Lin Xian had countless scars on his body and had made numerous illustrious military exploits. In the end, he ended his life for the crime of collaborating with the enemy and betraying his country.

On this day, Hua Ling was there, she had been outside the tent, and she heard everything.

Soon, the person who had spoken to her not long ago fell asleep forever.

On this day, everyone in the military camp felt very depressed. There was a place where they seemed to be stuck.

When Hua Ling found Li Chengyu, he was drinking there alone.

"Your Majesty."

Li Chengyu chuckled and patted the seat next to him: "Sit."

Hua Ling sat down. The moon tonight was extraordinarily round.

"Your Majesty."

"I met Lin Xian when I was thirteen years old. He was not a famous nobleman, but he was ambitious and ambitious. At that time, I admired him very much."

Li Chengyu took a sip of wine, and Hua Ling just looked at him.

"On the 15th, we went to the battlefield and fought side by side. The first thing I did when I made military exploits was to bring him to my side. Not counting Mu Sirong, he and I were the first. The three of us fought like this

After a while, he was invincible, made great achievements in battle, drank and chatted, and had a great time."

Li Chengyu laughed and cried. The jar of wine in his hand reached the bottom, and then he picked up another jar.

"Today, he died, I gave the order."

"Your Majesty," Hua Ling held his hand, "Hua Ling is with you."

"Hua Ling, do you know what military orders are and what military laws are? These are things that a general or a soldier can never violate."

Hua Ling was a little bit weird about Li Chengyu at the beginning, but when she found him, she suddenly stopped being weird. She didn't know why, but she just felt that this man seemed very tired, and she felt distressed.

It turns out that many things in this world are difficult to distinguish clearly.

What no one knows is that, in fact, when the things that Lin Xian abided by throughout his life were cracked and destroyed by his own hands, he had already forgotten his body and was still alive. In his heart, he only wanted a kind of relief, and he always wanted it.


He would not really give the strategic map to Si Fengyan. He, Lin Xian, couldn't make it. He knew it, and in fact, Li Chengyu also knew it.

He would not poison his brother and replace the poison with laxatives. He knew that, in fact, Li Chengyu also knew.

He wanted to be free, but he couldn't let go of his family. He knew it, and Li Chengyu also knew it.

This chapter has been completed!
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