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Volume 1: Huatangchun Chapter 27: Entering the Palace to Thank You

That night, due to the fire in the mansion, Xiao Yizheng went out to make arrangements.

And Qingxi was in the room, watching the flowers and candles alone before going to bed. She was extremely tired after all the tossing during the day, but at this moment she was tossing and turning and couldn't sleep. She thought that Xiao Yizheng didn't need to deal with the incident personally, and he didn't come in

I'm afraid there are other considerations for taking a rest inside. But as the saying goes, you can hide for a while, but you can't hide for a lifetime. Although there was no embarrassment as expected, it was unexpectedly thoughtful.

The flames of the red candles are swaying, the red tent is as passionate as fire, the red clothes are bright and eye-catching, and the whole place is full of joy and warmth. At this moment, it also reflects the rationality and calmness under the joy and noise. Although this marriage is only superficial, Qingxi originally felt that they were separate.

She just needs to cooperate to complete this year's agreement and protect the Ling family, but Xiao Yizheng's words in Wangchun Pavilion today reminded her in time that she was Princess Heng after all. It was inevitable that she, Prince Heng, and Prince Heng's Mansion would be together.

There is both glory and loss. At the same time, because of her title as princess, she also needs to bear the responsibilities of the royal family. This year's life has actually made it impossible for her to go back to the past.

The red candle was burning with wax until dawn. When Yueying came into the house to wait on her, Qingxi had already gotten up.

"Girl, you..." Yueying paused for a moment, thinking that she was already in the palace, and had clearly changed her words when congratulating everyone yesterday, but now she forgot about it, so she hurriedly said: "Princess, what happened?

So early?"

Qingxi was obviously in low spirits, and said lazily: "Yueying, you can still call me girl from now on. Just as you are at home, here, don't be awkward." Considering the special nature of this marriage, she had not been interested in it before.

To some extent, she kept everything simple when bringing things from home, always thinking that she would have to go out in the future. Therefore, Yue Ying was the only attendant she brought from Ling Mansion. The affection between her and Yue Ying was not comparable to that of ordinary masters and servants.

She had never hid anything from Yue Ying before. However, none of her close relatives knew about the secret of this marriage, so she naturally did not reveal a single word to Yue Ying.

"How can this be done?" Yueying hesitated. She put down the things in her hands and waited for Qingxi to wash her face. "I heard from Sister Meng that you didn't need so many people to wait on you after your instructions yesterday. You will let me come in first this morning and wait for you a moment."

Then I ordered to arrange the manpower. Now that she is the princess, I am the only one to serve her. It is not appropriate or in line with the rules."

Qingxi raised his eyes to look at her and said calmly: "Sister? Have we become familiar with each other now?"

Yueying helped her get dressed with a smile, and said sincerely: "You just brought me into the house. I have to understand the situation in the house quickly, so that you won't suffer any disadvantages!"

Qingxi's heart warmed, and she patted Yueying's hand gently and said: "In the future, if you are wronged in the palace, you don't have to endure it. I said that what happened in the past will be how it will be in the future."

Yueying couldn't help but nodded: "I know, I know!" He pulled her and sat in front of the dressing table, lamenting: "What happened to the wedding night? The prince is not in peace, and he made you stay alone in the empty room.

, I see you look very tired. What is this?"

Qingxi closed her eyes and let her comb her hair, draw her eyebrows, and listened to her series of complaints with a smile without answering. When her mouth was dry and her hair was combed, she opened her eyes and stared in the mirror.

He took a look at himself and found that his bun was particularly eye-catching. Yes, he was married. Before he could express his feelings, the ajar door was pushed open and Xiao Yizheng walked in.

The two looked at each other and smiled.

She didn't know if Xiao Yizheng had rested that night, but he did appear to be in high spirits at the moment.

Xiao Yizheng had a smile on his face, and his eyes seemed to pause on his bun intentionally. He came closer and said clearly: "I'm afraid you haven't slept, okay? But we can't let you catch up on your sleep at this time. We

Let’s have breakfast together, and I will go to the palace this morning to thank you.”

Qingxi nodded slightly: "Okay."

After the meal, the two went to the palace to thank each other and spent the whole day in the palace. In the morning, the two of them were in the Queen's Palace, waiting for the emperor to come down to the court to bow down and thank him. The emperor smiled warmly, said hello repeatedly, and did not hesitate to say good things.

He praised Qingxi kindly and invited them to have lunch together. After lunch, Xiao Zhe led Xiao Yizheng to the Yangxin Hall to talk. Qingxi stayed alone at the queen's place to have tea with everyone.

Seeing her eyes following Xiao Yizheng's back, the queen smiled and said, "Don't be afraid, just wait here for Liu Lang."

Qingxi hurriedly withdrew his gaze and lowered his head slightly, looking shy, which aroused a burst of kind smiles from everyone in the hall.

"Princess Heng is so beautiful and elegant. Standing together with His Highness Prince Heng, they are indeed a perfect couple." Concubine Nian, who was sitting in the second seat, suddenly said, speaking pleasant words, but her tone was indifferent without any emotion.

Qingxi raised his head and took a closer look at the Concubine Nian. She looked calm at this time, with an indifferent expression that did not allow strangers to enter, as if everyone in the hall had nothing to do with her. But she still took the initiative to mention it.

Such a sentence.

Shen Tong once said that Concubine Nian resembles Xiao Yizheng's mother. Yes, she is a beauty, and the most touching thing is the swagger between the corners of her eyes and eyebrows. She has a heroic spirit that is unmatched by men. Isn't it the same for Empress Xiaoyi?


While she was thinking about it, someone didn't know who took Concubine Nian's words and complimented her again, and everyone agreed again.

There were indeed not many people in the inner courtyard of Xiao Che's harem, but even if there were not many people, the chatter and laughter of everyone at this time made Qingxi feel a bit crowded. She wondered if it was because of herself that Empress Xiaoyi had never stepped into the palace in her life.

Don't want to blend into such an atmosphere? Do you also feel the same way at this moment? While you were wandering in your thoughts, the Queen's voice came steadily: "I heard that Prince Heng's Mansion was leaked last night? I'm afraid you were also frightened.


The news of the leakage of the palace must have spread throughout the court and the public today, and the queen would ask, so of course she said calmly: "I was not frightened at all, but your highness has been busy all night and has been very hard."

"Same goes for Liulang. After all, it's just wedding flowers, so why don't I accompany you? Someone will take care of the wedding, and he doesn't have to do it personally." The queen seemed to complain a little, paused, and smiled: "But you guys

Newlyweds, don't stick to these things. The matter of leakage in the palace still needs to be thoroughly investigated."

"Your Highness has worked hard, and I feel guilty that I can't help. I believe that Your Highness will handle the matter well. Thank you for your mother's concern."

As soon as she said this, everyone stopped and glanced at her, with surprise in their eyes. She felt these strange glances, and was startled. She immediately reflected on what she had said wrong. Did she say something wrong?

Looking at the queen again, she saw that the queen also paused like everyone else, but then smiled and said hello repeatedly. She was more confused, but she didn't feel comfortable asking more questions.

"There are not many people in the palace. If you encounter any difficulties in the future, please come to the palace. If Rokuro bullies you, you should also come to the palace and tell me!"

The queen was so kind, Qingxi felt good about her, so she thanked her.

The queen talked to everyone for a long time and when she got tired, she dispersed everyone and arranged for Qingxi to take a nap. Qingxi was naturally happy, but she was really tired.

In the Hall of Yangxin, Xiao Zhe also asked about the leakage of the palace. Xiao Yizheng told the story without any concealment. After hearing this, Xiao Zhe straightened his face and scolded: "Nonsense! How could you do such a thing on your wedding night?"

At this time, there is no rush for a thorough investigation by the palace officials, and there is no need for you to put your thoughts on your marriage for the affairs of the court!"

Xiao Yizheng was slightly shocked, but he didn't expect that this incident would make him so angry. He remembered that day on Baoding Mountain, when his father said that in this marriage, his only consideration was that he was his father. He lowered his head slightly and lowered his head.

He raised his voice and said: "This is indeed something I did a little too radically."

Xiao Che looked at him with his lowered brows and a submissive look. Most of the anger in his heart had gone away, and he said slowly: "It's not that your method is useless, but it's just your wedding year after all!" He paused and continued in a serious tone.

He said: "Liu Lang, since you have agreed to this marriage, you must manage it well. Your mother and I both hope that you will have a happy marriage and that you will have someone to grow old with and stay together in peace. Do you understand?"

Xiao Zhe's soft voice and his sincere love for his son made Xiao Yizheng warm and moved. "Don't worry, dad, I've taken note of your words." He was silent for a while, and then added: "Qingxi and I will be very good.


Xiao Zhe looked slightly comforted, nodded, and said in a deep voice: "Your uncle Ninth did some drastic things while mediating in the Miao border area. Soon, the impeachment memorial will be handed over. Since you did it, you can do it."

Add some fire."

Xiao Yizheng took a step forward and asked: "Then the riots in the Miao border area have been calmed down?"

"That's natural. The conflicts within the tribe are all directed to the court for mediation. As long as the court comes forward, it can be settled."

"Then Uncle Jiu will be credited with this matter again."

Xiao Zhe smiled lightly and said meaningfully: "The fault is all his own." After saying that, he waved his hand: "Okay, hurry up and take your wife back to the house. When you return tomorrow, you have to behave well for me.


After Xiao Yizheng left, Guo Rui walked in, solemnly handed over a painting, and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, I miss my old friend again. Your Highness is getting married, and your Majesty will definitely be happy."

Xiao Che smiled slightly and said nothing.

Guo Rui continued thoughtfully: "Just now, Concubine Nian sent someone to report that she wanted to see Your Majesty tonight."

Xiao Zhe frowned slightly, sighed softly, and said: "Let's go in two days. I will go see her in two days. You send someone to tell her that guarding her position means guarding the lives of the people she cares about."

"Yes, I understand." After Guo Rui said that, he turned around and left. Xiao Che was left alone in the room.

Xiao Che sat down slowly, unfolded the scroll carefully and carefully, raised his hand to caress the face of the beauty in the painting, and said softly: "Suhua, Liulang has already gotten married. Just as I arranged, he married Ling."

That girl at home. That girl was raised and cared for by the entire Chen family and the Ling family. She is also brave and brave. You must like it. I know that this marriage is both what you are looking forward to and what you are worried about. Although you hope that Liu Lang will

His life can be independent and he does not need to bear too many responsibilities. It is simple and simple. But after all, he is your son and mine. He is destined to do something as soon as he is born and has his own path. I think you are also in the ninth heaven.

I will always protect him."

This chapter has been completed!
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