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Volume 1: Spring of Painting Hall Chapter 72: Going to Beisu in Person

The north wind blew hard all night, the wind whistled, and the shadows of the trees floated. The desolation outside the house was like an overturned river. The clear stream watched the flickering flames inside the hood. It was hard to fall asleep for a long time. It just tossed and turned, and the sky

As soon as it dawned, she got up and opened the window. She saw the loneliness in this place and the wind blowing in. She wrapped her clothes around her.

Yueying knocked on the door and came in: "Girl, why do you get up so early!"

"Didn't sleep well!" She closed the window and sat down in front of the dressing table.

"The girl is worried, because of Your Highness?" Yueying said casually as she tidied the bed.

After Xiao Yizheng left for the north, Qingxi's life in the palace returned to what it used to be. She went to the palace to pay her respects, often went back to Ling Mansion to see her parents, and occasionally went to the Beautiful View Building to listen to news from all walks of life. It was just the singer in the building who

The brother and sister were gone, and the shopkeeper said he had returned to his hometown. However, his relationship with Li Han became even closer. The two often chatted all afternoon. Li Han would tell her a lot about the world, which always made her look envious.

But no matter whether the day is busy or leisurely, she can always think of him. When eating, she will wonder whether he can get used to Beisu's diet; when sleeping, she will wonder whether Beisu's bed can be used to sleep on; when entering the palace

You will wonder where in this palace he has stopped; when you go out for a stroll, you will wonder if he has given gifts to other women during his travels; when the green plants in the palace are falling and their leaves are withering, you will wonder if he did the same.

I feel like I appreciate the beauty of fallen leaves...

Although she was not sure whether she was willing to stay with him in Prince Heng's Mansion, she knew that he had fallen in love with him. But whether this heart could withstand the passage of time, and whether it could compare to

The world is so vast and free, and she can't give an answer.

The ancients said: Passionate people are always hurt by ruthlessness. Now she feels that it is the truth, and you will not deceive me sincerely.

This heart was originally calm and calm, and it was living a happy life, but now it was stirred up by him. It had so many worries and worries for nothing, and it was really troublesome.

"Yueying, is it a bit colder today? The north wind this night?" She frowned, listening to the sound of the window squeaking in the wind.

"Well, this is what it's like when winter comes."

"As winter approaches, it becomes even colder in the north, and the war becomes even more intense."

Yueying turned around and looked at Yun Wan, who looked tired: "I'm worried about Your Highness."

Qingxi was silent and said, "Yueying, I will ask Uncle Zhong and Zhao Xin to come over later."

After finishing breakfast, Uncle Zhong and Zhao Xin were summoned: "Princess, is there anything you want to see us for?"

Qingxi smiled and said: "Uncle Zhong, go and pack some of His Highness's winter cotton-padded clothes and cloaks. He left in a hurry, and I don't know if they will be enough now. Commander Zhao, you will go to the Ministry of War later and give them the clothes with the military report."

Send it to Beisu." She paused and then said softly: "Send a letter to His Highness. Of course I won't worry about letting others go, so I'll bother you to make a trip."

"What did the princess say? This is what subordinates should do. Don't worry, I will go there myself and make sure the Ministry of War delivers the things safely." Xin Zhao accepted the order with clasped fists.

"Okay, I'll give you the letter after lunch."

"I know!" After saying that, Xin Zhao withdrew, but Uncle Zhong suddenly thought of something and turned back to salute: "Princess, let the maids light a charcoal stove in the princess's room later. The weather is getting cooler.


"Uncle Zhong is really thoughtful, but I'm not used to the smell of carbon, so I might as well wait a little longer."

"Princess, don't worry, the spices to get rid of the carbon smell have been prepared and there will be no peculiar smell." Uncle Zhong said with a smile: "When the prince left, he specially asked me to take good care of the princess's diet and daily life. The prince asked me to prepare these spices.


Qingxi smiled lightly, feeling warm in his heart. He thought that it was really surprising how this person acted sometimes. In such a short period of time, his shoulder was injured, but he still had the thought to give these instructions. "Okay. I'll do as you want.

Let’s do it if you want.”

Yueying studied the ink and watched her hesitate to write, staring at the white paper on the table in a daze. She reminded her, "Girl, what do you want to write? The last time His Highness came home, you didn't reply."

She curled her lips. It wasn't that she didn't want to reply, but she didn't know how to reply. She said she wanted to write a letter, but why couldn't she write it? What should she write? About her loss after he left? She was still reluctant to write about him.

Return, her uneasiness? Write that he is in danger, her worry? Is her heart surrendered like this? She is not sure, so what is the use of writing this? Then she advises to take good care of her body and be careful of the enemy at all times.

Living in a war-torn situation is more about being involuntarily, and it is even more useless to write this.

She recalled what her father and brother said to her when he first went to Beisu and returned to Ling Mansion: In the matter in the northwest, whether he wins or loses, His Highness will be in a dilemma. If you lose, you will have to bear the responsibility for the defeat; if you win, you will be in trouble.

As military success and prestige grow, what does the prince think? The royal family is not an ordinary family, because it is not uncommon for fathers and sons to fight against each other and brothers to kill each other among the powerful and influential people.

My father said: "Even if His Highness has no such intention, he still cannot resist the speculation of people. Brothers, friends, and brothers can treat each other with respect now, but they may not always be possible."

The elder brother said: "The prince came back from disaster relief in Luohe and has been recuperating in his mansion. He went to the front line to take command and fell into Luohe. Although he was rescued in time, his body was cold and weak, and he didn't know how to survive.

How long will it take for you to cultivate yourself? If the prince is a mediocre person with no achievements, that would be fine, but he is not. When two strong powers fight, both sides will suffer. Even if there is no fight, everyone is rarely happy."

She frowned and sighed, and then remembered her visit to Shen Tong a few days ago. She didn't know whether it was because she was overthinking it, or because Shen Tong had been in bed for a long time to raise her child, but she always felt that her mood was not as bright as before.

So, she said from the beginning: She wouldn't even think about being a royal wife. Now it's better, she can't advance or retreat.

When my brother heard about the red silk grass in the palace, the first thing he asked was: Is the Crown Princess okay?

She felt confused, even if she was as open-minded and free-spirited as her brother, she couldn't just let it go.

Therefore, the word love is very strange and weird, and it cannot be messed with. Now it's better, she can't advance or retreat.

She clutched her pen and looked at the blank space and thought. He was so calm and relaxed when he left. What should he be like now? And what can she do? She is in the palace every day, but her heart cannot get a moment of peace.

, I pick up my pen and write according to my heart.

I remember reading old books, when will we go to Chang'an together?

She looked at the two lines she had written, and for some reason her face felt slightly hot. She hurriedly crumpled the paper into a ball and threw it aside. Yueying did not dare to say anything and stood quietly.

Qingxi sighed softly, folded a blank piece of paper, put it in the letterhead, and wrote on it: Aheng.

The next evening, Zhao Xin hurried back and went directly to Chaolan Garden without having time to rest for a while.

Qingxi was lying there with his eyes closed, and he only heard Yueying whisper: "Rupert is back! Something seems to have happened."

She immediately stood up, walked out of the room, and watched Xin Zhao running towards her through the corridor. "Commander Zhao, what happened?"

"Princess, I just went to the Ministry of War to find Mr. Zuo, asking him to deliver the princess's letter and clothes by emergency. It happened that Mr. Zuo received the 800-mile urgent message from the front line. Your Majesty, Your Majesty seems to be injured!"

"What? Where are you injured? Is it serious?"

"My subordinates don't know. Mr. Zuo received the emergency report and said that His Highness the Sixth Prince was injured, so he went to the palace to report it."

"Go, prepare the car immediately, I want to enter the palace." Qingxi said and was about to leave.

Just as Zhao Xin was about to get up, the servant outside came to report

"Princess, Master Ling is here!"

Mr. Ling Xiao, this is what Ling Qingsong asked the people in the palace to call him. It's very awkward, but it's easy to say it.

Qingxi's eyes lit up: "Brother, quickly, let me come in!"

Ling Qingsong was dressed in dust, and his expression was rare and solemn.

Qingxi Ping retreated, leaving only the brother and sister in the room.

"Are you here because of His Highness's injury? Do you have any news?" She went straight to the point and asked anxiously.

Qingsong took off his outer cloak, sniffed the fragrance in the room, and said with his lips: "There is ice to keep cool in summer, and there is carbon and fragrance in winter. The palace is really a good place." He caught a glimpse of Qingxi who couldn't hide his concern, so he

He lowered his voice and said seriously: "I just heard about it, so I came here to tell you. I didn't expect you already know about it?"

"I don't know the details. Where is the injury? Is it serious?"

Qingsong took a sip of tea and said, "I don't know the specific situation. I just came out of Dali Temple and I heard something like this. It felt like an arrow was hit in my right shoulder."

"What?" She stood up suddenly. "Right shoulder? Why the right shoulder again! His right shoulder is already injured."

Qingsong was frightened by her voice. He choked and coughed repeatedly. "What's the injury? The injury His Highness sustained in the southwest has not healed long ago." When he saw Qingxi, he was still standing there stupidly.

He pulled her to sit down and said, "Dad will definitely know the specific situation soon, so don't be impatient."

"But he's injured!" The moment Qingxi heard that he was injured, the only thought running through his mind was "He's injured." Right arm, right arm, the injury to his previous right arm was not completely healed!

Qingsong patted her hand and said, "Heng'er, calm down. You look like you miss your husband so much. I really didn't expect it!"

Qingxi had no intention of playing with him at this time. She opened her eyes wide and looked at Qingsong so seriously that she could no longer look at Qingsong seriously. She lowered her voice and said, "Brother! I have something to ask of you!"

Looking at Qingxi like this, Qingxi suddenly became nervous: "Every time you do this, you must make me do something I can't do!"

"Brother, I want to go to Beisuzhou!" Qingxi didn't care what to explain. Just when she heard that his right arm was injured, she suddenly had this idea, and immediately confirmed it: "I know this

It's not a trivial matter nor does it follow the rules, so I want you to help me."

The tea cup in Qingsong's hand shook, and the tea flowed out, and the hand that was burning him shrank. He hissed, quickly put down the tea cup, and raised his hand to touch Qingxi's forehead: "Could it be that he was scared to death and sick?"

Qingxi opened his hand: "I want to go to Beisu!" She repeated in a low voice.

Qingsong looked serious and scolded: "Do you know what you are going to do? You are no longer the daughter of the Ling family. You are Princess Heng. What impact will your leaving have? Besides, you are going to the north.

The journey is far away, who will take care of your safety? Why go there if you know you can't do it?"

"I have to go." Qingxi didn't know how to explain it to him, but at this moment no one could shake her decision.

"No, I can't let you take risks, I can't help you!"

"Brother, he is my husband, King Dachengheng. As a wife and concubine, I should do something instead of just waiting in vain! The only thing I can do now is to go to him, otherwise I will be in peace and prosperity.

How can I feel at ease when I eat?" Yun Wan's eyes flashed, as if no one could stop him. "Also, his right arm was already injured, and he was injured because of me! How can I be stable at this moment?

Sitting in the palace?"

This chapter has been completed!
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