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Volume 1: Huatangchun Chapter 75: Just for you

Confirmed news finally came from the palace, saying that Xiao Yizheng and Zeng Qidao entered the Guiping Kingdom with only twenty people, killed Danda's generals, and destroyed the alliance between Danda and Guiping. They were really brave. It's just that

, what is slightly lacking is that when he returned to Beisu, he was assassinated and his right arm was hit by a poisoned arrow. Although the current situation is relatively stable, it is still dangerous.

After receiving the news, the emperor was very anxious and fell into bed again. The prince dragged his sick body into the palace and dealt with various affairs. The right hospital of the Tai Hospital dismissed three imperial doctors and rushed to the north with precious medicinal herbs.


After Qingsong learned the news, he knew that nothing could stop Qingxi, and she might have a way to leave. He hurriedly went to the Shangdu branch of the Changfeng Escort Bureau, found Li Han, and pulled her there without any explanation.

Prince Heng's Mansion.

Li Han shouted angrily: "Ling Tanhua, if you have something to say, don't do anything."

Only then did Qingsong realize that he was in a hurry. He took her arm without thinking, but he had already taken hold of her. Besides, he was in a hurry, so he apologized: "Please forgive me for not letting go, for fear that you would run away."

Li Han was stunned for a moment, then laughed out loud: "You are not ill, are you?"

Qingsong tightened his grip and walked forward, having no time to pay attention to her teasing.

Seeing him like this, Li Han realized that something had really happened, so he let him pull him to Prince Heng's Mansion without resisting.

When Qingsong saw Qingxi, the first breathless words he said were: "What are you going to do?"

Qingxi looked at the confused Li Han behind him and nodded to his brother understandingly, but the work in his hands did not stop.

"Li Niang is going out?" Li Han asked suspiciously when he saw her packing her parcel.

Qingxi nodded and explained the situation in a concise and concise manner. After listening to this, Li Han also showed an anxious look on his face, calmed down and said: "Don't be anxious, Mr. Liu once took my old man's specially made Qingning Pills.

That stuff is a treasure for clearing away heat and detoxifying, and since I’m here in Beisu, I might be able to help.”

Even though she said this, she still had no idea in her heart. Qing Ning Pill may be miraculous in dealing with small poisons like Youmi Xiang, but after all, it is not a magical elixir that can restrain hundreds of poisons.

Qingxi didn't have time to study the Qingning Pills Li Han mentioned. She only had one voice in her heart at the moment, she wanted to go to him as soon as possible.

"I can't go there in a big way, so I can only leave quietly. The Holy Spirit is not in good health now, so I can't let him worry about it anymore. I have already given the palace a note and said that I would go to the temple to fast and pray. The queen mother is busy taking care of the Holy Spirit, so she won't be able to do it in the short term.

Summon me. My parents will leave it to you to hide it! I won't stay in Beisuzhou for a long time, I will come back as soon as I go, I promise nothing will happen!"

"You can't guarantee it!" Qingsong interrupted her. He knew clearly that he couldn't persuade her, but he was worried about her safety after all, so he persuaded her again: "Heng'er, have you ever thought about His Highness? If he knew, he would never allow you to go.


Qingxi moved her hands for a moment and sighed softly, almost inaudibly: "If he is well, maybe I won't let him know that I have been there!" She raised her eyes and looked at Qingsong: "Brother, when I married into the prince's palace

You told me that no matter what time, I would be your most beloved sister, and if you were unhappy, you would help me all over the world, let alone the palace."

Qingsong looked at her, with only helpless doting in his eyes. From childhood to old age, this doting could not be changed. He took a deep breath and smiled: "So I am not the one who helps you.

Did you bring it?"

Li Han instantly understood Qingsong's plan.

"Is it possible for Mr. Lao to accompany my sister-in-law on a trip to the northwest? Maybe I can follow your escort team from Changfeng. That way, I will feel more at ease."

Doesn't this just fulfill his initial thoughts? Take Qingxi to the northwest. Li Han nodded without thinking.

Her heart was filled with emotions. She was filled with emotions about how this could be such a coincidence, great expectations for her trip to the northwest, and worries about Xiao Yizheng's injury. "Tan Hualang did the right thing this time."

It’s decided, don’t worry, I will send Liu Niang to Master Liu safely.”

Qingsong suppressed his smile and said solemnly to Qingxi: "Remember, keep a low profile and don't show off. Safety comes first. When you get to Beisu, write to me immediately."

Qingxi smiled slightly and shook his hand: "Don't worry."

The next night, Qingxi found Zhao Xin and Yue Ying, closed the door, and said his decision: "We will set off tomorrow. In order not to arouse suspicion, we cannot bring too many people with us, but you two must go together. You pack up. We will leave

Wear men's clothing and follow Changfeng's escort team out of Shangdu. Bring the Wangfu and Lingfu's waistbands. My brother will also take care of things along the way. If there is an interrogation, say that the Lingfu is on business. Don't take out the Wangfu's waistbands unless you have to.

, so as not to attract attention, we will work non-stop and we will arrive in about ten days.”

Zhao Xin was naturally worried about Xiao Yizheng's condition. He happily went to Beisu, but he still hesitated because of the safety of the princess. And Yueying knew that Qingxi had been having trouble eating and sleeping these days, so after hearing such an arrangement,

She was still quite surprised, but mixed with some joy, unknown joy, and she vaguely felt that something good would happen during this trip.

Xu Shi saw the worries of the two people, and Qingxi said solemnly: "I am not discussing with you, this is an order."

The next day, according to the plan, Qingxi, Zhao Xin and Yueying left the palace and walked out of the city through the west gate to meet Li Han. Qingxi gave Uncle Zhong a rough explanation before leaving, and naturally she did not need to worry about the matters of the palace.

When the three of them arrived at the west city gate, the city gate had just opened. Because two months ago, Qingxi sent Xiao Yizheng off for the expedition, which left a deep impression on the city gate officials. Therefore, although she was wearing men's clothes this time, the city gate

The officer still recognized her at a glance.

"The princess is leaving the city so early?" he asked respectfully with a smile.

"Yes, go to the temple outside the city to pray for His Highness." Qingxi answered calmly.

The city gate official secretly complained, why should he wear men's clothes when going to the temple to fast?

Qingxi was the first to ask: "Is there any problem?" His tone was majestic and inviolable.

The city gate officer bowed repeatedly: "Don't dare." He turned around quickly and took out a seal from the guard room next to the city gate: "This is the seal left here by His Highness Prince Heng. He once told the princess to leave the capital whenever she wanted.

, based on this seal, we cannot stop you."

Qingxi Xiu frowned slightly, reached out to take the seal, looked at it carefully, and lightly brushed the words "King Heng" on the seal with his fingertips. In fact, he had planned a lot for himself and arranged a lot carefully. She

Wrapping the seal in his palm, he nodded and said, "Thank you."

The three of them left Shangdu and rode hard all the way to meet up with Li Han and Changfeng's escort team. Yueying was not good at riding, so she always rode with Zhao Xin.

After Changfeng's escort team left Shangdu, they began to disperse and go to their respective destinations. This time, the farthest escort team reached Canglang Pass. The only remaining road left was Qingxi.

, Li Han, Zhao Xin and Yueying traveled together.

This journey was non-stop and tiring, but it was still smooth. The Ling family badge really played a big role. It looked like the Ling family was doing the work at each station. Although they had many doubts about these handsome-looking men, they still

They didn't dare to neglect them. After days of hard work, the four of them were very tired. Qingxi and Yueying were girls after all, so they were no more strenuous than Li Han, who had been traveling in the rivers and lakes all year round.

Fortunately, the ten prefectures of Luocang between Shangdu and Beisu Prefecture are prosperous and peaceful places with simple folk customs, so the road is safe and stable. Along the way, people are discussing the war situation in Beisu Prefecture. Some people say that His Highness King Heng

He was seriously injured and has not been seen for many days; some people say that His Highness King Heng has just defeated Danda's army, and Danda may have to withdraw his troops; some say that the imperial court is recruiting troops urgently and will be transferred to Beisuzhou; some say that the imperial court will negotiate a peace

The conditions are, in short, inconsistent.

Qingxi didn't want to think about which of these messages were true and reliable. Most of what the people knew was hearsay. She just wanted to reach Beisuzhou as soon as possible, faster, faster.

"How long until we get there?" she asked Xin Zhao

"It's almost time. You can arrive there in about two days along this official road!"

She nodded, smiled and said to Yueying: "Yueying, do you know that Beisuzhou has the sweetest spring water, and the spring water is warm."

"How does the princess know?"

"I heard it from Brother Zeng!" Speaking of Zeng Qidao, Qingxi felt some subtle changes in his heart.

That day, she knew that Xiao Yizheng had misunderstood her friendship with Zeng Qidao, but she didn't explain. He said he would give her the right to choose, and he said he would come back to hear her answer. She didn't explain at that time, partly because she didn't know whether to accept him or not.

So he simply did not speak out about the matter, partly because he was angry that he had not taken the initiative to explain his relationship with Li Han before.

She looked at the increasingly vast sky, her eyes followed the soaring Haidongqing in the sky, breathed in the fresh but windy and desolate air, and murmured: "Have you talked about me with Brother Zeng? You know?

Is there no one in my heart?..." She concealed the last sentence and thought silently in her heart: I have you in my heart.

"As soon as we get there, how about we go drink the spring water first?" Xin Zhao's rough voice seemed to inspire the exhausted Yueying.

"Okay!" She responded cheerfully.

As we approach Beisuzhou, there are more checkpoints along the way. There are two gates in the north and south of Beisuzhou. The north gate is currently closed due to the war, while the south gate is under the control of Dacheng. Naturally, the south gate is still open as usual. The crowds coming and going at this gate do not seem to be the same.

There was no fear at all, but the heavy guarding of the south gate made people feel inexplicably depressed and nervous.

When the three characters "Beisuzhou" on the city wall came into view, Qingxi felt so weak that she almost fell off the horse. She hurriedly pulled the reins and dismounted, holding on tightly, looking at the gate in a daze. The wind and rain along the way were surging.

With a touch of sadness in my heart, do you know that I traveled thousands of miles just to see you safe and sound?

The four people led the horses and lined up to enter the city. The soldiers guarding the city maintained order and vigilantly inquired about the people passing by.

"Wait a minute," Qingxi and Yueying were about to pass when they were suddenly stopped. Xin Zhao and Li Han had already passed the interrogation first.

A frail man in casual clothes stepped forward and stood in front of Qingxi. Behind him stood two guards guarding the city. "Aren't you two locals? What's the point of coming to Beisu?"

Qingxi looked at the attire of the person in front of him who was obviously not a general in the army, but clearly the commander-in-chief of these soldiers, "Come and do something!"

"Doing work?" He looked at Qingxi carefully, and then stared at Yueying a few times, "What's the point of dressing up?"

The men's clothing is so fresh, so the women's clothing must be extraordinary.

Qingxi couldn't help but look at the person in front of her carefully, but her and Yueying's men's clothes were not so natural. She smiled slightly: "For convenience on the road."

Qingxi didn't want to get entangled too much, so she winked at Yueying, who took out the Ling family's badge and documents.

"It turns out that the Ling Mansion is handling the matter." The frail man's tone was still a little confused.

"Can we leave now!" Qingxi smiled politely.

The man nodded to let him go, and Qingxi and Yueying turned around with their horses.

"Zhang Er, go and follow them quietly to see where they are staying. If there is anything strange, let me know immediately!" the man whispered to the people around him.

"Yes, young master!"

This chapter has been completed!
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