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Volume 1: Painting Spring Chapter 81: Discovery

Xiao Yizheng had been in the meeting hall of Beisu Commander's Mansion for the past two days, reading various military reports with Zeng Ji, listening to various suggestions, and almost never slept.

Zeng Ji ordered Zeng Qidao to immediately return to the Tianlang Camp in Beiwang Mountain to garrison. Zeng Qidao hesitated and asked if he could go back two days late, but was scolded by Zeng Ji.

He looked at Xiao Yizheng meaningfully, but Xiao Yizheng only looked down at the marching route map from Beisu to Guiping, and didn't care about this incident.

There were many generals in the meeting hall, so he didn't have much to say, so he had to retreat, thinking of telling Xie Zhi a few words, but he couldn't find him. Helpless, he hurriedly wrote a few words and asked the soldiers to pass them on.

He gave it to him, and then galloped back to Beiwang Mountain without delaying for a while. He was worried all the way that he should write a few words to Qingxi, or personally arrange some manpower to protect Chunyue Inn.

Xiao Yizheng took the time to go to the Military Medical Bureau in the city and visited the soldiers who were injured in the sneak attack on the Danda Food Road and the blitz on the forward camp. The military doctors had no time to salute him and only focused on the work at hand. He also did not want to hinder the doctors from treating illnesses and saving lives.

The imperial doctor sent by the Imperial Hospital to detoxify him was also temporarily assigned to the Military Medical Bureau to help. Thinking that the two imperial doctors would serve in the palace, they came to the northwest military camp where the climate was harsh and the conditions were not comparable to those in the palace.

I was aggrieved a lot, so I specially found two doctors to comfort me. The two imperial doctors were parents of doctors, so they didn't care about it. They said, "Your Highness, please don't think about it and take care of yourself."

A smile appeared on his pale and haggard face. He nodded slightly. He glanced at several porcelain bottles and packages of herbs on the table. He paused and quickly reached out to pick up one of the porcelain bottles and looked at it carefully.

Circle, picked up another pack of herbs, smelled it, and asked in a low voice: "Where did the pills and these herbs in this porcelain bottle come from?"

The two imperial doctors looked at it and replied: "This was sent by Mr. Xie two days ago. Your Highness knows that Princess Xie is also very skilled in medicine. Maybe these are the medicines in his family's collection, which are good medicines for treating trauma."

The wrinkles between Xiao Yizheng's brows deepened. After a moment of silence, he left the military medical bureau.

It was still getting late, the curfew was approaching, and there were not many cars, horses and pedestrians on the road.

He sat in the carriage, closing his eyes and thinking deeply. Those porcelain bottles and those herbs came from Prince Heng's Mansion. They were the medicines he brought back from his travels in the past years. Even Xie Zhi knew how to prepare folk remedies, but he would never even put them in porcelain bottles.

Exactly the same. Moreover, he had sent part of it to Ling Mansion. Because Qingxi was ill at that time, he picked some heat-clearing medicine and sent it there. Now, how could these things appear in Beisu?

His temples were throbbing violently, and his right shoulder was aching again. He stamped his feet and immediately stopped.

"Go to Xie's Mansion." He ordered in a deep voice.

Xie Changyin, the magistrate of Beisu Prefecture, is the brother of Xie Changxin. He is a good official who loves the people like his own son. When there was a war in Beisu, he ate, drank, and had sex in the prefecture's mansion, and he did not return to his home for many days.

Therefore, when the young man in the Xie Mansion saw a noble person coming, he thought that there was no one in the house, and he was a little panicked for a while.

"I'm not looking for you adults, I'm looking for your young master." Xiao Yizheng strode into the lobby of Xie Mansion.

"Our young master went out early in the morning and has not returned yet." The servant was a little nervous.

"Oh?" Xiao Yizheng paused, turned around and asked, "What did he go to do? When will he come back?"

"No, no, no, no, no."

Xiao Yizheng breathed heavily. At this time, what could he Xie Badou do?

He sat down in the lobby and focused his eyes: "Let me ask you, where has your young master been and what he has done in the past two days? If you don't know, I will give you half a stick of incense to go and

Ask everyone in this mansion and tell me the exact answer, otherwise I will take you for granted. Also, don’t send someone to tell your master that I am in this mansion, otherwise I will take your family for granted.

Young Master is asking." His voice was low and dignified.

The servant said yes with a tremble, then exited the lobby obediently and started busy with his work.

Xiao Yizheng was sitting in the lobby, seeming to be very patiently drinking the tea served by the attendants, but the aura of keeping strangers away from him around him made people dare not ask if he wanted to have dinner.

The lights began to light up in Xie's mansion, and red lanterns were lit up here and there, reflecting the thin snow on the ground, which gave it a unique feeling.

He got up and walked to the corridor in front of the hall, looking at a lantern above his head, but his hand couldn't help but reach into his arms to touch the purse. I don't know if the winter in Shangdu this year is cold, I don't know if my father's body is recovering, I don't know if Chaolan Garden

Are the people inside also missing you?

He fixed his gaze, and out of the corner of his eye he caught a glimpse of a woman carrying a lantern walking through the corridor to the east courtyard. Judging from the woman's dress, she didn't seem to be a maid in the palace. He didn't pay attention at first, but the face illuminated by the red light flashed away.

I had, but I always felt like I had seen it somewhere. Where? He couldn't remember it for a moment. "Go, tell the girl just now to come see me." He ordered the people around him.

When the guard led the people to the lobby, the servant he sent to inquire about the news also hurriedly came to reply to the news.

The servant was panicked when he saw the girl standing in the hall with her head lowered. The young master told her to take good care of the girl's family, so why did he come in front of His Highness? Before he had time to worry, he heard Xiao Yizheng ask: "Tell me

, what on earth is your young master busy with?"

"The young master took the guards out of the mansion early this morning. He only said that he was going out to do some business and that it would take a few days, but he also didn't give a date for his return. No one in the mansion knew what he was going to do. But two days ago, the young master asked someone to

I followed a few people who entered the city. Those people stayed at the Chunyue Inn in Sanpailou. The young master also went there yesterday. And, and more," he glanced at the girl next to him, and continued: "This morning

Two girls came to the house, and the young master ordered them to be well entertained, but not allowed to leave the house."

Xiao Yizheng already understood that the girl he was talking about was standing next to him. He moved his eyes to the woman who had lowered her head and said nothing, and said in a slower tone: "Raise your head."

The woman clenched her hands, looking a little at a loss.

"Miss Zhixi, this is His Royal Highness Prince Heng, please reply quickly." The servant reminded kindly.

Zhixi, Xiao Yizheng confirmed that he had never heard of this name.

Although Zhixi knew that a big shot was coming to the house, she didn't expect it to be King Heng, and she felt even more uneasy.

"Raise your head." Xiao Yizheng repeated it again, obviously losing his patience.

Zhixi blinked her eyes in panic and raised her head, but did not dare to look directly at Xiao Yizheng.

The moment she raised her head, Xiao Yizheng focused his eyes to observe and thought quickly, but he still didn't expect where he had seen her.

"Send someone to Chunyue Inn now to see who Mr. Xie has gone to see." He ordered the people around him. Then he looked at the woman in front of him and asked, "What is your relationship with Mr. Xie? Why do you want to stay in Xie's house temporarily?"

Zhixi bit her lip lightly and didn't know how to answer. She hesitated and didn't say why.

"Didn't you mean two girls?" Xiao Yizheng turned to the servant, "Is there another one? Please come too."

The servant responded and left.

Xiao Yizheng didn't want to waste time on Zhixi, so he just closed his eyes and waited.

But Zhixi stood there and was thinking that she couldn't ruin senior brother's important matter.

After a while, the servant trotted over and panted and reported back: "Your Highness, that girl is too sick to get up. I'm afraid she won't be able to come."

Xiao Yizheng slammed the tea cup on the table and made a dull sound that made both the servant and Zhixi tremble. "Sick? You didn't say she was sick just now." He raised his hand and pointed at Zhixi.

"Tell me, who is the girl who came into the house with you? You should know her name."

As soon as he finished speaking, another servant rushed in from outside. After accusing him repeatedly, he said: "Just now, a sergeant sent a letter to the young master. It was given to him by Major General Zeng. It was said that it was given to him in the past two days.

I didn't see the young master at the handsome man's house, so I sent him to my door."

Xiao Yizheng frowned.

The servant was also very discerning and hurriedly handed the letter to him.

He held the letter lightly and hesitated. Since it was a letter written by Zeng Qidao to Xie Zhi, it was not easy for him to open it casually. "Does General Zeng have anything else to explain?"

"The visitor said that Major General Zeng asked the young master to take good care of the distinguished guests of Chunyue Inn."

Chunyue Inn again? Distinguished guest? Who are Zeng Qidao and Xie Zhi hosting?

He put the letter aside but did not open it.

He focused his attention on the servant again: "Tell me, what does the other girl who came with her do? Even if she is really sick, she will be brought to me."

"No." Zhixi exclaimed. No matter how stupid she was, she could see that she couldn't let Xiao Yizheng know something.

But it was this exclamation that made Xiao Yizheng stand up immediately. Without waiting for their answer, he directly picked up the servant's collar and said, "Take me to see her."

The servant felt bitter, wondering who he had provoked. "Okay, okay, I'll take your highness down now."

Zhixi on the side was so anxious that she burst into tears, but she couldn't stop Xiao Yizheng from walking away quickly.

The servant led Xiao Yizheng through the cloister, into the east courtyard, and almost jogged all the way into the main wing.

"Miss Yueying, His Royal Highness Prince Heng wants to see you." The servant reminded him kindly before entering the door.

Xiao Yizheng paused and turned pale, "What did you say?"

The servant's arm was pinched in pain and he grinned. But before he could answer, Xiao Yizheng kicked the door open with a bang.

Yueying was already kneeling there straight.

"Yue Ying!" Xiao Yizheng ran to her, trembling in horror. "Why are you here?" He paused, and there was incredible anger in his eyes: "What on earth are you doing? Where is Ah Heng?"

Yueying trembled, swallowed, and knelt down: "Your Highness, please calm down. Your Majesty, please calm down. Princess, she heard that you were injured, so she came to Beisu regardless."

Xiao Yizheng's calves felt weak and he almost couldn't stand still, and his head was pounding.

She actually came to Beisu!

After thousands of miles of wind, frost, snow and rain, she actually came!

Hiding it from herself and everyone, she actually came!

In a place of raging war, she actually came!

She is really bold, really disobedient, really worrying, and really worrying.

"Where is she? Where is she now?" He asked softly with a dry and hoarse voice.

Yueying raised her head, her eyes filled with tears, and said hurriedly: "Your Highness, the princess may have left Beisu and gone to Guiping."


This chapter has been completed!
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