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Chapter 131

"Half a million!"

"Six hundred thousand!"

"Eight hundred thousand!"

"One million and two hundred thousand!"

"One and a half million!"

"Two million!"

The price immediately jumped from 300,000 to 2 million, and then exceeded 3 million, stopping at 4 million.

Meng Yan smiled bitterly in his heart, not expecting to be defeated in such a situation.

Four million, people finally stopped. This price is just the boundary line that if you lose the bet, you can afford to make at least a small profit if you win the bet. If you increase the price further, you have to think twice.

But all this has nothing to do with Meng Yan. Four million is just at this juncture. Just now, there were many rough stones that he wanted that were stuck on four million and were taken by others.

The three million principal put Meng Yan in an embarrassing situation. Every piece of rough stone he wanted only exceeded the asking price of about one million and then stopped. This situation happened many times, even with Meng Yan's character.

Feeling a little crazy.

Wu Tianyong on the side saw that Meng Yan only bid once and then stopped talking, so he couldn't help but come up and ask.

"Brother Meng, why don't you follow?"

"Isn't the value of that rough stone as high as four million?"

Wu Tian believed that Meng Yan must be worth at least tens of millions based on his ability, so he didn't think about Meng Yan's lack of capital at all.

Meng Yan waved his hands without saying a word. At this time, his heart was so bitter that he no longer wanted to speak.

Seeing the smile on Wu Tianyong's face, Meng Yan suddenly thought of the rough stone he took a picture of.

If I had known that this was the case, and that I had gained nothing from my three million principal until now, I should not have stood up to bid for the first rough stone that was auctioned.

No matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat. A hundred thousand yuan is just one percent of ten million, right?

Meng Yan stopped thinking about it. Although he felt bitter in his heart, worrying so much was still not an option. If he couldn't think of a countermeasure, he was afraid that he would not be able to move the three million yuan when the auction was over.

"Three million times."

"Twice three million."

"Three million three times, deal!" As the host's voice fell, the auctioneer on the stage made the final decision. The rough stone was sold to a jeweled lady for four million.

Several staff members walked up to the stage, picked up the jade and pushed it behind the scenes to start cutting the rough stone.

Meng Yan looked at this scene and stood up from his position as if he thought of something.

"I'm going out to make a phone call and I'll be back in a minute." Meng Yan said to Wu Tianyong beside him.

"Okay, I'll help you look at the position," Wu Tianyong nodded.

Meng Yan lowered his body and slipped out of the first row of the auction venue.

"Hey, look, why did the guy wearing the mask suddenly go out?" A sharp-eyed person pointed at Meng Yan's figure and said.

For a while, several more eyes looked over, but no one showed any interest.

"You don't care about others. You probably came here just for this rough stone. Now that it's been taken away by others, there's no point in staying around."

"I have to say, this guy really shocked me when he started. I don't know whether his ability is more about strength or luck. I'll take a look after the results of the mask come out."

"If something good comes out of that piece of material, I will have to go to the organizer to get this guy's contact information once the auction is over."

After several of the auctioneers finished speaking, they glanced at the huge screen behind the auction stage. The rankings above were still floating up and down. In order to calculate the final rankings, the values ​​of the rough stones after they were revealed were made public.


After each rough stone is auctioned and cut, the auction price and actual value will be displayed on the screen in real time. At this time, the rough stone that Meng Yan held up just now has just been transported to the backstage for cutting, and its value is still displayed on the screen.

A question mark.

About two minutes later, a scream suddenly came from the auction stage.

Everyone looked around and saw that it was the lady who had just taken the photo of Meng Yan holding a placard to bid for 4 million. At this time, she was covering her mouth and looking at the screen of her mobile phone in disbelief, her eyes widened.

His face looked in disbelief.

"What is your name, madam? You scared me!" A man standing next to him patted his chest, looking like he was suddenly frightened.

"Look at the screen!" The lady pointed to the screen on the auction stage and said with an ecstatic look on her face.

Everyone followed the lady's finger and looked at the screen, and all of them gasped for a moment.

"No. 41 rough stone, ten kilograms of dark green ice, sold for 4 million, and the jadeite is worth 8.2 million."

"Value ranking, first."

The few big words that appeared on the screen instantly silenced people's voices again, and the atmosphere was once again silent.

Within a few seconds, the people who reacted immediately broke into an earth-shattering discussion.

"No, that's a piece of material from Xinchangkou, ice jade?!"

Some people have already taken out their mobile phones and issued instructions to the person on the other end of the phone: "Go and check immediately! The No. 41 rough stone of the Nanling Jade Auction came from the entrance of Baguo!"

"Where is the mysterious figure wearing a mask and sunglasses just now? Why did he suddenly disappear? Has anyone seen him?"

With the discussion almost out of control, the audience once again became a mess.

However, Meng Yan had already left the auction venue at this moment, and was completely unaware of the small commotion he had caused. He found a secluded place, took out his mobile phone, and made a call.


"Hey! Meng Yan! How's the auction going? Is your job going well?" A familiar voice came from the phone.

Meng Yan calmed down and spoke to the other end of the phone.

"Master Jia, can I ask a question?"

"What's the question? Just ask, Meng Yan. I'll tell you if you can answer it." Jia Baiyuan said in a pleasant tone on the other end of the phone.

At this time, Jia Baiyuan was sitting in a courtyard of the Jia family manor in Kyoto, leisurely playing with the birds and drinking tea.

"Why is it that at this Nanling jade auction, almost all of them are made of window materials?"

"My one million principal cannot even reach the starting price of these rough stones." Meng Yan suppressed the grievance in his heart and asked calmly.

This first auction held by the Nanling Jade Company could be related to the return of his Jia family's influence in Nanling. He, Meng Yan, simply did not believe that an old fox like Jia Baiyuan would not personally intervene in the auction.

"Ah? What's going on? Are they all made of window materials? Why didn't I know?"

On the other end of the phone, Jia Baiyuan's voice pretended to be surprised.

This chapter has been completed!
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