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Chapter 240 Not a person from the world

Meng Yan smiled and asked: "Brother, are you really planning to form a beggar gang?"

Li Hua responded: "It's not just for you. If a gang of beggars spread all over the world by then, you can walk sideways in Xia Kingdom."

"Okay, brother, you can definitely do it with your ability, I'll wait and see!"

There was a burst of noise on the other end of the phone, and soon Shen Nongshi's complaining voice was heard again.

"Why are you robbing? Can't you just use your mobile phone to call Meng Yan?"

Shen Nongshi brought the topic back to the topic again.

"Brother Meng, do you know what kind of fake foreigner Cao Kunyu is in our Kyoto circle?"

"Burma is not the only place in the world that produces jade, but only Xia has a profound jade culture. The jade culture in other places in the world only became popular in modern times."

"Except for our jade business with Myanmar and neighboring countries, as long as any country that does not border our Xia Kingdom wants to sign a jade deal with us, he will give his hand and nod. Do you understand this explanation?"

"Isn't that just right?" Meng Yan responded: "Since he can do this, there must be no problem in finding a piece of jade. Have you received any news from him?" Meng Yan asked.

"Last night our Shen family received news from Cao Kunyu. He wants to spend a lot of money to purchase all the rough stones that are suspected to be of glass-green jade quality or above. He also mentioned your name by name!"

"My uncle was furious on the spot. I rented a place for you overnight in Kyoto and will come to pick you up soon and leave my cousin's house to move there."

"If he knows that you live with Shen Qiqi, I will suffer tomorrow!" There was a hint of fear in Shen Nongshi's tone.

"There's no problem with this. It's all up to you." Meng Yan said, but his mind was not on this issue.

"How are you doing with that jade? You wouldn't call me specifically to tell me that I'm moving out, right?" Meng Yan continued to ask.

"We who buy and sell jade are not engaged in industrial production. Glass species are already very rare. The one that is more precious than glass species is gentian green. The kind of jadeite that Xia Guo sees once every few years is considered a high-priced incense. Meng Yan, can you understand what I mean?"

"So far, we have no news about that kind of jade."

Meng Yan pouted: "Did you really just call me to tell me about moving?"

"Just because we don't have it doesn't mean that other families don't have it." Shen Nongshi changed the subject: "The Wang family, over at Yubao Hall, they deal with high-quality goods. We also received news from Cao Kunyu that they actually have one."

After hanging up the phone with Shen Nongshi, Meng Yan went back to the room to pack his luggage. After a while, Shen Qiqi heard the movement in Meng Yan's room and walked in.

"What are you doing? Why are you packing your things?" Shen Qiqi asked in surprise.

"The rice is ready. I cooked it myself. I also cooked the braised pork. Go and eat it quickly."

Meng Yan looked up and looked at the clock hanging on the wall.

It's half past eight in the morning.

"Do you eat braised pork for breakfast?" Meng Yan replied, packing her things slowly.

"Your cousin has arranged another place for me to live. He will pick me up tomorrow at the latest. You have worked hard to take care of me these two days."

"How could..." Shen Qiqi was stunned when she heard the news.

"I don't want you to leave!" Shen Qiqi came up and twisted Meng Yan's arm, making it impossible for him to pack his things.

"I haven't thanked you properly for what happened at the bar. Without you, I would have been defiled by that bastard named Wang Tiankai. Are you leaving now because you want me to remember your favor for the rest of my life?!"

"Go, go! Go aside!" Meng Yan said helplessly pushing Shen Qiqi's hand away.

"You are a girl anyway. You are a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old. How can I, a grown man, live with you but we are not boyfriend and girlfriend? Your cousin has helped me enough. Don't think about the bar. That’s what happened!”

"Then..." Shen Qiqi paused and realized that she had nothing to say to persuade Meng Yan to stay.

Just like last night, when I followed Meng Yan to Cao Kunyu's house, I couldn't speak a word to him. Meng Yan kept saying things that he didn't understand at all and didn't understand.

He is not a person of the same world at all.

"Then maybe my cousin will come to pick you up at noon. Today's breakfast must be delicious!" Shen Qiqi said again stubbornly pulling Meng Yan's arm.

"Let's go eat first!"

"Okay, okay, my eldest lady, let's go eat first." Meng Yan reluctantly put aside the clothes he was folding.

"Shen family, Myanmar country, Yin Yang jade..."

In the corridor, Meng Yan murmured to himself, feeling a premonition in his heart that since arriving in Kyoto, the truth about the death of his grandfather and father was getting closer and closer to him.

The Shen family is just a white glove. Behind him, there must be a culprit in Myanmar who framed his grandfather and father.

After he learned the whole truth, his revenge began...

The two of them walked to the dining table.

Meng Yan pointed to a pile of "charcoal" on the plate on the table and said.

"Don't tell me this is the braised pork you said."

Shen Qiqi nodded, then shook her head.

"I did everything as told on the Internet. This is my first time cooking, so it is inevitable that there will be some minor problems..."

Meng Yan helps his forehead, is this a small problem?

He picked up the plate of dark charcoal meat on the table with chopsticks and handed it to Shen Qiqi.

"Taste it?"

Shen Qiqi shook her head desperately.

Meng Yan picked up the plate of "braised pork" and poured it into the trash can nearby, then walked into the kitchen.

There was a sound of blacksmithing in the kitchen, and more than ten minutes later, a swarthy Meng Yan walked out of the kitchen carrying a plate of black braised pork that was comparable to Shen Qiqi's.

The two looked at each other in silence.

"Pfft." Shen Qiqi laughed.

"At least, you and I have something in common when it comes to cooking."

Meng Yan scratched his head and took out his cell phone.

“Let’s order takeout.”

After breakfast, Meng Yan packed up his luggage and walked outside. After a while, he saw a Ferrari parked in front of him, and Shen Nongshi poked his head out of it.

"Let me go somewhere first. Shen Tianyu, Yubaotang and Cao Kunyu are in Yubaotang now, and they have already had a falling out."

Meng Yan was shocked and hurriedly got into the car.

It was obvious that Shen Nongshi was in a hurry. Before Meng Yan fastened his seat belt, Shen Nongshi stepped on the accelerator and the Ferrari flew out.

In the urban area, Shen Nongshi didn't take the main road at all, but went into some small alleys that Meng Yan had never thought of. He didn't even wait for a traffic light along the way, and finally stopped in front of the Yubaotang headquarters in Kyoto with a swipe of the ground.

After getting off the car, Meng Yan looked at the majestic building in front of him with the magnificent door decorated with splendor and was a little confused.

This chapter has been completed!
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