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Chapter 438

Without any warning, the hidden sentries lying in ambush suddenly opened fire, blowing out one of the tires in front of the off-road vehicle. The off-road vehicle skidded and spun around on the dirt road for half a circle, and finally stopped in a field nearby.

The driver in the driver's seat opened the door and stumbled out, with blood still dripping from his shoulder.

"Don't shoot! I want to see the King of Northern Myanmar!"

The dirt road extends into the cave. Under this inconspicuous hill is a huge hollowed-out underground military fortress.

On the deepest floor, Li Mianhuang was sitting in his office looking at the documents in his hands.

"General, someone wants to see you."

The explosion-proof door opened, and a beautiful secretary appeared at the door with a stack of information in her hand.

"I don't have an appointment today." Li Mianhuang didn't even raise his head.

"This man escaped here in an off-road vehicle. He only has half a life left. I think you still need to see him." The female secretary walked to Li Mianhuang's desk and respectfully handed over a stack of documents in her hand.

put it in front of him.

"The militia team sent over was destroyed. We found the body of the militia team at the place where Yang Baifeng's signal disappeared."

"Forty-three, no one missing. All were killed by a single shot between the eyebrows. It is estimated that the time of death was one day ago."

"Xia Guo seems to be serious about it." The female secretary said worriedly.

"After the militia team was completely wiped out, on the same night, the border stronghold where we sent the militia team was attacked and contact was completely lost. This person escaped from there."

There was no sadness or joy on Li Mianhuang's face. He put down the materials in his hand and rubbed his tired eyes.

"Go out and bring that person over."

The female secretary bowed, turned around and walked out of the office.

As soon as the explosion-proof door was closed, Li Mianhuang immediately picked up the lamp on his desk and threw it to the floor.


"Didn't we just sell some flour? There was just an accident and one of their border guards was killed. Do these Xia people need to kill them all like this?!"

"I don't know how many people from labor and management have been killed by their guns. Why did they react so badly when only one of them died?!"

"First, they blew up my field! Then they seized all the rough stones on my border, and now they also directly destroyed a stronghold on my border!"

"What do they want to do next? Collude with those people in the south? Bomb my other locations? Or just bring people to kill them?"

"If they dare! I will lead my troops and fight them!" Li Mianhuang roared viciously. The soldiers guarding the door did not dare to breathe after hearing this.

"I brought the people."

A woman's voice came from the door. The female secretary just brought the man with gauze on his head into Li Mianhuang's office. She turned a blind eye to the broken lamp parts and took him directly to Li Mianhuang's desk.


"Please step aside and I'll have a chat with this person alone."

After hearing Li Mianhuang's words, the female secretary nodded and retreated.

"Come here." Li Mianhuang's tone was friendly and casual, which made the young man in front of him with frightened eyes a little surprised.

According to rumors, this Li Mianhuang is very cruel, but now it seems that he is not that serious?

Looking at Li Mianhuang's spring-like smile, he nodded, and the panic on his face dissipated a bit. At this time, Li Mianhuang personally got up and pulled a chair for him and pressed him on it.

"Relax, I'll ask you some questions, and you just need to answer them truthfully. After that, go down and recuperate." Li Mianhuang said.

The young man nodded: "Master Li, just ask, I will definitely tell you everything I know."

Li Mianhuang returned to his chair, put on a leisurely and contented smile, and asked.

"I have about three hundred people stationed in your stronghold. It will take a lot of effort to eliminate this group of people. How many people are there to attack you?"

The young man thought for a while and said, "I don't know the specific number, but there are probably more than ten people."

"More than ten..." Li Mianhuang's eyelids twitched violently, and immediately returned to normal.

More than three hundred people were slaughtered by a dozen people?

It's just three hundred pigs, and a dozen of them couldn't catch them all in one night!

Seemingly knowing that what he said was too outrageous, the young man quickly added.

"These dozen or so people are not ordinary soldiers. They have all been professionally trained, and the weapons they use are all new to us."

"And all the weapons are equipped with silencers, as well as snipers, who slowly infiltrated into our stronghold at night."

"If they hadn't blown up the oil depot at the stronghold and alerted the rest of us, I might have told them where it was."

Li Mianhuang smiled: "That's no problem. It's a great achievement that you escaped from there and reported the news to me."

"Take this stack of money, go down and have a good meal, and then rest in peace and recuperate."

Li Mianhuang opened the drawer, took out a stack of bulging money in envelopes, and threw it in front of the young man.

Looking at the stack of envelopes in front of him that was about to burst with money, a greedy light flashed in the young man's eyes.

This is equivalent to his military salary for half a year of hard work.

"Thank you, General. I will fight for the cause of the General to the end!" The young man stood up from his chair and saluted Li Mianhuang with a very awkward military salute.

Li Mianhuang smiled: "Okay, go down and recuperate."

The young man picked up the wad of money on the table, turned around and walked out the door.

Just after taking a few steps forward, Li Mianhuang reached into the drawer under the table and took out a large-caliber pistol...


Before the young man could react, half of his head had already flown out and he fell straight to the ground in a pool of his own blood.

Li Mianhuang stood up and walked to the body, leaned down and took out the wad of money from his pocket, and nodded with satisfaction.

"That's right. I kept the money in my bag without getting it dirty."

Li Mianhuang slowly walked back to his chair with the money in his hand and threw the money into the drawer.

The blast door opened, and two soldiers with guns rushed in from the outside. They raised their guns and looked around at the surrounding environment.

"General, we just heard gunshots!"

Li Mianhuang stretched out a hand to signal them to lower their guns.

"Don't be nervous, I fired that shot."

Then he pointed to the corpse lying on the ground with half of its head blown off and said.

"Have someone come in and clean it."


The two soldiers showed no signs of movement and did not even look at the body. After receiving the order, they walked out of the room to call for help.

"Three hundred people were killed by a dozen or so people, and they still have the nerve to come back..."

This chapter has been completed!
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