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Chapter 143 Finalize the job

Zhang Dagang approached the girl with smoky mugwort leaves and mint leaves.

The power of the divine dragon turned into an invisible isolation shield, isolating the thick smoke and ashes in the exposed brain.

The marrow-eating Gu seemed to smell something delicious at this moment. Its slender body moved, its whole small body arched up, and it crawled to the patient's skull in an instant.

Zhang Dagang's hand holding mugwort and mint leaves came closer, and the marrow-eating Gu's slender body moved forward, and finally shrank back in fear.

Zhang Dagang took mugwort and mint leaves and continued to seduce them one after another.

Sure enough, the marrow-eating Gu could no longer resist the temptation and crawled out of the patient's mind.

Zhang Dagang's sharp eyesight and quick hands shot the silver needle in his pocket towards the marrow-eating Gu instantly. The marrow-eating Gu, which was pierced by the silver needle, struggled for a few times and finally stopped moving completely.

Zhang Dagang breathed a long sigh of relief. He turned on the light on the operating table, and the entire operating room lit up again.

Doctors and nurses all gathered around Zhang Dagang, and their attention was attracted by the slender little insect on the tip of the silver needle in his hand.

The disgusting little bugs hang softly on the tip of the needle, making people's skin crawl.

Probably due to the illumination of the light, the body of the marrow-eating Gu gradually melted and eventually turned into a puddle of viscous juice.

"Is the patient's headache caused by this little bug?" The nurse's face turned stiff.

This thing is crawling around in my head and it's unbearable to think about it.

"Well, as long as we get this bug out, the patient will be fine."

Zhang Dagang explained how to use the power of the dragon to sterilize the silver needle, and looked at the doctor who opened the skull: "Just suture the patient normally."

After Zhang Dagang finished speaking, he turned around and returned to the corner of the operating room to continue meditating.

The power of the divine dragon is still lingering outside the body, making it difficult to absorb it.

Zhang Dagang sighed, stood up from the ground, and walked out of the operating room.

Outside the operating room, Mrs. Zhou, the old doctor and the strange old lady all gathered around.

"Dagang, is the little girl okay?" Mrs. Zhou looked at Zhang Dagang expectantly.

Zhang Dagang nodded: "The doctor is suturing it and it will be out soon."

After Zhang Dagang finished speaking, he dragged his tired body into the ward where the girl originally lived.

He sat in front of the window sill and calmed down, crossing his legs and meditating. It was only then that he discovered that the little bits of divine dragon power began to swim in his body again.

Zhang Dagang closed his eyes and tried to control the divine dragon's power. After the bits and pieces of the divine dragon's power were forced to travel three times through the meridians around his body, they unexpectedly surged straight towards the golden water droplets at his dantian uncontrollably.

The golden water droplets were fused with bits and pieces of divine dragon power, and a layer of ripples appeared on the water droplets. The entire golden water droplets quickly became silent again.

Zhang Dagang immediately discovered that the speed of absorbing the power of the dragon all over his body was surprisingly accelerated.

Could it be that the absorption speed of the dragon's power is related to the golden drop of water in the Dantian?

Zhang Dagang was immediately shocked. No wonder the absorption of the dragon's power began to slow down after the golden water droplet was exhausted when he exchanged souls with Liu Yun and Caihong.

The last bit of dragon power appeared after saving the pregnant woman.

If we infer this, then the divine dragon power needed for the golden water droplet in the dantian should be obtained after saving people.

In this case, could the little bits and pieces of divine dragon power be obtained by those people who affirmed their medical skills?

Zhang Dagang was deep in thought when the door to the ward was suddenly pushed open.

"Dagang, are you exhausted?"

Mrs. Zhou looked at Zhang Dagang sitting on the floor by the window of the ward, and kindly stepped forward and pulled him up from the ground: "You have such good medical skills, have you ever considered working in the hospital?"

As soon as Zhang Dagang raised his head, he saw the dean standing at the door of the ward, and he suddenly felt happy.

He was thinking about how to get more people to recognize his medical skills. Unexpectedly, Mrs. Zhou brought the dean here. It was like someone came to give him a pillow when he fell asleep.

"Yes, Mr. Zhang has great medical skills. Why don't you consider coming to our hospital?" Dean Ma looked at Zhang Dagang's invitation with a smile on his face.

The last time he came with the medical sage, the dean never thought that he was the Zhang Dagang who sent his son to the cell.

Later, the dean went to visit his son, and then he realized how much hatred Zhang Dagang had against him.

So today Mrs. Zhou called to put in a good word for Zhang Dagang, and the dean agreed without saying a word.

As long as he gets this kid, it won't be easy for him to wear small shoes for him.

"Dagang, when you are not busy in the hospital during this period, you should read more books and improve your academic qualifications. When the time comes, we will go to the best university, and Grandma Zhou will support you."

Mrs. Zhou looked at Zhang Dagang and smiled so much that the wrinkles at the end of her eyes deepened a bit.

"Thank you, Grandma Zhou. I will definitely live up to Grandma Zhou's expectations."

Mrs. Zhou didn't know that Zhang Dagang was half of the shareholders of Fuguoyuan, she just thought that he had a good relationship with Yu Xing'er, the owner of Fuguoyuan.

"Old lady, after all, Dagang's academic qualifications are not very high. I can only give him a position as an intern in the hospital. You also know that people are intimidating. When Dagang's academic qualifications improve, I will definitely give him a position as soon as possible.


Dean Ma nodded and bowed in assurance.

"Dean Ma, I have no objection to the arrangement of this position, but Dagang is considered my grandson in my heart, so you must treat him well."

Before Mrs. Zhou left, she still did not forget to beat Dean Ma.

When Dean Ma heard what Mrs. Zhou said, his expression froze, and then he quickly nodded and bowed and watched Mrs. Zhou leave.

As soon as Mrs. Zhou left, Dean Ma immediately left Zhang Dagang to his confidant Zhou Fufu.

Zhou Fu was also the chief physician in the hospital, and he could take care of Zhang Dagang, a new intern doctor. In the eyes of outsiders, Zhang Dagang was extremely valued by the director.

"Dean, how can he bring me an intern who has not graduated? It won't sound good if this spreads out?" As soon as Zhou Fu heard about the arrangement, he rushed into the dean's office first.

It's a thankless task to lead a trainee, and it's not his turn as the director to do it.

"Fu Fu, you are the one I trust the most in this hospital. You also know about my son. Zhang Dagang and I are inseparable."

The dean sat on the office chair with a gloomy expression: "Besides, the deputy dean will pack up and leave during this period. The competition for the position of deputy dean in our hospital is very fierce."

When Zhou Fu heard what the dean said, he still didn't understand. He quickly nodded and walked behind the dean to squeeze his shoulders: "Don't worry, dean, I will definitely not make it easy for that kid."

At this time, Zhang Dagang, who was being plotted by the two men, had returned to Yang County.

He did not go home directly, but went to the community where Wang Quan's family was located.

This chapter has been completed!
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