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Chapter 155 Ancient method of alchemy

When the two returned to the village entrance, they smelled the intoxicating aroma of medicine floating in the village.

Zhang Dagang had not gone far on his electric bike when he saw a man standing in front of his courtyard.

As I got closer, I saw Wang Quan waiting there.

"Dagang, I have made an agreement with Rainbow Sisters. From now on, I will stay with Boss Wang 24 hours a day to protect her safety."

When Wang Quan saw the two men coming back, he quickly walked up to them and explained.

Then he looked at Wang Xiuhua and introduced himself to Wang Xiuhua as gently as possible.

Wang Xiuhua's first meeting with him was not a pleasant experience. Remembering how Wang Xiuhua was frightened by him last time, Wang Quan couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

"Thank you for your hard work, Uncle Wang. You may be quite busy during this period. Just call me Xiuhua from now on. We are all our own."

The three of them were chatting and before they went in, Zhang Tiezhu came over from a distance and said, "Dagang Xiuhua, this snake soup is so fragrant. I was just about to come and see if the soup inside has been dried up."

Zhang Tiezhu didn't mention it, but a few people didn't pay much attention to it. After being reminded by Zhang Tiezhu, they realized that the scent of the snake soup had come out through the crack in the door.

Zhang Dagang opened the courtyard door and walked in. The scent of snake soup hit his nostrils.

Wang Xiuhua took two deep breaths, and her fear of the big python dissipated a lot. Instead, she was vaguely looking forward to the taste of snake soup.

Several people involuntarily walked towards the big pot of snake soup in the yard.

Zhang Dagang opened the lid of the pot, and the milky white soup was bubbling. Just looking at it made people appetite.

Zhang Dagang was the first to pick up the spoon and take a sip to taste the taste. The other three people looked at him eagerly.

"The taste is just right, sister-in-law, go to the kitchen and get the bowls and chopsticks, and we'll taste it first." Zhang Dagang reluctantly put the spoon back into the pot.

Snake soup tastes extremely delicious, and it makes your body feel even more comfortable after drinking it.

Wang Xiuhua took the bowl and chopsticks from the kitchen, took the lead in filling a large bowl and handed it to Zhang Dagang, "It's such a good snake soup, it's a pity that Dad and Myolie are not here."

Zhang Dagang took a sip while it was hot. After just one mouthful of snake soup, he decided to call the old man and Yu Xing'er.

This snake soup is extremely beneficial to the human body, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it can prolong life.

Li Jinggao received a call from Zhang Dagang. Without saying a word, he left the old man who was playing chess with him and rushed towards Huitian Village with the old man.

At Zhang Dagang's insistence, Yu Xing'er also drove back and arrived at Huitian Village.

"Dagang, I feel so hot. Is this snake poisonous?" Zhang Tiezhu wiped his sweaty forehead and couldn't help but take a sip of snake soup.

Only then did they realize that Zhang Tiezhu's face was as red as a cooked shrimp, and he looked like he had just been fished out of the river.

Zhang Dagang's expression tightened, and his hand was already on Zhang Tiezhu's pulse.

Zhang Tiezhu's pulse was beating extremely fast. Zhang Dagang hurriedly took out a silver needle, peeled off his shirt, and inserted it into the central, Huiyang, Mingmen and other acupuncture points.

The needle tail trembled slightly, and Zhang Dagang integrated the divine dragon's energy into his body, helping to suppress the toxins in Zhang Tiezhu's body.

Zhang Tiezhu's originally red face turned even redder. He looked at Zhang Dagang anxiously: "Dagang, you are about to pull out the needles on my body. I can't hold it in anymore."

At this time, Zhang Tiezhu no longer cared about whether he was polite or not. His legs were tightly clamped together, and his head was blank.

As soon as the silver needle was pulled out, Zhang Tiezhu ran five meters away and ran towards the yard.

Zhang Dagang looked at Wang Xiuhua, whose face was red and couldn't help but drink snake soup, and quickly took the porcelain bowl from her hand.

"Dagang, I'm so hot and uncomfortable." Wang Xiuhua tore her clothes uncomfortably, trying to cool down.

Wang Quan next to him was not feeling well either, but he was strong and could still remain conscious despite being uncomfortable.

"Uncle Wang, don't drink it yet. This snake soup is too tonic. If you overdo it, you will be in trouble."

After Wang Quan heard Zhang Dagang's words, he put the bowl with a small mouthful of snake soup back on the table. It seemed normal.

Seeing that Wang Quan was fine, Zhang Dagang quickly carried Wang Xiuhua, who was dishonestly tearing her clothes in his arms, and walked toward her room.

Wang Xiuhua, who still had some sense at first, looked at the room that was only familiar to Zhang Dagang. Her reason could no longer suppress the restlessness in her body, and she began to tear her clothes desperately.

"Dagang, I'm so hot, and you're so cold, please let your sister-in-law stick to you." Wang Xiuhua stretched out her hand to pull Zhang Dagang, and pressed her whole body against Zhang Dagang's body.

Zhang Dagang drank two full bowls of snake soup. Although there was reason in his body, when Wang Xiuhua came up to him, he suddenly felt that all reason was gone.

Dong dong dong...

There was a knock on the door, and Zhang Dagang looked at his hand that was on the zipper behind his sister-in-law's back, raised his hand and slapped himself hard.

"Dagang, is Xiuhua okay?"

Wang Quan's voice came from outside, and Zhang Dagang responded casually.

Zhang Dagang forced himself to shake his head, looking at Wang Xiuhua who was still tearing her clothes apart in discomfort, he did not dare to let himself be alone in a room with her like this.

Wang Xiuhua's clothes were still not torn apart by her, and she secretly marveled at the quality of the couple's service that Xueli gave her. Zhang Dagang directly pulled out the silver needle and inserted it into Wang Xiuhua's Qihai point.

The silver needle was gently twisted by Zhang Dagang, and used the rejuvenation technique to integrate into Wang Xiuhua's body, helping her smooth out the restless and arrogant power in her body.

Wang Xiuhua's face gradually became normal, and she fell softly into Zhang Dagang's arms and fell asleep.

Zhang Dagang gently put his sister-in-law on the bed, and returned to the yard with Wang Quan.

Zhang Dagang looked at the stewed snake meat in the pot. He stretched out his spoon and took out all the snake bones from the bottom of the pot.

"Uncle Wang, you'd better go to the village and walk around more to get rid of all the excess energy in your body that was replenished by eating snake meat, otherwise you will have to go back to find Aunt Hua today."

When Wang Quan realized the meaning of Zhang Dagang's words, the muscular man suddenly blushed to the top of his ears with embarrassment.

Wang Quan went to the village school playground to practice boxing. Zhang Dagang then found a small pot and put all the snake bones in the basin according to the most primitive alchemy method in "Theology of Traditional Chinese Medicine".

Zhang Dagang dug out the herbs dug from the depths of the back mountain, took out several herbs, crushed them with a stone ladle, and wrapped the crushed herbal juice and dragon bones together with tin foil.

Zhang Dagang walked around the village and finally found some fine sand.

He put the fine sand into the iron pot and started to stir-fry the fine sand until the fine sand became scalding hot. Then Zhang Dagang wrapped it in tin foil and put it in.

There was the sound of a car stalling outside the door. As soon as Zhang Dazheng stood up, he saw the old man and Yu Xing'er walking in one after another.

"Master, what treasures are waiting for us to taste, but we came back before we even finished playing chess."

Li Jinggao sniffed the aroma in the yard. He wrinkled his nose and sniffed hard.

"It is indeed delicious, but it depends on how much you eat if you are lucky enough." Zhang Dagang said with a mysterious face, and then opened the lid of the pot.

This chapter has been completed!
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