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Chapter 269 The hospital and school were robbed

Now that the matter was over, Liu Feng gritted his teeth and looked at the backs of the two of them, then left in embarrassment with the dozen or so Western doctors.

The excited photographers took pictures of this scene.

They have already thought about how explosive the headlines will be the next day.

"Shocked! A talented medical student returned from overseas failed completely in traditional Chinese medicine and left in despair!"

"Shocking the whole world! The vice president of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital who caught the attention of medical tycoon Charles!"


The camera footage of the two representatives of Chinese and Western medicine getting along in a friendly manner was all captured by reporters.

They had a hunch that the front page headlines in Beijing tomorrow would be dominated by the medical community.

And with the existence of these two people, China's medicine will definitely become the best in the world in the future.

After all, studying Western medicine has a natural advantage in time.

Looking at the two of them, the reporters suddenly felt that they had taken a big advantage.

In short, by the time Mr. Charles really steps into the threshold of Chinese medicine, I am afraid he will already be a middle-aged old man.

The reporters left one after another, and the old dean finally couldn't bear it any longer, and excitedly held Zhang Dagang's hand tightly: "Mr. Long, it has been more than ten years, and you have finally won a victory for our Chinese medicine!"

All the students could not restrain their excitement.

Their traditional Chinese medicine hospital was saved, and he could continue to complete his studies, become a good traditional Chinese medicine doctor who can help the world, and work with the vice president to carry forward the traditional Chinese medicine passed down by his ancestors!

"Mr. Long, let me take you to visit our traditional Chinese medicine hospital." The old director squeezed Zhang Dagang's hand tightly, as if he was afraid that this genius would run away.

A group of students looked at the old dean in surprise. Unexpectedly, the old dean used the honorific title to Mr. Long.

Mr. Long, whom even the dean respected, would become their teacher in the future, and all the students became even more excited.

Having Mr. Long here means that they will learn more about the unknown fields of traditional Chinese medicine in the future and will become the leader of the second development of the traditional Chinese medicine era.

Thinking of this, all the students were excited and full of energy.

Under the personal guidance of the old director, Zhang Dagang visited the small traditional Chinese medicine hospital.

"This is next door?"

Looking at the high-rise buildings next door, one high-rise building after another is neat and uniform, and the bright windows are constantly reflecting under the sunlight, which is extremely eye-catching.

The old dean sighed deeply, and the students also lowered their heads sadly.

"Mr. Long, this next door used to be our traditional Chinese medicine hospital. Later, traditional Chinese medicine became more and more declining, so they took over our land and built their western medicine inpatient department on the pretext that traditional Chinese medicine was wasting resources." The director said with a sad look on his face:

"Now, many patients in our traditional Chinese medicine hospital have been snatched away by them."

Zhang Dagang looked at the wards where there were obviously no patients living there, his beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a flash of danger in his eyes.

It seems that those people are determined to make Chinese medicine disappear completely.

"It's too much. Why don't they know that Chinese medicine is a treasure? Are they blind?" Charles was also a little angry.

In his eyes, medical skills are good as long as they can cure diseases and save people. Why do these people have no ability to treat diseases and save people, so why do they still fight to the death?

Zhang Dagang turned around and was surprised to see that the students' eyes were filled with anger instead of discouragement.

This is a good start.

"Dean, how many doctors do we have in our traditional Chinese medicine hospital now?"

"There are fifteen in total, five of them are old doctors, and they are teaching these children." The dean said with difficulty, "The others are said to be traditional Chinese medicine doctors, but they can only take pulses and treat some minor illnesses."

Zhang Dagang did not expect that the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital would be in such a state of decline. His eyes fell on the tall buildings not far away and he let out a long sigh.

"What about the school for these children? It can't always be located in the hospital, right?"

When this was mentioned, the students clenched their fists angrily.

"Deputy Dean, our school has also been occupied by them. They said that there are only a few dozen of us left, so there is no need to stay in the school and waste the school's resources. They also said..." The small face of the student wearing black-rimmed glasses was

Turning red with anger, he continued to explain: "They also said that there are too many students in their Western Medical University, and there are thousands of students who cannot be assigned to classrooms, so they... robbed our school."

The talents of traditional Chinese medicine are withering and there is no way they can compete with them.

The main reason is indeed that there are few of them. This is an indisputable fact.

“Who gave them the courage to rob our school if they couldn’t get a classroom?”

As soon as Zhang Dagang said these words, the students' eyes lit up.

Is this awesome vice-principal going to lead them to take the school back?

It’s exciting to think about it!

The students were gearing up one by one, preparing to follow Zhang Dagang into a big fight to take back their own territory.

Now I have classes in the conference room every day. The small conference room is filled with dozens of their students, and it is almost crowded to death every day.


The dean looked confused: "Our students are indeed not as many as theirs. We only have dozens of students, so there is no reason to rob them?"

Looking at the dean in front of him, Zhang Dagang finally understood the reason why the school and the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine were robbed. It turned out to be this dean who lacked confidence!

Sure enough, people who spend every day studying Chinese medicine are not suitable to be leaders.

"Dean, our University of Traditional Chinese Medicine doesn't even have a school. Those students who apply for our university come to the school for inspection, are you going to let them visit the hospital office?" Zhang Dagang asked seriously.

The dean did not dare to look directly at Zhang Dagang in embarrassment, and he did not know how to speak.

"Look, you don't have the confidence to recruit students yourself, so how can those students have the confidence to come to a school that is on the verge of bankruptcy?"

Zhang Dagang's words were like a warning to the dean. He clenched his fists and nodded seriously: "Okay, let's go and get our school back now."

More than fifty people rushed toward the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in an aggressive manner.

They had just arrived at the entrance of the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine when they saw a group of decoration workers, holding axes and chisels, standing under the plaque of the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, pointing and discussing how to get it off?

When the dean saw this scene, he strode forward and roared: "Stop it, who told you to tear it down here!"

The decoration workers looked back at the red-faced old man pointing at their noses, confused.

"Did the school ask us to demolish it?" A fat man wearing a yellow hat asked doubtfully: "Are you the former principal of this school? I have seen your photo in the honor column."

The dean was furious: "You fart, I am not a former dean, I am the real dean of this school. Which clown told you to demolish it? I want to sue him!"

The workers stopped what they were doing and looked at the fat man in the yellow hat.

This chapter has been completed!
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